Nine Heavens

Chapter 1270

Chapter 1270 Demonized Jiao Niang

"Which Hu official dares to be presumptuous!?" The embarrassing concubine Hu Lao stopped her sneer and asked sharply.

"Why are you still looking at each other? She's not Mrs. Hu, she's the mediocre Moxiuer. She killed Mrs. Hu, and why didn't she kill her right away!"

Suddenly, six waves of human figures floated in from outside the shameful lake palace, and each wave consisted of seven to forty-nine demons. Every human demon is vicious and angry, and the first wave of human demons is the leader, shouting angrily.

One of the seven lake officials has died tragically, and the remaining six lake officials, even if they don’t tell anyone, have already discovered that there is something wrong with Mrs. Hu, and immediately instinctively revealed their magical weapons, but each of them was full of evil lights. He looked like he didn't dare to go forward.

"You bastards, how dare you be seven lake officials! For several days in a row, the lake of shame and anger is full of strange spirits, don't you notice that there is something different about the lake? We are hunting for the lake of shame and anger. Elder Nuhu Dharma Protector. Now Hulao concubine has been killed, and the mediocre demon has seized the throne! Although the Northwest Langwei Liesha is not there, we will seek justice for the dead Hulao!

Now listen to the orders of the Elder Ben Liusha Dharma Protector, and we will join hands to eliminate the rebellion immediately and re-elect a new Hulao! Do it! "The six waves of figures who came in clamored for a while, and then they all sacrificed their magic weapons. Suddenly, the evil light was chaotic, and the thunderbolt and lightning shot towards the high palace lord's throne, Zixia Nu.

Seeing the situation, the six Hu officials quickly threw themselves into the killing battle.

"Stop it all! How presumptuous! Whoever said Grandma Benhu was killed is a piece of nonsense!"

Just above the throne of the lord of Shame and Wrath Lake, when Yong Moxiuer was embarrassed, the roof of the palace suddenly spun and flew down in front of Yong Mo, a figure filled with purple mist covered his face with a white veil.

When the attackers saw it, they were astonished, and suddenly put away the magic weapon, and immediately shouted in unison: "Sheng'an, grandma of the lake!"

"Sister!? You?"

Yong Moxiu'er was extremely astonished, looked at Zi Wu's figure in front of him in surprise, and shouted.

"Sister Xiu'er, I know that Xiu'er pretends to be my sister to ascend to the position of Lake Grandma. Sooner or later, the seven elders of the seven chief protectors will see through. At that time, I will suffer catastrophe, so my sister has already set up a phantom body on the top of the palace.

Without further ado, once my phantom appears, it can only last for half an hour. You must kill the six 294 hunters within half an hour, otherwise you will not be able to secure your position as Palace Master . I will deal with them, you look for an opportunity to make a move, it is best to succeed in one fell swoop! "

Concubine Hulao's phantom body and thoughts transmitted to her younger sister Yongmoxiu'er behind her.

"Okay, Xiu'er understands, thank you sister!" Yongmo Xiu'er also responded in her mind, but what the phantom body said was left by the program, no matter how excited Xiu'er was, Hu Laofei's phantom body couldn't feel it.

"It turns out Grandma Hu is not dead. It turns out that the news of the Weeping Devil Laughing Ghost was wrong. He offended Grandma Hu. His subordinates are guilty and willing to be punished!" The six hunters took the lead in bowing and bowing their heads, followed by a whoosh, and they all knelt down like a tide.

"I understand. Grandma Benhu is going to retreat to practice Cangming Tumen's Ziyang Xiaojian magical skill. Because it takes ten thousand years to complete, it takes a long time, so I pass it on to my younger sister Yong Moxiu'er. I intended to enter the gate, but suddenly felt something was wrong. When I came back just now, I saw that you were so rebellious and rebellious, and you openly resisted when you saw the purple sun shining on the seat. It really chills Grandma Benhu."

Concubine Hulao looked out of the palace gate blankly, and spoke mechanically.

"Hey! Grandma Hu, forgive me, it's all because of coming in. The third world is full of dangers everywhere, and the seven demons all have different degrees of mutation. First, Lang Wei disappeared inexplicably for hunting evil, and then a few days ago, overnight. In the meantime, the surface of the shameful lake and its surroundings are full of strange spirits, constantly consuming the gloomy light accumulated in the water of the shameful lake, and it is still spreading.

