Nine Heavens

Chapter 1250 Ruyi Bailing

Chapter 1250 Ruyi Bailing

The Weeping Demon Laughing Ghost cried and laughed evilly, and then countless blood-red Li Ling flowers and golden golden evil bees suddenly remained scattered, like cold stars in the sky, accompanying the Crying Demon Laughing Ghost crying and laughing away.

Under the blue moonlight, in the young master's palace, there were pieces of golden bones scattered all over the floor that were left over from bodies that were almost devoured.

Becoming a golden heart, golden bones and golden veins is the pride of all demons in the third world. Because this means that they are absolutely outstanding existences in the second world. Among the 10,000 first-world monks who entered the second world, it is difficult for one of them to successfully cultivate to become a ghost skeleton with white bones. The heart becomes a heart of gold, and flesh and blood regenerate.

It's not bad at all and almost done it, and the owner of the island of sorrow and joy, not bad and their mother, have also done it. Under the ruthless principles of the second world, this is a miracle.

But what's the use? Now, all of them died under the hands of the Weeping Devil and Laughing Ghost, and they didn't even have the chance to fall into a devil and become a ghost.

But who would have known that the exact and the almost were once the young and handsome odd men in the first world. The future of their magnificent struggle was originally destined for the Nine Heavens. At this moment, it turned into a dead bone.

When they were dying, did they still remember their original intention? Or because of their rebirth of flesh and blood, they changed their hideous faces and were no longer their former selves. I don't know if they have thought about this, but Liu Qianlang thought so.

Liu Qianlang didn't know what their names were and which era they entered the third world. But in the dark hall, among the piles of broken golden bones, the thick purple Huanxin Bead shone under the moonlight, which strongly stimulated Liu Qianlang's heart and soul.

Not bad at all and not bad at all, turned out to be a disciple of the Xuanling Sect of the Twelve Shocking Heaven Peaks in Longyun Mountain, the number one human being in the past, and the best disciple of the Drilling Seat, and a senior fellow Taoist of his own inexplicable age! ? This made Liu Qianlang really unexpected.

Liu Qianlang bowed deeply, no matter what, the other party was once his senior, and seemed to be much higher than the old master Bing Po.

After giving the ceremony, Liu Qianlang turned around suddenly, wanting to kill the crying devil and laughing ghost to avenge the exact and almost.

"You need to be patient to fight against a madman, and the entry is to make the cloud open!"

However, just as Liu Qianlang turned around, that slim red figure flashed past the window of the young master's palace, left behind these words and a flash of white light, and then disappeared.

Liu Qianlang flew out of the window in seconds, but he didn't see the red figure again. Except for the faint lingering fragrance in his nose, his powerful spiritual sense couldn't feel her whereabouts. Who is the other party? To the other party, the invisibility technique of his own level is useless? Why did she remind herself not to kill and cry and laugh at devils?

In an instant, many questions appeared in Liu Qianlang's mind.

That white light? Liu Qianlang suddenly remembered that when the red figure passed by the window of the palace like lightning, he raised his hand and threw it towards the white light in the palace. So he turned around and flew back to the palace again.

The two piles of gold bones that were not bad at all and those that were almost there were still there, but a white Ruyi Bailingzhi about half a foot long was placed on top of the two piles of gold bones.

The golden bones of the surrounding Jiufang Yinhen carrying wolves were taken away by the Weeping Demon and Laughing Ghost.

Ruyi Bai Ganoderma has mysterious and beautiful halos in circles, like the ripples of a beautiful lake, spreading magically in the light blue moonlight and the unique green hue of the third world, like a white lotus blooming.

It's so mysterious that it makes people feel distressed.

Ruyi Bai Lingzhi? Liu Qianlang floated down into the hall in amazement, but of course he still turned into a thin cloud to hide. In any case, at this moment, I cannot be charged with killing the islanders.

