Nine Heavens

Chapter 1259

Chapter 1259

The emerald green stalks of Liling flowers are crystal clear, through the crystal clear stalks of Liling flowers, the three hall masters and forty-eight sub-island masters present can clearly see the evil and sinister eyes of the crying demon and the laughing ghost ,cold! Seeing this gaze, they feel dead and hopeless.

Only surrender seems to save one's life.

However, not everyone is willing to surrender under the despotic power. The second hall master of the moon soul, the fourth hall master of the wood soul, the seventh hall master of the earth soul, and more than a dozen sub-island masters refused to accept. He yelled at the crying demon laughing ghost for his ambition, which may have killed the owner of the Tiandao island, Bubai and his wife.


"Yeah heh—"

However, the Weeping Devil only cares about crying and laughing wildly, not to mention that there are people who oppose him, even if they don't, the Weeping Devil doesn't want them to live any longer.

When the blood-like Li Ling flowers flowed, the red flowers, green stems, and blood-whiskered Li Ling flowers were extremely excited, as if they were alive, dancing strangely, shooting out evil rainbows and closing the gate of the Palace of Sadness and Joy, and then The bright red blood whisker suddenly extended, and quickly stabbed at every human demon present, including the crying devil and laughing ghost.

When the Golden Evil Bee buzzed into the Li Linghua that suddenly turned abnormally blood-red and flourishing on the bodies of the fifty-two demons, everyone knew what would happen next, so they fled miserably, Running around. Or wave the magic weapon and rush at the crying devil laughing ghost with a body full of fierce spirit flowers.


This is the ghostly laughter that only ghosts can make, and it is coming out of the mouth of the Weeping Devil Laughing Ghost. When Crying Devil Laughing Ghost laughed, the blood souls of all the people possessed by Li Linghua flowed into the body of Crying Devil Laughing Ghost along the countless silky red blood vessels extending from the blossoming Liling Flower.

As the blood souls poured into the body of the Weeping Devil, the Laughing Devil was laughing wildly, and the other monsters were wailing.

Then, the body of the Crying Devil Laughing Ghost was undergoing strange changes. The Wailing Devil had never straightened her waist, but it slowly straightened up. She stopped crying and became smiling. The ferocious face also became rosy, and with more blood and souls entering the body, it looked beautiful.

"Haha, congratulations, Crying Demon, you can finally stand upright." Laughing Ghost laughed, frantically absorbing the blood and souls of dozens of people.

"What's the good news, we are still together. I used to have my own feet, but now I only have a face on the back of your head and hands on your shoulders. We have become one person. It's just two faces, front and back."

The Crying Demon stroked the hair on the left side with his right hand, and said in a charming voice.

"At least, we will be much more comfortable in our actions in the future. Your Li Ling Divine Art and my Golden Evil Bee will no longer need to be manipulated by crying and laughing. We have absorbed the mana of the Birthday Moon Primordial God so many times, and our soul thoughts are already strong enough to The realm of thinking and urging power."


With a thought in his mind, Crying Demon instantly turned countless golden bees around into golden light blades, slashing and slashing, everything in the Palace of Sadness and Joy turned into dust except himself.

"Hehe, brother Jin is so powerful now!" Although the crying demon only had one face on the back of the laughing ghost's head, he still had his own independent thinking consciousness. She praised with a charming smile.

"Haha, Brother Jin, um! I love to hear it, so I'll call me like that from now on, so what should I call you?" The Crying Devil Laughing Ghost roared and flew out of the Palace of Sadness and Joy, and at the same time waved his sleeves and destroyed the Heavenly Island with a bang. architecture.

"Call me Hongmei, I like Liling flowers, Liling flowers that look like blood, I am happy when I see red, and I want to drink blood!" Crying Demon said charmingly and evilly. Then he turned around abruptly, facing his beautiful face at the palace of grief and joy, stroking his hair, and admiring the Palace of Death with his beautiful eyes, just like appreciating a painting.