If it goes on like this, within a few days, the demonic aura in Sha Nu Lake will disappear completely. In that way, the human-devil bodies refined by all of us shame and anger lake demons for countless years will face the catastrophe of annihilation. Therefore, subordinates are extremely sensitive. Just now, Crying Demon Laughing Ghost ordered someone to report that Grandma Hu had been killed by Yong Moxiuer, so we came here rashly. The result was a misunderstanding. "

Lie Sha, who was still speaking before, looked up at Hu Lao Concubine's phantom body and said.

"In the future, I will let Xinhu's grandma, Yong Moxiuer, do anything. Anyone who violates the order will be killed! Yongmoxiuer, Grandma Benhu is leaving now. If you have anything to say, grandma Benhu also wants to I want to hear about your future plans."

Concubine Hulao didn't care what the Lie Sha who raised her head said, since the phantom settled down, she didn't move, she didn't even move her mouth, and she didn't speak the right words.


Hearing the words, the people present murmured in their hearts, especially Lie Sha, who had spoken just now, frowned and looked at Hu Lao Concubine for a while, and finally realized something was wrong, then suddenly jumped up, about to shout something.


However, it was too late, and then soon, a ball of thick purple flames suddenly shot out from behind Concubine Hu Lao, which was right in the mouth of this Lie Sha.

The next thing he ended up was a howling scream, and his body and spirit were all wiped out.

"Hmph! It's only been five days since Grandma Benhu sat on the throne of the palace lord. Unexpectedly, someone will take the lead in rebellion and make trouble. My palace lord will ask again, who else is against abandoning demons and returning to immortality?"

Yong Moxiu'er snorted coldly, and suddenly flew to the position several feet high above Hu Lao Concubine's phantom body, and simply lifted the white veil, revealing the astonishing beauty of the human race. She shot Suihong with her eyes, and asked sharply.

There was a moment of silence, and then the Lake Officer of the Northwest Langwei was the first to stand up to support Yongmoxiuer. But she died in the next second, this time it wasn't Yong Moxiu'er who killed her, it was the hand of some hunter behind her.

"Hulao Concubine Rao is an illusion!"

Suddenly someone shouted in shock, and then there was a crash, and everyone who was kneeling flew up, wanting to start a new round of decisive attack.


However, they were too late. Suddenly, hundreds of scarlet and purple fire leopards roared out from Ziyang on Yong Moxiuer's chest, and everyone present was thrown away, and their bloody mouth was hit in the throat, and it was too late to shout With a sound, the demon body has been torn to pieces. Then there were beautiful primordial spirits floating around in the Shameful Lake Palace.

Yong Moxiu'er saw her sister's phantom flying away, felt a pang of sadness in her heart, stared at the primordial spirits in the space for a long time, sealed the palace doors and windows, and asked for the last time: "My palace master will ask you one last time, is there any Who is willing to abandon demons and return to immortality?"

"I do! I do!"

"Bah! Bitch!"

Hundreds of primordial spirits quarreled for a while, and all kinds of beautiful lights burst out.

Five primordial spirits flew towards Yongmoxiuer in a burst of leaps, but in the middle, three of them were swallowed by the joint efforts of those disaffected primordial spirits.

"Huh! It seems that what my sister said is right, since death will not return to immortality, it will be a disaster to keep it!" Yong Moxiu'er's face turned cold, and she suddenly shot into the place where the primordial spirit was concentrated in the space.

"Boom! Boom!"

Yong Moxiuer galloped gracefully, and wherever he passed, those aggrieved souls were turned into ashes. Then flew back to the throne. At this time, His Highness only had the two weakest Primordial Spirits, Jin and Lan.

The two primordial spirits were jumping and trembling. Seeing that the mediocre demon Xiu'er was sitting still, they said in a low voice: "I am the official of Liuyang, and my sister is the official of the wheat field. We are willing to abandon the devil and return to immortality. Have you ever met our sisters?"

"Of course, my palace lord's words are a joke. It's useless to keep your demon body. Now my palace lord will return your original beauty in the world. You don't need to be a lake official in the future. Follow my palace lord and be my left and right guardians." !"

