Nine Heavens

Chapter 1246

Chapter 1246 Humans and Demons Are Not Bad

"What's the use of living for a waste that can't even guard the Nether Gate?"

The screams of the Yiyue Dan Guixian continued, and the red shadow said with a thunderbolt voice.

Liu Qianlang followed the prestige, Hongying didn't come chasing after him, but also shot an evil rainbow at the original location of the Yin Gate of Yiyue, and then sank into the tree of the Nether Gate.

Immediately, the shore of the underworld was restored to its original state. After the raging wind, the tree of the gate of the underworld stood abruptly in the central space tens of thousands of miles away from the underworld. No, but forty-eight.

That's all! ?

Liu Qianlang didn't think so, and was already ready for a big fight. Not bad at all and nearly hiding farther away, but they are still divided into January ghosts, the number is too large, and they can't count with their IQs.

The Crying Devil Laughing Ghost was completely afraid of Liu Qianlang, but he didn't think that Liu Qianlang would leave alive this time. So the five people were all looking at the Nether Gate Tree, which was as red as blood, waiting for the counterattack to destroy the world.

However, a long time passed, except for the roaring hurricane whistling and the whirling wind nest in the underworld, there was no sign of an attack, and the sound of the thunderbolt did not appear again.

"Hoo hoo—"

What should have happened, but it didn't happen, made people feel even more uncertain. Hearing the sound of the wind whistling in his ears, his four hearts were pounding.

At this time, Liu Qianlang was still drinking, guessing the identity of that red shadow while drinking. This Hong Ying's behavior was really unreasonable, the other party obviously didn't want his life. Otherwise, it won't show up in advance and let myself know its existence. If you don't show up in advance, you must be the one who dies.

This point is not bad at all or almost. I don’t know if I can see it, but the weeping ghosts can see it. Their conclusion is that Liu Qianlang is not simple. Maybe he has some connection with the Nether Hell. Then his attitude towards Liu Qianlang changed 180 degrees from now on.

"Honorable Immortal, it seems we should go!" Weeping Demon Laughing Ghost reminded Liu Qianlang.

"Haha, thank you for your reminder." After thinking for a while, Liu Qianlang was also more polite to the crying devil and laughing ghost.

"Hey! You one, me one, you two, me two, you one, me two, you two, three"

Not bad at all and almost not at all until now I still don't understand the more than three hundred January ghosts Cheng Dan, who even vomited and scolded, fought for countless rounds, and re-divided for countless times.

"Where is the ancestor planning to go?" Weeping Devil Laughing Ghost asked tentatively, but did not mention the matter of the Moon Primordial God of the next birthday.

"When I first came to the third world, I have nowhere to go, but I can get everywhere, it all depends on my mood!" Liu Qianlang took a last look at the dark sky, which is as green as the sea, and the silver-gray ghost boat rose slowly under his feet, planning to gone.

"Hey! Geniuses don't leave! Come back to Beixi Island with us, okay? Our father is Bole, and he appreciates talents the most. Our father will definitely like people like talents. If you join Beixi Island, you can count them for us at any time." counted!"

At this time, not bad and almost suddenly laughed and tried to persuade them to stay.


"Yeah heh—"

The Crying Devil and Laughing Ghost returned to the state of crying and laughing, and said: "This is the best. If there is a great hero like Zunxian joining Beixi Island, then Beixi Island will no longer be afraid of the Lake of Shame, the Mountain of Sorrow, and the Valley of Fear." , Shanai Waterfall, Juee Cave and Bughai are bullying. It is definitely a blessing for the Island of Sadness and Joy!"

The Crying Devil Laughing Ghost didn't object, and was very willing.

Liu Qianlang's heart brightened, and he was in harmony with his thoughts, so he smiled and said: "Thank you for looking up to me, respect is worse than obedience, no matter whether the island owner of Guidao thinks of Liu Qianlang or not, if you go with you, gaining insight is something you can't wish for. The forty-nine Moon Primordial Spirits of the second birthday were returned to the two honored masters. There are also these primordial spirits, which are of no use to me, so I gave them to you as a thank you for leading the way."

When Liu Qianlang spoke, without waiting for the Laughing Ghost to respond, seven or forty-nine moon spirits and the bottle of spirit had already flown in front of the Laughing Ghost.

"This? Since Venerable Immortal intends to join us on the Island of Sadness and Joy, why should he be so serious, these next birthday Moon Primordial Gods are the same with you!"

The Crying Devil Laughing Ghosts rolled back to back, and one of them tightly cast divine light to cover half of the second birthday Moon Primordial Spirit, eyes full of excitement, but said against their will.

"Hehe, Liu Qianlang has always been fair. You hunted the moon gods for the next birthday, so they should be returned to you. If you can lead Liu Qianlang to the underworld, you have already helped Liu Qianlang. How could Liu Qianlang I will do something to steal the beauty of others again!"

Seeing the other party's funny look, Liu Qianlang laughed.

"No, we also have our share in those next birthday moon gods. When we killed those water soul demons in Huannu Lake, we also fought there!"

Seeing that Liu Qianlang had given all seventy-nine moon spirits and a bottle of spirit to the Crying Devil Laughing Ghost, he immediately raised his head and shouted dissatisfied.

"Bah! Stupid pig! What are you talking about? What do you mean we fought on the spot? It was almost there. We stopped fighting and vomited on each other!"

almost added.

"Bah! You're a stupid pig. What you said is fighting and spitting at each other. Although it's not bad at all, what does it have to do with killing seven or forty-nine shameless lake water soul demons?"

Not bad at all, the two were so angry with each other that they fought again, and the more than three hundred January Gui Chengdan hadn't finished dividing yet. Liu Qianlang probed for a total of three hundred January Guicheng pills, put them into the white jade bottle that had been prepared in his hand, and then put them in his arms.

