Nine Heavens

Chapter 1263 Remnant Star Guest

Chapter 1263 Remnant Star Guest

Another three days later, Liu Qianlang sat firmly on the throne of Tiandao Island Lord, and listened to the returns from the envoys of Beixi Island who rushed to His Highness one after another:

"Reporting to the owner of Guangming Island, the embarrassing concubine Laohu refused to come to worship the mountain, and she uttered slanderous words!"

"Reporting to the owner of Guangming Island, Benyuan, the sage of Sorrowful Mountain, not only refused to stand up to visit the island owner, but also threatened to destroy the Beixi Gate within seven days, and wanted to capture the island owner alive!"

"The giant monster in the Valley of Dread killed my companion directly, and asked me to come back and inform the owner of Guangming Island. Hurry, hurry up and destroy the mountain gate, so as not to trouble them."

"The owner of the waterfall who loves the waterfall is full of smiles, but the door of the waterfall is not open, and he refuses to send messages from me."

"Jie'e Cave Emperor Quexie said that as long as the island owner leads all the forces of Beiximen to kneel down to welcome him, Quexie will send a minion to come and have a look at the new island owner's appearance."

"No Greedy Sea Lord Cang Yan is retreating to practice inexplicable magical skills. The whole sea of ​​Not Greedy Sea is full of blood, and the waves are turbulent. It is extremely frightening. We cannot enter the realm of Not Greedy Sea through the teleportation lake magic circle."

"Hmph! We're all going down, the owner of this island knows!"

After listening to the report, Liu Qianlang snorted coldly and repelled the messenger. Although he knew in his heart that the Beiximen was the weakest force in the third world, he did not expect it to be so weak, he sent messengers to offer invitations, but no one bought it, he couldn't help feeling angry.


"It's really deceiving. The wise and wise master of Guangming Island must lead tens of thousands of saints in the Sorrows and Joys Islands to slaughter these arrogant people one by one!"

Chi Mang, who had just been promoted by Liu Qianlang to be the number one hall master of the Sun Soul, slapped his seat and got up and said.

"That's right! Kill them, damn it!"

Hallmaster Yuehun and other hallmasters, as well as the seventy-seven forty-nine sub-island masters who came to discuss the matter also agreed with outrage.

"Well! What you all said is very true, but if you want to destroy a strong enemy, you should first strengthen yourself. Previously, under the leadership of Bucha Island Master, although the Beiximen was the weakest of the third human seven demons, they successfully used the Ten Demons of Drinking Hate The seven-backed wolf soul-hunting killer killed the northwestern Langwei forces of the seventh birthday of the Moon Yuan God, the water soul, and the demons of Shanu Lake, creating conditions for Beiximen to further attack Shanu Lake.

However, let the owner of Tiandao not be bad, why bother? What we didn't expect was that the first weeping devil who hated the seventeen wolves turned his back on the mountain gate and killed the island owner Bubai, his wife and two young masters, as well as many saints of the islands. , and now fled to the realm of chaotic hunting. What's even more embarrassing is that he blamed the immortal mountain, so we have never been on our guard against him!

After this encounter, the forces of Beiximen became weaker and weaker. Today, the forces of the six masters and demons look down on us so much, obviously they already know about the change of our Beiximen, and it is definitely not groundless! In our current situation, not to mention destroying each other, even self-protection is in jeopardy! "

Although Liu Qianlang was angry, his thoughts were mellow. When he spoke, he not only revealed a series of betrayals during the past three days in the investigation of the Weeping Devil and Laughing Ghost, but also kept his eyes on Chimang Lufei, the leader of the Sun and Moon Hall. Intentionally or unintentionally, he also hinted at Lu Fei's attention. Chimang Lufei didn't dare to look Liu Qianlang squarely because of her guilty conscience and wandering eyes.



His Highness shook his head and sighed.

"However, despite this, since I, Liu Qianlang, have become the owner of Tiandao Island, I will never sit still. The owner of this island has thought over and over again. At present, we have two choices. The first choice is to temporarily stop night hunting and hunt and kill the primordial spirit privately. Concentrate all your energy on practicing their own magical skills. There are also the eight guardians of the island owner, Aoyue Crazy Sword Ice Power Wolf, Darkness and Ecstasy Chasing Soul Suoyue Sword Killing Demon Lord, Indifference and Heaven Hate Gudao Huan Rangzi and Feiying Can Xindao Chao Jiufeng and his wife went to the islands to guide them.

I hope that the hall masters and the island masters will live up to the expectations of everyone, and strive to make the islands break through in a short period of time. On the one hand, they will guard against the six demons from breaking into the mountains, and on the other hand, they will be ready to devour the opponent's weak points at any time.

