Nine Heavens

Chapter 1274 Bonfire Hate Code

Chapter 1274 Bonfire Hate

At this moment, Liu Qianlang and Long'er turned into a thin cloud in the ghost boat, and landed towards the bottom of the valley strangely.

At the bottom of the valley of fear, there was a raging fire, and the flames jumped up, forming a mountain of fire. There are hundreds of thousands of people and demons holding strange magic weapons around the mountain of fire, forming many circles, whistling and whirling around the volcano, and they can't understand what they are shouting.

In the middle of the volcano, there is a tower-shaped stone platform, on which sits cross-legged a human demon with a small body, but his two big hands are bigger than his body, and his fingers are like boats.

This human demon was covered in flames, but he ignored it completely. He raised his head and stretched his arms, looking at the little moon in the sky, screaming and screaming incessantly.

On the left and right sides of him stood a twisted and tall human demon, one with one eye and one with only one ear, each wielding a magic wand in each hand, shooting bright red fire snakes from the tip of the magic wand frequently, and the strange fire snakes swam around. To a huge stone tree thousands of feet away. The stone tree has many branches, and there are no fewer than tens of thousands of hunting humans and demons struggling on it.

Liu Qianlang was told by Long Er that most of these demons came from the Isle of Sadness and Joy, Lake of Shame and Wrath, Waterfall of Good Love, Cave of Absolute Evil, and Sea of ​​No Greed. The soul has no law and the devil.


The fiery snakes kept probing around and biting these demons. There were countless fire snakes, and the bites continued. The valley, which was already full of the smell of death, wailed and trembled, accompanied by the whistling sound of hundreds of thousands of roaring humans and demons surrounding the volcano.

".Destroy the great mountains, rivers, sun and moon in my third world, kill souls and souls, and destroy my mortal world! This hatred is endless, worship the moon and engrave hatred, and bonfire hate."

While looking up, suddenly the man with a small body and huge hands should be the giant of the valley master of fear, and the thunderous voice began to recite the sacrificial words word by word, saying a sentence, hundreds of thousands of roaring people and demons learning a sentence. At the same time, countless red fire snakes flew out of the volcano, shooting at the heads of any Dread Valley people and demons present, and they kept getting in and out of their bodies. sound. Hundreds of thousands of roaring demons endured the pain of the tongues of flames, but they groaned miserably, endured, suffered, and continued to repeat in a low voice the words of the man with a small body and huge hands.

".Eating flesh and chewing bones, devouring heart and veins, pecking souls and absorbing gods, the tribesmen of Dread Valley, let's eat the souls of the intruders to their heart's content, the weak and the strong, and destroy the humble souls."

A man with a small body and huge hands suddenly knelt down and worshiped the sky and the moon, and so did all the screaming humans and demons around the volcano. After a thousand obeisances, the fire snake on the body of all the demons instantly came to life. Drilling out of the human-devil body, carrying all the demons on its back, roaring towards the 100,000 huge stone trees.

A moment later, in the hands of hundreds of thousands of dread valley human demons, each of them had a piece of stumped body from a stone tree that was torn apart by them alive, and a piece of fire snake that had sucked up the soul and primordial spirit of the sacrificial human demons. Biting and devouring, and returning to the surrounding volcano again, jumping and running, roaring endlessly.

Because tens of thousands of demons were torn apart and slaughtered, the location of the stone tree was filled with blood mist in an instant, as dark as a hole, unsightly.

"Eh?" In the ghost boat, Long'er was eating snow lotus honey pills, when he suddenly saw the scene below, no matter how sweet and delicious it was, he couldn't continue to swallow it, he vomited out with nausea, and didn't dare to eat it anymore.

"Wuhaha, Guzhu! Please enjoy the two guardians with one eye and one ear! These three holy fire blood snakes are the soul gods of Shanai Waterfall, Jue E Cave and Bu Tan Hai. Eat them and protect the three of them." The sacred mana soars and dominates the demons!"

