Nine Heavens

Chapter 1261 Flame Flower

Chapter 1261 Flame Flower

The shore of Golden Soul Lake.

Liu Qianlang finally understood who Jin Ge and Hong Mei were thousands of feet away, and was not at all shocked by their purpose, but was very shocked by the changes in their bodies.

Liu Qianlang was silent for a while, then called out the wine cloud, and drank the wine, the wine was grayish white, although it was also fragrant, but the white wine glass was full of cold smoke, full of murderous intent.

When he raised his head and drank a cup, Liu Qianlang's white hair suddenly flew wildly, his body covered in silver waves, and the golden cloak on his shoulders fluttered with the wind. The Nine Heavens Immortal Fate sword clangs out of its sheath and shoots into the sky.

Smiling sadly and emptying the sky, Shang Jiu raised his head and drank hatred. Liu Qianlang laughed out of vicissitudes of life, and at the end of the laugh he said coldly: "The Crying Devil Laughing Ghost is really fast, he occupied the Gate of Sadness and Joy so quickly, don't be in a hurry! Am I the last person you want to kill?"

"It's the last one on Sad and Happy Island, but it's not the last one in the third world!" Laughing Ghost turned around sharply, and at the same time, golden evil bees flew out of his ears, and smiled evilly.

"Heck, I can smell the sweet smell of the blood of Yuanshen Yueyuanshen on Yuansheng. It smells so good. Alas! It was all ignorance back then. If you were in Liling Cave in the first human world, your golden soul third hall master would still be in Xuanlingmen. When I was a young apprentice, I caught you, ate your flesh and blood, and refined your soul.

That would be great, we don't need to take the step of walking away from the devil, and we can directly pass through the five mortal realms of the ninth level of immortality, so how much less suffering we will suffer! Maybe we are already Unzen. "

The crying demon turned around again, smiled coquettishly, deliberately exposed his pink neck, tilted his head and looked at Liu Qianlang charmingly, and said with infinite resentment, he looked charming and pitiful.

Then suddenly she frowned, her charming eyes suddenly burst into bright red tears like a bitter woman. The bright red tears, with a slight crisp sound, bloomed into blood-colored flowers more than an inch in size, shaped like lotus, smelling like peony, with green stems and red beards.

Coquettish, moving. Just like the beautiful face of the crying demon at this moment.

"Cut! As a woman, why bother to mention the past, does Liu Qianlang know why we hate you so much?" With his back to Liu Qianlang, the Laughing Ghost reprimanded the Weeping Demon and asked Liu Qianlang.

"Haha, there are so many people who hate me, Liu Qianlang, I really don't know who I am!" Liu Qianlang was covered with a layer of dragon spirit aura, drinking with his right hand and holding Long'er with his left.

On the shore of Golden Soul Lake, a few Li Ling flowers have already flew onto the aura of Long Ling strangely. From the inside to the outside, Long Er looked at it curiously, it was very beautiful and thought it was very interesting. There are also a few golden golden evil bees that also landed on the light blue mask, Long'er also likes it very much.

"Hee hee! Uncle Liu, that flower is so pretty, is it the golden bee? Can you get Longer a red flower to play with the golden bee?"

Long'er had never seen the evil of Li Linghua'er when he killed people, and he didn't know the horror of Jin Xiefeng's soul devouring, so he innocently shook Liu Qianlang's arm and begged Liu Qianlang.

"Hehe, Long'er really likes it. Well, Uncle Liu will pick a flower and pick a bee for you!" Liu Qianlang's cold face suddenly became peaceful because of Long'er's request, and he agreed with a smile.

"Buzz! Buzz!"

The Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword whistled repeatedly, and the red roots of several bright red Li Ling flowers tried to pierce the body of the Nine Heaven Immortal Fate Sword, but the edge of the Nine Heaven Immortal Fate Sword was cold, and the approaching Li Ling flowers had not touched the sword yet, they were already Scattered by the cold blade of the sword, the petals of Li Ling flowers drifted into the air.

