Nine Heavens

Chapter 1248 The Island of Sadness and Joy

Chapter 1248

"Um ho, who is that?"

The two figures that flashed in, thin men like fine hemp stalks, shook, and arrived in front of the owner of the Tiandao Island of Sadness and Joy. He bent over and stretched his long and slender necks, staring at eyes the size of rice grains, seeing the strange and alien Hong Yinger who went to ask the owner of the Tiandao Island of Sadness and Joy.

"Hey, you pig head, you must be a good friend of your father, otherwise why are you sneaking around in the dark room!" The fat figure said, rolling his protruding big green eyes.

"Bah! How can you say that about my father? Our father is not like you. He keeps secrets in everything he does! My friend here must be discussing important matters in the mountain gate!" The thin man retorted.

"Shut up, you two bastards, that's an unexpected visitor. I let you come, do you know why?" the owner of the Tiandao Island of Sadness and Joy rebuked.

"Hee hee! Almost, why dad seems to be unhappy!"

"Bah! It's not bad at all. We should just pretend we didn't see anything. How can we be happy when we ran into some shitty thing about my father?"

"Then what should we do? With that, let's go out and come in again, won't we be able to see nothing?"

"Wow! That's right, I didn't expect that since I met a genius, we have become smarter, and I feel embarrassed. Bah! Let's go out now!"


Not bad at all and almost almost, both of them swayed out, and then happily shouted that they couldn't see anything, and came back.

"You son of a bitch! What am I asking you?"

"Hey! Our father said we are bastards, so what is he?" asked almost happily, jumping up and down with joy.

"Bah! Stupid pig, he must be an old rabbit!" Almost put his hands on his head and started to hop like a rabbit.


The owner of Beixi Island suddenly slapped the emerald snake-headed magic chair, making a loud noise, exactly and nearly stunned by fright, and stopped immediately.

"Hey! Not bad daddy, the genius lied to our primordial spirit, and even gave us a wry laughing ghost!" Said exactly.

"Hee hee! Daddy Rabbit, the genius even broke the vagina of January!" almost added.

"A genius has white hair, white clothes, and a golden cloak, and comes in a small boat."

"A genius is a man, not a woman, and he doesn't wear braids."

"Bah! A genius is not a woman, but a man, and he has no beard."

"Well, have you met anyone other than Liu Qianlang recently, the head of the seventeen-backed wolf who hates you?" The owner of the island of sorrow and joy interrupted the nonsense that was not bad at all , asked.

"Hey, there are two of us! Besides, there is not bad dad!" Not bad at all, he jumped forward and said.

"Bah! In addition to not bad dad, there are many people on the island!" almost pushed away not bad, said with a playful smile.

"Crack! Crack!"

The owner of Beixi Island was furious when he heard the words, jumped up from the magic seat, and slapped each of his two sons with his head, shouting: "I was asking if I saw any strangers!"

"Oh! Hehe, daddy's slap is so warm! There are no strangers, one is the ghost immortal who gave pills in January, and the person from the lake of shame and anger, the others seem to be gone."

Covering his big face, sticking out his tongue, he whimpered.

"Bah! It's not warm, it hurts more than a dog's paw! We are not weeping ghosts, how do we know, don't think it is our father, we are your sons. My mother said, we are fallen from heaven. He came down. It’s not bad at all, let’s go, and I will never help him stare at the Weeping Devil again, and always beat us!”

Almost too thin, he was slapped by the owner of Beixi Island and turned around for a long time before stopping, sad.

"That's right! I remembered it too. My mother said this when I was a child. Why did I forget it. Go! It's almost right, we don't care about this old rabbit anymore!"


Not bad and almost pouted, shaking the fat man away.

At this moment, Liu Qianlang was still sitting in the peak hall, looking at the scene of the Mian Palace of Beixi Island and Islands of Sorrow and Joy Island surrounded by dim green colors outside the hall.

The setting sun in the western sky, red and green, distant and dark, makes the islands with undulating waves look ancient and vicissitudes. Looking at the Islands of Mishaps and Joy. Liu Qianlang suddenly thought of Longyun Mountain, Cangshan Mountain, Heming Mountain, Qiongshan Mountain, etc. in the First World, and the stories that happened in those places.

