Nine Heavens

Chapter 1273

Chapter 1273

When Chi Mang, the master of the Sun Soul Hall, died under Aoyue Kuangdao, almost at the same time, the five Heavenly Island Hall masters of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth also suffered the same fate.

Then, the eight guards and the four sword immortals quickly gathered above Tiandao, and quickly split up and rushed to the 7749 Fen Island.

Youlan chasing the soul and searching for the moon knife, the knife billows and the moon shakes, and the white robe of Demon Killer flies into the sky, passing through the sky, the blue knife curtain, flying like a crescent moon, smashing the island and breaking the palace, flying sand and misty rain in an instant.

Hyun Zitian hates the lone sword, the surging blade rainbow, descending from the nine heavens, Huan Langzi's silver robe sprinkles his generals, sweeping the wind and clouds, the cold wind and snow, the sword cuts the snow.

Pieces of bright red, smeared with dantong, flying shadows and heart swords, Chao Jiufeng is wearing a green robe, climbing the peak and flying clouds, green robes and red swords, the light of the sword is like blood, just like red flowers and green leaves, dazzling the sky land.


Inside the Gate of Sadness and Joy, white, blue, purple and red knives cut across the rainbow. This is not a scenery, but a frightening rhythm of slaughter. The eight guardians and the four immortal knives have no intention of killing, but they are in the midst of massacres that stained the island of sorrow and joy

All this, even though Liu Qianlang and Long Er flew away from the barrier of Beixi Island, although they didn't see it with their own eyes, they were still suffering in their hearts. I have tried my best to use the poison of swallowing the wheel to reverse the magic power, and also restore the body of the righteous spirit of the Beiximen Renmo.

However, this heart is pure and good, but the other party does not accept it, so what? Survive but not kill, the world is in catastrophe, how cruel is it to kill and clean the island! These human demons, except for the two human demons in the Mountain of Sorrow and the Valley of Fear, are originally native monks in the third world, and the demons in the other human demon territories are all from the first human world who have been chasing immortals.

They have no choice but to fall into the way of the devil, and then cling to the way of the devil. They are all harmed by the devils who fell into the netherworld and became enlightened. Liu Qianlang knew in his heart that some of the large number of demons that he, the Eight Guardians, and the Remnant Star Guest would slaughter in the future were his former fellow Taoists, or even seniors from the same sect.

But so what if he knew it, he had no choice. When he drank the ninth cup of Shangjiu, the ghost boat had already appeared in the sky above the magic view of the first target he was going to visit tonight, Mount Sorrow, Shansheng Benyuan.

What Liu Qianlang appeared was not his body, but a bright red sword curtain. After the dark red sword curtain was cut down, the demon view of the Mountain Saint of Sorrow flew away in an instant, and in the flying sand and away from the stones appeared a human demon covered in red, bald and hairless , bull's eye pig face. The kind that looks like a beating.

When he appeared in the flying sand and rocks in anger, the nearby bald cliff peaks also flew black and crushed people and demons.

"Who? Dare to go to Sorrow Mountain to do wild things, get out!"

The Sorrowful Mountain Saint Benyuan was practicing ghostly supernatural powers in the middle of the night, and was suddenly attacked at the most critical moment of his practice. Suddenly roaring and furious, beating his chest and stamping his feet in the flying sand and rocks, screaming and roaring!

"Ha ha ha ha"

There are no figures, only the sound of evil laughter that fills the sky, and the Sorrowful Mountain below is full of angry demons. After repeated listening, it sounds like the voice of Song Demon, one of the twin demons of Shanai Waterfall.

"Humph! Sanctuary, it turned out to be the blood stick of the pine demon, one of the pine and cypress demons of Shan'ai Waterfall!" A dozen human demons who seemed to have a high status in Sorrow Mountain appeared near Benyuan Taoist Temple. A sharp-mouthed monkey-cheeked, skinny man like an ape said with his strange eyes twirling.

"Boom! Shanai Waterfall Pine and Cypress Twin Demons!? Pine Demons! Get out of here, I'm going to eat you alive!" Benyuan, the Mountain Saint of Sorrowful Mountain, was so angry that he gritted his teeth, and raised his palm towards Blazing thunderbolt fireballs blasted out from the sky, roaring.

"Haha, Ben Songmo doesn't have time to talk to you. He just passed by your poor ghost place, looked intrusive, and took a few crutches, but he didn't have time to play with you. I'm angry, or Mountain Saint, who lives in a broken stone It’s not as good as the pigsty in the first human world. I smashed it up for your own good. Who is that monkey-like thing that was talking just now? It’s so annoying, go to hell!”



Amidst the strange laughter of the sky, another bright red rainbow struck down suddenly, and the Sorrowful Mountain Demon who spoke just now was instantly swallowed by the bright red light shot from the sky, turning into ashes.


Seeing this, the people and monsters around the Sorrowful Mountain suddenly howled and screamed incessantly. They looked around each other, and then flew into the sky with a whistling sound. They didn't know where Liu Qianlang was.

"Haha, haha, I want to take revenge. Come to Shan'ai Waterfall to find me. I'm afraid you poor ghosts won't dare. I'm sorry for you, the standard clans in the third world, to live in the poorest place in the third world. It's a sad reminder. !Ha ha ha ha"

Evil and exasperating laughter appeared inexplicably in Tianyu's direction for a while, and then stopped abruptly.

"Hee hee! Uncle Liu, I'm amazing. I learned the voice of Shanai Waterfall, Pine and Cypress Twin Demons for you. They didn't realize that I learned it!"

Having completed the assassination mission of Sorrow Mountain to sow dissension, Liu Qianlang and Long Er are now flying to the next target, Dread Valley. On the way, Long'er was very satisfied with the information he collected during his investigation recently, and said flatteringly.

