Nine Heavens

Chapter 1262 The Lord of Guangming Island

Chapter 1262 Guangming Island Lord

"Hehe, why bother chasing someone who will die sooner or later, if it were me, I would go back to be the owner of Tiandao, killing them is worse than using them. Aren't you going to destroy all the demons in the third world? They can help you There are many things. The third hall master of the golden soul must be confused, such a good chess piece is useless!"

Liu Qianlang led Long'er and appeared in the middle of the Golden Soul Lake in an instant. With a thought, he had already summoned the teleportation circle. Just as he was about to leave, Liu Qianlang suddenly heard a burst of laughter.

"Huh? Uncle Liu, it's Auntie in red! Where is she, why can't I see her?" Long Er heard the voice, turned around and asked Liu Qianlang curiously.

Hearing this, Liu Qianlang stopped his movements immediately, and the circular circle that had already fallen into the deep blue of the Golden Soul Lake surfaced again. Liu Qianlang took a little positioning and found that the voice came from the jade box in his arms. The image of a red shadow woman appeared.

In the hands of the red-shadowed woman, there is a small green hill.

"Are you helping me or are you helping them? It turns out that you gave me inexplicable flowers to control the sound!" Liu Qianlang looked down at the strangely colored spirit-protecting jade box on his chest, and asked lightly.

"It's not helping you, or helping them, but helping myself, so now I don't want you to die, and I don't want them to die, because my goal has something in common with you, and that is to defeat the seven people in the third world." magic."

The red shadow woman in Liu Qianlang's mind floats in the sky in Liu Qianlang's soul Haitianyu, like a fairy in Cailian, but the voice of speaking comes from the strange flower in Liu Qianlang's arms.

"Oh, you are quite frank. After all, we seem to be your pawns. What is your ultimate goal?"

Liu Qianlang asked after pondering.

"Are you unhappy? Not everyone has the opportunity to be my chess piece. To be my chess piece, I need my approval. It is your honor to recognize you. One day you will know how to be my chess piece, you What a joy!"

The red shadow woman was flying in Liu Qianlang's sea of ​​souls, looking back at Liu Qianlang, but with a bright red veil on her face, some mischievous voices came into Liu Qianlang's ears.

"Then, I still have to thank you! Why don't you answer me, you won't be bored, come to Beixi Island to have fun!" Liu Qianlang was suddenly very interested in this red shadow woman.

"You're really right. I've always been curious. If you and the Crying Devil Laughing Ghost don't fight to the death, who will conquer the third world first, so I don't want you to die, otherwise there will be no fun watching. For the sake of fighting Defeated Crying Demon Laughing Ghost, it is best to become the head island master of the Sad and Happy Sect right now."

The red shadow woman's answer made Liu Qianlang smile bitterly, the other party said the joke very seriously.

"What you said makes sense, and I really want to see what kind of actions the Crying Devil Laughing Ghost can make. But there are two points, you are wrong. First, the current Beiximen, Tiandao The four guardians of the island master, the hall masters, and the forty-eight island masters of the sub-islands have all been slaughtered by the weeping demons and laughing ghosts. It seems a bit lonely for me to be a naked island master.

Second, the Crying Demon Laughing Ghost will not do things for me. His goal is not to exterminate the demons, but to command the Seven Demons. It's just that they seem to be a little impatient, and they don't hesitate to betray Beixi Island. "

Liu Qianlang calmed down and smiled, You Qi smelled the faint fragrance of the inexplicable little flower in his bosom, and said with a smile.

"Hehe, you are willing to be my chess piece! You also made a mistake. In the third world, you only have your own interests, and there is no such thing as betrayal. The island owner guarded the dharma on both sides, watching all the saints of Golden Soul Island being slaughtered by crying devils and laughing ghosts, as if they didn't make a move.

