Nine Heavens

Chapter 1240 The Third World

Chapter 1240 The Third Room

Speechless, only moved.

Liu Qianlang knew how much Sui'er wanted to stay by her side, but she left in order not to embarrass herself in front of fellow Langyuan sects and fellow Taoists all over the world.

Suier's figure disappeared, but her voice and smile are lingering in her heart and engraved in her memory. Liu Qianlang stared at the direction where Sui Er disappeared, one hour, two hours

There was another reason for leaving with you, but she didn't say it, but Liu Qianlang could feel it, that is, on the day when her nine beautiful souls gathered together, all her beloved wives would unite and become one person. This was something she didn't want to see, and Suier naturally felt it, so she left, not wanting to make herself suffer.

And she chose pain.

One day later, Liu Qianlang finally appeared at the exit of the second world, at the end of Jinlanyuan forest time and space.

Liu Qianlang, with white hair fluttering around, stood in the ghost boat, looking at the green dust world of the third world beyond the exit of the second world. That is another place full of uncertainties, the third world seems to be more vast, full of emerald green taste.

Looking back, Liu Qianlang looked at the misty blue second world, and felt a little reluctant to leave.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Three things exploded in Liu Qianlang's palm, the blood jade inkstone, a golden heart and a blood goose, because these three things, I hate them all at once. Liu Qianlang will not keep the things Sui Er hates, no matter how useful they are.

The Blood Jade God Inkstone exploded, turning into red clouds all over the sky, flying high in the sky, flying, and scattered into thousands of auspicious clouds fluttering under the sunlight.

The golden heart shattered, with Liu Qianlang as the center, swaying circles of golden wheel Buddha light, ascending to heaven and earth, illuminating the second world.

The ghost toxin of the blood-scarred geese was washed away by Liu Qianlang, and after being shattered, it turned into countless auspicious birds, singing crisply with the clouds swirling and flying, causing all spirits in the second world to rush to the mountains to worship.

Thousands of miles away from Liu Qianlang, in the north and south of the second world and in the western sky, tens of thousands of surviving monks are practicing in secret places. They suddenly smell the long-lost vitality coming, and they are ecstatic and fly to the top of the cliff.

Then I saw the eastern sky of the second world, the sky filled with auspicious clouds, auspicious birds fluttering, and inexplicable fragrances blowing in the wind. Above the turbulent sea, within the incomparably huge golden wheel Buddha light, a fairy with white hair and flowing silver waves and rainbows all over his body, with a divine boat under his feet, holding a bright red sword in his hand, is looking down at the vastness of the sea. Looking at the second room.

"Save the Blue Immortal!"

"Look, Dongtian is auspicious, and the blue fairy has come, we can restore the second world!"

"Haha, we are free!"

Tens of thousands of monks who survived in the second world, sky shadows soared into the sky, howling and cheering. Immediately according to Liu Qianlang's previous instructions, patrolling and controlling the magic of the ninety-nine Qitianlou Xiaoyaojing ninety-nine and eighty-one spiritual realms, watching the second world that has been desolate for countless years, as dark clouds oppress the environment, glowing with unprecedented vitality miraculous.

Liu Qianlang didn't know the actions of these monks, but from a distance, he saw the vast and majestic world that first entered the second world, where forests and green sources are growing, rivers are rushing, and the sea is roaring, and he feels comforted in his heart.

"The vast land of the second world, Lanzhou, is also peaceful and happy, and it's time for you to return to the vast land of Hongzhou, the first major faction."

With a thought, Liu Qianlang called all the common people of the first family and everything in Tianhuang City into the ghost boat. With a wave of his sleeves, the ghost boat disappeared instantly, and returned to Liu Qianlang's feet a moment later. The first human world is also full of vitality.

The Emperor of the Underworld will be extinct in four ways, the first human yin and yang reincarnation will be extinct, and the human race will no longer be said to die of illness. In the second world, the heart of golden light is shattered, the ruthless way of the lonely heart disappears, and the monks no longer kill each other mercilessly. Next, Liu Qianlang pursued the memory and soul left by Suier, shot into the third world, and flew directly to the underworld where the tree of the gate of hell was where the fallen devil became enlightened.

Above the sky in the third world is also a sunny world. The land is vast, the mountains and peaks are endless, and the space is full of green and vast atmosphere.

However, the breath of green does not mean that everywhere is full of vitality. Liu Qianlang wants to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the land, mountains and rivers through the green mist that wanders everywhere. But what surprised him was that there was no grass on the ground, and there was not a single tree on the majestic mountains.

cold! Desolate! This is the most real existence under the cover of green in the third world.

Liu Qianlang regretted for a while, and lost her mood, called out the fairy wine, stood in the ghost boat and slowed down, while tasting the wine while paying attention to the surrounding environment.

At the same time, he wondered where is the old mountain where his teacher's previous life, that is, where the master Xiang Yunzi of little sister Wei'er was. If you can find it, it's better to go there first to learn about the situation in the third world at this time, and then it's better to go to Mingkong.

But even though the plan is good, I don't know where the Bulao Mountain that the little senior sister is talking about, and I don't know where it is. Because I have to face the third person, the tree of the gate of hell, the fallen devil, and I don't want her to know. At least it's better not to let her know until you find Xiang Yunzi.