Yong Moxiu'er has finally lifted the biggest obstacle to her dream of abandoning demons and returning to immortality. She is somewhat relieved in her sudden loneliness. At least two Hu officials are willing to support her.

"Concentrate on your primordial spirit immediately, recall your appearance in the mortal world, and don't get distracted." Yongmoxiu'er took Ziyang away, and immediately urged the poison of swallowing wheel to reverse the magical power.

I saw two clear blue lights shooting at the two primordial spirits of His Highness, and after a while, the two primordial spirits were respectively bathed in a cloud of faint blue light.

"Heck, the owner of Guangming Island is really troublesome. He insisted on coming to help Miss Xiu'er. It seems that I am redundant. I am not happy to see Miss Xiu'er. What's the matter? Killed hundreds of birthdays alone Aren't the primordial spirits and demons happy?"

At this moment, before the gate of the Palace of Shame and Anger opened, a red shadow woman suddenly appeared at the gate, holding a green hill in her hand and smiling like a silver bell.

"Thank you, Guangming Island Master and Zuo Ming Island Master, for your concern. How could Xiuer be happy? My sister sacrificed her life in exchange for a fairy dream, and I have no confidence in the future at all. I see, there are hundreds of monsters in my sect, and only these two sisters are willing to follow. I abandoned demons and returned to immortality. With such a ratio, how hopeful do you think the future is?"

Yong Moxiu'er was not surprised by the other party's appearance, knowing that he was a friend rather than an enemy, and there was no need to hide her true feelings, she sighed and said.

"As long as there is hope, the most important thing is to understand that the reason why your sister is willing to die is for this hope. Even if it is only for your sister, you have no choice. So you only have a strong and unstoppable will!

I came here to help you eliminate the six hunters, but what is gratifying is that you did it yourself. Then all the remaining monsters of Shay Nu Lake will no longer have the power to resist. I can't think of three days, and Sha Nu Lake will become the second place of righteousness in the third world. Then the Island of Sadness and Joy will be too.

Among the Seven Devils, such a change has occurred in only a dozen days, and such achievements are unprecedented. In fact, we are already very good! Now what I want to say is that you are not alone, my sister is gone. And me, Guangming Island Master, and many sisters after you have become spiritual! You will not be alone, and your sister is also blessing you forever in another dimension! "

The red shadow woman floated closer, An Weiyong Moxiu'er.

"Well said, Xiu'er understands! Thank you, sister Zuo Ming, for your comfort. You don't mind if I call you sister?"

"Hey, it's unbelievable to have such a flowery and jade-like sister of Shainuhu Lake in the third world. I'm too late to be happy, so why would I mind. However, your Shainuhu Lake will soon become beautiful, and the beautiful sisters will become beautiful. We have a group, we have new sisters, but don’t forget that I am. Hey! Look, those are two sisters who look like flowers!"

The woman in red smiled happily, raised her slender arms and pointed to the front of her line of sight. There were two faint blue light clusters of His Highness, and within the light clusters, two young girls with cross-legged meditation appeared. One is wearing a golden gauze dress and the other is wearing an emerald green gauze skirt. Both hands are making talismans, all of them look ashamed.

"See Grandma Hu!"

At this time. The two girls regenerated their mortal bodies, got up, and the precious light lingered outside their bodies. They looked at each other, their eyes were full of joy, and the sky was full of blessings.

"Hehe, um! Sure enough, it's great to return to immortality. Just because of your shameful appearance, you should go this way. Come! Come to me. From now on, one of you will be called Jin'er and the other will be called Tweety!"

Yong Moxiu'er was very happy, and greeted the two lake officials who had turned into young girls. The two girls were ashamed, and Pingting flew away, and stood next to Yong Moxiu'er in the next second.

"Heck, sister Zuo Ming, please sit down, you guys will meet the distinguished guest Zuo Ming island of Beixi Island soon!" Yong Moxiuer laughed.

"Guardian Jin'er met the island master Zuo Ming!"

"Tweety has met Master Zun!"

Jin'er and Cui'er were still immersed in the intoxication of restoring the beauty of the mortal world, saluted with a smile, and greeted the red shadow woman.

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