Nine Heavens

Chapter 1257 Great Changes in the Islands

Chapter 1257 Great Changes in the Islands

"Hehe, Uncle Liu, his primordial spirit is really ugly!"


Long'er flew to Liu Qianlang on the colorful silk, and squeezed the dark earth soul soul of the demon hunter with his small hand, and said with a happy smile.

Liu Qianlang caught the Nine Heavens Immortal Sword that flew back from him, looked at Long Er with a smile, and asked: "Hehe, Long Er, how can you control my Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword?"

"Hehe, he taught me, why don't you ask him?" Long'er's golden eyes flashed, and he stretched out a finger to point at the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword.

"Haha, so it's Brother Jian! It seems that Brother Jian also likes Long Er very much." Liu Qianlang laughed heartily, and said when he saw a cold and handsome phantom head appearing in the light of Jiutian Xianyuan Jianguang.

"I taught it, but this child Longer is really amazing. Even if I teach her, she needs to have a strong enough soul power to be one with my soul. I am not sincere, but I am anxious to hope that she will control it." I, and she did it."

Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword also felt a little incredible.

"Isn't it just a red sword! What's the use of it? It's probably not as powerful as my colorful silk!" Long'er murmured, but he didn't think that the Nine Heavens Immortal Sword was so good.

"Little guy, you look down on me, so do you dare to compare with me?" The Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword whistled and trembled.

"Cut! Just compare, who is afraid of you!"

Long'er opened his hand, and the colorful ribbon immediately appeared in his hands, and then flew into the sky tens of thousands of feet together with the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword.





Although the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword will not harm Long'er, it has also used some basic skills. The bright red light curtain splits the sky, ninety-nine eighty-one Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword and Sword Dragon howl and howl.

Longer controls the colorful silk, and the colorful waves are rippling, transforming into seven rushing wild rivers, and he floats on them with extremely dexterous movements.

"Well, haha, come back!"

Liu Qianlang's white hair fluttered around and her eyes sparkled. After watching for a while, she laughed and recalled them.

"Hee hee! Uncle Jian, I'm good!" Naturally, Long'er would not really fight with the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword, so he would be happy to use some tricks.

"Excellent, Long Er is really not simple, Uncle Jian admires it. Little girl, who did you learn this skill from?" Nine Heavens Immortal Yuanjian asked.

"I didn't learn from anyone. I knew it as soon as I was born. Mother said I must be a god who descended into the world." Long Er was very happy to be praised by the Nine Heavens Immortal Sword.

"Your mother? Who is she, she must be very powerful!" Jiutian Xianyuanjian asked curiously.

"Uh, that's not the case. Mother's cultivation is the strength of the first human cultivator in the alchemy stage, which is much lower than mine! Hmph! With me here, no one can bully Mother and the nine Aunt Lian. However, I can't tell you who your mother is. I know you are good people, but I promised my mother not to tell outsiders her name. Mother said that I would be in danger." Long Er said very sorry.

"Hehe, well, Uncle Liu and Uncle Jian won't make things difficult for Long'er anymore. Uncle Liu has an idea, I wonder if you would like it?"

Liu Qianlang held the little Long'er in his arms and asked.

"Hee hee, give me a few bottles of pills first, and I'll answer you later." Long Er mentioned the black jade skull on Liu Qianlang's chest, and immediately remembered that the delicious pills he ate were all summoned by Liu Qianlang from it. , bent his eyebrows and smiled, Wang Mu looked at Liu Qianlang.

Liu Qianlang nodded and said: "Of course, Uncle Liu wants to see your original appearance, okay?" Liu Qianlang thought about it, and two bottles of pills appeared in Long'er's hand.

"Huh?" Long Er tilted his head and thought for a while and said, "Yes, but it depends on when I am happy. Now I like the appearance of the little golden dragon."

"Hehe, that's good, Uncle Liu will wait for you when you are happy." For some reason, Liu Qianlang hugged the child, feeling an inexplicable sense of joy and closeness in his heart. Faintly felt that Long'er must have some kind of connection with him, but he didn't know what this connection was. Otherwise, she would not be able to control the Xianyuan Sword no matter what.

"Oh, by the way, although Long'er is powerful! But Uncle Liu found out that Long'er doesn't know many magic tricks. Uncle Liu wants to teach you some, do you want to learn?"


"It's okay to learn, but I can't worship you as a teacher. Mother said that only Aunt Nine Colors Lotus is my master. Let me grow up and respect them." Long Er chewed the elixir, mouth full of fragrance talking.

"Okay, Uncle Liu only teaches you the exercises, and won't let you learn from a teacher!" Hearing Long'er say the word "nine-color lotus girl", Liu Qianlang suddenly had a bold guess in his heart, but he was really not sure. . But even so, Liu Qianlang was still overjoyed, and immediately agreed.


Long'er smiled happily, Liu Qianlang's soul thought to urge the boat, and the ghost boat suddenly surged with silver waves, and instead of going to the Lake of Shame and Wrath, it instantly returned to the teleportation lake circle of Golden Soul Lake on Beixi Island , and then, Liu Qianlang and Long Er floated in the ghost boat, talking and laughing, and slowly galloping towards the Golden Soul Palace.

The emerald blue sky and the blue moon, the faint sky and cold stars, the time is approaching dawn, which is why Liu Qianlang decided to give up going to Shanu Lake this time. And I have already figured out how to answer the owner of Tiandao Island of Sadness and Joy.

