Nine Heavens

Chapter 1254

Chapter 1254: Snake and Turtle

"Long'er's colorful silk is really good, but is this Qiankun bag?" Liu Qianlang watched Long'er put Qiankun into his arms carefully, patted it, and took the colorful silk, very happy, said.

"Hmph! Be envious, but envy is also in vain. My mother said, this colorful silk was born with me. When I was born, it turned into a colorful lotus to wrap me. After I was born, she became It has become a colorful damask and protects me. No one can summon it, not even my mother, only I can. From now on, don’t make fun of my Qiankun bag, it was given to me by my mother, and it is my most precious thing.”

Hearing this, Liu Qianlang was moved for a while, thinking that this child is quite filial, and treats such a low-quality Qiankun bag as a treasure. Quickly changed his mind and said: "But this Qiankun bag is really beautiful, and it is embroidered with pictures, can you show me?"

"Hee hee! Looks good, no! No one is allowed to see it except me." Long Er refused with a pout.

"Hey! It seems that I will only suffer if I am with you. Let's go back. You can see how ugly the Golden Soul Lake below is without the golden dragon. The lake is as black as a black hole."

Liu Qianlang controlled the ghost boat, and Long'er stood beside him, flying towards the darkened Golden Soul Lake.

"Haha, haha, the moonlight is good tonight. We have come to Golden Soul Lake, so why rush back?" There was a burst of laughter from the bottom of Soul Lake, and then I looked down and saw four huge and hideous faces on the lake below the lake.

A snake head, a curly face, a turtle face, and a turtle face in four colors of red, purple, black and orange.

"Oh! The Four Great Protectors of Beixi Island and Tiandao are at the bottom of the lake? How scary!" Long Er blinked, saw the four ferocious faces clearly, and looked up at Liu Qianlang.

However, Liu Qianlang was very happy to see the four of them, and asked with a smile: "The four guardians of Tiandao don't stay in the Palace of Sadness and Joy to protect the owner of Tiandao, why are they so interested in coming to my Golden Soul Island and Golden Soul Lake? Can I I'm not as interested as you guys, excuse me!"

Liu Qianlang called out Fang Jiuyun, didn't want to stay, raised his head and continued to control the ghost boat.

"Oh! The third hall master of the golden soul is not small. The four of us think highly of you, the third hall master of the golden soul, and want to make friends with you, so we invite you to go to the lake of shame and anger to hunt the primordial spirit together tonight. Except The task of ten primordial spirits handed over to the island owner every night, and the rest of the demonic primordial spirits to be killed belong to him.

Leaving your own territory in the third world, there are sneak attacking monsters everywhere, so let's go hunting together, it's good for you and us. We think the third hall master of the golden soul is a smart person, he will neither refuse the order of the island master of Tiandao, nor make fun of his own life. "

The dark red snake-headed protector exposed the part of the lake, and the bloody flames were dancing. It was obviously the fire soul primordial spirit, and his eyes were also bright red like fire. He looked at the other three and said.

"Really? Since it is the island's owner's decree, how dare the subordinates disobey it, and Liu Qianlang should do something for Beixi Island. Liu Qianlang has never been to Shame and Wrath Lake, and I hope you will lead the way."

Liu Qianlang was still guessing just now, what order he would receive from the owner of Tiandao Island tomorrow, and now it is here. Stop the ghost boat and said.

"Haha, this Golden Soul Lake is the teleportation circle that the third hall master of the golden soul leads to the territory of the Seven Demons. Does the third hall master of the golden soul not know?" Huohun Snakehead laughed mockingly.

"How would he know, but it was less than two nights a day when we first came to the Island of Sadness and Joy. But we are all veterans of the Island of Sadness and Joy, and even the owner of the island will take care of us. Brother Golden Soul!" The purple burly guy next to the fire soul snake head is also a fire soul demon, with a huge purple face, purple fire flowing, burning purple to a large lake, said in a hoarse voice.

"The two must be the Fire Soul Red Demon and the Fire Soul Purple Demon, please enlighten me!" When Liu Qianlang came, the owner of Tiandao greeted the Crying Demon and the Laughing Ghost. I have seen them myself. Moreover, I met them again in the Palace of Sadness and Joy during the daytime. Although I had never communicated with them, I heard the compliments and awe from the people around them. Naturally know their names.

"Haha, the third hall master of the golden soul is polite. The two of us are the double demons of fire and soul. This one is the mysterious demon of the slaughtering soul, and the other is the orange demon of the wood soul. From now on, everyone should take care of each other. From now on, the third hall master of the golden soul If you want to go to Beixi Island and any other territory of the six demons, you can go there through the teleportation array. It is simple and convenient, apply the method, once we talk about it, you will be there. Uh, huh, please, please, the third hall master of the golden soul, Now that the moon has slanted to the west, it is a good time to hunt for the primordial spirit."

The golden soul red demon shook the strange red body below the lake surface, inviting Liu Qianlang.

"Hey! Uncle Liu, these four ugly monsters are not good people. They even steal the island owner's treasures. Look at how terrifying they look. Let's not go there."

Long'er hid behind Liu Qianlang, and sent a voice transmission in his mind to remind Liu Qianlang.

"Hehe, Long'er. Don't worry, Uncle Liu is not easy to bully, go with them, if you see something you like on the way, just tell Uncle Liu, Uncle Liu will definitely get it for you." Liu Qianlang led Long'er The hot little hands also smiled through the sound transmission of thoughts.

"Well then, you have to be careful, I haven't eaten enough of the delicious pills yet. I'd better turn back into a little golden dragon, that way I can escape faster."

