Nine Heavens

Chapter 1258 Chasing Red and Playing Blood

Chapter 1258


"Yeah heh—"

When Liu Qianlang suddenly appeared in the Palace of Sadness and Joy, there were two moon spirits floating high in the inner space of the palace, one was half red and half green, the other was pure white, all shining with strange and mysterious light faint.

The Weeping Demon Laughing Ghost sits high on the throne of the owner of the Tiandao Island of Sadness and Joy, weeping wildly and laughing evilly. The crying demon's bright red tears bloomed into blood-colored Li Ling flowers, floating around, with emerald green stalks and dark red roots. Blossoming blood-like Li Ling flowers, the roots of the sword piercing the cold light, there is no target to pierce, and they are randomly floating around, filling every corner of the Palace of Sadness and Joy.

The laughing ghost laughed evilly, sharp and ear-piercing, and the golden evil bee swirled around chasing red and playing blood.

The bewitching fragrance of Li Linghua lingers in the nostrils, making people think of Feifei. Fortunately, the people present were already familiar with it, and each had its own way of resisting it.

"Buzz! Buzz!" Slender golden arcs flashed in front of his eyes, and Liu Qianlang knew without looking that they were golden evil bees.

When the Crying Demon Laughing Ghost smiled wryly, his cold eyes kept looking at the forty-eight sub-island owners on the left and right of His Highness, and he was very concerned about their expressions.

The crying demon is obviously crying, but it doesn't make people feel sad at all. Instead, what makes people feel is their irrepressible excitement.


"Yeah heh—"

"The third hall master of the golden soul, you are back, do you know? Last night was really an unfortunate night! Hey? Didn't the four guardians, the fire soul double demon, the slaughtering soul mysterious demon and the wood soul orange demon, go night hunting with you? Is it? Where are they?"

The Crying Devil and Laughing Ghost choked for a while, crying and laughing, and asked Liu Qianlang.

"If you go back to the head of drinking hate and carrying wolves, the four guardians will be killed by the lawless demons in the realm of wild hunting, and they will never come back again!" Liu Qianlang replied truthfully. The word bite is very heavy.


The weeping demons and laughing ghosts both sighed, their expressions changed, and they left the throne of the owner of the Tiandao Island of Sadness and Joy, sat on the corner seat, and asked again: "You actually went to the Realm of Hunting!? Didn't you mean to go to the Shame Lake? ?"

"Don't you two know?" Liu Qianlang asked back.

"How can we know that the Four Demon Guardians have always only listened to the decree of the island master alone, and their actions are also extremely secretive. The reason why we know that you are together is to check the formation records of the Golden Soul Lake Teleportation Lake Magic Circle. We know that you are on the Sundial of Record. But we don’t know what you did after you left the Golden Soul Lake Teleportation Formation. The owner of this island is very strange. Since the four demon guardians died unexpectedly, the Golden Soul Why does the third hall master take care of himself alone?"

The Crying Demon Laughing Ghost was very displeased with Liu Qianlang's tone of purposely reminding them of their identities just now. He knew in his heart that everything was planned by himself, and even more knowing that the Four Demon Guardians must die, but he deliberately pretended to be confused and asked.

"Of course it's because of the strength of the hall master. The reason why the four demon guardians died under the attack of the lawless people and demons in the hunting domain is that their cultivation base is too low, so it's no wonder they didn't die." Liu Qianlang said coldly .

"Oh! Then you didn't take any action to save them? We are the same disciples!?"

"Really? Your Honor seems to care about the friendship of the same family! But this hall master is different from you. This hall master is performing the night hunting mission of the Tiandao island master. After completing the night hunting mission, he should come back. What do they have to do with me?" What Liu Qianlang said was not at all like himself.

However, the Weeping Demon Laughing Ghost was very satisfied when he heard such an answer. Because the Laughing Devil likes selfish people, and selfish people only care about their own interests, so that it will not affect their next plans.

"Hmm! That makes sense. You mean you completed the night hunting mission in the Realm of Random Hunting? I don't know what the result is. Can it prove that you can come back alive, but the four demon guardians of the Tiandao Island are dead. And it's not dead Under you."


Hearing this, the owner of Forty-Eight Fen Island cast his eyes on Liu Qianlang, and his eyes were filled with anger. At a high place, the Weeping Devil Laughing Ghost was very proud when he saw this scene.

"Oh! Is the head of the seventeen wolf-backed wolves mistaken? Why do you need to ask whether the master has completed the task! The master should report to the master of Tiandao, it seems that you are not qualified to ask me this.

As for whether the Four Demon Guardians died under the hands of this hall master, the head of the seventeen wolf-backed wolves should not ask such a question. This hall master has just arrived here, and has neither old nor new enmity with the four demon guardians, so why should he kill them? Aren't the two of you trying to sow discord by asking this question? "

Liu Qianlang said lightly. The forty-eight sub-island masters and the four hall masters of Sun, Moon, Wood and Earth thought right after hearing Liu Qianlang's words, and the anger in the depths of their eyes weakened a lot.


"Yeah heh—"

"Why should the master of the third golden soul be angry? Last night, the owner of the island was killed and his wife was killed. This seat is devastated. In addition, the third chief of the golden soul is a newcomer from the island of sorrow and happiness, which makes this seat too sensitive to think about the issue. , it is unavoidable. Offended the third hall master of the golden soul, but also look at Haihan.

