Nine Heavens

Chapter 1242 Playing against the Four Demons

Chapter 1242: Fighting Four Devils


Liu Qianlang's body was consumed by the flames, and in the flames, those bewitching Li Ling flowers were not only not affected at all, but also became more colorful under the light of the fire.

Blossoming enchanting Li Ling flowers stretched out of the flames, five petals like thick blood, shaking slightly, like a beautiful woman dancing, exuding a more psychedelic Li Ling flower fragrance.

Looking at the coquettish and swaying Li Linghua, smelling the strange fragrance, I suddenly felt elated and dizzy. Then I saw the crying devil laughing ghost roaring and rolling over on the other side of Liu Qianlang, more than a hundred feet away from him.

Through the blazing flames and the enchanting blooming Li Ling flowers, layers of red red, the two saw the strange expression on the face of the Weeping Devil Laughing Ghost. The crying demon actually raised his face, and there was a nightmare-ridden smile on his face, although it was only a smile. The Laughing Ghost also had tears on his face for the first time, green tears.

The laughing ghost's crying expression and the crying devil's laughing expression made Yiyi and Almost suddenly startled, their minds cleared up immediately, they knew the other party's intentions, and then quickly flew backwards thousands of feet away. Both hearts were pounding.

I don't know why, even though I am a majestic young master, I have an innate grudge and fear towards the Weeping Devil and Laughing Ghost. Can't tell why, especially the way they occasionally look at people.

"Almost, these two laughing ghosts are going to kill us, what should we do? They are not easy to provoke, I heard that they not only like to kill, but also like to eat people! It must be very painful!" Looking at the crying devil and laughing ghost thousands of feet away, he said.

"Damn! What else can I do, kill them, I really dare to think about competing with our brothers for the Yuanshen Moon Yuanshen. Just rely on a few broken spirit flowers and a few bees? Sneeze, I laughed so hard!" Besides, how could it hurt to be eaten by them, we would all be dead at that time!"

Almost choking, shaking his long head and laughing.

"That's right, I drowned them in one gulp of spit! The owner of the small island of Beixi Island dared to attack the two handsome young masters of the island owner of Beixitian Island. What did you do just now?" escape?"

Not bad at all, touched Fang's chin, and responded with disdain.

"Huh? You ran away first, and I ran away. I still want to ask you, why did you run away with your life? How embarrassing! If you don't run away, can our saliva burn or drown them?"

Almost took a sip and asked.

"I can't drown, look, their Li Linghua'er is not afraid of our fire spit and poisonous saliva, and the golden evil bee is not afraid! But do we still have fire soul snake and water soul anaconda? Let's make a decision. Take it back and you can smoke it!"

"Hey! Okay, daddy is so cute when he smiles! Then what are you waiting for, let's do it."

Exactly and almost whispered for a while, suddenly several huge snake heads protruded strangely from their shoulders, the former was bright red like fire, and the latter was green and frightening.

"Hiss! Hiss!"

Following the figures of the two galloping forward, the fire-soul snake and water-soul anaconda on their shoulders explored the dark red and emerald green snake cores, making clear whistles.

"Wow! It's not bad at all, why did you kick me, every time I was kicked first!" Almost galloped ahead, feeling a burst of heat in his buttocks, shouted.

"That's right! If I don't kick you, then I will surpass you? We are brothers, and I will let you do everything!"

Not bad at all, he said.

"Hehe, you two young masters, don't push yourself too hard. Don't think that your father is the owner of Tiandao Island, and the weeping and laughing ghosts will keep accommodating you. We don't need the seven or forty-nine second-birth Moon Primordial Spirits, but Liu Qianlang's Yuansheng Yueyuanshen, don't even think about it.

With this Yuanshen Moon Yuanshen, the Crying Devil and Laughing Ghost can enter the gate of the underworld, and has nothing to do with the Island of Sadness and Joy ever since. Naturally, you are wise, even the crying devil and laughing ghost will not kill you! Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu-"

Just as he flew back to Li Linghua'er and Liu Qianlang, who was shrouded in flames, just as soon as he settled down, the weeping ghosts, one by one talking and one learning, said what he just said twice. all over.

The voice is vicious and piercing, to the point where whoever listens wants to commit suicide.

"Bah! Are they right?"

"It seems to make sense, bah!"

"Then shall we still kill them?"

"Bah! Don't ask, let's talk after killing."

"Bah! After killing, what are you talking about! Hurry up and grab Yuanshen Yueyuanshen!"

Not bad and almost circling nonsense around each other for a while, and then suddenly separated, and almost pounced on the weeping devil who was about a hundred feet away. And almost pressed against Liu Qianlang.

The speed and fierceness of the action are shocking.


The water soul anaconda that was almost on the shoulder immediately sprayed seven emerald green poisonous pillars at the still burning Liu Qianlang.


Liu Qianlang exploded, and the raging flames on his body and the enchanting Li Linghua'er exploded into a blood-red glow in the sky.


Almost overjoyed, he immediately drove into the blood-red danmang to find Liu Qianlang's Yuan Shengyue Yuanshen, and soon saw the blue and red Sun and Moon Yuanshen deep in the blood-red danmang. And it's not just one, it's seven to forty-nine.

