Nine Heavens

Chapter 1251 Hall Master of the Golden Soul

Chapter 1251 Golden Soul Hall Master


"Yeah heh—"

"Could it be that people from Mount Immortal also appeared in Tiandao?"

The Crying Demon Laughing Ghost glanced left and right at the surrounding hall masters and sub-island owners of the islands. Judging from their nervous expressions, they must have known what happened on the almost island last night, but they deliberately asked Tiandao.

"Huh? Didn't the two island owners hear anything last night?" the island owner of Sad and Happy Island frowned and glanced at the Weeping Devil Laughing Ghost before stopping his roaring.

"Crying demons and laughing ghosts should be damned, but they went deep into the bottom of the island to practice last night. In fact, they didn't know anything about last night. They didn't come out until the end of the exercise just now. It's a shame that the nine wolves have turned into golden bones, and this golden bone appeared. Ruyi Bai Lingzhi. Therefore, it is concluded that Bulaoshan did it. The situation is serious, and the subordinates dare not delay, so they immediately get up and report, and ask the island owner to make a decision."

The Weeping Devil Laughing Ghost had already thought up his speech, and explained it very frankly.

"That's not right. Last night, the owner of this island heard the cries and laughter of you crying demons and laughing ghosts on Yinhenbeilang Island. Could it be you?" The island owner of Beixi Island is not bad. The son has always been at odds. Even if they hadn't killed the two young masters, they would still have the suspicion of dying, so they were very picky about the loopholes in the other party's words.

Hearing the words, the Crying Devil Laughing Ghost felt ruthless in his heart, but he said: "The owner of the island should understand his subordinates. Even if his subordinates go deep into the bottom of the island to practice, they will arrange for the defense of the island. Last night, he cried on the island of "Hateful Wolf" The sound of laughter is the maze that Jiu Fang pretended to come to protect the island for me with the wolf on his back.

This is often the case with subordinates in the past. Unfortunately, Yinhenbeilangdao was attacked by Bulao Mountain just last night, and not only Jiufang Yinhenbeilang, but also all the saints of Yinhenbeilangdao died! It can be seen that the opponent's goal is obviously to slaughter the most powerful fundamental strength of Beixi Island, the Hate Seventeen Back Wolf! Except that their subordinates survived by luck, they obviously succeeded! "


The owner of Sad and Happy Island roared again when he heard this! Immediately denied his doubts about the Weeping Devil, and thought of that mysterious red figure. I thought to myself, could it be her? The other party killed Qi Fang Yin Hate and Back Wolf just to demonstrate to himself and threaten him to do something against Bulaoshan. And just at this time, the Bulaoshan Ruyi Bailingzhi incident occurred. Bulaoshan had never committed any crime against Beixi Daoqiu in the past, so why did he suddenly attack him?

If it was her, how did she get the Bulaoshan Ruyi Bailingzhi? In the third world, there is only a place where there is a righteous spirit and mysterious space in Bulao Mountain, and only there are spiritual flowers and rare herbs. In particular, Ruyi Bailingzhi is said to be an object entrusted by the immortal hand of Ruyi Bailing Seven Realms to the Immortal Baoling Mountain. How could it have fallen into the hands of the red figure?

There is only one explanation, that is, the red figure and Bulao Mountain are in the same group. But in this way, wouldn't the actions of the red figure be self-contradictory? Since he is a person from the Mountain of Immortality, why would he allow himself to attack the Mountain of Eternity?

Although the owner of Beixi Island was angry, he squinted his eyes and thought a lot in a flash, and then calmed down. Then he said: "Crying Devil, Laughing Ghost, please take a seat. Although Tiandao was fine last night, the two young masters of Tiandao almost did."

The owner of the Island of Sorrows and Joys is not bad, and in his words of grief and indignation, he couldn't bear to tell the story of the killing of the two young masters, but he finally said it.


The four hall masters of the sun, moon, wood and earth and the seventy-nine forty-nine island masters present, especially the four hall masters, finally understood the reason why the fire hall master and the water hall master were almost absent. . Everyone in the room was shocked. They only knew that accidents happened on the Langlang Island and Almost Island last night, but they didn't expect such a big thing to happen.

