Nine Heavens

Chapter 1233 Returning to Lan Mo

Chapter 1233 Returning to Lan Mo

"It was you who drove away the lonely heart and ruthless Dao Ze Jin Lan demon?"

Everyone in the second mortal world looked around at the blue dust mortal world that had been missing for countless years, and then looked at Liu Qianlang with only a dozen people in surprise, and asked.

"It should be said that the Dao of Good Fate drove him away. Evil is overwhelming, and evil will perish sooner or later. Friends of the Second World congratulate you. You are free again. Now that you are free, what belongs to you will be returned to you.

However, bear with it a little longer, and after we completely defeat the Jinlan giant, destroy the Golden Heart Tree and the Ruthless Way of Lonely Heart, and leave the Second Human Realm, then we can restore the 9981 Spiritual Realm in the Second Human Realm. "

Liu Qianlang smiled slightly, turned everything in the ninety-nine and eighty-one spiritual realm into a pure white jade bottle, and suddenly pushed it to a benevolent old man.

"Who are you, why are you helping us? I can see that you are also monks with strong cultivation bases. Wouldn't it be closer to immortality to have these resources, and why return them to us in such a grand manner? Don't you think it's a pity?"

Tens of thousands of people in the second world looked at the pure white jade bottle slowly falling into the hands of the old man, they were infinitely grateful, and even more puzzled, the old man looked at Liu Qianlang for a moment and asked.

"We are the first monks in the world of mortals. On the way of cultivation, we happened to know that the five of us are controlled by the evil forces of the Nether Five. It's still bright. Now, the first world is no longer suffering, and the second world will also have its day.

The road of seeking immortality and longevity for oneself should in the final analysis be the need of promoting goodness and promoting goodness, and the way of good fortune is the foundation. If you are attached to yourself and have few powers, you are bound to be deceived by the evil. If the power of the gods and gods is so powerful, it will naturally be celebrated by the whole world! These resources are certainly miraculous, and I will enjoy them exclusively, and I will be proud for nine days in a few days. However, the sky is vast and the road is dark, and it is hard to go far after all! "

Liu Qianlang stood on the chaotic cauldron with all colors and phenomena, with white hair flying in the sky, and the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword humming and whistling on his head, and said with a calm face.

"In the era when we were swearing not to be captured by those ghosts and fleeing to the sky, I once met a person who claimed to be a master of Jietong here. He said that as long as we are not destroyed, we will surely usher in the restoration of the world sooner or later. He said that the person who can bring such hope is a person who is not a human, a demon and not a demon, and a demon but not a demon. It must be you!"

The old man looked left and right at the tens of thousands of second-world monks who were still alive, with deep eyes, and said as if recalling.

When Liu Qianlang heard that the other party mentioned her mentor, she was secretly happy, because she heard from the little senior sister, Wei Er, that the mentor might be looking for her in the third world now. And I will break out of the second world soon and meet his old man.

"Hehe, the Master Jietong mentioned by the senior is the mentor of the junior. I wonder if the senior can tell me where he went after he parted with you all those years ago? What did he talk to you about?"

Liu Qianlang was in a good mood and his face was full of joy.

"Oh! It turned out to be a benefactor. When the benefactor entered our world, we were fleeing everywhere and our lives were about to be lost. He cast a spell called the Shrinking Pulse Magic Art to summon us together. Then he told us, Although he can't stop the evil in the second world, he can use the Tiangang Seven-Star Formation to keep us safe, and then wait for your arrival. Don't be discouraged even if you are caught.

The benefactor is mysterious and unpredictable. After saving us, he disappeared mysteriously, and no one has ever seen him again. Later, we were successively captured by the Jinlan Demon. Because each of us is protected by the Vajra Seven-Star Formation in our bodies, Jinlan Demon can't kill us, so he sealed us at the bottom of this void floating building until now.

