Nine Heavens

Chapter 1232 Jinlan Giant

Chapter 1232 Jinlan Giant

At this moment, the sky is bright and white, and in the afternoon, the shadow should be very clear.

Liu Qianlang galloped ahead, and a long shadow fell behind him, with fluttering hair, the shadow of a roaring dragon slashed by the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword, baring its teeth and claws, roaring towards the larger shadow floating in the void. Seeing tens of thousands of Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword and Stegosaurus entering the Void Piaolou.

Behind Liu Qianlang, Aoyue Kuangdao Bingjinlang and other four couples also had long shadows behind them, but the shadows of the nine people were quickly swallowed up by the huge shadow floating in the void and disappeared.


"Ha ha."

Suddenly, the tens of thousands of Nine Heavens Immortal Sword and Sword Dragons that entered the empty building tens of thousands of feet away let out mournful whimpers, and then saw tens of thousands of dragons surging out of the blue sky floating building from the windows of each floor. The remaining limbs of the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword Stegosaurus were disintegrated, bursting into light dust.

The Void Floating Tower is shaking and jumping, it seems to be alive, and it emits an incomparably cold laughter, which is deafening, comparable to thunder.

"Cang lang lang!"

Liu Qianlang let out a clear whistle, and Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword groaned angrily, and then rushed towards the Void Piaolou towering over ten thousand Ren with a whistling roar.

The ice wolf and others roared loudly behind them, and the four couples were instantly divided into four groups in a tacit understanding, following closely behind Liu Qianlang like a shadow.

Liu Qianlang raised his soul power to the level of the souls of tens of thousands of immortal gods, and mobilized seven terrifying divine powers in his body. During the speeding, his body suddenly grew tens of millions of times, and the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword also turned into a giant sword that tilted the sky, and then Control the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword and slash towards the Piaolou in the void.



After an icy roar and cold snort, the Void Piaolou was suddenly shattered into pieces by the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword into a blue sand mist, and the center of the sand mist shone with golden light.

"Mysterious shadow!?"

In the majestic vortex formed by the explosion of a huge floating building in the void, after the four sisters of Huahaoyueyuan stabilized their figures, through the blue mist of the sky, they were horrified to find that the shining golden thing turned out to be an unattainable giant. But it is very thin, and the height and thickness form a huge contrast.

I don't know where the huge golden man's feet are, and I don't know how tall his head is. Even if he grows bigger, Liu Qianlang is just a dwarf in front of him. The size of the four couples, including Aoyue Kuangdao Bingjinlang who kept the normal proportions, was like dust compared to them.

The huge shadow has legs spread left and right, horrifying giant arms hanging down below the waist, skinny hands curled up, five fingers clearly identifiable, sharp and shining. It was precisely because of seeing his hands that Hua'er made a human judgment on them and screamed in horror.

"Hey! If you want to kill me, there is no way!"

From the infinite heights of the mysterious shadow came his evil, sharp and piercing voice, and then suddenly separated his legs, took a step of thousands of miles, and ran towards the southwest direction strangely, like a ghost, erratic and fast.


"Cang lang lang!"


High in the sky, the ghost boat under Liu Qianlang's feet turned into a chaotic cauldron, and other eight cauldrons for refining souls also appeared around. Cooperating with Liu Qianlang's mysterious attack on the huge shadow.

The attack of the Nine Heavens Immortal Sword in Liu Qianlang's hand was like a rushing sea, the wild sword screamed, the wild dragon dominated the sky, filled the sky, and rushed towards the huge shadow in an instant.

Long shadows are running, Jiutian Xianyuan Jianlong and Jiuying are chasing wildly by controlling Soul Refining Eight Tripods.

During Liu Qianlang's attack, he finally saw the general appearance of the long shadow. The opponent turned out to be a Jinlan giant, whose whole body was made of light gold. It was very strange that upon closer inspection, his body was covered with countless sharp claws. hands, but only two legs.

The opponent was slender and huge, but his body was straight and straight, his legs were running, his arms were not moving, only his legs were running mechanically, it looked very awkward, but his speed was astonishing.

With the speed controlled by the seven divine powers of the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword Dragon and the Soul Refining Nine Cauldrons, which he had never met before, he couldn't even catch up with the opponent. This made Liu Qianlang feel unprecedented pressure.

"Yiying! Stop chasing me!"

Liu Qianlang had already seen the giant Jinlan, covered in golden brilliance like a wave, and rushed to the southwest sky in a blink of an eye, calling for his Nascent Soul and Yiying who were floating in the ghost boat.

"Yes! Father Soul Venerable!"

Yi Ying heard the words, called the other eight brothers to stop, and quickly appeared around Liu Qianlang, greeting them all with salutes.

"Well! Daddy Hunzun sees that you have achieved great success in your respective Qiding magic skills. You will make more progress after practicing with Daddy Hunzun. Brothers and sisters, here are the nine babies of Liu Qianlang !"

As for his nine Nascent Souls, Liu Qianlang had already mentioned them to Bing Jinlang and others, so the eight of them recognized them immediately, because the nine Nascent Souls were dressed in the same way as Liu Qianlang. , It's just that they are all black-haired boys.

"Hehe, what a young hero! He has already reached the realm of seventy-seven forty-nine immortals at such a young age, I admire him!"

