Nine Heavens

Chapter 1247: Secret Chamber of Tiandao

Chapter 1247: Tiandao Secret Room

"That's right, the island owner has always hoped that his subordinates will destroy the terrifying power of the Moon Primordial God on the second birthday of Shame and Wrath Lake. This time, thanks to the help of the two young masters, they intercepted and killed seven or forty-nine people who went to the underworld to call the door. The next birthday, the Moon Primordial God, the Water Soul, the Human Demon! And it is so clean, Shame and Nuhu Lake should not know that it was done by the subordinates."

Although Crying Devil Laughing Ghost was angry in his heart, he couldn't help expressing his gratitude for being exactly and almost.

"Well, I hope they don't know that as long as we eliminate the seven 343rd birthday Moon Primordial Gods, Water Souls and Demons, the rest of the forces will be vulnerable, and the day of annexing the Lake of Shame and Wrath will be just around the corner. Then we will be sad Kijima's days as the weakest of the Seven are over.

I don't know which side of the seventy-nine forty-nine demons among the seven sub-birth moon gods of Shame and Nuhu Lake who were killed by the two island owners this time? "

The owner of the Tiandao of Beixi Island, one red and one green, suddenly became abnormally deep, and asked in thought.

"Those who belong to the position of Langwei in the northwest, my subordinates have already found out through investigation that this time, the moon yuan god's trip to the underworld for the position of Langwei in the northwest of the lake was not ordered by grandma of the lake, it was a private action, so their death , the people in the lake of shame and anger probably don't know it at the moment.

Therefore, the subordinates suggested that we should take advantage of the emptiness of the defense in the northwest of the shame and anger lake, and send all the seventeen wolf-backed wolves of Beixi Island to lurk in it, looking for an opportunity to kill the other six sub-birth Moon Primordial God forces. In this way, the island owner's plan is just around the corner! "

The Weeping Devil Laughing Ghost seemed to have thought it all through, and after answering the words of the owner of the Island of Sadness and Joy, he made a suggestion by the way.

"Well! What the two island owners said is indeed not bad, but the Hateful Seventeen-Backed Wolf Force is the fundamental strength of our Beixi Island, and it is really risky to send all of them. How about this, as the leader of the Hate Seventeen-back Wolf, you should think about it first , sent out seven groups, and the other ten groups stayed at Beixi Island, guarding the ten directions. This way there is no worries inside and outside!"

The owner of Beixi Island Tiandao pondered for a moment, turned his eyes to Liu Qianlang, looked up and down, a strange color flashed in his eyes, and then said: "Welcome the Earth Immortal cultivator from the first world!"

"Hehe, how does the island owner know that Liu Qianlang is from the first world?" Liu Qianlang asked with a salute smile.

"Haha, what's so strange about this, because we used to come from the first human world. In the third human world, except for a few monsters from the ancient third world in Bulao Mountain, they all came from the first human world, and they were infiltrated with ghost gold and poison in the second human world." Fallen into the third world.

However, it seems that you are an exception. You are still a righteous monk after breaking into the third world, which is rare! But to tell you something you don't like to hear, you may not be so lucky when you come to the third world. One thing to know is that you are ready to die or kill others at any time.

Interested? Join the Island of Sadness and Joy, and become a human devil saint in the Island of Sadness and Joy, maybe your life will be longer! If you make contributions, you can also upgrade to island leader, rudder master, hall master, or even island master. "

The owner of Tiandao, Beixi Island, sensed that Liu Qianlang turned out to be Yuanshen Moon Yuanshen, he was secretly happy, first threatened, and then bribed Dao.

"Hey! Not bad dad, the genius is amazing, he can count to 10,000, how can he be a saint, at least he has to be a helmsman, and he and I almost live on the same island , help us count at any time."

"That's right. I don't think it's a problem to be the head of the hall. A genius is better than a celestial master who is not inferior to his father!"

The owner of Beixi Island, Tiandao, had just finished speaking, and stepped forward and said exactly.

"Oh? Really! In this case, if Liu Zhengxian is willing to join the Island of Sadness and Joy, the owner of this island will let you be the seventh hall master of Tiandao. If you want to, you can think about it for a few days, don't rush to answer, let's go back to the island , you just stay and play for a few days. If you want to leave then, the owner of this island will send you off."

