Nine Heavens

Chapter 1271

Chapter 1271 Four Faces and Seven Arms

"Hehe, sister Xiu'er is not alone anymore, I should go too, but I will come to see you again!" The red shadow girl nodded back and smiled.

"Sister Zuo Ming Island Master, please wait a moment. One look at my sister's figure, she is not a human monster. She must be stunning in the world. Can I take off her gauze and see her?" Yong Moxiu'er Hu Grandma asked expectantly.

The red shadow woman had already turned around, but turned back again, the red mist wrapped around her head faded, she lifted half of the bright red veil, and said with a smile: "My sister is still a curious Grandma Hu, just let you see it, giggling , I'll leave now!"

The red shadow woman Yazi lifted the veil, as if dancing in the air, and then smiled.

With blond hair and a shocking face, the figure is gone, and Yong Moxiu'er and the two protectors have been envious for a long time. "Oh! There is such a beautiful person in our third world? She is as beautiful as Grandma Hu!"

Jin'er and Cui'er immediately felt that their looks were too ordinary, and the joy before had calmed down.

"No, how can I compare with her, she is so beautiful, the flowers are not as beautiful as her, the butterflies are not as pretty as her, the phoenix is ​​not as noble as her, the crane is not as elegant as her, she is not a human being, but a god of beauty."

Although only half of the face of the red shadow woman can be seen, those glazed eyes, long eyelashes, Gao Ting's nose bridge, just the perfect size of the mouth, blond hair, and rascal son, all contain an elegant temperament. Let Yong Moxiu'er admire and envy her extremely.

"Jin'er, Tweety! Seeing her and seeing us now, do you think it's better to be an evil and ugly monster, or to be as beautiful as her?" In the direction of the palace gate, a voice full of joy asked the left and right guardians.

"In the past, I lost my true nature and forgot that this is what we want. Of course, it is as beautiful as her, and it is not in vain to go against the sky if you walk the righteous fairy way."

Jin'er's eyes flashed, and she deeply regretted the past experience of being a monster.

"Going on like this beautifully, even if you die on the road of cultivation, it's worth it. I didn't know the difference between recuperation and evil cultivation before, but now I seem to understand a little bit.

The evil cultivator's heart is distorted, vicious and cruel, inhumane, his face is mutated and ferocious, and he slaughters all living beings and souls. The magnificent mountains, rivers, sun, and moon shine brightly and vividly!

As for righteous spiritual cultivation, although it is extremely difficult, it is difficult for one person to end up in a thousand miles. However, those who practice righteousness have great kindness in their hearts and compassion for others. Don't harm others, be selfless and generous! Love the beauty of nature, nourish the righteous spirit of heaven and earth, the road to immortality is sad, but the beauty is prosperous, death is also dignified, and Taoism is eternal in the sky."

Cui'er thought of her long journey of self-cultivation, and her heart suddenly brightened. She was afraid of death and fell into the devil, and she would eventually die, so she kept her heart upright and kept thinking. Harmony is the way to the future, amazing fairies and the universe! While expressing emotion, he said what he had never said before.

"Tweety, what you said is great. If that's the case, what are we waiting for? There are still so many sisters in Shanu Lake who are still lost in self-lostness. Let's go and save them." Yongmoxiuer was pleasantly surprised Looking at Tweety, she was convinced.

The realm of hunting.

The hurricane roared, and the emerald green was thicker. In the boundless and vast space, there are still scenes of evil rainbows and lightning shooting everywhere. The slaughter is everywhere.

In such a space, there are two groups of people gathered together thousands of feet away, and at first glance it is hard to tell how many people are. But after a closer look, I found that each cluster is actually a person.

One is skinny, with a stooped figure in a pitch-black ghost robe, with two legs, but seven arms dangling in front of and behind him. His hands are long and thin, with pale bone claws, and they are holding sharp bone sticks in their hands. The four sides of the square head are also pale, the eyes, nose and mouth are pitch black, pale green, and evil smoke of various colors of orange and yellow is bubbling.

