Nine Heavens

Chapter 1223 Pretending to be Drunk and Asking Dreams

Chapter 1223 Pretending to be Drunk and Asking Dreams

When wine is popular and music and dance are heard, Emperor Xiaoyao is like this. The sea of ​​eyes is full of shadows, and the soul floats in the dream.

"Ha ha."

For more than a hour, the brilliance danced, the celestial delicacies scattered fragrance, the beauties laughed and accompanied, and the willows laughed and drank. I couldn't sit upright, stand still, I was satisfied with eating and drinking, and then I fell asleep.

"Hao'er, Yue'er, Yuan'er, come to our Fuji Ninth Palace Master to go to Ganlu Pavilion to rest."

Seeing that Liu Qianlang is already drunk, Hua'er flashed her eyes for a moment, then waved her hands away. The room was full of singing and dancing girls, and the four sisters, two on each side, set up Liu Qianlang and floated in the air. , Suddenly, appeared in a gentle room spring with a misty mist and a softer fragrance.

"The thirteen girls of the spring, the concubine, have met the four peach blossom ladies! See the lord of the nine palaces!"

Seeing the four sisters of Huahaoyueyuan, wearing blue crowns on their heads and Liu Qianlang in pure white fairy robes swaying in, thirteen young girls with sweet smiles and soft smiles flew out of the misty fairy mist, dressed in tulle red Wrapped in silk and short skirts, with lingering eyes, they bowed their heads and knelt down to ask An Liu Qianlang.

Then he helped Liu Qianlang, and said: "The concubine springs thousands of flowers, and the dream girl invites Linhuan. After the palace master takes a bath, the thirteen gentle concubine sends Xiafeng and all the sisters to send the palace master to Ganlu Pavilion respectfully. Please also invite peach blossoms Don't worry, my lady, Mengnu will do her best." Then the thirteen girls, with a lingering fragrance, supported Liu Qianlang and floated into the misty tent.

Behind them, the four Huahaoyueyuan sisters looked around at each other, all blushing for a while, and the sisters behind them also did the same.

"The holy order of the village master cannot be violated. Tonight, sister, I will be a dream girl, and I will do it in turn. You go and prepare the pre-bed with the sisters first."

Hua'er was ashamed for a moment, and said proactively.

"Yes! Giggle."

Hao'er, Yue'er, Yuan'er and the sisters present all agreed in unison, and then all laughed shamelessly and left. And the flowers floated away towards another misty fairy mist.

Liu Qianlang was blown for a moment, and appeared in front of a bathing spring bubbling with gentle warm mist. The bathing spring was located in a closed room, with the words "Li Juanquan" written on the forehead.

The spring water is ding-dong, the pool is full of accumulated water, the water is clear and misty, the water surface is rippling, petals and flowers are raised, and the light fragrance moistens the throat and refreshes the heart. Liu Qianlang was naturally pretending to be drunk, watching and smelling the Li Juanquan in front of him, and then slowly understood why Sitian Xiaoke liked it here.

"Heck, come on, let's undress the Palace Master and take a bath."

Thirteen Rou'er saw Liu Qianlang standing blankly in front of Lijuanquan, she saluted with all blessings, and then floated forward to take off her robe and crown for Liu Qianlang. Liu Qianlang was startled suddenly, quick-witted, and immediately used magic to leave a fake phantom body, and the real body turned into a thin cloud and disappeared in the mist on the high place.

Fortunately, after an extremely gentle bath, Liu Qianlang's phantom appearance with a strange flesh body was redressed, and then another group of young women in light green clothes danced gracefully in the wind. . Lifting Liu Qianlang on the Xianpafang chair all the way, dazzled by the moonlight, and decorated the sky with secluded flowers, and then came to the place where Liu Qianlang sleeps——Ganlu Pavilion.

"The Lord of the Ninth Palace is returning to bed, and the dream girl will pick him up!"

