Nine Heavens

Chapter 1281 Hell Winged Dragon

Chapter 1281 Hell Winged Dragon

"Hehe, how does the hanging claw tree taste? Alas! Poor hell-winged dragons, they are so slanderous. It has been more than an hour now, and few of you have tasted the stinky meat of you mountain demons. You all have thought it over. The owner of Ben Zuomin is not a person who can be difficult. He hopes that the other party will agree to everything willingly.

Are you sincerely abandoning demons and returning to immortality? Still dealing with the owner of the island, Ben Zuoming. I'm not like you mountain demons, each one is more cunning than the other, and no one dares to believe what I say! If it's true, show it to me! "

Liu Qianlang looked at the scene in front of him, listened to the words of the red shadow woman Luo Er, and secretly shocked the opponent's method, which was clearly persecuting, and he even said it like a savior. Liu Qianlang looked envious, a little dumbfounded.

However, the Hongying woman ignored Liu Qianlang's thoughts, and said with a smile like a silver bell.

"How do you behave, the island master Zuo Ming said quickly, or we will all die!" The group of demons saw the horrible big mouth of the hideous hell-winged dragon below, and some of their companions were buried in the huge mouth. They were already scared out of their wits and howled Urgent question.

"Hehe, that's not easy, as long as you scold yourself: 'I'm a mountain devil! I'm an ugly monster!' Whoever scolds a hundred times first will be the one who will be saved first, and will follow the rules from now on. Doing the work of the mountain demon hunting god! Do you understand? It seems that the hurricane around the abyss is about to pass, and your time is ticking."

What the red shadow girl said with a smile sounded good, but hundreds of thousands of mountain demons trembled in fright. One by one, they knew better than the other that once the hurricane around the abyss on Sun Salutation Peak disappeared, that was when those hell-winged dragons devoured themselves wantonly.

"I am a mountain demon, and I am an ugly monster."

All of a sudden, hundreds of thousands of mountain demons cried out hard and fast in the sky.

"Haha, Luo'er! Your methods of dealing with these mountain demons are really magnificent." Liu Qianlang laughed when he saw so many demons being teased for the first time.

"Hehe, is it envy, or envy?" Luo Er smiled coquettishly.

"Is this for me to choose? Zuo Ming Island Master just likes to praise! I have nothing else to say." Liu Qianlang felt that the other party was very interesting, and fell in love with Luo Er in front of him even more.

"Of course, I only allow you to envy me, not to slander me, otherwise I have prepared a better way for you, but please don't make me angry. Hehe." Luoer looked very strange at the moment. Some savage.

"Hehe, then let me envy you again. Please, Lord Luoer, take those hell-winged dragons quickly! Otherwise, those mountain demons probably don't need to abandon their demons and return to immortality, and they will all be devoured!" Liu Qianlang thought that since Luo'er had attracted those hell-winged dragons, he must have a way to deal with them, so he said without worrying at all.

"Accepted? I don't have that ability anymore. Do you know who put those hell-winged dragons into the third world from Pingpin Eryue Mingmen? And why?" Liu Qianlang didn't expect, Luo Er shook his head but asked Liu Qianlang back.

"Who is it? Why?" Liu Qianlang suddenly felt that it seemed to be related to him, and asked the other party intently.

"Woooo—help me!" The screams of hundreds of thousands of people thousands of miles away became more and more miserable.

"Kill those hell-winged dragons, and then I'll tell you, otherwise, after I tell you, those mountain demons will be eaten up too!" Luo Er stopped talking at the critical moment, and floated into Liu Qianlang's ghost boat, His eyes flashed mysteriously, and he said again: "She is a woman, you must protect me well!"

"Ha ha."

"Cang lang lang!"


Liu Qianlang let out a long laugh, and the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword came out with a clear whistling. In the blink of an eye, tens of thousands of Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Swords had been slashed out, roaring at the Stegosaurus, and the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword continued to vibrate Changhong, flying clouds into the sky. Langlang Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword and Stegosaurus, in an instant, dark clouds overwhelmed the environment and rushed towards those hell-winged dragons.

"Haha, they are just hell beasts. How can they scare the owner of this island? After all, who put these unlucky things into the world?"

Liu Qianlang controlled the ghost boat, and instantly escaped to the sky where countless hell-winged dragons gathered. He didn't care about the countless hell-winged dragons surrounded by the sky, and asked with a big smile.

"Hurry up and concentrate on killing these hell-winged dragons. They are four-faced and seven-armed Yin Lang pioneers, and they are not so easy to deal with. Especially the hell-winged dragons and queens, be careful! It's all you, how did you provoke them? The four-faced and seven-armed Yin Lang is the vanguard. These hell-winged dragons are all going to attack the island of sorrow and happiness. live them.

Otherwise, the Isle of Sadness and Joy and Lake of Shame and Wrath that you worked so hard to capture from Zhengling will probably be completely destroyed. You see, the Hell Winged Dragon Queen is on the Xuantian Claw Tree! "

Luo Er, the owner of Zuo Ming Island, finished speaking quickly, and Wang Wang's beautiful eyes showed a little panic, looking at the canopy of Xuantian Claw Tree, which was more than ten thousand feet high above his head.

Surrounded by roaring hell-winged dragons fluttering their wings wildly, and Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword Dragon with its teeth and claws open, they confront each other with a bang, thunderbolts and lightning, strange rainbows and evil fires are everywhere. At this moment, most of the hell-winged dragons have already flown up to the canopy of the hanging sky claw tree, and hundreds of thousands of mountain demons will be wiped out.