As for the loss of your primordial spirits during this period, the owner of this island will naturally have a way to give them to you, and in the future, the owner of this island will not want any primordial spirits hunted and killed, and they will all belong to you. But there is one thing, no one is allowed to kill the saints of our sect, and those who violate it will be shot to death! "

Liu Qianlang looked around at the helpless expressions of his highness's dozens of demons, changed the subject, and mentioned his deployment plan. Speaking of this, he paused for a while, his eyes flashed with Changhong, and he scanned aggressively.

His Highness was silent, Xin Xin was secretly planning, and most of the island masters or hall masters who wanted to take advantage of the Beiximen chaos to take advantage of other islands immediately gave up their thoughts.

"The second option is to learn from the practice of the seventeen wolf-backed wolf soul hunters on the Island of Sadness and Joy. This island mainly establishes a new organization of soul hunters on the Island of Sadness and Joy. This organization has two functions. One is to monitor all sorrows and joys. If the behavior of the island saints is found to be against the will of the island master, they will be executed immediately!

The second is the most important role. Although we don't have the strength to conquer the other six demon forces, we can challenge their high-level tyrannical strength one by one through assassinations, and we can do a lot of things to make the six demons conflict with each other. "

"Hmm! This approach is indeed a wise move. I don't know what the name of the new soul hunter is, and who is it composed of?"

His Royal Highness, the seven new hall masters of Tiandao and seventy-seven forty-nine new sub-island masters nodded one after another. Seven seven forty-nine sub-island masters took the lead, with a figure as strong as an iron tower, a big head and big ears, and a face like bronze. Standing up with a sway, he said in a naive voice.

"This new soul-hunting killer organization is called Canming Xingke. It kills people in the starry night and stays in the stars as evidence. The members are chosen by me in secret. Knowing that it exists, it’s all about earnestly carrying out the educational affairs. Don’t ask too many questions about other questions.”

Liu Qianlang's complexion was condensed, his white hair fluttered without wind, his eyes were deep and the waves were turbulent, and everyone present felt chills after hearing his faint words.

"Yes! Follow the orders of the island lord!"

Dozens of people stood up and saluted and shouted at the same time when they felt the shocking waves of divine power coming from above.

"Let's do our own thing. If there is no messenger to call, you are not allowed to leave your respective island palaces, and you are not allowed to travel between the islands. When you are called, come here, don't delay the holy opportunity."

Liu Qianlang nodded in satisfaction, and the seven Tiandao island owners and seventy-seven forty-nine sub-island island owners present disappeared in an instant, and appeared in a lake in the north of Tiandao Palace of Sadness and Joy the next moment. The lake is called Tiandao Lake. It is the place where all the hall masters and island masters come and go from the Palace of Sadness and Joy to the teleportation lake magic circle.

In the Palace of Sadness and Joy, only Liu Qianlang's eight personal guardians and Long'er beside him are left.

"Hee hee! Uncle Liu was so majestic just now, those ugly monsters are so afraid of you!" Long Er's eyes sparkled, and he wanted to speak a long time ago, but he didn't dare to see Liu Qianlang's serious look just now. Now holding Liu Qianlang's corner and laughing.

"Hehe, they will also be afraid of you in the future. Will Long'er dare to perform a mission on behalf of Uncle Liu?" Liu Qianlang withdrew his cold expression, stroked Long'er's golden hair, and asked with a smile.

"Hee hee! I am the young master. If there is anything I don't dare to do, I don't believe they dare to do anything to me. After all, what do you want me to do?" Long Er heard that he had a task to perform, and he was ready to show off. The master's style, very happy to agree.

"Go to the shore of Tiandao Lake and listen to what the hall masters and sub-island masters were talking about when they left. By the way, use the stealth technique I taught you to hold your breath!"

"It's that simple!"

"Hehe, it's not easy, you'll know in a while, go!"

Long'er frowned and pouted, feeling that he was overqualified, but he still turned into a little golden dragon, and the golden light disappeared in a flash.

"Haha, Hun Zun is really lucky to have such a child with a strange spiritual root. It's really enviable." The eight guardians, Bing Jinlang, Zhu Mogong, Huanlangzi and Chao Jiufeng, who have been separating Liu Qianlang and his wife all the time Hearing the conversation between Liu Qianlang and Long'er, I was very happy, especially the four sisters of Huahaoyueyuan liked Long'er's cute appearance.

"Well, I think so too. At first I thought she was a little golden dragon, but who knew that she was a rare and strange child. What surprised me even more was that she possessed the power of the heavens in her body, and she possessed chaos, prehistoric, and prehistoric abilities without cultivation. All kinds of divine powers like Hongmeng, even I feel inferior compared to this alone. Moreover, she is very intelligent, and she can teach everything, which really makes me very happy."

When Liu Qianlang mentioned Long'er, he was full of love.