In the bloody mist of the stone tree, three Fear Valley human demons flying out of the fire snake, each holding a stone branch wrapped around a wriggling blood snake, the branches of the stone tree have thorns, piercing the blood in many places. snake body. But at the moment, the three demons were full of blood and shaking their heads, but they were laughing and laughing.

"Really? Haha, what kind of big man are you talking about?" The small, giant-handed Dread Valley Valley Master giant stretched out his giant hand in front of Baizhang, picking among the three stone branches, but he couldn't decide which one he liked more. , turning up the strange eyes, emitting yellow smoke, and asked with a wicked smile.

"This is the Holy Fire Blood Snake who loves the third sister of Waterfall Master Yingxiao!"

"This is the Holy Fire Blood Snake of the young master of Absolute Cave!"

"This is the Holy Fire Blood Snake, a grandson of Haijun Cangyan who is not greedy for the sea."

"Hey, they are tenderer than the other, and they are so powerful and sweet. Please eat them while they are hot. They will lose their taste when they are cold. Then I can lead the little ones to celebrate the moon worship bonfire and celebrate the festival. After the fire-eating feast, go hunt the Lake of Shame and Fury!"

The three human demons with stone branches in their hands all smiled flatteringly and introduced them excitedly, and then one of them, a fat pig-like human demon, proposed to hunt the gods in the lake of shame and anger.

"Well, then this Valley Master will eat the grandson of Cang Yan, Lord of the Sea and Sea this time." The giant hand of the Valley Master of Fearful Valley finally settled down, and he picked up the several feet long Bu Tan Hai Hai in his hand like an earthworm. The Holy Fire Blood Snake, the grandson of Jun Cangjiao, turned its strange eyes back and forth in front of it, and looked at it for a while, as if to confirm its authenticity.

Then Haha went on laughing and said: "It's really fresh and tender, 呶! It's delicious!", and then put it in front of the head, which was no bigger than a fist, and sucked it for a while. In the next scene, Long Er almost screamed out.

I saw the small head of the lord of the Dread Valley, suddenly opened a huge mouth with a diameter of more than ten feet, revealing a lot of white fangs, and the huge lip wall covered himself and the lonely ear. , and then swallowed the Holy Fire Blood Snake in his hand. I didn't see him chewing, so he returned to his original state.

"Oh, haha. Not bad, not bad! The three food purveyors are indeed sharp-eyed and intelligent, and we are very satisfied every time." At this moment, the one-eyed and lonely ears also devoured another bloody holy snake, their eyes beaming with joy , full of praise.

"Hey! Pig demon, dog head, donkey face! Why did the three of you suggest that you must go to Lake Shame to hunt and kill the lake demon?" the giant of the dread valley shot out his long and thin tongue, licking his head and drooling. road.

"Hey! The three nobles are usually only busy with cultivation, and they don't know that there is a big disturbance in the third world. The Beixi Islands have undergone great changes. It turns out that the owner of the Tiandao Island is not bad. His family was wiped out, and the power of the seventeen wolves who had hated him collapsed. The island's top executives will drink and hate the seventeen-backed wolves, the first crying devil and laughing ghosts, to drive away the door of sorrow and joy

Now, incredible changes have also taken place in Shanu Lake, according to the news from Sangubat Maymao. For some unknown reason, the lake of Shame and Wrath, which has a radius of thousands of miles, suddenly lost all the light of the nether world. The realm of the seven realms is full of righteous spirits, heavenly materials and earthly treasures. Beauty Lake.

In addition, the Realm of the Hunted and other human demon territories also have different changes. The biggest change among them is that the Weeping Devil Laughing Devil lobbied everywhere. The six demons are required to unite and deal with the Beiximen of the Beixi Islands together. But his lobbying doesn't seem to be going well. For example, didn't we just reject it?