The Jinlan Demon itself has no consciousness of spiritual thoughts, and often steals our soul thoughts to do evil everywhere in the second world, causing yin and yang to be separated from each other, yin and yang collapsing when they meet, and so on. Because he stole our divine thoughts or the soul thoughts of other human cultivators who broke into the second world. So when our soul thoughts return to the body, we know what he did. "

When the old man heard that Liu Qianlang was a former benefactor and disciple, he was immediately in awe, everyone saluted and thanked him, and the old man even sighed a lot.

"Fellow daoists present here are polite. We are both people who pursue the way of immortality. If the fellow daoists in the second world also uphold the way of good fate, it will be more than a hundred thousand thanks. The teacher is a real person who seeks this way, and the younger generation is the same. By the way, Dare to ask senior, where did this Jinlan Demon come from, and why is it so supernatural?"

Liu Qianlang asked the questions that Bingjinlang and all his people present were most concerned about.

"Thank you benefactor for your teaching. We will definitely keep it in mind. It is rumored that in the golden heart tree from the golden fire and water spring in the inexplicable realm, there is a tree demon, and it is also the guardian demon of the lonely heart and ruthless way in the second world. But let the benefactor You're laughing, I'm so lonely, I don't know where the golden fire and water springs are, and I don't know what the golden heart tree looks like."

Such an answer made the old man blush and shook his head slightly.

"Hehe, thank you senior! You are free. If the second world is full of auspiciousness one day, senior and fellow daoists present will be able to re-establish the world. I will bid farewell, fellow daoists in the second world, take care!"

"Benefactors, take care!"

The two sides stared deeply for a moment, Liu Qianlang led Jiuying, Aoyue Kuangdao Bingjinlang and other four couples drifted away. In the back, tens of thousands of people from the second world knelt together and saw that there was no one in the sky, and they were still grateful.

Several hours later, with the help of the ghost boat's instant escape method, Liu Qianlang suddenly shuttled through two spaces and arrived at the place he always wanted to reach.

The two spaces passed through, one is the dark ghost building in the land of Youlan City, which no longer exists, and the other is the Duying village at the bottom of the dark ghost building, and then appeared in a golden fire with an infinite radius. The shore of the spring.

Liu Qianlang stood on top of the chaotic cauldron, except for one infant who stood in the ghost boat, each of the eight soul-refining cauldrons floated one. With Liu Qianlang as the center, there are four on the left and four on the left and right, in a semi-circular shape, with a convex center and a stable suspension.

Aoyue Crazy Sword Bingjinlang, Soul Chasing Suoyue Sword Zhu Mogong, Tianhen Gudao Huanlangzi and Feiying Canxin Dao Chao Jiufeng, and Huahaoyueyuan four sisters are each Flashing Sword Rainbow, and there are four on the left and four on the left. In front of Jiuying.

The shore of the golden fire water spring is tens of thousands of miles away from the golden heart tree at the center of the spring, which is as high as the clouds. In front of Liu Qianlang and others is a huge ring-shaped cliff gully, thousands of feet wide. The golden fire water spring is in the ring-shaped gully, rolling and surging out to form a sea of ​​golden light. The golden light water and fire frighten the waterfall, rushing like an arrow, rushing down the ring-shaped gully, making a loud roar, which is instantly horrifying.

The bottom is like this, the sky is cut off, and a huge ravine is also formed. The entire golden fire and water springs are separated from the sky and the earth. Unruly, strange Zhang!

Seeing the scene in front of him, Liu Qianlang was not shocked at all, or he had already expected it. And it is deduced that such a spring of golden fire and water must be the result of the surging sea of ​​golden light in the ghost hell. This just shows that the sea of ​​golden light in the Nether Hell that I once collected is not complete, and there are such existences elsewhere.

"Hi! Liu Shaoxian, you're finally here! The owner of this village has been waiting so hard for you! The owner of this village has been trying his best to summon you in Duying Village, but he couldn't contact you at all. And I sensed that the Seventh Charm Queen She is about to launch a terrifying plot to destabilize the second world, so she came here ahead of time and confined her in the Golden Fire Water Spring. Just wait for you to come and defeat her together! Completely return the freedom of the second world!"

