Nine Heavens

Chapter 1280

Chapter 1280 Covering the Mountains

"Stop!" Liu Qianlang yelled, and when the other party calmed down, he said, "I told you to think clearly, it's not so easy to abandon demons and return to immortality, I think you are too demonic, you should be human demons who are about to die You look like this, alas! It is impossible to abandon the devil and return to immortality!"

Liu Qianlang shook his head repeatedly and sighed. Control the ghost boat to turn around and fly away.

"Don't, don't! Please tell the owner of Guangming Island clearly, what can we do to abandon the devil and return to immortality?" During the quarrel between the two demons, Liu Qianlang had already controlled the ghost boat to fly hundreds of feet away, and the two realized that, Hurry up, one is riding a bloody holy snake, and the other is riding a giant orange crocodile to chase after them, and they are immediately honest and asked urgently.

"If you want to abandon demons and return to immortality, you must first refrain from greed, second, strife, and third, robbery. If you don't change these three thoughts, even if you restore your human body, you will fall into the devil at any time after breaking the precepts. And these three thoughts, you Both of them are very heavy, so it is difficult to abandon demons and return to immortality!"

Liu Qianlang controlled the ghost boat without stopping, speeding without haste.

Benyuan, the mountain sage of Sorrowful Mountain, and the giant of the dreadful valley looked at each other for a moment, and the giant said: "But, don't be greedy, don't fight, don't grab, even if we abandon the devil and return to immortality, how can we have the resources to stick to righteousness and immortality? How can I deal with other demons?"

"Yes! The Lord of Guangming Island knows that in the third world, there is only the Mountain of Immortality, the Lake of Shame and Wrath I told you, and the Island of Sadness and Joy. , still barren and barren, how should the hundreds of thousands of saints survive?" Ben Yuan also asked helplessly.

"Well, the owner of this island naturally has arrangements to ensure that you return to your own territory. After one night, the evil spirits will be gone, the dream of the bald mountain will be vast, and the sun will be warm in the cold valley. All kinds of rare products, natural materials, and earthly treasures are all over your territory. .Before the third world is completely wiped out of humans and demons, it will be absolutely inexhaustible. After the elimination of humans and demons, the entire third world will be full of righteous spirits, spiritual flowers and herbs, and countless treasures of heaven and earth, so there is no need to fight for them. .”

Liu Qianlang stopped the ghost boat, turned around and said.

"Since this is the case, as long as the words of Guangming Island Master are true, we promise not to be greedy, not to fight, and not to rob." The two demons said this, secretly continuing to make wishful thinking about future expansion in their hearts, so they are not afraid of falling again. What about the devil? Ghost thoughts are written all over his face.

As a human being, the other party is cunning, how can Liu Qianlang not see it, but this is not the key issue, so he stopped talking, and secretly urged the poison of swallowing the wheel to reverse the magical power, and with a wave of his giant sleeve, the two demons were startled , I didn't understand what was going on, and was immediately enveloped in the vortex of light blue and clear spirit by Liu Qian.

Then I saw black, ghost green, ghastly red, and caramel-colored evil smoke pouring out of Ju Ju and Ben Yuan's bodies, accompanied by their shouts.

"What are you going to do, wow! My golden heart, how come back to the bones!"

"Wow! My supernatural power, practiced for nothing!"

"Hehe, stop screaming! I'm here to cleanse the poisonous spirits for you, don't worry, you have fallen into the devil, it can be said that you have gone through countless calamities, and after you abandon the devil and return to the fairy, your mana will not only not decrease, but will also increase by thousands of times. The road to immortality is long, and there are not many opportunities like this. You can calm down, the evil spirits are easy to get rid of, and the devil's heart is hard to change! I will seal you here for three days, and I will poison you with all my heart. I hope that when I come to unseal you in three days, you It has been completely upright and virtuous.

Alright, the island master will go to the Mountain of Sorrow and the Valley of Fear. There are two things to do, one is to slaughter all those who are not supposed to hold demons, and the other is to kill these two righteous spirits in Buze. I'm sorry, but for the time being, I will use your respective spiritual thoughts. Do it for yourself! "

Liu Qianlang didn't waste any more time, with a few words, this time he completely controlled the ghost boat and whizzed away. A flash of spiritual thought flew out, and a red and yellow shot slipped into Liu Qianlang's sleeve.

In the next second, Liu Qianlang controlled the ghost boat and appeared on the top of the restored Benyuan mountain house on the main peak of Sorrowful Mountain, and transformed himself into the appearance of Benyuan, the holy mountain of Sorrowful Mountain.

Then, Liu Qianlang took out a pure white spirit protection jade box from his bosom, opened it, and a small flower that kept changing colors and shapes appeared in front of him.

"Hehe, I wonder if Island Master Zuo Ming has time to help?" Liu Qianlang looked at the dazzling and white little flower and asked with a smile.

"Who, wake up this island owner in the middle of the night, and let him rest!" A lazy woman's half-dream voice came from the little flower, and then let out a breath.

"Isle of Sorrow and Joy Sect Guangming Island Master please see me!" Liu Qianlang said patiently with a smile.

"Oh! When did you become so ugly, and you said to persuade the demons in the Mountain of Sorrow and the Valley of Fear to return to immortality, and you fell into the devil first. You change back quickly, I don't want to stand with an ugly monster. "The petals of the little flower rolled magically, the halo was like ripples, and the blooming petals turned into a light blue at this moment.

