Nine Heavens

Chapter 1234

Chapter 1234

The golden mist in the sky is dissipating, and the sea of ​​golden light suddenly flows backwards. The water of the golden fire water spring with a radius of tens of thousands of miles roars and pours into the center of the golden fire water spring. The location of the disappearing golden heart tree is the huge golden fire water spring.

When all the golden mist disappeared, the seventh charm stepped on the golden phoenix transformed from countless sweet dream flowers, and the golden fire flew all over the golden phoenix, and suddenly appeared thousands of feet away from Liu Qianlang.

"Brother with white hair! Are you here to look for me? I'm Suier!?"

Empress Seventh, with eager eyes in her eyes, asked the cold-faced Liu Qianlang with a trembling voice.

"That's right, the owner of Duying Village and I came to find Biyou, and we came to kill you!" Liu Qianlang frowned, and said lightly.

"Kill me! Why?"

The golden phoenix fluttering under Seventh Charm's rear feet stopped and continued to fly.

"Because you killed Yinghua Village, the Moon Soul Killer in the Shenyue Realm, and everyone in Youlanqian City, Liu Qianlang wants to avenge them!"

"Buzz! Buzz!"

The Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword whistled and hummed in Liu Qianlang's hands, the sword's body was bright red and surging violently, and the sword rainbow was extending rapidly, pointing directly at the dancing figure of the Seventh Charm Empress.

"Oh! That's weird. Ever since I left Tianmeng Cave, I have never left this golden fire and water spring. How can I go back and kill them. Besides, I have promised you that I will not do evil again! Who said it, do you believe it?"

After the seventh charm, she looked sideways at Duguying in another direction. Duguying stepped on the bloody feet, with an unpredictable expression on her face.

"No one said it, Liu Qianlang saw it with his own eyes!"

Liu Qianlang emphasized, and then the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword Cang clattered into the sky, and the bright red light wave completely enveloped the Seventh Charm Empress.

"After the Seventh Charm, if you put down the butcher's knife, are willing to be bound, and disband the Unbounded Divine Art on your own, the village master can beg the Solitary Shadow Demon Emperor to let you survive! But there is one thing, and I will accompany the village master in the future."

Seeing that Liu Qianlang was about to make a move, Duguying interjected in time.

"Huh!? What does Duyingcanghuang mean by saying this? Could it be that Yinghuazhai, the seven moon soul killers, and those innocent people in Youlanqian City died in vain? Make up for the crime!"

Liu Qianlang was furious, and said in disgust.

"You hate me like that, you don't trust me! We didn't chase and kill those people!" Empress Qi Mei turned pale and shook her head to look at Liu Qianlang.

"I only believe in my own eyes. Liu Qianlang once gave you a chance. You didn't know what to do and insisted on doing evil. Don't blame me for being ruthless!" out.

Ninety-nine eighty-one Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword Stegosaurus roared and swooped down, baring its teeth and claws, and surrounded the Seventh Charm Queen in just a moment.

"You are so ruthless, can you tell me how you came back to life, and then returned to your physical body?" The peach blossom fan in the hand of the Seventh Charm Empress gracefully swiped around her body, forming countless red and pink swords, which also whizzed like moths to a flame Meet the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword Stegosaurus.



Immediately, Liu Qianlang and Seventh Charm Empress quickly opened up the distance between each other. One was tens of thousands of feet high and the other was tens of thousands of feet below. There was a violent storm between each other, lightning and thunder, divine light flashed, and they began to fight each other.

"Hmph! Liu Qianlang didn't die at all, he faked his death just to see the face of your Seventh Charm Empress. Let me tell you, Liu Qianlang has never believed in you, Suier, or Suier. I believed in Taoshan Mengniang, but I didn't believe in you, the Seventh Charm Queen. So after the bombing, I saw you leave, and then I saw you slaughtering Yinghuazhai, Shenyue Realm, and Youlanqian City.

Do you think it's over if you kill all the first-world cultivators who broke into the second world? You are dead wrong. Just now, four pairs of brothers, sisters-in-law, and nine babies destroyed the Void Piao Tower and released tens of thousands of ancient monks in the second world. Now that they are redistributed across the world, your plan to dominate the second world, and even the other worlds, has come to naught! "

Liu Qianlang snorted coldly, and instantly chopped out several batches of Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword and Sword Dragon, and the group of dragons roared through the sky. The Seventh Charm Queen burst into a vicissitudes of laughter, and suddenly used the Unbounded Magic Art. In an instant, the sky and the earth were surging with wind and clouds, and everything was fantastic. Inexplicable and innumerable magical flowers and plants flew through the sky and smashed the ground, turning into inexplicable magic warriors, thundering towards them.

But in the blink of an eye, Liu Qianlang, Duguying, Bingjinlang, and Jiuying were all shrouded in a boundless whirlpool of fantasy.

"Since you are ruthless, don't blame the Seventh Empress for being ungrateful! What are you? Don't forget that the five evils in the five worlds are all created by this Empress. If you want to kill this Empress, it is just a dream !

Thirteen ghosts, I really can't figure it out, if this human kid is hostile to our nether world, there is a reason, but why are you mixing with him! "

Empress Seventh Charm suddenly disappeared in a strange figure, and asked coldly from an inexplicable location.

