Nine Heavens

Chapter 1272 Attack on a Moonlit Night

Chapter 1272 Moonlight Attack

On the night of the full moon, the lake of Shame and Wrath can be seen on the endless sparkling lake surface, the scenery is picturesque, there are groups of beautiful women on the lake, chasing and playing with each other, all with happy faces, picking the treasures of geniuses and treasures that are full of righteous spirits .

Another place, the Island of Sadness and Joy.

On the island, the four sisters, Aoyue Crazy Sword Ice Wolf, Soul Chaser Suoyue Sword Zhu Mogong, Tianhen Gudao Huanlangzi and Feiying Canxin Dao Chao Jiufeng, Huahaoyueyuan, are divided into four groups based on husband and wife. Under the bright moonlight, they each flew towards the residence of a hall master on Tiandao Island.

Outside the island, Liu Qianlang stood in the ghost boat, with white hair flying wildly, a little golden dragon hovering above his head, and the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword buzzing and trembling higher up. Liu Qianlang was drinking, he drank the wine, he had already drank seven cups, his eyes were rainbows, the ghost boat did not move, his eyes were fixed on the clouds in the sky.


When Liu Qianlang drank the eighth cup of sorrowful wine, the bathing skull on Liu Qianlang's chest suddenly shot out three extremely fast divine lights of black, blue and gold, whizzing into the sky.

After a while.

In the gap between the clouds and mist in the sky where Liu Qianlang's eyes were fixed, a group of human and demon figures appeared in the dark, and two magic eagles, one black and one red, headed by them came quickly, and appeared in a condescending position about a thousand feet in front of Liu Qianlang.

Liu Qianlang was drinking the silver-gray wine in the wine cloud, and the wine was dripping rhythmically. Liu Qianlang looked at the other party with a cold expression, without any surprise in his eyes.


Seeing that Liu Qianlang was waiting here beforehand, a trace of surprise flashed in the eyes of the Weeping Demon Laughing Ghost, and he sighed silently, not saying a word, but thinking about it.

Four-faced and seven-armed Yin Lang Pioneer suddenly saw a small boat shining mysteriously in the center of the vortex of pure white light in front of him. On the boat stood a man wearing a golden cloak of Tunlun. Suffering from the five most terrifying poisons of swallowing wheels, I couldn't help but muttered in my heart.

The opponent is not a monster! who is he? Four faces and seven arms, Yin Lang Pioneer, four ferocious faces on the square head kept turning, eight eyes flying rainbow, kept looking at Liu Qianlang, but also remained silent. It was very unexpected that I met an unpredictable person the first time I came to the world.

"Uncle Liu, are these ugly monsters the ones you're waiting for? Hey, isn't the one who can't tell the back of his head a weeping devil? Why are they here? They're not here to die!"

Xiao Jinlong Long'er clearly knew the intention of the other party's visit, and for tonight, he learned several magic skills taught by Liu Qianlang, among which his favorite is the Wanderer Promise Movement, which can transform into many selves.

"Hey! Look, the Island of Sadness and Joy is really lawless. Under the principles of the fallen devil in the third world, there are still human monks and human mutant dragons. It's really annoying. Four-faced and seven-armed Yinlang Pioneer brother, you But the guardians of the Nether Inner Prison, will you allow them to live?

By the way, brother Yinlang Xianfeng with four faces and seven arms, you may not know him yet, this is one of the four-star boys who appeared in the first human world in legend, Zhengling boy! Hehe, Brother Yinlang Xianfeng with four arms and seven arms is really a man of great fortune. He encountered such a good thing when he walked out of the Nether Gate of February for the first time.

His Yuanshen is the Yuanshen Moon Yuanshen! To get his Yuanshen, no matter what the four-armed Yinlang Pioneer brother does, he will make a lot of money. Self-enjoyment, deep learning, gifting Jueyang Mingzun who can be named a marquis and worships a minister. "

The little golden dragon tore through the silence of the moon night, and the crying devil smiled charmingly when he saw the seven-armed Yin Lang vanguard who was about to move forward, his tone full of temptation. But when he spoke, his figure was quietly retreating.