Liu Qianlang was very surprised when he landed more than ten feet away from the Ruyi Bailingzhi. The Ruyi Bailingzhi in front of him was full of glowing light, obviously it was picked not long ago. But Liu Qianlang traveled all the way, not to mention such a righteous Ganoderma lucidum, he has never seen even an ordinary grass. So where did the red figure of Ruyi Bailingzhi come from? By throwing this thing here, she was obviously planting it for the owner of this wishful white Ganoderma lucidum. So who is the owner of Ruyi Bailingzhi?

Liu Qianlang had more and more doubts in his mind, and leaned forward, wanting to pick up Ruyi Bai Lingzhi and take a good look at it. Suddenly feeling a huge hurricane with a stench coming, Liu Qianlang knew who was coming, and immediately floated into the air.

"Haha, haha, good son, just now daddy had a bad attitude, so he came to make amends to you!" A loud laugh came from far above the sky.

"Ah!? My good son! Wow, Bulaoshan Ruyi Bailing! You actually killed the son of the owner of this island, and I will never end with you! Hmm!"

However, a moment later, when the owner of Beixi Island was about to fall, there was a roar of fury, he grabbed Ruyi Bailingzhi, swallowed it into his stomach, howling strangely. Then he screamed heart-piercingly.

"Mountain of Immortality?"

Liu Qianlang doubted in his heart, and listened to Suier tell him that Mount Blessing was the only place for righteous monks in the third world, and it was also the place where his mentor Xiang Yunzi stayed in his previous life. Suddenly, I heard that the owner of Beixi Island swallowed Ruyi Bailingzhi and scolded Bulaoshan Ruyi Bailing. Immediately understood the intention of the red shadow woman, the other party wanted to frame Bulaoshan.

Liu Qianlang couldn't help being angry for a while, and the previous impression that the red figure was not bad was wiped out, and he immediately set it up as a poisonous monster like a snake and scorpion, secretly vowing not to let his plot succeed.

However, in this situation, it is inconvenient for Liu Qianlang to expose his conspiracy, so all he has to do is to find a reason to explain the nasty behavior of the Weeping Devil Laughing Ghost and the Red Shadow Girl when the palace visits the owner of the Island of Sadness and Joy the next day. .

Liu Qianlang thought for a moment, controlled the ghost boat, and fled back to the residence in an instant. Through the window, he could hear the wailing sound of the island owner of the almost happy island. However, from another angle, there was also a mournful cry from the Yinhenbeilang Palace where the Weeping Devil and Laughing Ghost lived.

Cries from two directions pierced the silence of the night. Because these two angles used to be laughter at night, but now there is a sudden cry, and it is the cry of the island owner of the Island of Sadness and Hate Seventeen North Wolves.

The entire Sorrows and Joys Islands were shocked. Everyone stood on the top of their own island palace, forgetting their own happiness or sorrow, listening intently to the cries from these two directions. Then I made all kinds of guesses in my heart, thinking that the foreign demons had invaded, and the high-level internal strife.

Liu Qianlang knew why the owner of the Island of Sadness and Joy was crying, but he was very puzzled by the appearance of the Crying Devil and Laughing Ghost. It can be said that they have gained a lot tonight, and now someone has taken the blame for it, why are they crying? Do you want to bear the wolf for Jiufang's hatred? How can it be! Liu Qianlang smiled wryly, and then didn't bother to think about it. He floated cross-legged on the bed, closed his mind and closed his soul, and entered a state of rest.

In the early morning of the next day, Liu Qianlang stood in front of the window early, watching the sunrise in the third world, thinking about something, and then quietly waiting for the summoning of the owner of the Island of Sadness and Joy.

Because such a big thing happened, it is impossible for the island owner of Beixi Island not to be alert and suspicious of himself as an outsider. After all, the owner of Beixi Island saw Ruyi Bailingzhi, but he didn't see Ruyi Bailing himself in the legend of Bulaoshan.

Sure enough, as Liu Qianlang expected, a man in a black magic robe who stepped on a snake floated from the main hall of the Palace of Sadness and Joy, high in the sky, and soon after.