Liu Qianlang suddenly felt very lonely and lonely, and wanted to enter Moyu Skull or call out his brother Song Zhen, Yuanfang and so on. Yet he refrained. Because in the third world where humans and demons are rampant, any relatives and friends who appear here may lose their lives or turn into demons at any time. This is something I absolutely don't want to see!

Liu Qianlang had already made plans before entering the second human world. This ruthless and cold journey to purgatory in the human world must be completed by himself. In this way, you can not only avoid the danger of your relatives and friends falling into the devil, but also protect yourself from the pain of being hostile to your relatives and friends!

The sunset in the third world finally set, and the sky and the earth suddenly became dark.

Not long after, the dark moon rose slowly in the east, and dots of cold stars flashed in the faint green sky. The night wind blows into the hall, and Liu Qianlang feels a little lonely in the empty hall.

"Shui'er and Yan'er have been practicing Tianwu magic for half a year, and they should have improved a lot. Brothers Song Zhen, Yuan Fang, Miao Yan, and Pa'er, are they all okay? And Meng'er, who has been trapped in the Lost City of Absolute Sun for a long time, Fang'er and Ling'er, how are sisters doing now? By the way, there is also Sui'er."

Thinking of Suier, Liu Qianlang felt inexplicable pain in his heart. It stands to reason that the first time I met her in the boundless hole she set up, I should have hated her, and even killed her, thinking that he was one of the founders and defenders of the five principles of purgatory on earth. But I didn't, not only didn't hate her, but also fell in love with her.

Liu Qianlang asked herself more than once, why? I didn't realize it until I left with you this time, it was because of gratitude! or gratitude. It's just a wave of the Tianling River, which can be pursued by the soul of the god Dongluomei in the heavenly realm and pursued in the lower realm, and will remain steadfast. This kind of gratitude has been engraved in my heart ever since I was graciously gifted by Nuwa Empress to the lower realm.

So after seeing the Seventh Charm, follow her, whether it is her or her soul, that is, my beloved wives. Whether they are good or evil, I like them all. Even if they deviate from the good way, it doesn't matter, I can use good fate to influence them. Even if you can't influence them, let yourself bear all the pain, and you must bring them peace and happiness.


"Ha ha ha ha"

Under the dim moonlight, the evening breeze is cool, and when Liu Qianlang is flying with thoughts, the night wind suddenly brings into the hall the sound of mournful crying, and at the same time, the sound of celebrating and laughing.


Liu Qianlang floated to the window, gazed into the distance, and saw that within a radius of ten thousand li, the tops of many island palaces were full of people. However, the people on the top of each palace are clearly divided into two parts. One part was kneeling and weeping, while the other part was laughing and laughing. This made Liu Qianlang very puzzled.

At this moment, Liu Qianlang saw the fire soul snake and the water soul boa constrictor flying near his peak hall, and immediately used the method of thousands of miles away to ask the two brothers who were several miles away. .

"Haha, Liu Qianlang disturbed the two young masters. Dare I ask what these people are doing, why are some crying and some laughing?"

"Oh! It's a talent! Why, is the Island of Sorrows and Joys bad, staying up so late? What's so strange about this, isn't it called the Island of Sorrows and Joys! That's why some people cry and some laugh."

Not bad at all and almost followed the sound, and found that it was Liu Qianlang, who slowed down the speed, not bad at all.

"Bah! What you said is wrong, stupid pig! Those who laugh are because they were not killed today, and those who cry are because their relatives or friends were killed!"

"Bah! Nonsense, they laughed because they killed others and got the soul. Those who cried were because they didn't get the soul and were killed themselves!" He said exactly.

"You stupid pig, why are you crying when people are dead? They cry because they are stupid, and they can't hunt the soul. They laugh because they robbed other people's souls and killed them."

The two brothers were talking, and then hurried back to almost the island. Although they were talking upside down, Liu Qianlang understood what they meant.

Then, Liu Qianlang waved his sleeves and closed the windows of the palace outside, no matter crying or laughing, he was no longer interested.

"Did you think it would be fine if you hacked the Yinmen of January?"

When Liu Qianlang was walking towards the bed, he suddenly felt a red light flash behind him, and a voice like icicles entered his ears.

"Hehe, you're here so soon. Liu Qianlang has been waiting for you. Since you're here, please sit down." Liu Qianlang was not surprised, and turned around slowly. He saw a slim red figure with a mask on his face. Wearing Dansha woman.

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