"Hehe, it's not too soon to divide the ghost into a pill, we should go!" Liu Qianlang smiled slightly, and the crying devil and laughing ghost who was thousands of feet away approached and cried.

"Wow! My grandma's, I'm getting smarter! One for you, one for me, two for you, two for you, one for you, two for you, two for you, three for you, it's over! Hehe!"

Not bad at all and almost heard Liu Qianlang's words, immediately stopped, turned around and counted the ghosts into pills for a month, and the points were finished in two or three times. The two brothers hugged their heads and vomited fiercely, shouting that they had become wiser.

About a day and a night later, Liu Qianlang followed exactly, almost jumped into the endless islands looming in the emerald mist with the Weeping Devil and Laughing Ghost.

There are countless islands with different sizes, and all the islands fluctuate up and down, just like the waves of the sea. Under the archipelago is the bare earth, without any water, but the earth is suddenly turbulent, like liquid. Above the sky, the emerald green is indistinct, and a round of red sun is as light as nothingness.

Among the archipelago, there is an island spinning in the sky, the tallest and largest, with an island palace on it. Five people are galloping towards it at the moment. Liu Qianlang is still riding on the ghost boat, with white hair fluttering around, silver clothes and a golden cloak, drinking fairy wine comfortably, not like entering the birthplace, but like returning home.


When it was more than a hundred miles away from the flying island, the Weeping Devil Laughing Ghost clapped his hands up and down, and suddenly a bright red Li Ling flower bloomed, and with the words of the two of them, he flew away a hundred miles away with a beautiful red line .

"Hey! We're home, my father will definitely praise us for being smart and bring back a genius. Bah!" It's not bad at all, looking forward to see Li Linghua flying away with a beautiful arc of light, he almost took a sip happily.

"Also, we got seven or forty-nine sub-birth moon spirits! Hee hee! Bah!" Almost overjoyed.

"This is Beixi Island Beixi Gate. The island above the sky in front of you is Tiandao, and it is the palace of human demons who are not bad for the chief island master. I have already notified the palace, and someone will come in a while."

Crying Demon Laughing Ghost told Liu Qianlang with a smile and tears.

After a while, he saw a figure wearing a huge half-red and half-green magic robe, stepping on a red-and-green double-headed horned dragon, followed by several strange shadows who were also stepping on snakes.

"Haha, my good son, I miss you so much!" The giant figure in the magic robe brought a gurgling hurricane and stench, and suddenly hugged the crying devil laughing old man and burst into laughter.

Liu Qianlang took the opportunity to see the demon's face clearly, it was half red and half green, with green eyes on the red side and red eyes on the green side, even the nose and mouth were half bright. Liu Qianlang suddenly lost his appetite and took nine wine clouds.

"Island owner, forgive me, you are wrong, we are the second owner of the crying and laughing island!"

The island owner of Tiandao not only hugged the Laughing Ghost, but also kissed the Laughing Ghost frantically, the Laughing Ghost's face was dripping with saliva, Liu Qianlang felt like vomiting when he saw it, and the Laughing Ghost cried out loudly.

"That's right, not bad daddy, you are bad again, we are your precious young master, hehe, bah!"

"Bah! Stupid pig, I need you to remind me, how can my father be so bad, he is the owner of Tiandao, we are standing in the wrong place."

Not bad at all and almost at all scolded each other, stepping on the snake and getting closer, twisting into a ball.

"Wow! Hahaha, woo woo, I said why the smell is wrong, my baby son smells delicious all over. Pop! Pop! Son, you are back! I haven't seen you for two days, I miss you so much, I I don't even want to live anymore!"

Beixidao cried and laughed, with tears in his eyes, one red and one green, and he slapped his mouth, which was exactly and almost, and said.

"Hey, woo woo! Clap!"

Not bad at all and almost almost burst into tears and laughed bitterly, fanning not bad in turn and yelling: "Not bad daddy, we miss you too!"

Seeing such a scene, Liu Qianlang was very surprised, and thought to himself, what is this all about, father and son meet, how can there be such a scene.

But such a scene was still going on, Liu Qianlang was very disgusted, and looked at the four followers of the island master of Beiximen Tiandao. These four people are also tall and mighty, with ferocious faces, one with a snake head, one with a curly head, one with a turtle face, and one with a stern face, and they are all dressed in huge dusty robes. His gaze was as cold as a cone.

Although the appearance is not flattering, there is one thing that makes Liu Qianlang very satisfied, that is, the other party is indifferent and silent.

At this moment, the Crying Devil and Laughing Ghost also stood silently, waiting for the three fathers and sons who abused others to calm down.

After torturing people for a long time, the owner of Tiandao suddenly turned around and laughed: "Haha, I heard that the two island owners of Crying and Laughing Island got seventy-nine sub-birth moon spirits, but is it true?"

The Crying Devil Laughing Ghost hurried forward, offering seventy-nine moon yuanshen of the next birthday, and glanced sideways at the perfect and almost behind Buba, his eyes full of imperceptible resentment.

"Hey! Not bad, Daddy, we are smart, we have sent you a letter to the flying snake a long time ago!" He tilted his head up, shook it around and said, "Xiao Huo, come back!"


I saw a Fire Soul Demon Snake more than a foot long, flying from the sleeve of Tiandao Island Master Bubai to the palm of Mobubai. Exactly stroking gently, like cherishing a baby.

"Hee hee! There's my little water! If you don't come back, I'll hit you!" Another flash of green light flashed, and a little water soul anaconda with emerald green and red eyes flew out from the cuff, and shot almost into the arms inside.


Seeing this, Liu Qianlang secretly exclaimed.

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