As soon as Liu Qianlang's phantom was lifted and appeared in front of the gate of Ganlu Pavilion, dozens of night attendants floated out of the room, holding Ye Mingzhu in their hands, and suddenly separated from the left and right of the gate.

Finally, a woman with simple and elegant makeup floated out, kneeling head-on in front of Liu Qianlang on the fairy pafang chair, knelt down, got up after kneeling, and walked towards the Ganlu Pavilion with Liu Qianlang's phantom body.

"Xiafeng wishes my sisters the lord of the Ninth Palace Shu Meng Changan, please leave!" Afterwards, Xiafeng and the maids disappeared in a flicker of green light. The night girl outside the door also entered the door with Pingting, and then the door of Ganlu Pavilion creaked shut.

Liu Qianlang was really in the ghost boat, Liu Qianlang pondered for a while, and then turned into a thin cloud and entered the room.

"Why doesn't the palace master say a word, please eat this fruit?"

Just as Liu Qianlang floated into the room, he happened to see his phantom sitting in front of a dazzling blue jade table in front of the flower bed suspended by the beautiful jade bead curtain. Hua'er is tender and affectionate, holding a peach-shaped mellow and fragrant fairy fruit in her slender hands, and is passing it to her phantom body.

At this moment, his phantom body was almost exhausted, and he was speechless. Liu Qianlang in the ghost boat had a thought and controlled his phantom body. The phantom immediately became active, with deep eyes, white hair moving slightly, and spiritual energy all over his body.

"Hehe, the flowers are so beautiful and moving, it made my palace lord go crazy! What kind of name is this fairy fruit? Why do you eat it before going to bed? My palace lord has already eaten a lot at the fairy banquet!"

Liu Qianlang asked with a phantom smile.

"It's called Huan Hugo. It's no different than those. It's a thing for men to strengthen their bodies before going to bed." Hua'er blushed when she heard that, and said for a long time.

When Liu Qianlang heard the words, his heart was also shaken. In order to get some Hua'er's words, he manipulated the phantom to make a tender feeling, took Huan Hugo lightly, and swallowed it into his stomach in a few mouthfuls.

"Look at you, why are you so impatient, drink some Langxin tea, and you will feel better." Seeing Liu Qianlang's phantom eating Huanhuo, the pink neck of the flower became redder, and he poured another cup and prepared it already He raised his wrist to personally feed the fragrant tea to Liu Qianlang's lips.

"Haha, what a treat!" Liu Qianlang sighed inwardly.

"Palace lord, you are tired all day, let Hua'er accompany you like a dream!" Liu Qianlang's phantom looked at Hua'er's beauty, and as he entered the tea, he heard the fragrance of flowers in his ears.

"Okay! Listen to Hua'er." The two fell in love and floated into the bead curtain.

At this time, Liu Qianlang flicked his fingers and flew into the light, a flash of confusion shot into the body of Junior Sister Hua'er, immediately Hua'er just sat on the bedside, then fell leisurely on the incense couch and fell asleep. In the next second, Liu Qianlang's phantom body disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Liu Qianlang flicked his sleeves, and Hua'er's whole body lay comfortably on the incense couch.

"Hehe, Hua'er, when did you enter the second world?"

Liu Qianlang sat cross-legged in the ghost boat, her spiritual consciousness invaded Hua'er's soul sea, looking and analyzing from outside her soul gate.

"A year ago, Hao'er, Yue'er and Yuan'er and I finally completed the Peach Blossom Immortal Formation and reached the peak of breaking the mystery, so I passed on the position of Empress Chaoyin to my apprentice Yuxin, and named her Empress Yuxin Then our four sisters and some sisters broke into the third and fourth realms in the legend of the earth fairy, but the ninth realm of the first human earth fairy has collapsed, and we are not sure whether this belongs to the third and fourth realm of the earth fairy.

But you can be sure, this is called the second room. When we first broke in, we were chased and killed by countless demon skeletons, and assassinated by the Moon Soul Killer in Guxin Dumu Village.