"Golden Brother and Red Sister! It's really good, I guess that foolish Third Hall Master of the Golden Soul will be surprised to see us now!" The Laughing Ghost also turned around sharply, facing his face to the flying sand and mist, and said proudly.

"Hehe, now the Islands of Sadness and Joy are ours, and his mana has also increased. I wonder if it's time for Brother Jin to deal with him?"

Crying Devil sniffed her hair in her nostrils, it was full of the scent of Li Ling flowers that made her intoxicated.

"Of course, it's really unfathomable that this kid managed to come back alive after breaking into the hunting realm. It will be a disaster if he keeps it. Haha, it's dawn, and the owner of this island is very happy. Since we are happy, why don't we do something happy? Son, go and kill him."

"Heck, his blood must be sweet!"

Crying Devil and Laughing Ghost were very excited when they mentioned that they wanted to kill Liu Qianlang

In the Golden Soul Lake teleportation array, Liu Qianlang flew away from the Palace of Sadness and Joy and chased after the red shadow girl. The other party flew over for a while, and unexpectedly appeared in the Golden Soul Lake on Golden Soul Island.

"Hey, why are you chasing me, do you like me?"

The red shadow girl floated on the lake, under the morning sun, her slim figure was shrouded in the misty emerald green morning mist, she was very beautiful. A circular blue light flickered at the bottom of the lake, and a wheel-shaped teleportation array more than ten feet in size floated up. The woman in red, dressed in red neon gauze, with the red gauze blowing on her face, in the halo of blue, with fluttering sash, she is as beautiful as a fairy.

Seeing Liu Qianlang chasing him all the time, he deliberately flew unhurriedly. At this moment, when he was at the right place, Liu Qianlang landed on the shore of the lake. Turning around, he asked with a crisp smile.

"Why did you help the Crying Devil? You should know that the owner of Tiandao Island is not bad. They killed that wishful white ganoderma. You also secretly helped the crying devil, right? How could you have the hand of the Bulao Mountain Ruyi Bailing Immortal?" For Ruyi Bailingzhi on Tuoling Mountain, what is your relationship with Bulao Mountain?"

Liu Qianlang didn't answer the other party's ridiculous question, but asked.

"The owner of Tiandao Island is not bad and he is not a good person. It would be a pity to kill him. That's right, I was helping him secretly. I helped him because he was more ambitious than the owner of Tiandao Island. At first I It's not bad to help the owner of Tiandao with all my heart, but after seeing the ambition of crying devil and laughing ghost, I changed my mind.

Frankly speaking, I have nothing to do with Bulao Mountain, but it is not difficult to get a few Ruyi Bailingzhi. I went to Bulao Mountain to ask for it from the Ruyi Bailing Immortal. "

The red shadow woman spoke lightly, her voice was beautiful, like the wind blowing in the morning, it was refreshing to listen to, although what she said was not the satisfactory answer that Liu Qianlang heard.

"Oh! You are quite capable, why would Immortal Bai Ling of Bulaoshan Ruyi give you the treasure?" Liu Qianlang sighed.

"Hehe, that's my job, don't worry about it. Remember! Don't throw away what I gave you, otherwise, you will regret it in the future. I'm leaving, take good care of Longer! She is a lovely girl. little guy."

The red shadow girl laughed like a silver bell, floating on the Golden Soul Lake, and then disappeared along with Youlan's teleportation array.


"Hey! It's dawn, hee hee! Why did the aunt in red go away, I still want to say thank you to her!" After the red shadow woman left, Long Er happened to fly away from the sea of ​​Liu Qianlang's sleeves. Then he stood beside Liu Qianlang, looking at the center of the lake with shining golden eyes.

"Long'er knows her?" Liu Qianlang asked differently.

"Of course I do. I saw her appear in the secret room of the island master of Tiandao several times. Once, the master of Tiandao killed me and took my dragon pill to practice. I said I was not a real dragon, but what did he say? I don't believe it, but when I was about to kill me, the aunt in red appeared.