"However, Master Hun, although this child is good, we know her ins and outs for sure. We like it as much as we like, and hope we don't make mistakes!" Hao'er always felt that Long'er appeared strangely.

"Hao'er's sister-in-law is worried, and I am also worried. I asked the child's parents, but she refused to tell me. It is not easy for me to ask. So just in case, I implanted my A trace of consciousness. If she is not kind, I will find out in time. Brothers and sisters-in-law, please rest assured."

Liu Qianlang saluted and thanked Haoer for reminding her.

"Haha, why should the second sister-in-law be worried, don't you feel relieved when Hun Zun is doing things?" The fourth elder of the Four Great Immortal Sabers said with a smile to Feng Jiu.

"Hehe, don't worry! Why don't you worry about it? However, no matter what happens in the future, Lord Soul should not send us into your profound realm again. We can live and die together with Lord Soul, even though we die without regret, don't Too much for our sake."

Holly said again.

"That's right, Master Hun must have experienced a lot of great things later, but unfortunately we all missed it, so please tell us about it when you have time."

Hua'er interrupted and said angrily.

"Hehe, okay, if you have time, Qianlang will definitely tell you in detail. But you were injured at the time, how could Qianlang have the heart to let you continue to take risks. Fortunately, everything is over."

"Yeah, it's all over. Haha, should we see what kind of joke your young master is making again?" Huanlangzi, dressed in a white fairy robe, raised his eyebrows and reminded him with a smile.

"Hehe, yes. Brothers and sisters-in-law are invited!" Liu Qianlang didn't take Tiandao Island Master seriously at all, so in terms of address, when there were no outsiders, it was the same as before.

Everyone laughed happily, under the throne of the island lord of Tiandao, a burst of silver light surged, and the ghost boat turned into a thin cloud and rushed out of the palace, and appeared in the sky over Tiandao Lake, a hundred miles north of Beixi Palace, in the blink of an eye.

Liu Qianlang took a psychic glance and saw Long'er on the shore of the lake and dozens of hall masters and sub-island masters who happened to step on Tiandao Lake in the center of the lake.

"Hmph! He wants to lead us by himself. He is really self-defeating, and he is not allowed to hunt inside. The owner of this island doesn't believe in this evil!" In the halo of the gorgeous and purple Tiandao Lake teleportation array, a man in a pitch-black magic robe The island owner, with a red face and fangs, said angrily.

"Keep your voice down, the thirteenth island owner, don't let the Guangming island owner hear it. You think he is an ordinary person who can drive away the crying monsters and laughing ghosts. We should be more cautious for the time being."

"Yes! The thirteen island masters, at this time, at that time, now is the world of the Guangming island master, and those who don't listen to him will have to die. Look at him, the killer of the remnant star guest may have already organized it."

The people around were kind enough to persuade the thirteenth island owner. However, the thirteenth island owner, the more he persuaded, the more he went too far, and finally scolded Liu Qianlang.

"Hey! Hmph! How dare you scold me Uncle Liu behind your back, and you won't kneel down when you see this young master!"

In order to show the identity of the young master, Long'er on the shore of the lake thousands of meters away used some method of holding back breath. Standing there, she was only two feet tall. Dozens of hall masters and island masters had seen her long ago, but none of them took her seriously.

Long'er lost his self-esteem, and when he heard their incendiary words, he shouted angrily.

"Yeah! Little thing, even Daoist Guangming and the owner of this island don't take it seriously, how dare you make us kneel down! Since the owner of Guangming Island is not here, I will send you on your way first!"

The thirteenth island master was complaining fiercely, his eyes were breathing fire, and when he heard that a child was so domineering, he suddenly became furious, and his figure suddenly shot into the sky, then turned around at a height of several hundred feet, his claws were filled with cold smoke, and he stared. With white fangs exposed in his eyes, he pounced on Long'er like a goshawk.


However, a moment later, Long'er was safe and sound, and a blue light suddenly shot out from behind Long'er, and then, the thirteenth island owner was burned into ashes by a blue fire amidst howling miserably. The poor figure had time to fall.


Then, a faint blue five-pointed jade star flashed out from the ashes, with a rippling halo, mysterious and beautiful.

"Seeing the young master is like seeing the master of Guangming Island. Those who don't kneel will die!" A cold and frightening voice came out of the five-pointed jade star.

"See young master! Young master is auspicious!" The rest of the island masters and hall masters trembled in fright, and hurriedly knelt down and bowed their heads.

"Hee hee! This is more or less the same, that's enough, I have something else to do, you go back for now!" Long Er was startled, and immediately realized that it was Liu Qianlang who was helping him, and immediately imitated Liu Qianlang's tone happily, and waved Karate.


In the next second, the center of Tiandao Lake became quiet.

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