"Oh!" Liu Qianlang sighed softly, and asked with a smile: "Is this how the island owner can trust Liu Qianlang? Are you not afraid that Liu Qianlang has bad intentions?"

"Oh haha! Liu Zhengxian doesn't even want the supreme treasure of the third world, the next birthday Moon Yuanshen and Gui Chengdan, so does he have any worrying plans?"

The owner of the Tiandao Island of Sadness and Joy laughed loudly, controlling a horned dragon with one red and one green and two heads that was tens of feet long, accompanied by four earth-grey demon-cloaked humans and demons behind him, dragging his two sons from left to right and whizzing away first.

Behind, Liu Qianlang and Weeping Devil Laughing Ghost glanced at each other and followed.

In the end, Liu Qianlang didn't look exactly the same, he almost lived on an island, but was arranged by the owner of Tiandao in a peak hall of Tiandao, and then he seemed to have forgotten Liu Qianlang's existence.

In addition to the eternal emerald green feeling between the sky and the earth, the third world has red sun and blue moon, the sun rises and the sun sets, and the seasons are similar to those in the first world.

The location of the peak hall where Liu Qianlang lived was extremely high, and because Tiandao was originally suspended in the sky, the entire Beixi Islands were within sight.

The island where No Bad and Nearly live is called Almost Island. This island is not floating in the sky, but it is extremely high, only slightly lower than Tiandao, so it is called Almost Island. Almost the island is opposite to the east of Tiandao, the closest to Tiandao.

At this time, it was sunset.

Liu Qianlang sat in the shop, without going out of the house, he could see everything in a radius of thousands of miles outside through the windows of the four outer halls. When I first arrived at the third person's house, I bumped into someone who was almost waiting for me suddenly, and then I suddenly opened the door of Yinyue, and now I suddenly appeared here again. Liu Qianlang thought it was very funny.

So he sipped his fairy wine, thinking about his next steps in the third world

In a secret room of Tiandao Sorrows and Joys Demon Palace.

The owner of Tiandao Island was covered in red and green smoke, and his red and green eyes shone with haze, making it impossible for anyone to see through. He sat on a magic throne carved from emerald green magic stones and surrounded by seven snakes, stroking the lifelike Snake-headed handrail, half-closed eyes, seems to be thinking about something.

Suddenly, in the corner of the airtight secret room, there was no door, no window, not even a single gap, but a figure covered in bright red stepped out strangely.

Yin Hong's figure is crystal clear. Through his equally bright red magic robe, one can clearly see the shining golden heart veins in his body, but he can't understand the gender of Yin Hong's figure, because apart from the golden light heart veins in his body, Everything is constantly changing, tall and low, fat and thin, sometimes stooped, sometimes tall, sometimes bloated, and sometimes graceful.

"Kill Liu Qianlang!"

As soon as Yin Hong's figure appeared, two golden glows shot out from both eyes and pierced into the depths of the owner's eyes of the Island of Sadness and Joy, and said coldly.

"Who are you? How did you come in?" Tiandao Island Master couldn't help but shudder when he heard the voice. He raised his head slightly, glanced up and down at the visitor, and asked coldly.

"Don't care who I am, the important thing is to do this, it's good for you and me. You don't need to be confused, it's not that you deliberately secretly told the undercover agent of Shanu Lake to secretly inform the Northwest Langwei of Shanu Lake, seven seven forty-nine times The birthday moon god, the water soul, the demon, will there be a person with the birthday moon god in the sky?

Then, you used your two sons to pretend to be crazy on purpose, and revealed the whereabouts of people and demons to Weeping Devil and Laughing Ghost seemingly unintentionally.

In order to get seventy-nine sub-birth moon souls, the crying devil and laughing ghost went to hunt them down. Then you arranged for your two sons to pretend to go to the Netherworld, so they met the Weeping Devil and the Laughing Ghost so skillfully, not only can they get seven or forty-nine moon souls of this birthday reasonably after they come back. Moreover, Liu Qianlang, the body of Yuanshen, the most precious Yuanshen Yueyuanshen, was also lured here. Am I right? "

"Haha, that's right. But does it have anything to do with you? Whether I kill Liu Qianlang or not, and when, that's my business." The owner of Beixi Island Tiandao quickly raised his head and laughed.