"Huh? Uncle Liu, that's weird! Why is the Beixi Islands so quiet tonight? Usually, there are always people crying and others laughing. Why are there none tonight?"

Although Long'er was very small, he was very alert. Liu Qianlang felt this change, and Long'er also felt it, and then he listened intently for a while and wondered.


Liu Qianlang nodded slightly, through the dark red flame condensed on her head through the mysterious fire condensing technique that he had just taught Long Er, in the response of Liu Qianlang's consciousness, the breath of death was everywhere.

"Something happened to Beixi Island!" Liu Qianlang said to himself.

"Hmph, don't worry about Uncle Liu, they are all ugly anyway, Long'er is a little sleepy, let's go back to the palace and sleep!" Long'er actually sensed the breath of death, but she hated it, so she said.

"That's good, just listen to Long'er. Uncle Liu doesn't bother to care about it. Remember not to be lazy in the future. This Xuanzhen Condensation Fire Technique, combined with your colorful silk, will definitely increase its power greatly."

Liu Qianlang simply withdrew his consciousness, and controlled the ghost boat to quickly shoot towards the Golden Soul Palace.

"See Hall Master!"

Liu Qianlang's white hair fluttered around, leading Longer on a ghost boat, just after landing at the gate of the palace, the two deputy hall masters, Chimang Lufei, appeared in front of Liu Qianlang strangely, and knelt down together.

"Ha ha."

Liu Qianlang smiled and said: "You two vice hall masters, it's already late at night, you haven't rested yet, have you?" Liu Qianlang knew the tricks of these two monsters and crying monsters, so he asked this on purpose.

"Last night, Bulaoshan Ruyi Bailing once again slaughtered the Golden Soul Island and almost all the islands of Beixi Island. The saints of Beixi Island were killed and injured countless times, and our Golden Soul Island was not spared. Later, thanks to Lindao's hatred for the wolf island, the seventeen-backed wolf The first Weeping Devil Laughing Ghost made a move, and the two of us survived."

Chimang Lufei said according to the pre-edited words.

"Really, it seems that tomorrow I will thank the Island Master of the Weeping Devil Laughing Ghost! Alright, I understand, you guys go to rest, I'm tired too!"

When Liu Qianlang left, all of this had long been shrouded in spiritual consciousness, and he was annoyed when he heard it, and said.

"I'm afraid the hall master won't be able to rest, because..."

Chimang Lufei glanced at each other, hesitated to speak. The look is very strange.

"Oh, why is that? Talk about it, besides the massacre of Golden Soul Island by Bulaoshan, is there something bigger going on?" Liu Qianlang suddenly realized something and asked.

"The owner of Tiandao Island was killed by Bulaoshan Ruyi Bailing, and there is Ruyi Bailing on his body as evidence. Now the four hall masters, Sun Soul, Moon Soul, Wood Soul, and Earth Soul, as well as seven, seven, forty The island masters of the Nine Lords are all in the main hall of the Palace of Sadness and Joy. Only the three hall masters and the four guardians, the Fire Soul Red Demon, the Fire Soul Purple Demon, the Slaughter Soul Xuan Demon and the Wood Soul Orange Demon, are not present.

We have been waiting here for a long time, and we were notified by the Tiandao courier that we will let you go immediately when we see the third hall master. By the way, the person currently in charge of Tiandao's affairs is the head of the seventeen-backed wolves, the Crying Devil and Laughing Ghost. It was they who sent someone to invite the third hall master. "

Chimang Lufei hesitated for a while, and said something earth-shattering.


Liu Qianlang exclaimed, and thought to himself, the Crying Devil Laughing Ghost moved fast enough. He thought that after he left, he should have no action. Unexpectedly, he occupied the Island of Sadness and Joy overnight, and cleverly pushed the person responsible for it. To the mountain of immortality.

"Hmph! It's so annoying, people won't let you sleep if they want to!" Long Er said very unhappy when he heard this.

"Looks like I have to go now! Long'er, just sleep in my sleeve, Uncle Liu can't accompany you for the time being!" Liu Qianlang had a thought, and put Long'er in his sleeve. In the next second, it has appeared in the main hall of the Palace of Sadness and Joy.

Lufei Lufei, who was behind, felt a flash in front of her intuition, and Liu Qianlang and the ghost boat disappeared.

"This person is really unpredictable, can the old lame and laughing ghosts fool him?" Lu Fei stared fixedly at the place where Liu Qianlang appeared just now, it was empty at the moment, and suddenly felt a little scared.

"Bah! No matter how powerful it is, when the two old guys sit on the throne of Tiandao Island Lord, we will be their guardians, and we will never serve this kid again! If he behaves in any way, there will naturally be two An old guy came forward to deal with him. The two of us brothers just try our best to make more money.

I heard that the situation in Shanu Lake is not very good recently, we can just follow the action of the two old guys annexing Shanu Lake, hehe! Take advantage of it, and the day when we open the Yinmen of February will not be far away! "

Chi Mang didn't take it seriously, he made his own calculations, then turned around and galloped away.

"Hey? What are you doing here?" Lu Fei chased after him and shouted.

"Hey! Go back and pack your things, prepare to go to Tiandao to be a guardian!" Chi Mang was very proud, and turned around with a wicked smile.

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