Nine Heavens

Chapter 1241 Pursuit of the Underworld

Chapter 1241

While watching, Liu Qianlang was surprised to find that this group of people were all ghost skeletons with golden hearts and golden veins. The difference from the ghost skeletons in the second world was that they had regenerated their bodies. This shows that they all came from the first human world, entered the second human world, and finally evolved like this in the second human world.

Discovering this, Liu Qianlang looked more carefully at the physical appearance of these people, trying to find a few people he might know, but after careful inspection, there was not a single familiar face.

It shouldn't be, Liu Qianlang felt a little surprised, and looked at the dozens of people in the fierce battle more carefully. No, just attacking exactly and almost, and it was unscathed.

Not bad at all and almost at the same time are even more dominant in time and space, dealing with dozens of people, and there are still opportunities for two people to scold and spit at each other.

Under the joint effect of powerful spiritual analysis and psychic eyes, Liu Qianlang's eyes slowly locked on two special figures through the sky filled with light and smoke.

The two figures, one black and one white, are connected back to back. The white figure is an old woman with white hair, wearing white clothes, hunched body, and holding a black ghost snake crutch, with her head bowed and howling.

And the black figure is a skinny old man like a stick, dressed in black. The back of the left hand pierced into the old woman's back, and the right hand was in the middle of the battle, and kept stabbing the old woman's head with a sharp black awl in the right hand, laughing non-stop.

Because the battle was roaring all over the sky, the old woman's cry could not be heard, but she could clearly see every tear she shed, the dark red tears.

The dark red tears dripped into the void, and quickly turned into meridian-like silk lines, which cracked all over the surrounding area, and then the surrounding void immediately grew bewitchingly emerald green stems. There are bright red root hairs growing from the bottom of the rhizome. The root hairs are very long and many, like snakes, trembling and swimming, shooting towards anyone around. Actions are lightning fast.

Five-petal, lotus-like blood-red flowers bloomed on the top of the rhizome at the same time, beautiful and exuding a strange fragrance. The old woman cried unceasingly, shed countless tears, the sky was red, and soon the surrounding area was filled with red, and the sky was full of soul-catching fragrance.

This is Li Linghua, they are the weeping mother and laughing old man, the first crying and laughing twins who had their hands and feet chopped off on the northern shore of the ocean in the world back then, the first seat in Liling Grotto appeared here, and their limbs were revived, Liu Qianlang was both surprised and surprised excited. Although the other party is not kind, but after all, he meets two people he has met.

But their faces changed and became more ferocious.

The Li Ling flowers bloomed, the sky was red, Xiaosou laughed wildly, the laughter was evil and ugly, and then countless golden bees flew out of his ears, condensed like dark clouds, buzzing and whistling, and then scattered and flew towards the Li Ling flowers.

The fragrance of Li Linghua is pervasive, and the flowers are enchanting. Those who are fighting seem to be unaware of the insidiousness behind Li Linghua's beauty. Seeing that the left side, the right side, the head and the head were suddenly covered with beautiful red flowers, which were fragrant, and immediately slowed down the movement of the attack.

Then, he was distracted to feel the enchantment of Li Linghua'er. Li Ling's Hua'er is very beautiful and very active. The flying Hua'er flew towards these people with a beautiful red arc. The dark red roots silently pierced into the bodies of these people.

The fragrance of flowers permeates the soul, and if you have flowers, you will not be lucky. These people were happy, and when they were in the sea of ​​flowers, smiles appeared on their ferocious faces, and they thought they were heroes. They all laughed.


"Yeah heh—"

The crying woman was crying, crying until the sky was dark. The laughing old man was laughing, looking up at the sky, unable to help himself. The trembling twin bodies of the two people in the first person's world no longer tremble, and are calm and steady.

But just like before, the five fingers of Xiaosou's left hand pierced deeply into the back of the crying woman, and the blood in the crying woman's body flowed like a pillar, flowing along Xiaosou's arm and into his body. The crying woman burst into tears, and Xiaosou frantically stabbed her in the head with the sharp black awl in his right hand.


The laughter of those who were covered in Li Ling flowers stopped abruptly, and they all let out screams. When they were screaming, the Li Ling flowers growing on their bodies were shining brightly, and they looked even redder, like blood dripping.

"Buzz! Buzz!"

Countless golden evil bees in Xiaosou's ears swooped in, opening their eyes to suck the nectar from these brilliant Li Ling flowers. These nectar contained the sweet spiritual power and golden blood of each of the powerful people under them.


"Yeah heh—"

The crying woman and the laughing old man couldn't tell whether they were sad or happy. The cries and laughter stopped because of the fighting, which made Liu Qianlang feel chills all over and covered with goose bumps.

There are still five people alive in the space. Liu Qianlang, who is drinking and watching the excitement tens of thousands of feet away, is not bad at all and almost not at all on the battlefield just now, and these two are still swearing at each other. The other two are naturally the crying woman and the laughing old man.


"Buzz! Buzz!"