Liu Qianlang's white hair fluttered around, her face was calm, and her eyes were always looking at the golden heart tree in the center of the golden fire water spring.

The Golden Heart Tree is all gold, with golden leaves, golden flowers, and golden fruits. And the leaves are heart-shaped, the petals are heart-shaped, and the fruit is even more heart-shaped.

The tree of golden hearts is dotted with golden hearts, as numerous as stars. Liu Qianlang's psychic brilliance reached the limit level of several billion breaths, and then he saw a man with blond hair hanging down his shoulders, a peach blossom fan in his hand, wearing a white velvet robe, and an extremely perfect face. However, her face was pale, and her deep eyes were full of anxiety.

She looked in the direction of Liu Qianlang in the Golden Heart Tree, and suddenly met Liu Qianlang's eyes, her face immediately flushed with surprise, and said: "Brother with white hair!" Then she shed tears .

Liu Qianlang didn't speak, but smiled slightly, and a trace of spiritual thoughts entered her eyes instantly, and then her face was no longer pale. Immediately restored the calmness and arrogance of the seventh queen.

Liu Qianlang was not surprised at all when he heard Duguying's voice coming from another angle on the other side of the Golden Fire Water Spring, because he had already figured that he was here.

"Hehe, the village master is really unpredictable, and the result you want is about to come true. But Liu Qianlang suddenly thought, if I help you defeat the seventh charm, what use will I be to the village master?"

Liu Qianlang's gaze shifted to Duguying.

"Qianlang! Don't you believe in the owner of this village? The reason why I killed the former Jijiu Palace Lord and let you sit in the position of the Lone Shadow Demon Emperor is to let you share everything in the second world with me. ?”

When Duguying heard the words, she was startled, her face changed drastically, but it was only for a moment, and she immediately regained her composure, and said embarrassingly.

"Hmm! Forgive me, the village master. It seems that Liu Qianlang didn't know what to do. In fact, Duying Canghuang is the village master, right?" Liu Qianlang nodded slightly, and asked in shock.

There was a long silence, "Not bad!" Duguying could only admit.

"Then who is the spirit shadow? Is it the tree of the golden heart, that is, the Jinlan Demon?" Liu Qianlang asked again.

"Haha, Qianlang is really brilliant, and I can't hide anything from you. You're right. I didn't tell you before because the Jinlan Demon is extremely mysterious. I'm afraid you won't believe it. But now it's all right, Jinlan Demon is this The tree of the golden heart. When we destroy him, the second world will be completely liberated."

Hearing this, Duguying let out a long, icy laugh.

"Haha, that's good. If that's the case, what are we waiting for? This junior's cultivation level is still low, and the golden rainbow formation in the sky is in the hands of the senior, so I ask the senior to make the first move. Then the junior will assist from the side."

Liu Qianlang also laughed loudly, thinking of the eight people, including Yinchuan Jiuying and Bingjinlang, to express their plans.

When Duguying heard the words, she fell in her arms and screamed, "Okay!" The summoning flag of the golden rainbow formation in the sky that Liu Qianlang gave suddenly appeared in her hand. In the next moment, the tens of thousands of feet of the sky, the 99,999 golden rainbows in the sky roared in formations and pressed down on the golden heart tree in the center of the golden fire and water spring.


"Bang! Bang!"

An hour later, the Golden Heart Tree crashed to the ground, and was split into golden mist by countless golden lights and thunderbolts from the golden rainbow formation in the sky. The mysterious long shadow suddenly appeared, and the scream disappeared for a moment.

Then, the Seventh Charm Empress Pingting loomed in the mist of the broken Golden Heart Tree in the middle of the vast sea of ​​golden light.

The scene that appeared was very beautiful, with waves surging all over her body in a white velvet robe, the peach blossom fan in her hand was shaking gently, and sweet dream flowers were floating around her body. The Seventh Charm Empress, on her unprecedentedly astonishing face, Wang Wangxiu's eyes were full of pulse, and Dugu Ying was disdainful, but she kept looking at Liu Qianlang.

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