The person opposite this skinny figure is none other than a weeping devil and a laughing ghost. However, above the head of the Weeping Devil Laughing Ghost, there is still a large group of human and devil figures.

"Yo! The vanguard of Yin Lang with four arms and seven arms is really free. Why do you have time to come to the Realm of Hunting to visit my family?" Weeping Momei looked affectionately, stroking her hair with her slender hands, and said beautifully.

"The Crying Demon looks lovely, but his eyes don't seem to be very good. Do you think this general is here to see you?" The vanguard of Yin Lang with four arms and seven arms snorted coldly, facing the crying devil with a blank face. said with a big mouth.

"Boom! Boom!"

And the other three faces and six eyes are directing the seven arms to shoot out the pale bone rainbow filled with cold smoke, constantly hunting and killing the unruly human demons, constantly grabbing the acquired souls, and throwing them into their mouths from time to time. One or two, chewed intoxicated.

"Hehe, don't pretend, if it weren't for my beauty, you wouldn't want to do it, and you would not have done it because of your four-faced, seven-armed and pioneering viciousness, not to mention that our golden brother Hongmei has double birthdays. God, don't you want to be greedy?" The Crying Demon smiled coquettishly, his face like a peach blossom, making him even more charming.

Four-faced and seven-armed Yinlang Pioneer saw it in his eyes, and felt itchy in his heart. In fact, what the other party said was correct. Since I saw her go to Mingkong to exchange for the Pingpin Eryue Guicheng Dan a few days ago, I liked her very much. So I took the opportunity to come, but I didn't expect that the other party was not stupid at all, and revealed my thoughts to the fullest.

"Hey! If you like to say that, that's fine. I might as well kill you. Not only will I get your beautiful skin to wear, but I can also get a double birthday moon spirit. There are many benefits. Especially yours. Such a shameless beauty, I don’t know how precious it is in the Underworld Hell!”

The four-faced and seven-armed Yin Lang Pioneer chuckled, and suddenly appeared in front of the Crying Demon strangely, and touched the Crying Demon's beautiful face with a skinny white claw.

"Hehe, am I beautiful?" The crying demon deliberately twisted his delicate body, and said infinitely charmingly, not only did not hide, but also put a pair of slender arms on the opponent's pale bone claws, gently stroking.

"Bah! Bitch! It's just a little vanguard of the Yin soldiers, and I envy you so lowly! You are surrounded by arms, what the hell do you mean, you dare to come to stop me from mobilizing the demons in the hunting realm to slaughter them? Sadness Island? Do you know that there are tens of thousands of gods in Beixi Island, dozens of birthday moon gods, and one of the four birth moon gods in the five human worlds. I have already made an appointment with Nei Ying of Beixi Island , go to Zhudao tonight. This operation is authorized by General Qianmu, if you delay the important event, be careful of your ghost!"

The Laughing Demon turned around with a cry, scolded the Crying Demon, and then gave a mouthful of Yin Lang Pioneer with four faces and seven arms, and said sharply.

"Heh, you dare to talk to Pioneer like that before you even entered the Pingpin Eryue Mingmen Gate. If it wasn't for the face of General Thousand-eyed Crocodile, I would have killed you a long time ago. But I just like a beautiful woman Are you cheeky? You can't do that!

Pooh! Don't scare me with General Thousand-Eyed Crocodile, this pioneer is here on his order! General Thousand-Eyed Crocodile said, you can slaughter Beixi Island, but you are not allowed to requisition any humans and demons in the Hunting Domain. In the realm of chaotic hunting, only Yin soldiers from the gate of the underworld can come to hunt gods regularly, and any other seven demon forces are not allowed to hunt on a large scale! Otherwise, when the Yin soldiers go out, they will definitely kill them, and they are not allowed to go to the gate of the underworld to exchange for ghosts of all levels and grades! "

The four-faced and seven-armed Yin Lang Pioneer looked disdainful, and he also blew a puff of smoke on the face of the Laughing Demon, and said in a strange way.

