Nine Heavens

Chapter 1222 The Lord of the Extreme Ninth Palace

Chapter 1222

An hour later, the Four Great Qashqais brought Liu Qianlang into a Qitian Tower.

"Haha, Junior Brother Liu is really lucky. The village master has taken a special fancy to you and arranged you at the head of the 99999th Qi Tian Tower. This is to cultivate you on purpose!"

The five people shot into the Qitian Tower one after another, and the space immediately became dark. Liu Qianlang took a look around and saw that there was nothing there, but Aoyue Kuangdao Bingjinlang patted Liu Qianlang's shoulder enviously and said.

"Yeah! Brother Liu, in the future, you will be so prosperous in the future, and when your magical power breaks through the sea, don't forget to wait for me!" Lord Mozhu, Huanlangzi and Chao Jiufeng also said the same thing.

"Haha." Liu Qianlang thought he had misread, raised the psychic blinding to an extremely high level, and scanned the space carefully, but still saw nothing, and couldn't help laughing. Puzzled and asked: "Why do you brothers say this, this Qitianlou is empty and extremely bleak, what's so good about it?"

"Ha ha."

Bing Jinlang and other four people heard the words, looked around each other, and laughed again, and then the Youlan Aoyue Knife, which was still stepping on Bing Jinlang's feet, shot out a fish-spindle-shaped blade with a whoosh.


Dao Gang quickly shot into the southeast corner of the inner wall of Qitian Building, sank into the wall, and made a dull sound, then Liu Qianlang's eyes lit up, and he entered a magnificent palace.

"Haha, Junior Brother Liu, let's enjoy it for now, let's go back to our Xiaoyaotang first. You just stay here and have fun, haha"

Outside the magnificent palace, it seems that the four people including Ice Wolf laughed from the distant sky, and then they fell silent again.

"Xiaoyao Palace?"

Liu Qianlang was very surprised. Brother Bing Jinlang had apparently activated some kind of spiritual mechanism in Qi Tian Lou just now, and then he appeared here. While Liu Qianlang was talking to himself, he looked around and found that he was in a very wide paradise. The steps are stepping on the palace steps that are gradually rising.

There are thousands of palace steps up and down, all of which are built of blue spirit stones, with pillars on the left and right to support the head, carved dragons and phoenixes, clouds and fire, all of which are ingenious and lifelike. Above the palace steps, the golden brocade is dazzling, flowing up and down, just like the waterfall of the golden river.

At the top of the palace steps, the jeweled palace seat is even more mysterious and luxurious, unspeakably luxurious. The four walls on the roof of the palace are also crystal jewels, diamonds, dragon eyes and phoenix pills, infinite fetishes, everywhere. Below the palace steps, the blue ground is as smooth as the sea.

"anyone there?"

Liu Qianlang looked at it for a while, and secretly admired such a luxurious and beautiful palace, thinking that the owner of this palace must be Duguying. But after looking for a long time, he didn't see a single figure, so he shouted again.


"Slaves, see the Lord of the Ninth Palace!"

"The Lord of the Extreme Ninth Palace is happy and healthy!"

As soon as Liu Qianlang's words fell, suddenly a group of slim women in peach pink and gorgeous clothes floated out from thousands of steps down, each of them was as beautiful as a fairy, with sweet smiles and shy faces, very lovable.

When they saw Liu Qianlang, their eyebrows were bent and their mouths were raised. First, they all looked at Liu Qianlang, covered their mouths and laughed, and then knelt down to the high place and shouted crisply.

Hearing this, Liu Qianlang thought that there was someone on the high palace seat, followed the gaze of these women and looked back towards the high place, but didn't see any Ninth Palace Lord on the palace seat, so he couldn't help but asked with a smile: "Hehe, yours The Lord of the Ninth Palace is so funny, and you are so mischievous, are you just worshiping an empty seat every day like this?"

"Hee hee! Look at him, how interesting he is, he doesn't even know that he is the Lord of the Ninth Palace!"

"Why are you wrapping yourself up so tightly? You must be ugly, right?"

The women under the steps laughed and discussed in a low voice, and then a woman in pink who was kneeling at the head said crisply: "Shut up, you are so disrespectful to the Palace Master. You are our Extreme Nine Palace Master, we are all Qiongshan Taomen My sister. My name is Hua'er, and I came to serve the Lord of the Ninth Palace at the order of the village master. If you ask the Lord of the Ninth Palace to ascend to the seat, Hua'er has something to report."

"Are you a flower?"

Hearing this, Liu Qianlang couldn't help asking in surprise, and then looked carefully, and sure enough, the dozens of women kneeling under more than a thousand steps were Taomen sisters whom she saw when she entered Qiongshan by mistake when she was a child. The first four women are Hua'er, Hao'er, Yue'er and Yuan'er.

"Huh? Does the Lord of the Ninth Palace recognize my sister and us?"

When Yuan'er heard Liu Qianlang's words, his eyes flashed, and he raised his eyes to look at Liu Qianlang who was floating in the middle of thousands of steps and asked.

"Oh! No, I mistook the person, there was a junior sister named Hua'er before me!"

Liu Qianlang suddenly felt that he had lost his composure. At this moment, his face was gone, and he couldn't recognize the other party at all. Besides, when the other party appeared here, they didn't know what the situation was, and they shouldn't recognize each other, so they hurriedly made up a reason to fool them.

As Liu Qianlang replied, he floated to the top of the palace platform, turned around and sat on it, then looked down from a high position.