"The Lord of the Seventh Hall of the Earth Soul has seen the honored guest, and the island master respectfully invites the honored guest into the hall!"

The visitor was completely black, including his face and facial features, and even the snake that was several feet long was as black as ink. Liu Qianlang couldn't distinguish his eyes, nose and ears, only saw two jet-black pupils covering him.

"Hehe, the Seventh Hall Master of the Laotu Soul is here to deliver a letter, please come back, Liu Qianlang tidy up, and then go."

Liu Qianlang examined the other party with his spiritual sense, and the other party also analyzed Liu Qianlang for a while, then turned around. In Liu Qianlang's psychic eyes, he could clearly see the golden bones, golden heart, and golden veins in the opponent's body, and inside the soul gate, the next day and the moon hung high, and the human soul's three souls, seven souls, and seven souls were full of golden light and poison. He is an out-and-out hard-core monster with terrifying strength.

The reason why Liu Qianlang was not in a hurry to go to the main hall of Beixi Island with the Seventh Hall Master of Earth Soul was because he had been watching Yinhenbeiwolf Palace, and the Weeping Devil Laughing Ghost never showed up.

The Crying Devil and Laughing Ghost didn't show up, Liu Qianlang didn't plan to go, and the Crying Devil and Laughing Ghost wasn't there, what Liu Qianlang wanted to say was meaningless.

Liu Qianlang kept waiting, and an hour passed quickly, but the Weeping Devil Laughing Ghost still did not show up. Liu Qianlang was startled suddenly, and then realized that the other party must be waiting for him.

If the owner of Beixi Island sent someone to summon him, but he still didn't go, it means that he has a ghost in his heart. The owner of Beixi Island will naturally suspect that he has something to do with the death of his son yesterday, and even suspect that he is Ruyi Bai Ling!

Such a result was exactly what the Weeping Devil Laughing Ghost expected. How could he wish that he had gone to the Palace of Sadness and Joy earlier. And it seems that he is waiting for them to show up, so he will not go to the Palace of Sadness and Joy until he sees himself.

Thinking of this, Liu Qianlang waved his giant sleeve, and in an instant, his phantom controlled a silver boat and shot it into the sky, and flew towards the palace of sorrow and joy, which is as high as ten thousand zhang.

A moment later, just as Liu Qianlang guessed, the Weeping Devil Laughing Ghost was dotted with a few crimson Li Ling flowers, escorted by a few Golden Evil Bees, and rolled into the sky.


Liu Qianlang let out a sneer, then turned into a thin cloud and chased after him.

After the Chazhan Kung Fu, the Weeping Devil and Laughing Ghost appeared in the main hall of the Palace of Sadness and Joy. The seat was empty, only the four hall masters, Sun, Moon, Wood and Earth, also sat on the left and right. The other positions are filled with the island owners of each island.

The Crying Demon and Laughing Ghost is the head of the Seventeen Backed Wolves, and the largest sub-island owner of the Crying and Laughing Island. His status is higher than that of all the hall masters and sub-island owners present. He is no different from the owner of the Sorrowful and Happy Island. , just nodded in response to the greetings from the four hall masters and the sub-island masters present.

Then, without waiting for the owner of the Island of Sadness and Joy to ask, he glanced around the hall with a rainbow of eyes, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, and then he said sadly: "The owner of the island should be the master of the wolf palace! The wolves were all attacked by the Mountain of Immortality! The wolves on the backs of the nine directions have all fallen, and I escaped the catastrophe because I went deep into the secret room at the bottom of the island to practice. Island owner, please see!"

The crying devil and the laughing ghost took out a pure white Ganoderma lucidum from the sea of ​​sleeves and pushed it to the high place.


Looking at the jade-like ganoderma lucidum in his hand, the owner of the island of sorrow and joy was not bad, and he was furious, screaming strangely:

"It's not old mountain again. I said how did the owner of this island hear your crying and laughing from Yinhenbeiwolf Palace last night? Unexpectedly, you were also killed by Ruyi Bailing of Bold Mountain!"

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