Liu Qianlang drank another glass of good wine, which was the only good wine in the nine spirit wine springs left by him in the second world. Nine kinds of fine wines form nine white wine clouds on the head of Liu Chianlang. Every wine cloud understands Liu Qianlang's mind very well, whenever Liu Qianlang wants to drink which kind, the corresponding wine cloud will float to the nearest place to pour wine for Liu Qianlang.

When Liu Qianlang drank this cup of fine wine, the Yinhong Huahai under the tens of thousands of feet made the sound of breaking flowers, and then the Yinhong Huahai world disappeared, and pieces of golden bee clouds also flew back to Xiaosou in the ears. The crying woman no longer shed tears, but whimpered softly.

Then, where the Li Linghua bloomed just now, the redness turned into light green, revealing the original spatial tone of the third world. Those screaming people were exhausted, floating like dozens of human skin paintings, and then shattered, shattered into powder and flying around.

Seventy-seven forty-nine sparkling bubbles in blue and red are scattered in the shattered powder. These bubbles are the size of pigeon eggs, very magical and beautiful.

"Haha, it's my grandma's coincidence that there are seven or forty-nine reincarnated sun and moon primordial spirits, so good at crying devils and laughing ghosts. It's not bad at all. I'll keep it for you first. We are Ming Kong, use these reborn Sun Moon Primordial God exchanged for a ghost pill, go back and ask the island owner for a reward!"

The lion's hair and green eyes were not bad at all, and suddenly he left the green hair and red eyes and almost shot at the seventy-seven forty-nine next birthdays and moon souls. Then those gorgeous second birthday and moon primordial spirits were quickly incorporated into the body sea by him.

"Hey! Let's go, weeping ghost, it's not bad at all, I have collected all these moon spirits for the next birthday, let's just watch!" He flew back to almost triumphantly.

"I bother!"

It was almost, and immediately stepped forward to vomit a little bit, and reprimanded: "Where is it not at all, just a little bit, what do you think it is?"

Almost stretched his long face longer, with saliva flying from his mouth Xingzi opened the palm of his right hand, and suddenly clenched his fist in anger, seeing that his palm turned out to be a blue and red sun and moon soul.

"Bah! You damn near, never let me do a complete thing, see if I don't kill you today!"


"Bang bang!"

After a few words, the two twisted together again.

"Haha, haha, good wine! Good wine! It's so exciting to watch. It seems that you are from the Island of Sadness and Joy, and the monsters you killed just now are from the Lake of Shame and Fury. You chased them all the way to capture them Yuanshen, want to go to Mingkong Ghost Sect to exchange for Guicheng Pill? Just to make such a big fuss over such a small matter, I don’t think your abilities are very good.”

Not bad at all and almost seems to have forgotten the existence of Liu Qianlang, and the crying woman and laughing old man seem to have nothing to do with them except for a wry smile.

However, when he heard Liu Qianlang's laughter, he almost scolded Liu Qianlang with a whistling wind, and the wry smile of the weeping old man It was also suddenly high-pitched, and then the tears of blood from the weeping woman began to fly down again.

Every drop of blood-red tears was blooming, and flew towards Liu Qianlang strangely, and the golden evil bee in Xiaosou's ear flew straight to the drinker amidst the dark clouds.

"Yeah, how did he know that we are from the Island of Sadness and Joy?"

"Bah! Fool, didn't he just say it himself? Of course he knew!"

"That's right, I don't know how he would say it? Then how does he know that we hunted and killed the people who came to Mingkong from Shanu Island? This is the secret decree of the island lord!"

"Of course he already knew it, the same as knowing us, stupid pig, use your brain before speaking, don't make me always worry about you!"

During the actions of exactly and almost pounced on Liu Qianlang, the strange scolding never stopped.


"Yeah heh—"

The Crying Demon Laughing Ghost looked at the ground and the sky, his body remained still, but the sound of crying and laughing followed the blossoming Li Linghua flying towards Liu Qianlang, becoming more and more sad and evil.

Liu Qianlang looked at the almost and the same, and the blood-red Liling flowers in the sky, all he had on his face was a smile, and his drinking movements were still chic.

The next moment, Liu Qianlang's body was covered with Li Ling flowers, and the bright red roots of Li Ling flowers all over his body pierced into Liu Qianlang's body in the faint fragrance, and then Liu Qianlang's Li Ling flowers all over his body suddenly shone brilliantly. Then came the exact and almost attacks.



The attack spell of these two men is to spit. A kind of saliva is bright red, and the wearer sets up a blazing fire. A kind of ghost green, a venom, immediately rots and smokes all over the wearer.

"Ha ha."

Not bad and almost laughed together for the first time in tacit understanding, because they saw their spells working on Liu Qianlang.

Liu Qianlang's whole body was on fire, and at the same time, green smoke was bubbling, and he made a sizzling and rotten sound. After a while, he would be able to get Liu Qianlang's Sun Moon Yuanshen, but the authentic Sun Moon Furnace Birthday Moon Yuan God, those who get Yuanshen, birthday and moon yuanshen can go straight to the gate of the underworld to become ghosts and immortals.


"Yeah heh—"

The crying and laughing voice of the Weeping Devil Laughing Ghost is even more terrifying, full of high-pitched excitement.

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