Red Mang Lufei didn't take this as a mistake in the slightest, what she was only afraid of was whether her wish would be fulfilled. What do you call betrayal, do you see shame in them? "The red shadow woman laughed like a silver bell.

"Liu Qianlang has been taught, Chimang Lufei will kill them sooner or later, even though I don't like the saints and saints of Golden Soul Island, if you do this behind my back, you are looking for death. Didn't you say you did it?" Is your chess piece a very lucky and happy thing? It is a good thing, why did Liu Qianlang refuse. But in order not to be alone, Liu Qianlang can invite you to join the Beiximen, Long Er seems to like you very much."

"Hee hee!" Hearing the silver bell-like laughter of the red shadow woman, Long'er also smiled, and kept looking around Liu Qianlang looking for the red shadow woman.

"I know that you will kill Chimang Lufei, so before you come back, I tricked them to go to the Realm of Wild Hunting to wait for the crying ghosts for a while. How can you be alone? Isn't there Longer to accompany you? Besides, you If the Four Immortal Sword Guards are not summoned at this time, when will they be summoned? All the hall masters of the Tiandao Sun, Moon, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth, as well as seven or forty-nine sub-island masters died, but tens of thousands of demons still mourned. Saints of Ximen. It is not easy to appoint a few bosses.

Tiandao is busy, and you will have many things to do soon, and you will have no chance to be alone. However, I am a person who likes to be lively and mysterious, and I especially like Longer. It's just that I joined the Gate of Sadness and Joy. I don't know what kind of errand you will give me? I don't agree with being lower than you, and I'm not happy to give orders to me. "

In Liu Qianlang's sea of ​​souls, the red shadow woman held Cuishan with her left hand and her chin with her right hand, lying and flying like a sleeping beauty, whispering quietly, and agreed to Liu Qianlang's invitation.

"Ha ha."

Liu Qianlang burst out laughing: "Everything is in your expectation! I understand, not only the Weeping Devil wants to dominate the Beixi Islands, but you also have a big appetite. If you like, you can be the owner of Tiandao how?"

Liu Qianlang was just asking tentatively.

"What about you? Be the hall master for me?" The red shadow woman stared at the green hill in her palm and asked with flashing eyes. , revealing a few strands of golden hair.

Seeing this, Liu Qianlang's heart was shocked.

"Then why not, since it is your pawn, how can it escape your grand plan, why not be your hall master!" This sentence was not Liu Qianlang's original intention, but he said it like this, Because of those golden strands.

"Oh! You are so easy to talk, I seem to be very bad! But, you are willing, I am not willing. Well, you and I agree to be the head of the Sad and Happy Sect, the owner of Tiandao Island. Mingli, you are the owner of Tiandao Island , called Guangming Island Master, secretly I am the Tiandao Island Master, called Zuo Ming Island Master. I am not usually on the Island of Sadness and Joy. Whenever I am happy, I will appear.

If you have any decision, just ask the little flower in your arms, and I will appear in your soul sea. If you are happy, it is also possible to appear in front of you. "

The Hongying woman was obviously very surprised that the other party agreed to her request, and she didn't look embarrassed at all. In the depths of the sea of ​​eyes, there is an unfinished taste. For Liu Qianlang who agreed like this, it felt less interesting.

"Next, what do you want me to do?" Liu Qianlang asked.

"Heck, you are the owner of Guangming Island, and I am the owner of Zuo Ming Island. I am assisting you. What you want to do is up to you. Just let me know when you have a plan."

The red shadow girl probably thought that Liu Qianlang was too cute, so she smiled coquettishly for a long time before she said.

"If I don't tell you, what will happen to me?" Liu Qianlang didn't know when he drank the fragrant wine. Want to drink fairy wine.

"I will be very angry. When I am angry, the layout of the grandmist you mentioned will become extremely complicated. Let me tell you some bad news. The crying devil and laughing ghost went to the realm of wild hunting, which means that the whole realm of wild hunting is countless and disorderly. Humans and demons are your enemies now. Humans and demons in the nine realms of the Hunting Field are not easy to deal with, you need to win every realm!"