"Hehe, Long'er is more than amazing. Uncle Liu is ashamed of himself. You have learned the voice of Shanai Pusongmo so well just based on other people's descriptions. You are so smart! Here, this is an award for you." !"

Liu Qianlang liked Long'er more and more, and took out a bottle of delicious health-preserving elixir that he had prepared long ago from his bosom and handed it to her.

"Wow! Hee hee, thank you, Uncle Liu. You are doing well, even the million-year snow lotus honey pills are willing to give to Long'er! Boo!" Long'er was so happy that Long's mouth was dripping and he kissed Liu Qianlang.


Liu Qianlang suddenly felt his face heat up, and his shoulders were dripping with water, so uncomfortable, he couldn't help but laugh.

"Hee hee! I'm sorry." Long Er couldn't bear to see him drool all over his body, tilted his head, pretended it was gone if he couldn't see it, and then Liu Qianlang heard the sound of Long Er chewing the snow lotus honey pill .

"Hehe, Long'er, we'll be in the Valley of Fear in a while, the owner of the valley, the giant, and the one-eyed and orphaned guardians we're going to kill, are you sure they're all together?" Liu Qianlang wiped his shoulders and asked with a smile.

"Of course I'm sure, tonight is the night of the full moon, but the Valley of Fear must be holding a bonfire ceremony of remembering hatred and worshiping the moon night! Not just them, all the people and monsters of the Valley of Fear, big and small, will appear." Long'er heard the words , Turning the chubby dragon face and said.

"Remember to hate the moon worship bonfire and hate the code? Do you know what it means?" Liu Qianlang really didn't know how Long Er heard about these strange personalities and activities, so he asked.

"Hee hee, Uncle Liu knows that among the Seven Demons, the Sorrow Mountain and the Fear Valley demons are the worst! They were all happy local human races in the third world at first. But after the fallen devils became enlightened, they invaded. The treasures of heaven, material and earth disappeared in the three worlds, and they had no choice but to fall into demons.

Even so, due to the exhaustion of strength, a large number of humans and demons died because they could not get the ghost pills. Later, the primordial spirit was exchanged for the cultivation of ghost pills. Among them, the more powerful humans and demons survived by slaughtering each other. down.

Later, the Gate of Sadness and Joy, the Lake of Shame and Wrath, the Waterfall of Good Love, the Cave of Absolute Evil, and the Sea of ​​Ungreedy invaded by human demons. These two forces were oppressed again because they were not as strong as them, and they were constantly slaughtered and driven away. Finally, they settled down in sorrow. Mountain and Dread Valley are the most barren places in the third world.

Think about it, they are the original owners here, now they are being bullied like this, how can they be happy! So they always thought of revenge, and they began to strictly stipulate that killing each other was no longer allowed in their own sect, but they went out in groups to hunt down the souls of other human demons. And set up a grudge festival, always remind yourself not to forget revenge!

On the Mountain of Sorrow, there is a ritual of hating the sun and ice ice, and the people and demons in the Valley of Fear have a festival of hating and worshiping the moon. That's it. I don't know how to pass the bonfire hate ritual of remembering the grudge and worshiping the moon. Will you know in a while? "

What Long Er said was so familiar, Liu Qianlang was surprised when he heard it, and saw that Long Er was concentrating on eating snow lotus honey pills, and suddenly asked: "Is this all that Auntie in red said?"

"That's right! I've memorized it several times, that's right! Huh? You're good or bad, you lied to me, but Auntie in red told me, don't let me say that she is secretly helping you!" Long Er replied without thinking , and immediately felt fooled. said angrily.

"Hehe, good dragon, if I don't tell you, if you don't tell me, how would the aunt in red know? In the future, aunt in red will secretly ask you to tell you anything, and tell me when she comes back. I will pretend that I don't know anything in front of her." It doesn't look good."

Liu Qianlang smiled and coaxed Long Er.

"Cut! That's not okay, who do you think I am, Long'er, how can I deceive Auntie in red?" Long'er resolutely refused.

"Hehe, double the pills for Long'er in the future?" Liu Qianlang asked with a smile.

"No! Twice as much!" Long'er obviously loosened his tone.

"Three times? It's okay, I have no choice but to ask your aunt in red!" Liu Qianlang shook three bottles of pills in his hand, and then put them into his arms.

Long Er flashed his eyes and said: "Okay then!" The little dragon claw snatched three bottles of pills, giggling, golden dragon scales all over his body. There was a burst of joy in my heart.

After all, it's a little guy, with fierce eyes, Liu Qianlang finally realized that he was playing tricks. This must be the way Bishop Zuo Mingdao squeezed out her elixir. I didn't see it just now, but I was negotiating conditions with the kid.

This is really smart but being misunderstood by cleverness. He dug a hole and jumped off a cliff by himself. "Ahem, Long'er, then do you think it's better to kill the one-eyed and lonely-eared one for a while or not?"

"Well, Auntie in red means that she must be killed, or that she should blame Shanaipu. The thin ape demon killed just now, and the one-eyed and orphaned one-eyed demon who was killed a while ago are all internal monsters of the Weeping Devil Laughing Ghost Sect, so they must be killed."

Long Er is now pretending to be Liu Qianlang's loyal confidant, saying what he has to say. God knows that the Hongying woman actually told her so, but she used it to please her. It's ridiculous that Liu Qianlang thought it was the Hongying woman who taught her.

The Valley of Fear is located in a low place tens of thousands of feet surrounded by dark and towering mountains. Looking at the sky from the bottom of the valley, you can only see the vast and lonely moon; the cold moon is like a fist. The bottom of the valley is cold and dark, like death hell.

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