Now, the saints of the Beixi Island Islands are like frightened birds, without a leader, and Bu Laoshan invades again and again, slaughtering the gate tonight, it is hard to guarantee that they will not come again, obviously they will not stop until the Beixi Gate is destroyed. So the most important thing now is to choose a new Tiandao island owner, lead the islands, stabilize the situation first, and then go to Bulao Mountain to avenge Bubai island owner and countless dead saints! "

The Crying Devil Laughing Ghost suddenly became extremely depressed and mournful at this moment, looking at the Ruyi Bai Lingzhi on the table in front of him, he shook his head and sighed.

"Elect a new island owner and avenge the bad island owner!"

The forty-eight sub-island owners and the sun, moon, wood, and soil four heavenly island owners immediately raised their arms to respond.

In the midst of shouts, Liu Qianlang sent her eyes to the tall hall case, inspecting the wishful white ganoderma, secretly surprised. No one came to Bulao Mountain at all, the owner of Tiandao Island was almost killed, and the rest of the islands were massacred. It was all a conspiracy by crying devils and laughing ghosts, but the strange thing is, how could Ruyi Bailingzhi appear again? Could it be her again?

"Where, in times of crisis, the head of the seventeen wolves who hated him disregarded his personal honor and disgrace, stepped forward to appease the islanders, and also aimed to avenge the Beiximen. It is really admirable. The hall master was disrespectful just now, I hope the honorable seat will not Don't mind. Your seat is thoughtful, and you are a highly respected person on Beixi Island. This hall master believes that there is no need to choose, and your seat is the best candidate for the owner of Xintian Island on Beixi Island."

Liu Qianlang thought about it for a while, and felt that it's better not to fall out with the other party at the moment, and it's better to let him go. Therefore, he was the first to say what even crying devils and laughing ghosts want to hear in their dreams.


After the Crying Demon and Laughing Ghost proposed the selection of the island owner of Xintian Island, four cold lights shot out from his four eyes instantly, scanning everyone present, the bright red color of the Li Linghua dancing in the space suddenly became much stronger. Prepare to annihilate the voices that shouldn't be there at any time, especially Liu Qianlang.

But what the crying devil and laughing ghost really didn't expect was that it was Liu Qianlang who said such pleasant words, so he couldn't help but marvel.


Hearing Liu Qianlang's words, the Crying Devil and Laughing Ghost was elated for a while, and just wanted to go along with the flow and immediately agreed. However, the four heavenly island hall masters and the forty-eight branch island masters present were silent at first. Immediately, they all shook their heads, and then the Seventh Hall Master of the Earth Soul stood up and shouted loudly.

"That's right! The third Hall Master of the Golden Soul came here for the first time, and he didn't know the rules for the appointment of the masters of the Tiandao Island of Sadness and Joy Island. Only those from the Tiandao Island are eligible to be the new masters of the Tiandao Island. According to the usual practice, the former master of the Tiandao Island resigned." Or die by accident, the first hall master of Tiandao, Island Master Sun Soul, should take the throne, and there is no need to choose another one. It is true that the head of the seventeen-backed wolves has worked hard, but it is really inappropriate to be the new island master of Tiandao!"

Then the seventh hall master of the earth soul, who was covered in pitch black, spoke to the second hall master of the moon soul with a blue face.

"Not right, not right!" The surrounding forty-eight sub-island owners also disapproved and shook their heads one after another.

"Bah! What nonsense conventions! In general, governance matters are always reserved for those who are capable. The number one hall master of the Sun Soul is just relying on the relationship of being a good younger brother to eat his own food. If he is allowed to be a Tiandao Island owner, the Island of Sadness and Joy will soon be destroyed!"


The Seventh Hall Master of the Earth Soul and the Second Hall Master of the Moon Soul hadn't stopped talking, when suddenly a bright red light flashed in the Palace of Sadness and Joy, and a woman with a red shadow suddenly landed in front of the hall. The woman covered her face with a red gauze, pointed at the two of them, and asked sharply. Then the second finger of Zhongshi shot out a golden thunderbolt, which directly smashed the first master of the sun soul.


Amidst the screams of the first hall master of the Sun Soul, everyone around them trembled in fright, faltered in astonishment, and no longer dared to object.

"Your Excellency?"

The Crying Devil Laughing Ghost didn't even know who His Highness was, and why he helped him, he pondered for a long time, and asked.

"It doesn't matter who I am. The important thing is that after you become the owner of Xintian Island, don't forget to avenge the owner of Bubai Island! Before you avenge him, you must annex the strength of the other six demons. Otherwise, it will only be your sorrow and joy." The power of the sect has no choice but to grow old."

The red shadow woman glanced sideways at Liu Qianlang beside her, and said coldly.


"Yeah heh—"

"Why would Beiximen listen to you? Do whatever you force us to do? What's your purpose? Don't think that you were helping me just now. I don't appreciate your favor!" Asked coldly.

"Hehe, isn't this the purpose of your weeping ghost! Do you still need to force it?" The red shadow woman appeared mysteriously, turned around and disappeared mysteriously.

When she turned around and drifted away, she took advantage of the opportunity to touch Liu Qianlang's hand, and then a beautiful flower that Liu Qianlang had never seen before appeared in Liu Qianlang's palm.

"My hall master supports the position of the honored seat, and suddenly there is something urgent, so I will leave first!" Liu Qianlang left a sentence, and flew to chase after the red shadow woman.

Behind, in the Palace of Sorrows and Joys, everyone was silent for a while, but in the end some people still made dissatisfied voices.

But this kind of sound quickly disappeared, because the Li Linghua in the space of the Palace of Sadness and Joy was their graves. When they made the sound, all the Liling flowers flowed instantly, and the Golden Evil Bee also became excited.

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