At the same time, Liu Qianlang gracefully drew a finger arc in front of Long Er's eyes with his index finger, and Long Er giggled when he saw it. Then I understood what Liu Qianlang meant.

Following Liu Qianlang's example, he stretched out a small hand, and swiped the second finger of the middle index in front of his body, and a dark blue flame burst out from the tip of the two fingers. In the next second, a dark red Li Ling flower strangely appeared in the center of the finger arc that Liu Qianlang swiped, and there was a golden evil bee on the Li Ling flower.

This fierce spirit flower supported the Golden Evil Bee and suddenly floated into the dark blue flame condensed by Long'er's fingertips Xuanzhen Condensing Fire Technique.

The dark blue sparks, the dark red Li Ling flowers, and the golden Golden Evil Bee all instantly covered one place. The outer layer of dark blue sparks is like leaves, the second layer of dark red petals, and the inner layer of golden bees like stamens, forming a more mysterious flame flower.


Long'er was very happy, Wang Mou sparkled with excitement.

"Long'er, the fire of righteousness and mystery, refining for a while, turning evil into righteousness, evil bee spirit pet, just have fun!" Liu Qianlang raised his head to drink, and was also watching this flame flower.



The Crying Devil Laughing Ghost staggered and turned around, looking at the flame flower in a daze, and fell silent for a moment.

After a while, the Laughing Ghost saw Long Er giggling, put away the Xuanzhen Fire, held Li Linghua'er in one hand, and pinched the golden bee's wings with the other hand, having a good time.

The Crying Devil Laughing Ghost secretly activated his soul thoughts, trying to control the Li Ling Hua'er and the Golden Bee in Long'er's hands again, but he didn't feel it anymore. The two demons couldn't help sighing in shock, then their four eyes flickered strangely, falling into Fei Nian's thoughts.

Liu Qianlang had already drank the ninth cup of Shangjiu, which was the last cup of Shangjiu he was used to killing. After Liu Qianlang drank it gracefully, the pure white wine cloud automatically put away the pure white jade wine glass, and suddenly entered Liu Qianlang's Black Jade Skull Profound Realm.

"Cang lang lang!"

The Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword was extremely excited, there was a clear whistling, and a sword light shot from the sky, whistling, wanted to pierce the opponent's throat, but at this moment, the crying devil and laughing ghost spoke suddenly, and Liu Qianlang was not in a hurry to kill him immediately. After killing the opponent, the sword glow slowed down. I intend to hear what the other party has to say.

"Hehe, the third hall master of the golden soul is so handsome, handsome, and suave, Xi Sha Hongmei, how can I have the heart to kill you, just now I said that I love the dead! The third hall master of the golden soul must not take it seriously!"

The Crying Demon approached Liu Qianlang, a distance of thousands of feet away, without seeing a few steps, he had already appeared at a distance of more than ten feet opposite Liu Qianlang, and then stroked the strands of hair, eyes flying Said.

The crying devil's legs are also the legs of the laughing ghost. Her movements are graceful and graceful. I don't know how to do it.

"What Hongmei said is that if we and the third hall master of the golden soul sit in the gate of Beiximen, will the days when the six demons bow their heads be far behind? The third hall master of the golden soul is not only heroic, but also has unpredictable cultivation. I don't know the golden soul Does the third hall master intend to share the third world with the golden brother and the red sister?

If you want, the first hall master of Beiximentian Island, the hall master of Rihun, is yours, and the island master of seventy-seven forty-nine points, the first island master of drinking hatred and carrying wolf, is also given to you! how?

By the way, when I said I hated you just now, I hated you for being too unrestrained and unfathomable. You were like this when the heroes on the coast of Beitianyang snatched the five-color ginseng, and you are still like this now. Still, you make me both hate and love. Beiximen needs people like you. "

The Laughing Ghost turned around and threw out his limitless bait. Turn the harsh words just now into compliments.

"Haha, did you ask Liu Qianlang to do things for you two human demons? Instead of doing things for you, it's better to do something for yourself. I also like the throne of the island owner of Beixi Island, Long Er, do you like it?"