And right now is the critical moment for her to practice Xiangyun Divine Art, and her sisters were also sent back to the first human world by him. If they come out, no one will take care of them, and he will not protect them well, which is obviously not good for her.

It seems that it is better to go to the Netherworld to inquire about it first. If it is not possible, I will go back to the Profound Realm and ask her indirectly. By the way, I will ask Song Zhen to do a fortune telling for me about my trip.


When Liu Qianlang was thinking, he suddenly heard whistles piercing the air from his ears, and then he saw the left and right of his body, and suddenly bursts of fire, fireballs and all kinds of terrifying thunderbolts and lightnings shot out in front of him. arc.


The moment Liu Qianlang was astonished, his back had already been hit several times, making a deafening bang. Because Liu Qianlang's body has already been covered with several layers of body-protecting dragon spirit aura, and he is wearing a Jinlan cloak. So I staggered for a while, but nothing happened. The next moment, he jumped tens of thousands of feet into the air, dodging the attack.

Liu Qianlang leaned over and looked around, and saw dozens of sky shadows in the southeast galloping towards the northwest of the third world he was flying to. Those firelights, fireballs and other attacks were sent by them, and the target turned out to be Own.

"Yeah! I can't tell that this kid is quite powerful. If you catch him, his primordial spirit will definitely be able to exchange for a mid-level or higher Nether Gate, and go to a good job in the Poison Abyss."

Among dozens of figures, a man with crimson lion hair, square face and green eyes said with a strange color in his eyes.

"Wow! Oh my god! My grandma's, this time I posted it. Isn't this kid the righteous spirit boy who appeared in the legend 99999.9 billion years later? Look, the demon has white hair and psychic facial features." , Jiutian Juemai, Immortal Heart Amber, Rainbow Blood, Rainbow Bone, Sun Moon Primordial Spirit, Blood-red Flesh Body! Stepping on cloud-turning boots, wearing Jinlan cloak, haha, it's not bad at all!"

Another thin and tall man, wearing a short black jacket, green hair, long face and red eyes, stretched his slender arms, bared his pale fangs and let out a goosebump laugh.

"Huh? It's not bad at all. I'm wrong, and it's a little bit close. He didn't wear the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Armor, and he didn't wear the Nine Heavens Fate Crown. How can you say that it's not bad at all?"

Hearing this, the green-eyed man shot at Liu Qianlang with a rainbow of eyes, then beat his chest, laughed and shouted out of breath.

"Bah! I said, almost! Do you have any brains? He is wearing cloud-turning boots. How could he not have Nine Heavens Immortal Armor and Nine Heavens Fate Crown? If you haven't worn them, you must have washed them and they haven't dried them yet! You A pig's head!"

The skinny red-eyed man stamped his feet, and flew towards the green-eyed man with a whistling sound. The green-eyed man spit out his big face and scolded.

"Wow! Spit on my face again, you are not bad at all, you are a pig's head! Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Armor and Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Crown are refined from chaotic silver crystals, you think it is Your tattered Taoist robe still needs to be washed!"

Green eyes almost said.

"No, you are still a pig's head. Although you don't need to wash it, it may be that the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Armor and Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Crown are angry and won't let this kid wear it!"

The red eyes are not bad at all, and the green eyes are almost quibbling.

"you are an idiot!"

"Who are you!"

"Bah bah!"


Liu Qianlang watched the two hideous monsters scolding each other for a while, and then they were torn together, and couldn't help crying and laughing. Then I saw the other people with the same hideous appearance heard the words of the two monsters, greedy and fierce cold lights shone in the rainbows of various colors, and the roaring and terrifying monsters stepped on their feet and rushed towards Liu Qianlang's strange streamer.

"Still scolding, look at how shameless they are, obviously I saw that kid first, and they want to take advantage of it first, I'm not bad at all!"

"Cut! Almost, I saw it first with you. How can it be said that you saw it first? Bah!"

"I'm so mad, you are always against me, I will fight with you!"

Not bad at all and almost topsy-turvy, each spat at each other, Liu Qianlang thought that they would wrestle together again next. But no, both of them howled: "I hate you!" Then they rushed towards the dozens of brutal and ugly people who attacked Liu Qianlang like lightning.


Dozens of people have already roared to a position more than a thousand feet below Liu Qianlang's body, dozens of fiery or cold thunderbolts have already struck Liu Qianlang, and at the same time, all kinds of talismans, spells, and strange magical weapons rained down on Liu Qianlang. Liu Qianlang smashed it down.

Liu Qianlang instantly felt the terrifying divine power rushing towards him like mountains and seas, and was secretly surprised in his heart. He obviously felt that the monks in the third world were many times stronger than the monks in the second world. Before the attack came close, he already felt a lot of pressure.

Liu Qianlang didn't dare to be careless, and quickly mobilized seven powerful divine powers in his body, including the power of mystery, the power of time, and the power of magic, and merged into a destructive array of hundreds of thousands, which was about to burst out immediately.

However, just when he was about to strike with a powerful blow, the dozens of people who attacked him suddenly turned around and went to greet them.

Then, the tens of thousands of feet of space fell into a chaotic battle.


Liu Qianlang was amused for a while, and when he finished his work, he looked lively and drank fine wine.

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