Nine Heavens

Chapter 1253 Colorful Ribbon

Chapter 1253 Colorful Ribbon

Late at night is the time of excitement for the conspirators.

Not long after Liu Qianlang and Long Er left, the Golden Soul Palace turned its back towards the Wolf Palace hundreds of miles away, and there were many bright red and golden stars shining strangely. The two-color starbursts were very weak and far away in the dim moonlight at first, but as they continued to fly closer, they became clearer and clearer.

Spirit flower, golden evil bee?

On Golden Soul Island, some human-monster saints who were in charge of night watch on the shore of Western Island were very surprised when they saw the visitor clearly. Visiting late at night, I don't know why?"

"Kill you!"

The tumbling body of the Weeping Demon Laughing Ghost passed by these night watchmen and demons. Before these demons could figure out the situation, they were sucked into mummified corpses by the Li Linghua'er and Golden Evil Bee whistling along with them, and then crumbled to pieces. up.


"Yeah heh—"

The Crying Devil Laughing Ghost cries coldly, laughs viciously, and his voice is not loud, but it is penetrating. In just an hour, all the ordinary human and demon forces on Golden Soul Island had been slaughtered.

Now, the Crying Demon Laughing Ghost was galloping toward the two courtyards not far apart from the outer city of Golden Soul Palace. During the gallop, the overwhelming Li Linghua and Golden Evil Bee had already sealed off the two courtyards.

There are two courtyards, one east and one west, and in the east courtyard live the two deputy hall masters of the third hall master of the golden soul, red and green. And in the western courtyard lived five Yuanshen hunters from Golden Soul Island, Jinhun Leitian.

The Weeping Ghost fell into the eastern courtyard. There was no one in the courtyard, but when the Crying Devil shot into the room and came out amidst the bright red Liling flowers, he suddenly saw the emerald green Seven people stood on the roof. Two of them are Chimang Lufei, while the other five are actually Golden Soul Raising the Sky.

"Would the host of the Island of Hate and Back Wolf be so willing to kill us?" Chi Mang said with a salute, his whole body was covered with more than a foot of blood-red disordered grass, the grass tips were sharp and glaring, shining with an evil light.

"Don't kill you, and keep you to report to the island owner of Tiandao? I am not an idiot for carrying a wolf with hatred. You must have known that we deliberately leaked secrets to the Northwest Langwei Water Soul of Shame Lake. The third hall master of the golden soul led you to raid them. Therefore, I must kill you to silence the wolf."

Crying Demon Laughing Ghost pays attention to the surrounding situation vigilantly, the most worrying thing is that he has been watching Liu Qianlang leave and come back again. But not yet.

"Hehe, the third hall master of the Golden Soul has been dead for several months, have we gone to inform?" Lu Fei, who was also covered with messy grass outside her body, laughed.

"Why is this? I really can't figure it out. After such a long time, I have no chance to do anything, and you guys don't inform me!"

"The reason is very simple. We can't hide from your killing if we tell the truth. If we don't tell the truth, we will wait until you kill us. We will die anyway. So we take a gamble. .We are still staying on Golden Soul Island, but we are at our mercy."

"Oh! This is a good thing, how can I trust you, don't you have a new hall master, why are you still like this?" Hearing the words, the crying demon and laughing ghost hesitated to kill the seven demons, his eyes narrowed tightly. Because now, except for himself, the seventeen-backed wolf who hates him has fallen, and he has become a lonely family, and he really needs help.

Seeing the hesitant eyes of the Crying Demon and Laughing Old Man, Chimang Lufei and Jinhun Leitian all had hideous smiles on their ferocious faces, and their hanging hearts slowly let go.

"We didn't report you to the island owner, that's the first! To survive, this is the second. We don't like Xintang Lord, this is the third. And the fourth, we feel that we will soon respect and hate the wolf island owner You will become the owner of Tiandao, the island of sorrow and joy. There is a way that those who know the current affairs are heroes, and good birds choose good trees to live in! What do you think!"

"Greetings to the Island Lord of Yinhenbeilang! We are willing to take refuge in Yinhenbeilangisland, and together we will help the islandmaster complete his great cause of dominating the Island of Sadness and Joy!"

The seven people looked around at each other, and immediately knew each other, and knelt down to recognize the Lord.

The Crying Devil Laughing Ghost was silent for a while, thinking that the seven people watched him slaughter Golden Soul Island just now, and they were here, so it is impossible not to know. But he didn't make a move, and he didn't call Liu Qianlang back. He really attached himself sincerely. So nodded.

"You are not stupid. I hate the wolf and I need people like you. If so, how can I hate the wolf and kill my brother? However, how are you going to explain what happened tonight to Liu?"

The Crying Devil Laughing Ghost has not finally decided to let the other party go, and wants to hear the other party's answer before making a choice.

"Hehe, it is natural to say that Ruyi Bailing went to the Beixi Islands again at night in an attempt to destroy the Golden Soul Island. Fortunately, Lindao Yinhen betrayed the owner of Langlang Island and saved the entire island from the danger of death."

Chimang Lufei exchanged glances, Chimang smiled.

"Well, not bad! But how can Ruyi Bailing come here and just kill some low-level people? Do you two think this is reasonable?" The crying devil and laughing ghost looked viciously at the five who were holding the green awn python horn blade. A golden soul beating the sky.

"Of course it's reasonable, Lord Master, please take a look!"