Hearing the words, Yinlang Pioneer with four arms and seven arms, hesitation was better than joy. After some consideration, he decided to take the risk. As the crying demon said, if he killed the other party, he would ascend to the sky in the netherworld. Even if it doesn't work, self-protection should definitely be fine.

Thanks to the fact that he had brought thousands of undisciplined demons, with such a disparity between the enemy and ourselves, the opponent was just one person and a small dragon, no matter how strong they were, they couldn't be much stronger.

"Jin Ge Hongmei, didn't you say that you have already made a plan with the forces in the Beiximen, why didn't your people come to support, why would someone stop here?"

Four-faced and seven-armed Yin Lang Pioneer is a Yin Soldier Pioneer after all, and he knows a lot about combat. From the situation in front of him, he can tell at a glance that the so-called cooperation between the inside and the outside is in vain, so he asked deliberately. The purpose is to make Liu Qianlang feel relaxed.

"Hmph! Doubting us from all directions? If that's the case, you can go. There are more than a thousand demon hunters from different realms in this chaotic hunting domain, and they can go straight to Beiximen Tiandao Beixi Palace. All the demon hunters obey the order, kill this person, and go straight to the gate of sorrow and happiness!"

The Laughing Ghost and the Crying Devil had already discussed in secret for a while, feeling that the limelight was not right, and their figures continued to retreat, but the Laughing Ghost used the aggressive method to stimulate the vanguard of Yin Lang with seven arms on all sides.

"Bah! You are underestimating this pioneer! Wow!" The beauty was watching, and she was an orthodox Yin soldier pioneer. Withering Claw swung the seven bone wands, and led more than a thousand undisciplined demons in the sky to rush towards Liu Qianlang.

"Ha ha ha ha"

"Ding dong, ding dong"

However, Liu Qianlang smiled heartily, turned a blind eye to the army of human demons roaring thousands of feet away, and continued drinking. Thought transmission to Long'er: "Don't forget to collect the primordial spirits of the thousand monsters in the Hunting Realm, you play first, then Uncle Liu will be useful in the future."

"Oh my God, run away quickly. A good man doesn't suffer from immediate losses. There are so many of them. It's not bad if we don't die. How can we kill them and collect the Yuanshen?"

Long Er was still full of arrogance just now, and wanted to have a good time killing, but seeing the opponent's thunder and lightning, and countless meteors flying like shooting stars, he immediately lost confidence in the offensive momentum, and shouted anxiously.

"Hehe, believe Uncle Liu, they will die before we can reach us. What do you think it is?" Liu Qianlang looked sideways at Long Er's painful dragon face on his shoulder, and smiled.


Hearing this, Long'er raised his eyes and saw the deep sky and emerald environment, the vastness of stars, and the vastness of the full moon. In the full moon and starlight, three god-like figures appeared indistinctly.

A tall and pitch-black man standing on a pitch-black castle, with three eyes on his face and a rainbow-like waterfall on his forehead, enveloping the monsters roaring towards him and Uncle Liu. The other two eyes were pitch-black and deep. With both hands left and right, the emerald green longbow, the emerald rainbow shines in the sky. The golden arrows are full, reflecting the moon and competing with the stars.

Thousands of feet away, there is a woman in a white skirt sprinkled with blue orchids, with a bright moon face, blue psychic eyes, a blue crescent moon on her forehead, holding the Blue Star Huanmo Excalibur, and stepping on a hundred feet of white face. giant tiger.

There is another one between the two, wearing a colorful astrological and gossip fairy robe, with a rough face, black and white eyebrows, left and right hands, one holding a pitch-black astrological ruler, and the other holding the Qishang Spring bubbling with colorful smoke. In addition, there is a chaotic Luoxiang infinite disk hovering around his body.