Hehe, since we fell into the devil, we haven't seen the original beauty of a human being. There are so many beautiful and charming fairy monsters in Shame Lake, they must be delicious, and they are all the souls of water spirits, as much as water spirits. The most scarce thing in our Dread Valley is water! After eating their blood fire holy snake, we can become beautiful without a mouth! "

The kobold demon barked and said barking.

"That's right, the three of us ate one just now, it's really delicious! Hehe!" The donkey's face couldn't hide the excitement, its big face tilted, and a donkey brayed.

"Crack! Crack! Crack!"

The giant of the Valley of Fear Valley was furious when he heard the words, and raised his hand to slap the pig demon, the dog head, and the donkey face, and then disappeared the three fans at once, and then cursed: "Well, you three enjoy the offering to the Lord!" , and started a small stove behind our backs!"

"Stupid donkey, you're talking big again, you're killing us!" The pig demon dog who was blown away cursed angrily.

"The owner of the valley is calm, but he is just a fairy from the lake of shame and anger. After the fire-swallowing feast, we immediately hunted the lake of shame and anger. That's not to say that we need as many beauties as we want."

In the raging flames on both sides of the valley owner of the fearful valley, Du Mu immediately persuaded him.

"In addition, a few days ago, the crying demon and the laughing ghost in the realm of hunting and hunting came to lobby, let us join the six demons, and promised to make monthly sacrifices to the ten thousand demons?" Gu Er glanced at Du Mu and asked tentatively.

"Well, let's promise him for the time being. It's really tempting to make a monthly offering to ten thousand demons. As for what we will do in the Valley of Fear after the six demons unite, that's up to Sorrow Mountain. After all, we are the third human demons, Be consistent in thinking, otherwise you will suffer!"

The giant, the owner of the Fear Valley, rolled his strange eyes and agreed.

"Hehe, the valley master Shengming, then can we start the most sacred fire-eating feast?" The one-eyed and lonely ear looked at each other and smiled, and asked with a smile towards the small body and giant hands of the valley master in the middle.

"Haha, the feast of the full moon in the dreadful valley, start now! All blood and fire saints enjoy it!" The giant of the dreadful valley valley owner nodded, and then shouted with a thunderbolt.

"Fire-eating feast!"

"Fire Demon World!"

The dread valley people and demons who have been roaring around the volcano, hundreds of thousands of people, immediately boiled even more, the sound of roaring shook the sky and the sea, and then turned around suddenly, facing the volcano together, and began to crazily swallow the blazing fire of the volcano fire.

At the same time, the giant of the Valley of Dread and the one-eyed and lonely ear beside him are doing the same thing. These human demons entered their bodies with the blood and fire, and their whole bodies instantly became red like blood, with golden heart veins inside their bodies, and raging fire flying outside their bodies.

Liu Qianlang and Long'er looked down from a high place, the group of demons devoured the fire, tens of thousands of demons integrated into one body, forming a bright red fire lake with a radius of at least hundreds of miles, the scene was very shocking.

"Uncle Liu, why don't you do it? Didn't you hear they said they were going to hunt Shunu Lake? It would be a disaster for those beautiful aunts in Shunu Lake!"

Long'er never understood that Liu Qianlang was standing in the ghost boat, and he could have killed Du Mu Gu Er with one move, but he never made a move.

"Hehe, in today's shame and anger lake, it's just a dream to hunt with only one side of human and demon power. Just now, the pig demon, dog head and donkey face are pure nonsense, how can those minions hunt the lake girl of shame and anger? What? I was thinking, should I kill all the dreadvale demons, or just kill the one-eyed and lonely-eared ones!"

Liu Qianlang wasn't in a hurry, he was drinking Shang wine again, and when he spoke, he had just drunk the ninth cup.

"Of course it only kills the one-eyed and lonely-eared one. This is what the red-clothed aunt has repeatedly said. You can't change your mind indiscriminately, and I will lose face!"

Long Er frowned, and said very seriously.

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