Then I gave Tiandao Island Master a dragon pill, the only request was not to kill me, and said that Tiandao Island Master would give me to you after meeting Uncle Liu. "

Long Er was very disappointed that he didn't catch the figure of the red shadow woman, but when he said the above words, his words were full of gratitude.

"Oh! Who the hell is she? She behaves so weirdly!" Liu Qianlang tried hard to find out whether he met this woman in his memory, but Liu Qianlang thought for a long time, and there was no such person in Soul Sea's mind. Pass.

At this time, Liu Qianlang remembered that he was still holding a small flower given to him by the Hongying woman.

Liu Qianlang raised his hand, put it in front of his eyes, and spread out his palm, a small four-petal flower that was pure white and almost transparent at first glance, shining with a strange faint white halo, appeared in front of his eyes.

The petals are slender like butterfly wings, and the flowers are trembling golden crowns. In the white halo, there are a few golden lights, and there is an inexplicable fragrance flowing in the shimmering light waves. This kind of fragrance leaves for some reason, making Liu Qianlang think of the Seventh Charm and follow her.


The small four-petaled flower suddenly bloomed another petal, and then the whole small flower changed from white to red, and the shape of the petals also changed, like a red plum dripping with blood. Slightly moving in the morning breeze, it exudes another strange fragrance.

Then the little flowers kept changing, the size remained the same, but the colors and petals kept changing, each of which was breathtaking.

"Wow! Is this the strange flower on Auntie's forehead? Why is it in Uncle Liu's hands?" When Liu Qianlang was staring at the little flower in a daze, Long'er turned into a little golden dragon hovering on Liu Qianlang's head, suddenly shouted in surprise.


Long Er's words made Liu Qianlang inexplicable, what was the meaning of this strange flower given to him by the red shadow girl? Then he looked sideways and asked Long Er: "Are you sure it's the strange flower on her forehead?"

"I'm sure, every time she talks with the owner of Tiandao in the secret room, it flashes on her forehead, I remember it well!" Long Er replied with certainty.

Hearing the words, Liu Qianlang guessed in her heart that the red shadow woman must be a sort of flower spirit spirit. Because I have read in the Chaos God Book that after the immortal flower spirit grass transforms into a human form, some characteristics of its body will turn into imprints and appear on its forehead, back neck, shoulders, palms, etc.

"Hehe, she gave it to me." Liu Qianlang raised his head and glanced at the sparkling surprise in Long'er Wang's eyes, and said with a smile. Then he called out a pure white spirit-protecting jade box, put the little flower in it, and took it into his arms.

At the bottom of the Golden Soul Lake, a tinge of blush suddenly disappeared after seeing Liu Qianlang's action.

"Haha! Isn't this the third hall master of the Golden Soul? Why did you leave in such a hurry just now? Oh! It seems that you are quite upbeat. You came to enjoy the lake and watch the sun early in the morning."

"This Golden Soul Lake is the most suitable for the tomb of the third Hall Master of the Golden Soul!"

Suddenly, a two-faced and four-armed figure spun down from the sky, with a man's dress in front and a woman's skirt behind. First, a middle-aged man with a handsome face faced Liu Qianlang, with a few golden evil bees on his shoulders, laughing loudly.

And then, with a turn of the body, a beautiful woman's face was facing Liu Qianlang again, combing her hair with both hands, and said in a coquettish voice.

"You are?"

For a moment, Liu Qianlang didn't recognize that it was the new mutated body of the Weeping Devil Laughing Ghost, looked him up and down and asked.

"Hehe, I'm beautiful! I'm Hongmei, he's Jinge. We're Jinge Hongmei! We're here to kill you. You're so lucky to have someone as beautiful as us kill you! You're good or bad!"

The crying demon's laughter and words made Liu Qianlang get goosebumps all over his body.

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