Nine Heavens

Chapter 1269

Chapter 1269 Inducing Chaos Plan

At the same moment, at the Gate of Sadness and Joy, Liu Qianlang was sitting in the ghost boat, looking at the eastern sunrise over Tiandao, with nine white clouds of wine above his head, while admiring the mountains, rivers, islands and waterfalls in the third world, he calmly waited The return of the eight guardians and the seven hall masters.

Below, in Tiandao Lake's teleportation circle of dazzling purple light, the first figure Liu Qianlang sensed was not the Eight Great Guardians and the Seven Great Hall Masters, but a little golden dragon.

The little golden dragon soared into Liu Qianlang's ghost boat, and with a flash of golden light, it turned into a little girl with a golden body and a dragon's horn on her head.

"Hee hee!" The little girl looked happy, her eyes sparkled, she didn't speak, she smiled mischievously, and hooked two fingers, which meant she wanted something from Liu Qianlang.

"Hehe, it's really not easy to ask Long'er to do something. I've spent most of my time making alchemy for you these days. After all, Special Envoy of the Island Patrol, I've already prepared it for you if I find anything these few days. Three bottles of Happy Pill will give you enough to eat."

Liu Qianlang felt the other party's happiness through the crystal-clear glass of the wine, and saw the important news to report, and waved his hand lightly, and in an instant, three pure white jade bottles of pills flew towards the other party.


"Well, delicious, really fragrant!"

Long'er stretched out his hand to take the three pill bottles that were shining green with happy pills inside. After collecting two bottles, he couldn't wait to open one bottle, then threw it into his mouth and tasted it, tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk-ed.

"Haha, haha" Liu Qianlang was not in a hurry, what she was going to say next, she would have said the same thing if she didn't say it herself.

"In the past few days, the Beixi Islands have been quiet except for the seventy-nine and forty-nine major islands. , It has not been quiet these days. Since the death of the thirteen island masters, they seem to be dissatisfied, and there are still some people who are secretly in contact.

Also, I found out that the two hall masters, Sun and Moon, secretly flew outside the barrier of Beixi Island, meeting with crying devils and laughing ghosts in private, and the aunt in red came to see me, and there are no more. "

Long'er touched the dragon's horns and thought for a while, when he was talking excitedly, he stopped abruptly and said no more, Liu Qianlang was also clear and confused.

"Well, I'm done. After I'm done, go to my sleeves and eat happy pills. Then, get a good sleep. Uncle Liu will take you to some places you haven't been to tonight."

Seeing the red sun rising in the east in the third world, and the gorgeous Tiandao Lake teleportation lake array, many figures appeared one after another, Liu Qianlang said to Long Er.

"Oh, hee hee! Well, it just so happened that I didn't sleep all night last night, so I went to eat the happy pill!" Long Er looked back, and saw that the eight guardians and the seven hall masters had come. And I followed Uncle Liu's words and had been secretly monitoring the Seven Hall Masters, so naturally I didn't want to see them, so I happily slipped into Liu Qianlang's sleeves and remained silent.

"See Guangming Island Master!" The people who came came to salute one after another, and then, the eight guardians flew up to the ghost boat, and the seven halls listened to the boat.

"The seven hall masters have worked hard recently. Each of them is responsible for the supervision of the seven islands. They must be very tired. They will each give a thousand Yuanshen as a little compensation. I don't know if the island is now all elite saints practicing How's the process?"

Liu Qianlang collected his wine and cup, and asked calmly.

"Back to Guangming Island Master, now the new and old island masters of Seven Seven Forty Nine Islands are practicing the Tuming Tiangang formation under the guidance of the Eight Great Protectors, and the progress is rapid. Please rest assured, Guangming Island Master."

Chi Mang, the first hall master of the Sun Soul, glanced at Lu Fei, the Moon Soul beside him, and replied with a salute.

"That's good, Aoyue Kuangsword protectors, have there been any people from the Beiximen who didn't follow the main law of the island recently, went out of Beiximen privately, or privately traveled between islands?"

Liu Qianlang nodded slightly, then looked back with a meaningful look at the eight guardians, and asked.

"Back to Guangming Island Master, all the formations recorded in the teleportation lake array in the lakes of the islands have followed the rules recently, and there is no deviance in the slightest. It is very gratifying." Aoyue Kuangdao Bingjinlang hurriedly replied with a salute.