The three figures just had a flash of inspiration, and then disappeared, and then Long'er saw three divine lights, one golden, one blue and one black, shooting into the opponent's demon group.




Three rays of divine light, the golden light is like a huge golden arrow, the blue light is a sword, and the black light is like a ruler, shooting into the crowd of humans and demons, it roars and explodes in an instant, and then you can see that it is about to fly to Liu Qianlang and Long'er about a hundred feet away Thousands of humans and demons in the hunting realm were blown into smoke by the huge Guanghao amidst the screams.


The four-faced and seven-armed Yinlang vanguard in front of the tragic death demon and the crying devil and laughing ghost who retreated thousands of feet away recalled the three divine lights just now. In shock, although they did not die, they were seriously injured, so they quickly turned into evil smoke and fled. up.

"Wow! Who are those three Uncle Liu, they are amazing!"

The whole process lasted only a few seconds, Long'er stared dumbfounded, and then sighed blankly after a while.

"Remnant star guest!"

At this moment, Liu Qianlang had just filled the ninth cup of Shangjiu, raised his head and drank it all in one gulp, and said calmly.

"Oh! So the four remnant star guests are them, huh? No, isn't it four? Why are there only three? What about the other remnant star guest?"

Long'er regained his witty and eccentric appearance, and activated Liu Qianlang's magical art of shrinking the pulse. Although it can't close the mountains and the sea, it is still more than enough to collect the thousand undisciplined demon souls floating and jumping in front of him. .


Liu Qianlang watched Long'er put the beautiful primordial spirits into the Qiankun bag he gave him, and said simply. The ghost boat under his feet flashed and disappeared in place in an instant.

In the sky, three divine lights, one black, one blue and one gold, accompanied it under the cover of clouds and mists.

Inside the Gate of Sadness and Joy, Aoyue Kudao Bing Jinlang and Hua'er stood outside the door of Rihun Hall Master Chi Mang. The Ao Yue Kuang Saber in Bing Jinlang's hand rushed into the red river with silver waves and cold mist. Mang palace courtyard.

And Hua'er used the colorful sword given by her mentor Amethyst Empress on her deathbed, and the whole Chimang Palace courtyard was shrouded in colorful mist, and Chimang had nowhere to escape except the palace gate.

Aoyue Crazy Saber and Colorful Sword, shimmering under the bright moon, have been silent for several hours, motionless, waiting for the appearance of Chi Mang, the master of the Sun Soul Hall.

At midnight, this is the time when the seven hall masters and forty-eight island masters of Beiximentian Island made an appointment with the Weeping Devil and Laughing Ghost to eliminate Liu Qianlang and the eight guardians together.

According to the agreement, the leader of the Sun Soul Hall, Chi Mo, should first release the agreed signal of the exploding god in the sky, and then each other will see the flower of the explosion of the high-altitude primordial spirit in each other's direction, and then gather and act immediately.

However, it was already midnight, and Chi Mang, the master of the Sun Soul Hall, did not see the sky blast signal from the other six heavenly island hall masters and the forty-eight island masters in the sky. He couldn't help being surprised that he couldn't send out his own signal, so he flew out on the strange snake mount.


As soon as Chi Mang flew out of the gate of the palace, he immediately saw Aoyue Kuangsao Bingjinlang and Hua'er Guardian couple in the rosy clouds of Yintao, and at the same time felt the surrounding cold smoke filled with murderous aura. Suddenly my heart felt cold, and I asked in surprise.


After two crisp whistles, Aoyue Kuangdao Bingjinlang and his wife changed their positions, and behind him Chi Mang, the leader of the Sun Soul Hall, turned into a cloud of blood-red and gold-colored mist, and then the primordial spirit also exploded.

"The next one is Lu Fei, the master of the Moon Soul Hall!"

Aoyue Kuangdao Bingjinlang and his wife shot towards another main palace of Tiandao Hall without even looking back.

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