"Wow! You are talking nonsense, General Qianmu Crocodile must not have said that!" Although Laughing Demon has been entering the Nether Gate, he already has the qualification to enter the Pingpin January Nether Gate. Speaking of which, he is already a demon in the Nether Inner Prison, so he needs to be baptized by the Styx River, which is a final step. The reason why he didn't go in was naturally the Nether Inner Prison's intention to let the Weeping Devil Laughing Ghost stay in the third world for the time being to carry out his mission.

Therefore, although the status of the Weeping Devil and Laughing Ghost is lower than that of the Pioneer Yin Lang with four arms and seven arms, it is not too low. Therefore, the Laughing Devil dares to yell at Pioneer Yin Lang with four arms and seven arms in person.

"Heck, that's fine, sooner or later we will allegiance to Jueyang and Duyuan Mingzun together, so why hurt our peace. Anyway, Brother Jin, didn't Chimang Lufei say that all the Beiximen forces are secretly lobbied and controlled by them? As soon as we arrive, can we attack from inside and outside, and eliminate the Guangming Island Master and his eight inexplicable guardians?

No matter how powerful they are, there are only nine of them. Are you afraid that we won't be able to deal with them? Besides, since the vanguard of Yin Lang with four arms and seven arms is here, how can he stand by and watch, eh? "

The Crying Demon suddenly turned around again, looked tenderly at the seven-armed Yin Lang Pioneer in all directions, and spoke fragrantly.

"Oh? That's right, this pioneer can help you all!" Naturally, the four-faced and seven-armed Yinlang pioneer had no such intentions. Hearing the words of the crying demon, especially that beautiful face, he was reluctant to leave immediately, and he was in a hurry. I agreed, and then I felt a burst of joy, and I could take advantage of the opportunity again.

"Well! Forget it, but the Laughing Demon has something to say beforehand. For this cooperation, I will only give you the amount of Yuanshen reward you should give, and I will never allow anything else. Besides, Liu Qianlang's Yuanshen Moon Yuanshen, don't even think about it! "

The Laughing Ghost turned around again, stared coldly at the four-armed Yin Lang Xianfeng and said.

"Hey, that's, that's, as long as Hongmei doesn't let me suffer!" Said the four-faced and seven-armed Yin Xianfeng with something in his words.

"Hey, don't worry, the vanguard of Yin Lang with four arms and seven arms. Don't you just like beautiful beauties and human skins? Hongmei promises you, if there is a chance, she must go to the Lake of Shame and Fury to get you a complete beauty skin to wear on her body .Then you will be a beauty pioneer!"

Crying Demon Red Girl stretched out her slender hand, patting the pale withered claws of the seven-armed Yin Lang Pioneer and laughed.

"Hehe, that's a good relationship, but I'd better put the beauty's skin on my wife. As for me, I'll trouble Hongmei to get a handsome man's human skin!"

"Well, Hongmei promises you. Although it is difficult, but for the vanguard of the four-armed Yin Lang, Hongmei will go all out. Look, those lawless demons behind?" Arm Yin Lang Xianfeng's arms, looked at him affectionately and asked.

"Hey, although General Thousand-Eyed Crocodile is tall and cold, but this pioneer is not a ruthless person who doesn't understand accidents. I will make an exception and let the two of you bring thousands of lawless human demons. Let's go, hey! We Go and slaughter the Isle of Misfortune."

The vanguard of Yin Lang with four arms and seven arms, holding the jade hand of the crying demon, is very proud. Two clusters of monsters can't tell the number of people, followed by a thousand hideous and terrifying human demons, which instantly turned into evil mist, roaring and shooting towards the sky .

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