"Haha, good question from the Seventh Demon Queen. The Thirteen Youmos are the supreme existence of the Netherworld, how could they get mixed up with this mortal boy! All this is just a small trick of the Thirteen Youmos .

I thought the guy was so smart, but some hilarious little tricks got him hooked, which helped me a lot. Not only did it help me a lot, and I successfully cultivated the Golden Rainbow Formation, but it also made me realize another dream. That is to marry you the Seventh Charm Queen! "

Duguying suddenly stepped on the back of the blood and disappeared strangely, laughing mockingly from another inexplicable direction.

"It turns out that you have been lying to me all this time, and Liu Qianlang still regards you as the elder of the former No. 1 world?" Liu Qianlang pondered for a moment, then covered his body with the powerful Dragon Ball Body Protector, and shouted angrily.

"Yeah haha! Look at who I am. Your old bookish elder has long been swallowed by Ben Thirteen Youmo. I just borrowed his memory and waited to deal with you."

Duguying smiled evilly, and Liu Qianlang suddenly saw an infinitely high and long shadow suddenly appearing in the space filled with the words of Myriad Fantasies.

The long shadow was covered with golden billows, and the once motionless hands were scratching strangely at this moment, and then saw the skull of a Nether Demon Skeleton, and golden gazes shot from their heads.


"Ha ha."

Countless underworld demon skeletons have already turned into bodies of golden light, jumping up and down, climbing and leaping on the long shadows, like apes, emitting bursts of sharp and piercing laughter.

"Hmph! You have finally revealed your true colors. In fact, you have been acting with me. What Duguying, the master of Duying Village, Lingying, you are actually Lingying, and Lingying is you. You are the most evil in the legendary Nether Hell. One of the thirteen ghosts exists, the thirteenth ghost shadow. I am right to say that!"

When Liu Qianlang spoke in an angry tone, he gradually became calm, which surprised Lingying. The huge long figure swayed, suddenly lowered a snake-like head, stretched and stretched and said, "You're right, but what's the use of knowing now, aren't you going to die?"

"I'm going to die! I'm going to die!"

Countless demon skeletons on Lingying's body followed his words.

"Suier, have you seen it? What is it? Are you going to be in cahoots with him? Come with me, don't be obsessed with it anymore!"

With a movement of Liu Qianlang's spiritual thought, the chaotic cauldron under his feet flashed in all colors and phenomena, and a hundred thousand chaotic beasts on the outer wall instantly awakened, and roared that shook the universe, and then saw raging fire, and the electric light fireball roared along with the hundred thousand chaotic beasts out.

The soul-refining eight tripods controlled by the other eight infants also broke out in an instant offensive, and the nine people including the ghost boat and ice wolf controlled by Yiying were also Shenhong's breakthrough, and quickly formed an offensive advantage.

"Heck, let's go with you! Did you ask you to kill me? The Seventh Charm Queen was really blind before, and she stayed with you for so long in a low voice, and in exchange for your distrust and slaughter of me! Ying! You just said you wanted to marry me, but did you mean it?"

Seventh Charm sneered for a while, and then asked the shadow of the inexplicable location.

"Of course it is sincere. Some time ago, when I saw you with this human race, Lingying was really heartbroken. I wish I could kill him! Now that you have seen his true colors clearly, are you still clinging to the fate of Tianlinghe? If If you are willing to marry me, Lingying will be your servant from now on, as long as Queen Mei is happy, I will do anything for you!"

Lingying said in an incomparably humble manner.

"That's good! As long as you kill this human race for me now, the Empress Dowager will agree to you immediately!" The Empress Dowager Seven stopped the attack of the Unbounded Divine Art, and appeared beside the long shadow.



Lingying heard the words and was ecstatic in his heart. Suddenly he regained the appearance of a good scholar, and then the golden flag in his hand shook for a while, and the 99,999 golden rainbow array that had faked the golden heart tree before roared and pressed down on Liu Qianlang and others.

At the same time, from Lingying's hand, countless blood spouted out of the scarlet blood jade inkstone once again, wrapping layer upon layer around the 99,999 golden rainbow formation in the sky, and did not give Liu Qianlang and others any harm. Chance of escape.

After several hours of intense fighting, within the airtight siege, Liu Qianlang, Jiuying, the four immortal sword guards, and the four sisters of Huahaoyueyuan finally came out. sounded.

"Haha, Meier! From now on, this second world will be ours!"

Lingying was cleaning the battlefield, laughing while collecting the equipment left by Liu Qianlang and others after they died and turned into blood mist.

The Seventh Charm Queen's expression was flickering with an imperceptible color, watching Lingying put the trophies into the sea one by one, triumphantly, smiled coquettishly, and was full of praise.

"Hehe, it's still the Lingying Gaoxian who is more powerful. Look, that human race's Nine Heavens Immortal Sword, Soul Refining Nine Cauldrons, and Aoyue Kuangdao are all there. Hehe, Lingying Gaoxian is going to be amazing this time. Nu family But I'm really envious. Especially the Nine Cauldrons of Soul Refining, I want it even in my dreams!"

Empress Seventh Charmed said with a coquettish smile.

"Haha, why be envious, after you and I get married, mine is not yours, go, go back to the Secret Palace of Duyingzhai. Let's choose another day to get married! Then Lingying will take you to the Three Realms."

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