"I know this is your business, but you have to listen to me. I heard that hating the seventeen-backed wolves is the basic strength of your Beixi Island. I'm sorry, but let me tell you that the seven groups sent by the Weeping Devil and Laughing Ghost are still there. I killed them before reaching the Lake of Shame and Wrath. I have no other intentions, just want to tell you that you have to listen to me in the future. Otherwise, the remaining ten groups?"

Yin Hong's figure and voice are as strange as its body changes.


The owner of Beixi Island Tiandao was not bad, his eyes stared suddenly, obviously surprised, he jumped up with a thud, furious.

"Why be angry, keeping them is nothing but waste. If you kill them, you can get 14 moon spirits of the second birthday. Give it to you! Haven't you already opened the yin door of November? You only need to call the thirteenth month." After the Yin Gate, you can really enter the Nether Hell. But even if you enter the Nether Hell and the low-grade Nether Gate, you are just a small ghost, either a gatekeeper or a ghost worker.

But if you kill Liu Qianlang, with his Yuanshenyue Yuanshen, you can directly enter the gate of the underworld above the middle rank, and you will be appointed as an official and honored as soon as you enter the Nether Hell. Which one is better? Do you still need my teaching? ? "

"Huh! You sound good, this Liu Qianlang is so easy to kill? To be able to defeat the Sun Moon God Tree, the Golden Heart Tree, and to break through here with a human body, the cultivation base has already reached the peak. If I expected it to be true, You can't beat him either!"

The owner of Beixi Island Tiandao is not bad, he snorted coldly and said sarcastically.

"Of course not. Since you are in such a difficult situation, there is another way to go, but it will be a bit longer!" Yin Hong's figure flashed golden eyes.

"What way?"

"Buy him and use him to attack the Mountain of Brutality or the Six Human Demons!"

"The six great demons, the master of this island is imperative, so what's the use of not attacking or not attacking Bulao Mountain?"

"Hmph! Thanks to you being the master of a demon, Bulao Mountain is home to a few fairy gods who have never been in the third world. They are all the gods of the first birthday and the moon, and they originally came from the heaven. But to kill them, only Liu Qianlang can do it later.”

Yin Hong's figure said with some sarcasm.

"You should know that this Liu Qianlang is a righteous spirit. How could he go to Bulao Mountain to kill the righteous fairy god? Besides, why should I believe your words? You were the one who killed Liu Qianlang, and you were the one who asked me to bribe him." , what is your purpose?"

The owner of Beixi Island Tiandao said very disgusted.

"My purpose is very simple. In fact, like you, I want to kill Liu Qianlang and get his Yuanshen Moon Yuanshen. But my ultimate goal is different from yours. I am not interested in Yuanshen Yueshen, but In order to take revenge, I want to use Liu Qianlang's soul power to kill the fairy gods of Bulao Mountain!

The advantage of you helping me is that after I avenge myself, all the Yuanshen, birthdays and moons will belong to you! In this way, you and I are not at a loss! However, just now you said that Liu Qianlang is very powerful. Suddenly I have a better way. That is, you buy Liu Qianlang and find a way to make them kill each other. No matter who dies, you will get benefits. And I relieved the pressure of revenge. "

Yin Hong's figure flashed her eyes and thought for a while and said.

"Okay! I can help you, but you have to help me too. At present, my Beiximen is the weakest among the Seven Demons. You have to help me strengthen my strength and become the leader of the Seven Demons. Only the owner of this island can energy to help you!"

"That's natural, but due to special reasons, I can't show up too much, and I can only help out at critical moments occasionally. If you fulfill your wish, making good use of Liu Qianlang will be your success. I'm leaving, if I think If necessary, it will appear naturally, don’t look for me, you can’t find it either. Also, don’t mention that I’ve been here to anyone. Otherwise I’ll kill you!”

When the two of them were talking, suddenly there was movement outside the dark room, Yin Hong's figure said this, and suddenly disappeared in the corner of the dark room.


Then, there was a bang in another corner of the dark room, and an extremely thick stone door suddenly parted, and then two figures flashed in, one fat and one thin, both staggering.

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