Tens of feet away from the ghost boat, Hall Master Sun Moon, before Aoyue Kuangdao Bingjinlang said nothing, felt nervous and his forehead was sweating. But after listening to the other party's words, he couldn't help but feel more complacent and vicious in an instant.

"Bah! What a piece of shit, Guangming Island Master, Crazy Saber Guardian! This Sorrow and Joy Gate is clearly the world of our demons, how can we let you human race immortal monks dictate again, you wait, you will be finished soon!"

Chi Mang, the master of the Rihun hall, was secretly glad that the other party hadn't found out that he had secretly met many times to cry and laugh at ghosts, and at the same time cursed in his heart.

"That's good. This situation is really not easy. The eight guardians can't always leave the owner of the island. I have to ask all the hall masters to take care of the affairs of the islands of sorrow and happiness. They are still in charge of the seven islands and supervise the island owners of each sub-island at all times. One is to practice. , and the second is to be prepared to defend and attack the other six demons at any time."

Liu Qianlang smiled slightly, glanced at the seven hideous faces of the Human Devil Heavenly Island Hall Master in the misty emerald morning mist, and warned again.


The seven Heavenly Island hall masters responded loudly.

"Hehe, my island master is fine, all hall masters go to work!" Liu Qianlang retreated the seven hall masters, and when they disappeared in the teleportation array of Tiandao Lake, a layer of breath-proof was suddenly covered outside the ghost boat. mask.

"Brothers and sisters-in-law, please sit down. I don't know if there is any possibility of enlightenment among the five human demons, the Mountain of Sorrow, the Valley of Fear, the Waterfall of Good Joy, the Cave of Absolute Evil, and the Sea of ​​No Greed?"

Without outsiders, Liu Qianlang immediately resumed his relationship with the four sisters Aoyue Kuangdao Bingjinlang, Chasing Soul Suoyue Dao Zhu Mogong, Tianhen Gudao Huanlangzi, Feiying Canxin Dao Chao Jiufeng and Huahaoyueyuan. The fellowship call, asked.

"It seems that there are only a few human demons who are ashamed and angry Huyong Moxiu'er who still have righteous thoughts, and she is the only one. In the past few days, we have tried every means to test the power of the five demons according to the meaning of the Soul Lord. , there is no one like Yong Moxiuer. They are destined to be our sworn enemies!"

Soul Chaser Suoyue Knife Lord Mozhu held Youlan Soul Chaser Suoyue Knife in his arms, his whole body was filled with cold air, his white robe was flowing, red face and lion eyes, he said with a frown.

"That's right. We only need to eliminate them. We have to rely on these demons to deal with them. It seems that we need to consider whether it is feasible to respect each other. Long Er probably told you. These demons are respectful to us on the surface, but in reality God hates us so much, how can he really help us?

In particular, the two hall masters, Sun and Moon, are still secretly dealing with the crying devil and laughing ghost who fled from the realm of wild hunting. If the crying devil and laughing ghost lead countless unruly humans and demons from the realm of wild hunting to attack, they should cooperate with them inside and outside. The situation we are facing is really bad! "

As soon as the soul-chasing Suoyue Saber Zhu Mogong finished speaking, everyone thought for a while, and then there was the dazzled thick purple Lord Huanlangzi on his lap, with a fair and handsome face, and he said the same thing with his frowning eyebrows.

"Please Hun Zun think twice about the strategy of the mysterious red shadow woman you mentioned!" Feiying Canxin Dao Chao Jiufeng and Hua Haoyueyuan's four sisters spoke in an astonishingly unanimous tone.

"As you brothers and sisters-in-law said, Qianlang has been thinking about it for several days, and today I just want to listen to everyone's opinions and make a final decision based on the facts." Liu Qianlang nodded slightly and said solemnly.

"What does the soul master mean?" The eight guardians asked almost at the same time.

"Qingdao! Continue to implement the Remnant Star Guest Plan, except for Shame and Nu Lake for the time being!" Liu Qianlang made his final decision.

"The soul is wise and wise!"

Hearing the words, the eight protectors were immediately overjoyed, and they all saluted and agreed!