It's a pity that many of our sisters died under their hands. In the end, only seven or forty-nine of our sisters survived, and then continued to hide in XZ, lingering on their last days. He not only rescued us, but also sent us to Qitian Tower.

Since then, we have lived an extremely comfortable life, but the only thing we can't choose is that we, including all the women here, must unconditionally accept the rules of Qitianlou Xiaoyaotang. That is, all women have to accept the mission of serving the 99,999 Xiaoyaotang palace masters here.

No matter how these Xiaoyaotang palace masters treat us, we are not allowed to object, and once the Xiaoyaotang palace masters we follow are sent by the village master, we are not allowed to betray until death. Anyone who violates the order must die. "

Hua'er answered in a daze.

"What kind of fairy village is Duying Village, and what is the purpose of their establishment? Why is the 99,999 Qitianlou Xiaoyaotang not inside Duying Village?"

The body of Liu Qianlang's spiritual consciousness stands in the ghost boat, slowly flying outside Hua'er's soul gate, looking at the existence of the soul as deep as a crater in the depths of the dense fog and asking questions.

"I don't know, Duguying Village is too mysterious, and I don't know what the purpose of Duguying Village is. We have never seen the real face of the owner of the village, Duguying. Every time we can only see a lonely figure appearing , None of us have seen what he looks like.

But I know that the 99,999 Xiaoyao Hall of Xiaoyao Building is called the outer hall of Duying Village, and the Duying Village is called the inner hall, or Minghuatang. But this is a secret, I accidentally heard it from the mouth of a Xiaoyao Palace Master who was about to be executed.

He just didn't listen to the village master's words, broke into Duying Village privately, was captured and killed here. At that time, I was also full of curiosity and planned to secretly go to Duyingzhai to investigate and analyze it, but in the end I met him and was hunted down.

When he met him, he was already covered in bruises, and he shouted: "Don't go to the inner hall of the Minghuatang! Don't go to the Minghuatang." Then a long shadow flew over, and the palace lord died.

It was so tragic that after his death, all the maids who were with him were killed. He is the former Lord of the Ninth Palace here! Luckily, I hid quickly and fled back to Huanfeiyuan without my life. "


Liu Qianlang sighed, and then asked: "Where is Huan Feiyuan, where is it?"

"It's in the extreme heaven and earth of our Nine Palaces, Xiaoyao Palace. All the maids who have not been assigned live there, and we were there before we came. It is the place where Duyingzhai specially raises women. It is beautiful, as beautiful as a fairyland. .But not all women are human, it seems that most of them are fairies or something like that.”

The flowers are in the bead curtain, Dan Mengmeng talks, Liu Qianlang is surrounded by clouds and mists. When she wanted to ask again, Hua'er didn't know what to do anymore. Liu Qianlang could only laugh and said: "Hehe, go to sleep, Junior Sister Hua'er!"

Then Liu Qianlang concentrated and meditated, feeling more and more mysterious and unpredictable in Duying Village. Duguying is a shadow, Hua'er said that they have never seen Duguying himself, only his shadow. So although the good-natured scholar I met claimed to be Duguying, was he actually that? If not, why did the other party lie to themselves?

Liu Qianlang combined Hua'er's words with Suier's memory he had acquired, and what surprised Liu Qianlang was that Suier's memory was not clear about everything about Duying Village.

Duying Village? "hiss!"

Liu Qianlang also thought of the existence of Xiaoyaotang, the vast Xiaoyao Palace with ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine Qitianlou. Duyingzhai obviously collected all the resources from the normal existence of the Second Human World before, and then gathered them in Jijiu Xiaoyao Palace, use these resources to recruit and serve these Xiaoyaotang or Xiaoyao Palace masters.

Then the other party will definitely not make a fuss, why is it supporting such a huge force? There are still many questions that I can't figure out. Liu Qianlang fell into anxiety and tried hard to think.

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