As soon as Long'er finished speaking, he immediately turned into a little golden dragon several feet long, hovering over Liu Qianlang's head.

A moment later, Liu Qianlang controlled the ghost boat and landed on the four hideous giant faces of Golden Soul Lake, so frightened that Long'er even closed his eyes. Immediately, Liu Qianlang and Long'er appeared at the bottom of the lake.

Fire Soul Red Demon, Fire Soul Purple Demon, Earth Soul Profound Demon and Wood Soul Orange Demon stood at the bottom of the lake, with evil rainbows in their eyes, they kept watching Liu Qianlang appearing in front of him with a calm expression, and couldn't help feeling a little disappointed, They glanced at each other. Then, with a slight movement that only they could feel, they nodded.

"Haha, the third hall master of the Golden Soul is really miraculous, he can enter the Golden Soul Lake teleportation formation with only a single leaf of Shenzhou, admiration, admiration!" The Fire Soul Purple Demon looked Liu Qianlang up and down and praised against his will.

"Hehe, what is the meaning of the Four Great Guardians? Is there anything special about entering the Golden Soul Lake? If the hall master does not have the protection of the Shenzhou, will he not be able to enter the Golden Soul Lake?"

Liu Qianlang raised his eyes to look at the surface of Golden Soul Lake, saw a layer of strange ghostly poisonous light rippling on the surface of the lake, and asked with a smile.

"Well, that is. The third hall master of the golden soul does not know. In our Beixi Islands, the main island of Seventy-seven Forty-nine and Tiandao have a teleportation lake circle, and each teleportation lake circle has a horror circle. Human soul-holding seal. If you don't know the unique method of entering the formation of Beixi Island, and enter the formation blindly, you will be destroyed in an instant.

And the third hall master of the golden soul obviously didn't know the art of entering the formation, and the reason why he was able to perfect his body at this moment was obviously due to the protection of this strange Shenzhou. "

The fire soul red demon kept staring at the ghost boat under Liu Qianlang's feet, eyes full of envy.

"Bah! Ugly!" Seeing the greedy eyes of the Fire Soul Purple Demon, Long'er shrunk down and lay on Liu Qianlang's back, exposing his pocket-sized head, muttering in a low voice.

"Oh! I didn't expect the Golden Soul Lake to be so miraculous. Thank you to the four guardians for your advice. Just now, you said that you want to tell the hall master to enter and exit the Golden Soul Lake teleportation formation. Can you give me some advice now?"

Although Liu Qianlang had a ghost boat to escape instantly, he felt that knowing the method of the teleportation array was not a bad thing, so he asked.

"Haha, the third hall master of the Golden Soul is being polite. Brothers, let's tell the third hall master of the Golden Soul in turn the formula of the Seven Seven Forty-Nine Island and the Tiandao teleportation lake formation."

The purple soul demon laughed loudly, and the four guardians suddenly chanted rapidly, no matter whether Liu Qianlang could understand or not. Liu Qianlang just smiled and listened, but in the blink of an eye, the other party said that the teaching was over.

"Hehe, thank you! Did Long'er remember?" The four guardians looked around at each other with strange expressions, and then looked at Liu Qianlang, secretly laughing, thinking that Liu Qianlang couldn't remember a word. However, Liu Qianlang learned it quickly again in a relaxed and happy manner for Longer on his shoulder to listen to.

"Cut! Such a simple formula, who can't remember it, I'll recite it for you!"

After getting used to it for a while, Long'er became more courageous, suspended on Liu Qianlang's head, and quickly chanted in a childish voice.


The four guardians were stunned for a while. I thought I would make things difficult for Liu Qianlang, but I didn't want the other party's spiritual consciousness to be so strong that the four of them chanted at the same time, and none of them could interfere with his soul thoughts. There is also the little golden dragon in front of him, the island owner is not bad, but he is not kind enough to show Liu Qianlang's power. Sending a little golden dragon that he thought was worthless to Liu Qianlang was to hope that Liu Qianlang would not be too powerful and could be manipulated by him.

But now it seems that this little golden dragon is not simple.

"Hee hee! Let's go!"

In the astonishment of the four guardians, Long'er shook the dragon's head and groaned for a while, then Liu Qianlang felt dazed for a while, and when his vision became clearer, he found himself, Long'er and the four guardians all appeared in a green In the vast space.


"Boom! Boom!"

In the emerald green space, lights and rainbows of various colors shuttled everywhere, and countless strange monsters and snakes flew around, constantly attacking monsters in all directions, and at the same time being attacked from all directions.

"Ah! Uncle Liu, hide away!"

As soon as Long'er and Liu Qianlang appeared here, they were attacked by countless lights, thunder and lightning, and Long'er was so frightened that he shouted loudly.

"Hehe, don't be afraid of Long'er! Just sit in the boat and watch the fun!" Liu Qianlang didn't panic when he saw the four guardians fighting with the unknown monsters around them. With a thought, an incomparably hard dragon spirit shield was placed on the ghost boat, and then the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword came out with a clear roar.


As the Yin Hong sword curtain was cut out, groups of roaring Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword Dragons roared out, rushing towards any monsters who attacked. There is no kindness among these people, and Liu Qianlang doesn't have to be lenient. In an instant, Liu Qianlang was surrounded by human and demon corpses, and the four guardians of the Tiandao Island Lord in the distance were frightened.

"Wow! Uncle Liu is awesome!"

Long Er clapped his hands in the ghost boat, jumping and cheering!

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