Although there were people dying and crying every day on Beixi Island, those who died were all the result of going out of the island to hunt for the territory of the other six demons and being slaughtered. But this time, someone came to the Beixi Islands at night to kill people, and the one who killed was the most powerful Hateful Seventeen Wolves on Beixi Island.

Even the two young masters were killed. The other party is going to destroy the Island of Sadness and Joy. Can everyone here not be shocked? Hearing that the hand was moved by Bulao Mountain, I found it even more inconceivable. There was a commotion in the hall for a while, and everyone talked about it.

The owner of the Island of Sadness and Joy frowned with red and green eyebrows, and did not restrain everyone from discussing, but kept staring outside the shop door. He still suspected another person in his heart, this person was a monk in the inexplicable realm of the Earth Immortal of the Eighty-eight Sixty-Four Immortal Rings. Only this person is the most likely to have contacts with Bulaoshan. Because they all belong to the righteous line.

"Master of the Seventh Hall of the Earth Soul, have you invited Liu Zhengxian?" Liu Qianlang was never seen, and the owner of the Island of Sadness and Joy was not bad. Lord Heiqiu asked.

"Reporting to the island lord, this subordinate has already left an hour ago. Liu Zhengxian said at that time that he would arrive later. For some reason, it has been in the future. Why don't you go there again?"

The Seventh Hall Master of Earth Soul got up and reported back.

"Okay! Then I will trouble the Master Seven again!" The master of the Island of Sadness and Joy nodded upon hearing this.

"The Lord of the Island doesn't need to bother you anymore. Liu Qianlang has already been waiting outside the palace. Because he is from outside the island, he dare not trespass into the palace, so he has been waiting outside the palace for a long time to obey orders."

As soon as the voice of the island owner of Beixi Island fell, Liu Qianlang's hearty echo came from outside the hall.

"Oh! It's really a sin. The owner of this island didn't know that Liu Zhengxian had already arrived, so hurry up and invite him into the palace!" Hearing this, the owner of Beixi Island was shocked, and secretly sighed at the strength of the other party's breath-holding technique. Knowing each other, I can't feel the existence of the other party at all.

In the seat, there were two other people with different expressions, and that was the Weeping Demon Laughing Ghost. The Crying Devil and Laughing Ghost was puzzled for a while, the two clearly saw that the other person came to the Palace of Sadness and Joy first, how could they arrive after their own? Otherwise, what happened last night can be given to him as a "gift" in person.

"Island owner is polite, thank you! Liu Qianlang offended!"

As soon as Liu Qianlang finished speaking, people drifted in.


All the hall masters in the entire hall, the island master saw Liu Qianlang, with his white hair slightly lifted, his steady gait, his handsome appearance in a golden cloak, and his resolute and handsome face, his eyes were as clear as a pool, and they all praised him .

"Liu Zhengxian, please take your seat!" The owner of Beixi Island was not bad, he never got up, squinted his eyes and leaned over to look at Liu Qianlang, silent for a moment, and pointed to the third of the seven hall masters of the sun, moon, gold, wood, water, fire and earth, the Golden Hall Master , motioning Liu Qianlang to sit down.

Liu Qianlang glanced sideways, and naturally knew that the position should be one of the high positions in the palace, so he couldn't help but intentionally or unintentionally glanced at the crying demon opposite him and said: "The owner of the island is too polite, Liu Qianlang is sad and happy when he first comes. The archipelago has no merit at all, how could it be so self-respecting, Liu Qianlang is better off sitting here."

Liu Qianlang was talking, walked towards the last person in the hall, then stood behind the seat and saluted and sat down.

"Haha, Liu Zhengxian is really a polite person, it doesn't matter, it's up to you. I wonder if Liu Zhengxian slept well last night? Did you hear any movement outside the peak hall?"

The owner of Beixi Island is not bad, his eyes follow Liu Qianlang to his seat, and he asks in a probing tone.