While Liu Qianlang was spreading the upper layers of dragon auras on the ghost boat, he had an idea and activated the magical art of contracting the pulse. After a dark red sword curtain was cut out, countless white claws of the Xuantian Claw Tree were cut off by the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword. In an instant, all the Mountain Demons of Sorrowful Mountain fell into the huge mouth of the Hell Winged Dragon galloping down like shaking leaves from trees.

"Whoa! Whoa!"

The hell-winged dragons all over the sky saw the entrance of the delicious food, dodging the bite of the Nine Heavens Immortal Sword and Stegosaurus layer by layer, and flew high, only for hundreds of thousands of magic delicious food.

However, it was too late to say, and soon, when hundreds of thousands of mountain demons were crying in despair, a blue bottle of spirit stone gall suddenly appeared in Liu Qianlang's hands, and then the hundreds of thousands of mountain demons suddenly turned into countless star points of various colors In an instant, like meteors chasing the moon, one after another got into this gall bottle.


"Clang! Crack! Crack!"

Liu Qianlang stands firmly in the ghost boat, with white hair fluttering around, the Nine Heavens Immortal Sword, the Danhong Taotao, and the Tunlun cloak fluttering obliquely. In the middle, galloping freely is like watching flowers and enjoying the scenery.

The Xuantianclaw tree on the high place suddenly let out bursts of manic roars, and then the countless dark branches of the Xuantianclaw tree, which were thicker than the mountain peak, burst with a click and fell down.

Then Liu Qianlang saw a huge object that covered most of the Xuantian Claw Tree. The gigantic monster opened its huge mouth to swallow mountains, its saliva was like a waterfall, its eyes were as big as a pool, its waves turned like blood, and it roared wildly and flapped its huge wings thousands of feet high.

"Run away! Since the mountain demon has been rescued, don't hurry up! Wait for the hell winged dragon queen to tear us apart!" Just above the Xuantian claw tree, the furious hell wing dragon queen stomped wildly on the crown of the Xuantian claw tree When the empty branches and white claws floated like flying snow, countless hell-winged dragons that were about to devour hundreds of thousands of mountain demons suddenly saw the delicious food that was about to be eaten by Liu Qianlang. Suddenly, he became irritable, biting tens of thousands of Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Stegosaurus, and instantly opened his bloody red eyes, staring at Liu Qianlang with hatred.

Luo Er, the owner of Zuo Ming Island, saw the situation, and grabbed Liu Qianlang's arm and was about to run away.

"Haha, Island Master Zuo Ming, can't you, are you afraid too?" Liu Qianlang laughed loudly and continued to chop Bobo Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword and Stegosaurus, finally finding a chance to amuse the red shadow girl.

"Cut! You, you?" Luo Er, the owner of Zuo Ming Island, did not expect Liu Qianlang to tease him in turn, so he snorted and ignored him. Unleashed the arc-blade light rainbow, slashing towards the surrounding hell-winged dragons.

"Wow! Let me see where you are going this time, beauty, do you think I am so stupid that hundreds of thousands of demons can trick me here? Hehe! Seriously, let me see I immediately fell in love with your little gesture. So I used my plan and led a hundred thousand hell-winged dragons to fly with you into the Sorrow Mountain to cover the abyss.

Do you think you lied to Ben Pioneer? whee! In fact, it was the vanguard who surrounded the beauty. Also, I know this white-haired Terran will come too. So I lie on the back of the Hellwing Dragon and wait for you all the time. Sure enough, you guys are really good, one is here to die, and the other is here to throw yourself into your arms! "

"Yeah haha, yeeah haha"

"Crack! Boom!"

The huge hell-winged dragon queen let out a roar, spread its wings and kicked off the Xuantian claw tree, and rushed towards Liu Qianlang and Luoer's tiny ghost boat. The four-faced and seven-armed Yin Lang Pioneer stands on it, with a square head that keeps turning around, spitting obscenities, each of the seven arms holds a pale bone staff, a ghostly evil rainbow, a white broken sky, landslides and earth bangs, evil spirits. is appalling.

"Ha ha ha ha"


"Luoer, stand still!"

Liu Qianlang was not angry when he heard the words, and he was not surprised when he saw the coming situation. With a thought, the ghost boat went straight through the giant side of the 100,000 huge hell-winged dragon and dragon queen, and shot into the higher sky. Then the ghost boat exploded to a size of ten thousand li in an instant.

Afterwards, Liu Qianlang carried Luoer, the owner of Zuo Ming Island, and flew down the bow of the ghost boat, waving his hand to sacrifice the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword. Like a waterfall, it enveloped the entire ghost boat, venting like a flood. Among the torrents of swords, countless roaring Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword Stegosaurus are overwhelming, roaring and rushing head-on towards the hell-winged dragon group that is sweeping towards the opponent.

Immediately, the Nine Heavens Immortal Sword, countless stegosauruses and one hundred thousand Hell-winged dragons intertwined together. In an instant, the moon fled and the stars disappeared in the space surrounding the mountain abyss, the evil rainbow flashed randomly, and roared continuously.

However, the higher altitude of tens of thousands of miles is relatively quieter.

Standing on the bow of the ghost boat, Liu Qianlang looked at the huge hell-winged dragon dragon queen thousands of miles away, and the four-faced seven-armed Yin Lang vanguard official above who was in the mood to drink, and what he drank was Shangjiu.

Liu Qianlang's sudden change in the ghost boat and his steady aura made the vanguard of Yin Lang with four arms and seven arms chase to the sky and then suddenly stopped attacking.

The four pale faces of Yin Lang Pioneer with four arms and seven arms kept examining Liu Qianlang alternately, he was suspicious and did not dare to make any further moves for a while.

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