In the center of the layers of blue petals is a golden stamen, and on the stamen, a red shadow woman is lying on her side with one hand resting on her chin, sweet dream of beauty, just opened her eyes.

"Hehe, this is just a stopgap measure, I just want to take advantage of Ben Yuan's identity to do things conveniently! Please forgive me, Master Zuo Ming." Liu Qianlang supported the flowers with one hand, and saluted his chest with the other.

"I don't! You have to change back! You have the guts to convince Ben Yuan and the giant so quickly, don't you have the guts to convince a group of mountain demons with the original appearance of Guangming Island Master? You still need to change into their ugly appearance to cheat secretly them?"

The red-shadowed woman stood up and said mischievously, a little bit childishly.


When Liu Qianlang heard the words, she thought to herself, yes. I was already engaged in a war of righteous spirits and evil spirits, so it would be shameful for me to change into their appearance to fight and defeat them. As a result, his figure flickered, and he regained his white-haired and righteous demeanor.

Then he smiled and said, "Haha, you're right, but it looks like we're going to fight these mountain demons today! I guess you won't be able to sleep in the second half of the night!"

"That's not necessarily true. Didn't you realize that the entire Sorrow Mountain is very quiet? You just came back as the majestic Sorrow Mountain Saint Benyuan, and there wasn't even a little demon on guard who came to say hello!"

The red shadow woman flew out of a small flower like flying into the sky, as small as a beautiful butterfly, landed on Liu Qianlang's shoulder and said softly.

"Oh, you won't"

When Liu Qianlang heard the other party's words, there was something in the words, and he couldn't help looking around. It was really dark, with countless mountain peaks of Sorrow, bare and dark, and there was no shadow of a mountain demon, and then asked in surprise.

"Hehe, don't forget that I am the owner of Zuo Ming Island. I must have prepared the vanguard for you before anything you want to do. You don't want to come here to kill the stubborn mountain demons and valleys in the Mountain of Sorrow and the Valley of Dread." Is it a demon? It’s such a trivial matter, why bother the master of Guangming Island. I’ve already done it for you.

Uh, giggling, don't say thank me, I have a purpose! Please, my Guangming Island Master, where are all the mountain demons at the Sun Worship Peak in Sorrowful Mountain? The Guangming Island Master only needs to activate the poison of swallowing the wheel to reverse the magical skills, and then accompany me to play around the Lingshan Mountain , all wishes come true. "

The little red shadow girl flew around Liu Qianlang's head a few times, and Tingting landed beside Liu Qianlang, holding the small mountain of Cuihua in her hand, returning to her normal height, her eyes flickering with a smile , laughed.

"You should give me a name, you can't always call you Zuo Ming island master." Liu Qianlang felt grateful to the other party again in his heart, looking at the other party deeply, several times impulsively wanted to take off her veil , but held back again, and asked softly.

The red-shadowed woman's barking eyes flashed her long eyelashes. When Liu Qianlang looked at her deeply, there was also a touch of emotion in her eyes, but she immediately looked sideways at the dim distance on purpose, and said silently: "Then call me Luo." Come on. I love the name and hope you do too!"

"Luo'er? Suier?" Liu Qianlang whispered to himself, looking at the red-shadowed woman beside him with deep eyes, obviously feeling that she heard his words, and her shoulders shrugged slightly.

"Luo'er, a nice name. Has Luo'er always liked wearing a veil?" Liu Qianlang asked tentatively.

"Heck, why does the owner of Guangming Island still have this hobby? Is it strange that his daughter's family wears a veil? Come with me, the Sun Salutation Mountain is within the Zhehuan Mountain in front of you."

The red shadow woman suddenly looked back and smiled, and then a red cloud rose from under her feet, floating in front of her, floating upwards, Liu Qianlang laughed at herself, and also controlled the ghost boat to look at a towering mountain thousands of miles away and chase after it.

After a stick of incense, the two appeared on the top of the mountain.

Looking around, Liu Qianlang saw that the two of them were standing on the side of a 100,000 huge ring-shaped mountain pass. The mountain pass was as wide as the sea, and there was an endless abyss. Winged birds, those birds are all ghost green, with their necks raised to the sky, their huge hideous mouths open, and their wings screaming to the sky.

And above the countless strange green birds gathered, in the tens of thousands of feet of sky, with evil clouds as the soil, a horrible tree with pitch-black branches like a horned dragon grew upside down. The crown of the tree was huge and covered the abyss. There are countless white and different claws, and the different claws in the center of the canopy are all dangling with a mountain monster clutching their legs.


"Whoa! Whoa!"

Hundreds of thousands of mountain demons above kicked their legs upside down, crying for father and mother, screaming in misery, afraid of falling, and could not bear to be teased by the terrifying tree's claws.

And there are countless flesh-winged birds below, opening their mouths and neighing, obviously wanting to devour the hundreds of thousands of mountain demons above. The strange wind from the abyss roared, and those birds with fleshy wings flew wildly, torn apart by the terrifying hurricane vortex, it was difficult for them all to break through the wind gang and rush into the tens of thousands of feet of sky.

However, the hurricane vortex in the abyss seems to be weakening. Some flesh-winged birds with powerful mana have already been flying straight up, and they are constantly flying towards the crown of the fallen and terrifying giant tree. If this continues, the lives of those mountain demons are at stake.

"Wow! Island Master Zuo Ming, please help, can't we promise to abandon the devil and return to immortality?" Thousands of miles away, some mountain demon senses sensed the arrival of the red shadow woman, crying and wailing.

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