"Thank you for your concern, the owner of the island. Liu Qianlang slept well last night. But at the beginning, I heard and saw people with wry smiles on many islands. Although it is strange, but Liu Qianlang is a visitor from outside the island, so it is inconvenient. Close the windows and doors, close your mind and soul, and rest until dawn."

Liu Qianlang originally wanted to tell the truth about the assassination of the Weeping Devil and Laughing Ghost last night, but after thinking about it again and again, he changed his mind and temporarily made up a lie.

The owner of Beixi Island didn't hesitate to hear the words, and couldn't say anything wrong, and then asked: "Yesterday, the owner of the island invited Liu Zhengxian to join Beiximen, I wonder if I can consider it?"

"Respect the island owner's sincerity, Liu Qianlang has nowhere to go, the island owner is willing to take him in, why does Liu Qianlang need to think about it, if the island owner does not give up, Liu Qianlang is willing to share the island owner's worries from now on!"

Liu Qianlang got up to salute, glanced at the crying ghost who was peeking at him, and said.

The eyes of the six eyes met suddenly, and each of them guessed some of the other's thoughts in an instant.

"Okay! Enough refreshment! All hall masters, sub-island masters! You are called here today, and there are two major events to announce! The first one is the Ruyi Bailingzhi incident last night. Last night, I almost went to the island and Yinhenbeilang Island. They were all massacred by the Blessing Mountain, and left this wishful white ganoderma to demonstrate to us on Beixi Island. How can Beixi Island tolerate such a bad temper, so the owner of this island decided to attack Bulao Mountain in a month, so during this time, everyone The master and sub-island master step up their practice!

The second thing, since Liu Zhengxian has joined our Beiximen, the island master will appoint him as the third hall master of the golden soul! It just so happened that the former head of the Golden Soul Hall died, and there is still a vacancy. Liu Zhengxian is the root of the Golden Spirit Immortal, and it is the most suitable. Haha, Liu Zhengxian, please take a seat! "

The owner of Beixi Island is not bad, and once again pointed to the actions of the third hall master of the golden soul, let Liu Qianlang take the seat.

"Respectfully invite the three masters of the Golden Soul!" Everyone around shouted in unison.

"Haha. Good! Respect is worse than obedience! Liu Qianlang agrees for the time being. He will make great achievements in the future, and he will never dishonor the throne of the third hall master of the Golden Soul."

Liu Qianlang had already made a plan in his heart, no matter how sincere the other party was, he first thanked the owner of Beixi Island, and then returned the salute to all the guests one by one, and then walked into the throne of the third hall master of Golden Soul.

Everyone present felt a little strange about the sudden decision made by the owner of Beixi Island and the change of Liu Qianlang's attitude before and after. Although they congratulated Liu Qianlang on their lips, they were really dissatisfied in their hearts. Liu Qianlang is just a person from outside the island who has only been here for a day, and every time the Island of Sadness and Joy undergoes drastic changes, he should be very wary of this person. How could he be given such an important position as the third hall master of the Golden Soul?

Therefore, after Liu Qianlang sat down, the atmosphere in the Palace of Sadness and Joy was a bit strange, and everyone was silent.

The owner of Beixi Island, Bubai, seemed to have expected such embarrassment, and immediately ordered people to serve immortal wine and delicacies, inviting everyone to drink and have fun. The atmosphere soon became active again.

Next, the owner of Beixi Island talked and joked a lot with everyone, but he never mentioned the death of the two young masters and the killing of Jiufang Yinhen and the wolf. It's like forgetting.

A faint red figure on the top of the Palace of Sadness and Joy has been watching Liu Qianlang silently. What she is most worried about is that Liu Qianlang will say that the weeping devil and laughing ghost slaughtered the two young masters. However, she was relieved at this moment, and she threatened the owner of Beixi Island just now to make Liu Qianlang the third hall master of the Golden Soul.

Liu Qianlang sensed this red figure, and sensed what she wanted her to do, and acted according to her wishes.

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