Liu Qianlang laughed, lowered his head and asked Long Er who was still playing with flowers and phoenixes.

"Hee hee! Uncle Liu likes me, so I like it. Uncle Liu, if you become the owner of Tiandao, can I be the young master?" Long Er is too smart, and he knows what he wants to hear when he is playing. .

"Oh!" The Crying Demon and the Laughing Ghost sighed at the same time, and then the Crying Demon suddenly smiled coldly: "The third hall master of the golden soul is not small!" Because of his anger, the crying demon's face was covered with shyness There was a layer of dark smoke.

Suddenly, countless bright red Li Ling flowers flew towards the mask outside Liu Qianlang and Long'er, and after a while, the mask turned into a big red flower ball with a diameter of more than ten feet. And more Li Ling flowers are still flying.

"Do you think that we will give you the head of Sadness and Joy Island that we have calculated so hard?" The laughing ghost slowly turned around, and the black and green evil smoke bubbling from his body flowed into a river, rushing towards Liu Qianlang, full of The smell of the evil spirit of death said.

"You finally said what you have done. In fact, Liu Qianlang is not a meddlesome person, and he would rather care about what you have done, so he killed everything that was not bad at all, and designed to make the owner of Tiandao The four guardians came to the realm of chaotic hunting, and then you arranged for the lawless demons to kill them, and at the same time you slaughtered the mountain gate on Beixi Island, killing the owner of Tiandao and his wife.

I can pretend I don't know all of this, but you have made a fatal mistake, that is, you shouldn't have slaughtered Golden Soul Island. Or you chose the wrong time, you shouldn't attack Golden Soul Island after I became the third hall master of Golden Soul.

This annoys me, Liu Qianlang hates being offended by others, especially monsters like you, so I will never let you go. Of course, I actually don't think I'm in a hurry to kill you, but you can't wait for yourselves to come.

So, I had no choice but to kill you, and take the throne of the owner of Tiandao by the way. This was snatched by me, not by you. Haha, if you let me do it, why would Liu Qianlang notice it? "

Liu Qianlang's eyes swayed with Changhong, and the aura of dragon spirit outside his body began to expand rapidly. There were gaps in the already densely covered Li Ling flowers, and clear rays of light burst out from the inside out. The light surges from the sky brocade cicada robe. Liu Qianlang said this when his body was in full bloom.

"Huh? You know this?" The Laughing Ghost exclaimed again when he heard the words. The Laughing Ghost flinched a little, and asked in disbelief. His eyes flickered with horror, but he saw Liu Qianlang being crushed by Li Linghua in the sky. Wrapped by the son and the golden evil bee, the waist straightened again.

"Is this strange? When you were slaughtering Golden Soul Island last night, Liu Qianlang hadn't left yet. How could you not know it? Don't just think that you are spying on me, Liu Qianlang is also watching you."

Liu Qianlang snorted coldly.




After Liu Qianlang let out a cold snort, the Dragon Spirit mask outside him suddenly shattered, and then turned into countless blue starbursts, each of which pierced into the sky filled with Li Linghua'er and Golden Evil Bee instantly.

At the same time, with a thunderbolt from the Nine Heavens Immortal Sword, ninety-nine and eighty-one Nine Heavens Fate Swords roared out at the same time, and eighty-one Nine Heavens Fate Swords and Sword Dragons opened their teeth and claws, and swooped down on the Weeping Devil Laughing Ghost .


There was a burst of shattering sound like a tide, the spirit flower shattered in the sky, and the golden evil bee collapsed.

"Wow! It's so beautiful!"

Long'er looked at the dark red and golden sky in surprise, and shouted in amazement.

The Crying Demon Laughing Ghost was shocked, forgetting about his refreshed body, he even rolled and crawled to the center of the Golden Soul Lake, and then activated the Golden Soul Lake Teleportation Formation, howling and disappearing.

"Want to run!"

How could Liu Qianlang let it go, a silver rainbow surged under his feet, and immediately controlled the ghost boat to catch up.

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