"Hehe, that's right, how did we know you? You are the supreme Ninth Palace Lord, and we are just a group of concubines and girls."

Yuan'er looked very happy at first, but when Liu Qianlang said that he had made a mistake, he immediately turned cold and pouted unhappy.

"Haha, I didn't know each other before, but now I know you? This little sister is so cute, what's your name?" Liu Qianlang asked knowingly in order to ease the embarrassing atmosphere.

"Oh! This servant is called Yuan'er. They are my three sisters, Hua'er, Hao'er, and Yue'er. There are also forty-five sisters behind me, all of whom are our sisters."

Yuan'er still pouted, and said unhappily.

"Yeah! Got it. Hua'er, you said you have something to report, but I don't quite understand, what is it? Also, why did Senior Duguying, the owner of the Duying Village, not see you? I'm just a passer-by, so why did you arrange me to be the Nine Palaces here?" Lord, what is the lord of the Extreme Ninth Palace doing?"

Liu Qianlang felt that it was absurd that he was suddenly named the Lord of the Ninth Palace, so he couldn't help asking.

"That's it, the village master told us that a very important person has come to the first world, and your safety is directly related to the future of all our monks. Moreover, your cultivation base is also very good, so I will seal you as ninety-nine thousand One thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine Qi Tian Lou, the highest Qi Tian Lou Ji Jiu Palace Lord. The status of the Ji Jiu Palace Master is second only to that of the Walled Lord. Let us spare no effort to keep you safe, happy, and happy!

What kind of responsibilities do you have as the Lord of the Ninth Palace? How do we fairy maidservants know that all we do is to serve you well.

There are nine fairyland fairyland gardens in the Xiaoyao Palace for the master of the extremely nine palaces, where the master of the extremely nine palaces can enjoy. There are nine extremely spiritual treasures that can be cultivated to absorb breath, and there are nine elixir spiritual gardens, where all the magical fairy grasses and gods in the second world of the past are gathered, and the palace owner can pick them arbitrarily.

There are nine artifacts of immortals and gods in the Great Desolate Sea, which washes countless treasures of immortals and gods in the chaotic universe. If the Lord of the Nine Palaces is happy, he can summon them at will.

There are nine heavenly birds flying in the sky, nine spirit beasts rushing to the earth, and nine great spirits running wild. If the Lord of the Extreme Nine Palace wants something related, he can also freely choose.

There are also nine gentle and fragrant places where singing, dancing and dancing are innumerable, and there are countless divine flowers and girls, all of whom belong to the lord of the extreme nine palaces. We are the Nine Gentle Fragrance Lands, Peach Fragrant Crisp Land. "

When Hua'er said this, her face was blushing, and her voice was a little nasty. After pausing for a while, he said again: "This is the spiritual inspiration of the ninety-nine and eighty-first realm, please keep it safe."

After finishing speaking, Hua'er wrapped her hands gracefully around her chest for a moment, and ninety-nine and eighty-one single-color spiritual jade butterflies flew out of her hands, in groups of nine of each color, slowly chasing the willows.

Flying to Liu Qianlang, Liu Qianlang was not polite when he saw it, and he was included in the sea of ​​sleeves with a thought.

"Hehe, well, is there anything else?" Liu Qianlang asked.

"Let's leave it for now, I invite the Lord of the Ninth Palace to come and enjoy the fairy feast that we have already prepared. Giggle, please." The sisters under the steps spoke, and they were all active again. , took the lead to lead the way, bypassed the palace steps, and floated towards the corner of the palace.

Liu Qianlang thinks about it, if he comes, he will be at ease, and with a flicker of figure, he controls the ghost boat and follows. After walking through corridors and buildings, Liu Qianlang followed Qunfang into an extremely spacious hall.

Then, Hua'er immediately smiled and greeted Liu Qianlang to sit in front of a ten-thousand-sized flower-leaf-shaped jade table carved from exquisite blue spirit jade. Fairy fruits and vegetables, fine wines and fresh brews are exquisite and exquisite, and the fragrance floats away the soul, making Liu Qianlang's mouth full of fluids.

Just as Liu Qianlang sat down, in the huge hall space in front of the table, another group of whirling and beautiful women had already danced, and on the left and right were beautiful women in different poses, playing the flute and flute, clapping drums and playing the zither, the music was lingering, All the beauties are picturesque. In the space, there is a faint blue spiritual mist again, and the light is in a state of being bright or dark.


"Master of the Ninth Palace, please enjoy it slowly. Come on, all sisters, please take care of me."

Seeing Liu Qianlang sitting still, Hua'er led the other forty-eight sisters to stand beside Liu Qianlang, each holding a white jade plate, only where Liu Qianlang's eyes glanced, a sister immediately picked up a delicious dish , sent to Liu Qianlang's side in an orderly manner, and sent into Liu Qianlang's mouth by Hua'er's slender hands.

"Haha, sisters, please stop quickly. My Palace Master is really uncomfortable with you like this, but it's still not as interesting as me doing it on my own. You all sit down too, how about we have a drink together?"

Faced with such delicious food and wine, especially fine wine, Liu Qianlang immediately began to drink freely, pushing his hands and saying.


The women around laughed when they heard the words, Yuan'er Pingting stepped forward, filled Liu Qianlang with fairy wine and pouted: "The palace master is probably drunk and entertaining us, how can we deserve to sit on the same level as the princess?" ah?"

"That's it, the palace lord is happy, don't bother us, even if you are willing, we dare not. If the village lord knows that we are presumptuous, I'm afraid we will die."

Hua'er smiled sweetly and said.

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