"Oh, my grandma, a Zhengling boy is a Zhengling boy, even the Yuanshen Moon Yuanshen will have so many on Yuan's birthday, hehe!"

Almost flew into the depths of the blood-red danmang in amazement.

"Crack! Crack!"

"Haha, what is the Island of Sadness and Joy, why are there so many donkeys!"

Suddenly, two clear and crisp slaps came from the blood-red glow, and then Liu Qianlang laughed loudly, and then almost crawled out of the blood-red glow, covering his long face with his hands.

"He, he's not dead!"

Almost, with a horrified expression on his face, ran to the place where Bubaibuba and Weeping Ghost were fighting, and cried out in mourning.

Dazed, and then he and the Weeping Demon Laughing Ghost stopped confrontation in shock, and looked at the blood-red glow that was gradually dissipating behind almost behind them.

In the depths of the blood-red danmang, thousands of feet away, a man with fluttering white hair, a silver-white robe, and a golden cloak is riding a silver-gray Shenzhou, with long rainbows in his eyes, and he is steadily approaching.

On its head is a Yinhong Liuxia Divine Sword Qingxiao ponders, and above the palm of one hand are seven or forty-nine moon spirits of the next birthday.

Seventy-seven forty-nine sub-birth moon primordial spirits are shrouded in the hue of eighty-eight sixty-four ghostly blue and clear spirits shining outside him, making them look even more strange and mysterious.

How could he not be dead? Who was killed by the fire, venom, Li Linghua poison and Jin Xiefeng just now? Seeing Liu Qianlang approaching slowly like a god, but still drinking, the four of them became angry from embarrassment, but there was nothing they could do.

The other party's cultivation base was really unpredictable, not only did he deceive himself casually, but he also didn't know how to do it, and stole seven or forty-nine sub-birth Moon Primordial Spirits.

I couldn't believe my eyes, I couldn't help looking inward at the body sea, and the forty-eight next birthday moon spirits in the body sea really disappeared. After almost looking inside, he also had a dejected and bitter face.

"Take me to Netherworld, don't try to play tricks, you are not my opponent! After getting there, the moon god will return these next birthdays to you. Liu Qianlang doesn't want it, and he doesn't want any ghost Chengdan. Of course, You can also refuse, but in that case, I will kill you."

Without waiting for the four people to question, Liu Qianlang slightly shook the white wine glass and said. As the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword roared, Yin Hong's sword curtain had already covered it, almost on the head of the Weeping Demon Laughing Ghost.

"Bah! It's all your fault. What did you want for the Yuanshen Yueyuanshen, but in the end, even the next birthdays Yueyuanshen was lost!" Pooh almost said.

"Bah! Don't blame me, blame our father. Didn't he say that the Zhengling boy who broke through the second world is full of treasures! Otherwise, why would I dream of getting his Yuanshen Moon Yuanshen! Besides, don't you Want to too?"

Almost unconvinced, the two quarreled again, punched and kicked, and then started PK again.

Liu Qianlang didn't speak any more, and was drinking in no hurry, waiting for the reply from the crying devil and laughing ghost. The four eyes of the crying devil and laughing ghost have been staring at Liu Qianlang indifferently, with a little bit of surprise in the sea of ​​eyes, and they are silent.

For a long time, there was an hour.


"Yeah heh—"

The laughing ghost suddenly started crying and laughing again, and then the laughing ghost imitated what the crying ghost said: "You are really different, you broke through the Sun Moon God Tree, passed through the second human world, defeated the Jinlan Demon Origin Forest, and entered the third time and space." In the human world, there are no fallen demons, and we are still human beings. Although you and I have different paths, weeping demons and laughing ghosts admire you.

Just now you said that we will take you to the Netherworld, and you will return the seventy-nine moon spirits of the second birthday to us. why? "

"This is my business, so you don't need to worry about it. Apart from choosing to die, you just agree to me. I'm getting impatient, so answer me immediately!"

The tone of Liu Qianlang's speech became cold, each word was paused, and the bright red sword curtain of the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword was slowly closing.

"WuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuWhat's the reason why you don't agree to something that doesn't hurt us! I hope you keep your word!" Weeping Demon Laughing Ghost made the choice he thought was the best after obviously thinking about it.

"Let's go then, you'd better keep your mouths shut, I hate your crying, laughing and scolding. Don't worry, I will change my doctrine!"

Liu Qianlang didn't want to waste any more time, so he took the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword and Sword Curtain, and continued drinking the immortal wine.


The Crying Demon Laughing Ghost snorted coldly, and really stopped the evil crying and laughing, and then rolled and shot towards the northwest of the third world, with a few Li Linghua and a few Golden Evil Bees floating around like shadows.

Liu Qianlang controls the ghost boat, with the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword on his head accompanied by nine white wine clouds, and the white-haired Piaohong walking steadily behind.

"Yah! Bah! They don't want us!"

"That's not true, we are young masters, how dare they want us? Bah! It's no wonder why father didn't kill them! Go back and tell father to beat him!"

"Bah! If you don't chase after me, why hit me!"

Not bad at all and almost almost suddenly saw that he was about to disappear, so he scolded and chased after him.

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