Liu Qianlang looked up at the eight guardians one by one, and said in a firm and calm tone: "Since you have made up your mind, the sooner you move, the better, all brothers and sisters will do it tonight, and at dawn tomorrow, on the entire Sad and Happy Islands, tomorrow When Long Er and I come back in the morning, I hope to see only eight brothers and sisters exist!"

"Is Hun Zun going alone?" Hua'er asked worriedly.

"No, it's four people, including my four remnant soul killers. I will tell you in detail when I come back. When you act, some high-level members of the five demons will be assassinated at the same time. After tonight, the third world will Falling into great chaos is our opportunity, and it is also a time for us to face more crises. Everyone must pay attention to safety at all times!"

What Liu Qianlang was most concerned about was the safety of the Eight Guardians and how to go in the future. When he spoke, his eyes were full of worry.

"Don't worry, Master Hun. The Four Swords of Longyun and the Four Sages of Taomen will never let Master Hun down. You must also be careful!" They all comforted Liu Qianlang.

Next, the nine continued to chat about many details of tonight's operation.

The Lake Palace at the bottom of the Shame Lake.

"My palace lord has decided that from now on, all demons, big and small, from the shameful lake will not be allowed to step out of the seal enchantment of the shameful lake, let alone hunt any primordial spirit!"

On the throne of the high purple crystal princess in the main hall of the Lake Palace, the embarrassing concubine of the lake was shimmering with purple clouds, and her mouth under the white veil made a firm and cold voice.


When His Highness's seven Hu officials heard the words, they were all at a loss for a while, and they looked at each other for a while, and they were shocked for a while.

After a long time, the lake official of the Northwest Langwei tentatively asked: "Does the palace master mean that the mission of the Langwei to hunt the three hundred yuan gods every full moon night will be cancelled?"

Ever since the moon god, the water soul, and the demon hunter disappeared inexplicably on the 7749th birthday of the northwest, the lake official has been most worried about hunting the god on the night of the full moon for several days. Because there was no hunting spirit dispatched in seventy-seven forty-nine, his other demons would not be able to complete the task at all, and then he would only be executed.

And just when she was trembling and trembling, and tonight was the night of the full moon, Concubine Rao Hu, the embarrassing woman, suddenly changed her temperament. She made such an absurd decision, which made her feel elated, secretly glad that she had escaped a catastrophe. However, such a decision is not at all like the style of embarrassing Concubine Hulao, so I couldn't believe my ears, thinking I heard it wrong, so I asked.

"Not only is the position of Lang Wei cancelled, but there will be no more hunting gods in the Lake of Shame and Wrath from now on. Today, the master of the palace has realized a kind of magical skill of abandoning demons and returning to immortality. The lake is full of resources for righteous spirits and immortal cultivation. You can choose whatever you want. , as long as you don’t hide and fight maliciously. That is to say, from now on, we Shame and Nuhu Lake will break with the six great humans and demons, and re-start the journey of righteousness and immortality. No one should violate the decision of the palace master of a few days.”

Shameful Concubine Laolao announced more clearly.

"Panic is not enough! All the devils in Shanuhu Lake know that there is only one way for us to go in the future, and that is to hunt the primordial spirit, practice magic skills, change ghosts into pills, and one day step into the Nether Inner Prison to become ghost immortals. If Otherwise, we would have to be wiped out by the six demons or the netherworld forces!"

The words of Concubine Rao, who was ashamed and angry at the lake, fell for a moment, and the lake official on the southwestern snow bank immediately looked dissatisfied, glared at the northwest lake official, and said in a somewhat provocative tone.

"Huh? How dare you not listen to the decision of the palace lord!" The palace lord on the throne asked with a cold purple awn in the eyes of the embarrassing concubine Hu Rao on the white gauze.

"Forgive me for being so hard to follow my orders!" The lake official on Southwest Xue'an was very resolute.

"Haha, as soon as the purple sun comes out, the group of demons will kneel down! If you dare not obey the holy orders, then go to hell!" The embarrassing Concubine Hulao suddenly appeared on the chest of the purple sun, and a purple light shot from the purple sun at this place in an instant. A lake official.


The next moment, the lake official on the southwestern snow bank was already rolling in a mass of blazing purple flames, howling incessantly.

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