The red shadow girl got up, her figure continued to flutter, her sitting posture was very graceful, her red neon dress fluttered with the wind, like sitting and chasing a bride. But what she said was really annoying.

"This bad news should not have happened at all!" Liu Qianlang said.

"Hehe, are you angry because I just stopped you from killing the crying demon laughing ghost? You are wrong, you should thank me! Because you can only defeat the demons in the Nine Realms of Hunting Realm and understand many things. To challenge the Nether Tree, which is the law of fallen devils becoming enlightened.

And to defeat the Realm of Random Hunting, you must first conquer and unify the six demons in other territories for your use. This is the best way for you to defeat the countless lawless human demons in the Realm of Random Hunting.

Use demons to control demons without depleting your own strength, isn't it good?

I have another piece of bad news to tell you that the Yiyue yin gate that you shattered has returned to its original state, and there is a new pill-giving ghost fairy inside the gate. The only benefit you get is that you are famous in the Nether Tree. Seventy-seven forty-nine, a large number of ghost soldiers and ghosts in the gate of the underworld are waiting for you to die. "

The red shadow woman seemed to like the hill where the green flowers in the palm flowed very much, she mostly focused her eyes on it, analyzed the situation facing Liu Qianlang with a smile, and then told Liu Qianlang a piece of news.

"Hehe, it seems that I have to listen to you obediently, go to Tiandao and quickly form a new high-level force on Beixi Island, and then proceed to visit the other six demons."

Liu Qianlang felt more and more that the fragrant wine in the cup was sweet and delicious, and the woman in the red shadow surrounded by spiritual consciousness always seemed to say a word, but forced herself to hold back.

"Well! I like obedient and cooperative people, so as not to spoil my happy mood. It's time for me to visit the idyllic scenery contained in the third world, excuse me!"

The red shadow woman floated away in the sea of ​​willows and waves of souls, sitting gracefully, staring at the green hill in her hand.

"Hehe, I wish you happiness! By the way, Weeping Devil Laughing Ghost has changed his name to Jinge Hongmei!" Liu Qianlang reminded Piaoyuan's Hongying girl.

"Hehe, no matter how you change it, you are still a human and a devil. Once a human and a devil have no way to immortality, the only way to live in the nether world is to die! The poisonous domain has been robbed and hated, and there is life, howling and weeping to torture the soul! One day, they will know what awaits them. What is it?"

The red shadow woman was already in the sea of ​​souls in Liu Qianlang, and there was a voice that was gradually drifting away.

"Let's go, Long'er, hehe, don't you want to be the young master of Sorrow and Joy Island? Let's go now!" After laughing with his chest, Liu Qianlang controlled the ghost boat and led Long'er into the sky.

"Hee hee! Uncle Liu, are you playing hide-and-seek with the red-clothed aunt? I only hear you talking, why can't I see her?" Long Er stared at Liu Qianlang's chest curiously, because she also heard the red-shadowed woman's voice. The voice came from the beautiful little flower in Liu Qianlang's arms.

"Hehe, I can't hide anything from you. The voice is made by Xiaohuaer. If I have a chance, I will ask your aunt in red if I can agree. You can also use Xiaohuaer to talk to her."

When Liu Qianlang saw Long Er's eyes, he guessed her thoughts.

Three days later, Liu Qianlang sat in the rebuilt Tiandao Palace of Sorrows and Joys. The hall was full of new hall masters and seventy-seven forty-nine island masters, congratulating Liu Qianlang, the new Tiandao master Guangming Taoist. On the spot, Liu Qianlang Feng Bingjinlang, Zhu Mogong, Huanlangzi, Chao Jiufeng, and Hua Haoyueyuan were the eight guardians, and Long Er was the young master of the golden dragon.

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