Chimang and Lufei said in unison, and then evil smoke bubbling all over his body, Chimang's body was suddenly covered with chaotic grass like snakes, countless evil snakes elongated strangely, like hair, shining cold smoke and ice light, piercing into the bodies of the five Golden Soul Raiders .

The same is true for Lu Fei. In an instant, two clouds of smoke, one red and one green, rose alternately, enveloping the five people of Golden Soul Beating the Sky in an instant, and heard a dull sound of collapse in the next second.


The five golden souls smashed into the sky, their ferocious faces twisted for a while, and then they were stabbed to death by the chaotic grass evil snake shot by the red and green green dragon. Then they saw five golden primordial spirits floating out of the mixed red and green smoke, and the smoke floated with unbelievable facts.


"Yeah heh—"

"Sure enough, the book "Hate and Bear the Wolf" will go first. With your material, I don't need to say anything. You can rest assured. The owner of this island is not a stingy person. The five metal souls are given to you. In addition, here are two moon spirits for the second birthday, and I will give them to you too!"

The Crying Demon Laughing Ghost watched the two clouds of grass mist slowly dissipate, crying and laughing triumphantly, and then rolled away surrounded by the blossoming Li Linghua and the buzzing Golden Evil Bee.

In the back, Chimang Lufei tightly clutched a second birthday moon spirit, tears welling up in her eyes.

In Golden Soul Lake, Liu Qianlang and Long'er were floating on the winding body of a huge dragon in the lake. The two were not in a hurry to take the treasures from the golden dragon, but were negotiating.

"Wow! Such a big golden dragon, now my mother and I are having sex, hee hee! But it's all mine, don't move!" The little golden dragon stared at the golden dragon scales all over his body, and his two barking golden eyes gleamed with golden light sigh.

"Hehe, that can't be done. Didn't you say yes, after you have enough, give me some?" Liu Qianlang's eyes were not on the golden dragon, but looking around at the Golden Soul Lake where the golden mist was confused , Divine consciousness has been paying attention to everything in the entire Golden Soul Island.

"That's what I said before I came here. Now I've changed my mind. This golden dragon is too valuable. I want it intact. You are not allowed to move it."

Long'er was still chewing Tianfang Dan, but he said unreasonable words.

"Then, just give me a piece of dragon scale head office?" Liu Qianlang was so pitiful that he begged.

"No way! Hmph!" Long Er refused.

"Hehe, Long'er is so domineering, this is fine, if you can't take it away, I'll ask for the head office." Liu Qianlang looked at Long'er's serious look, and said with a smile.

The two of you talked to each other for a long time, but Liu Qianlang just didn't want to return to the Golden Soul Palace prematurely, because he knew that the Crying Devil Laughing Ghost was busy with something. However, Long'er was very worried that Liu Qianlang, a big man, would rob her of her treasures, his eyes were full of seriousness.

Seeing Liu Qianlang looking around, he became even more convinced that the white-haired uncle in front of him was about to rob him, so he suddenly became very angry and snorted angrily.

Then the two little golden hands pulled together suddenly, and a colorful ribbon appeared between the hands, and then the small body was as nimble as a swallow, floating in the sky with colorful arcs of light.

"Get away, I'll let you grab me, I'm so mad!"

Long Er yelled sweetly, shaking the colorful silk in his hand, the colorful silk suddenly became tens of thousands of feet long, and then suddenly shot into the Golden Soul Lake, the next moment, the ten-thousand-foot golden dragon was suspended by the colorful silk controlled by the little Longer. high altitude.


Liu Qianlang controlled the ghost boat to float at another angle of ten thousand feet high, looking at the golden dragon dangling in front of him thousands of feet away, he sighed in surprise.

"Chaos Colorful Ribbon!?"

Liu Qianlang blurted out, what is her background? How could there be a legendary treasure in the time of the primordial immortal god in the legendary chaotic time and space? Could it be that she is the original fairy god? Liu Qianlang was stunned for a moment.

"Hmph! Well, I promise to give you a piece of dragon scale! Help me, it's so big, where can I put it?" When Liu Qianlang was stunned, Long'er saw that Liu Qianlang didn't talk to him. He grabbed it by himself, but he didn't move his body, but suddenly found that although Jinlong was good, there was nowhere to put it. The Qiankun bag that mother gave her couldn't fit it, and she couldn't shrink it herself.

"Hehe, I've passed it, I'll give it all to you, I don't want it anymore!" Liu Qianlang couldn't help laughing again when he heard the other party's words and knew the other party's embarrassment. Said deliberately.

"No, you can, but you must help me! Otherwise, I will never end with you!" Long Er said domineeringly, holding Colorful Ribbon with both hands.

"Ha ha."

Liu Qianlang laughed out loud, sensing in his consciousness that the Crying Devil Laughing Ghost had left Golden Soul Island, flew towards the lovely Long'er, then reached out and grabbed it, saying: "Little!"

Immediately, the mighty golden dragon turned into a small dragon that was more than an inch long and flew to Liu Qianlang's palm, and the little golden dragon lay on Liu Qianlang's palm. Glittering golden, it looks magical under the blue moonlight.

"Wow! You are so amazing! Thank you!" Long Er caught the golden dragon and threw it into a very low-grade universe bag of his own. I'm afraid that Liu Qianlang will ask for a piece of dragon scale.

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