Aoyue Kuangdao Bingjinlang and other eight people flew forward, looked at Liu Qianlang's shining eyes and the nine Nascent Souls, they all nodded in approval.

"The younger generation has seen Aoyue Kuangdao, Chasing Soul and Suoyue Dao, Heaven's Hate Gudao and Feiying Canxin Dao, uncles and aunts!" The nine Nascent Souls saluted and greeted crisply.

"Oh? How do you know us? This is the first time we've seen you?"

Seeing the nine handsome and elegant young men, Huahaoyueyuan and the four sisters liked them from the bottom of their hearts, they floated closer and asked with smiles.

"Going back to the Bo Niangs, we are all the soul-born infants of Daddy Hunzun. We are naturally connected with Daddy Hunzun. In addition, he told us when he called us out just now, so we naturally know."

Holding a pair of emerald-hand artifacts filled with emerald green smoke, Ninth Baby replied with a smile.

"Hehe, you are so lucky to meet someone like you Hunzun. Although you are in the body of Nascent Soul, you also have the opportunity to laugh at the sky. I really congratulate you!"

Yuan'er heard the previous views on cultivation, she didn't want to take the step of merging the body and the Nascent Soul, but created the path of refining the soul and cultivating immortals, she was very surprised. Now seeing the nine handsome young men, she guessed that Liu Qianlang couldn't bear it. I was secretly happy for the nine children in my heart, so I smiled.

Liu Qianlang had already clearly informed the nine Yuanying about this point, and the nine Yuanying had always been very grateful. When Hua'er mentioned it, they all looked at Liu Qianlang gratefully.

"Haha, on the journey of cultivating immortality, if it is lonely and ruthless, so what if you can cultivate the golden body fate. Liu Qianlang thinks that the fate of the world is precious, and the immortal journey is the only one! If the catastrophe cannot be overcome, death is also willing to die!

I'll talk about the happy things later, you see, at the bottom of the remnants of the floating building in the void, the blue and warm color is soft and soft. If Liu Qianlang guessed correctly, there must be many imprisoned second-world humans inside. Let's save them! "

Liu Qianlang stared at the southwest sky, the long figure of Jin Lan giant slowly disappearing, holding the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword and Sword Dragon, while talking to Bing Jinlang, Nine Nascent Souls and others, while thinking and analyzing the surroundings everything of.

Two problems were quickly clarified. One is that the reason why the giant Jinlan always chooses to appear at night is to cover up the golden light on his body. With his appearance like this, no one will ever know his true appearance exists, and he is manipulated by Duguying to do whatever he wants.

I once entered the Qitianlou Happy Realm of Aoyue Kuangsao Bingjinlang, and saw the pocket-sized people under the long shadows, all because of the huge contrast of proportions.

But the Void Piaolou is where he usually hides, and the main bodies of the other 99,999 Qitianlou are all his phantoms, so if he goes to any Qitianlou, he will be there as soon as his soul thought arrives. Can. Then he can convey Duguying's news however he wants. As for the execution of missions, there are seven so-called spirit messengers in every Qitianlou Xiaoyaojing.

At that time, when I entered the Jijiu Xiaoyao Palace, although I didn't know it well, I took the method of killing everyone and killed all seven spirit messengers, resulting in the loss of the phantom body and main body of the Jinlan giant in the Jijiu Xiaoyao Palace. got in touch. So from now on, Duguying has lost control of her own actions.

Otherwise, with Duguying's style of work, it is impossible for him to obtain almost all the precious cultivation resources in the Second World of the Extreme Nine Palaces, Nine Nine Eighty-One Spirit Realm, for nothing.

If her predictions were correct, Duguying would definitely want to enter the Extreme Nine Palace Lord's Happy Realm many times to take away those treasures. It's just that he didn't expect that he would seal the Qitianlou Happy Realm inside. Then, he had a bigger plan to realize, and it was time to go to that place.

The second is that not all the human races in the human world before the second world were transferred to the first human world. There must be some powerful people left. These powerful people must be monks, and they have been fighting against the evil forces of the nether world. Of course, the result must be a failure, and their cultivation strength in the struggle is far greater than that of the first human monk.

In this way, the forces of the underworld could neither send them to the first human world again, nor wanted to kill them, so they imprisoned them at the bottom of the Void Floating Tower, and subdued a Jinlan giant to control them. Use human thoughts from time to time to attack the monk who broke into the first human world.

"Oh! Hun Zun! Come and see, there is indeed a seal of imprisonment under here, open it?" Liu Qianlang had already spoken, and the four sisters and nine Nascent Souls appeared in the void thousands of meters away in an instant. On the damaged foundation of the building, there is a floating circle. Yuan'er changed his name to Liu Qianlang Hun Zundao.

"Ha ha."

Liu Qianlang, Bingjinlang, Mogong, Huanlangzi and Chao Jiufeng didn't move, they didn't have to move for such a trivial matter, they looked around each other and laughed.

The four sisters of Huahaoyueyuan and Liu Qianlang's nine Nascent Souls knew each other, and they shot the light with a flying rainbow, but in the blink of an eye, the seal of imprisonment was opened.

Then, I saw tens of thousands of men and women in strange costumes leaping out of the void and floating on the foundations of the building, floating in the void, looking at Liu Qianlang and others in amazement.

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