Nine Heavens

Chapter 1287 Defective General

Chapter 1287 Defective General

"Haha! The six-faced and nine-armed Yin Lang Pioneer was joking. The defective general was just a sudden blessing. He was flattered and lost his composure for a while. I hope the Pioneer will forgive me."

The Laughing Ghost hid his thoughts, thought in secret, and handed the dark decree to the Crying Demon behind him, saluting and laughing.

"Well, in the future, you and I will allegiance to the double-headed Huangdiao gate commander. We will definitely work together, and you have an old relationship with the gentleman. I hope that we can also cooperate with Shuangxin in the future, and each will get what he wants. The hatred of the gentleman?"

The six-faced and nine-armed Yin Lang Pioneer has always been relatively calm, until now he mentioned his revenge against the four-faced, seven-armed Yin Lang.

"Pioneer officer, don't worry! General Deficiency has always been a person who will take revenge. He is surrounded by a sinister man with seven arms. The vanguard is restricted by the law of Yin soldiers and ghosts, and it is inconvenient to dispatch the army. The day is not far away."

Defective General Crying Devil Laughing Ghost is definitely not stupid, since the other party needs him, he immediately tied the other party to himself.

"Okay! There is a defect in the general, thank you in advance. Don't worry, if you can avenge your predecessor, this vanguard will never let you pay in vain. Not only will I try my best to support you, but I will also do my best for you." To do some work in the future. To tell you the truth, the vanguard is the grandson of King Jueyang Hades. Sooner or later, he will be appointed by Emperor Ming of the Underworld.

It's getting late, and since the defective general has been sealed, he should enter the Underworld Gate to report to the Double-Headed Yellow Mandrill Commander's Palace, and receive the general's robe and ghost rider. Come along with the vanguard. "

The six-faced and nine-armed Yin Lang Pioneer is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Let alone saying that he will not be able to do anything in the future, he will first show his terrifying background in the Nether Inner Prison and tell the other party that he is a big tree. If the other party is smart, he should know how to do it.

Soon, Yin Lang with Six Faces and Nine Arms took the lead to fly into the Pingpin Eryue Nether Gate where the green mist drifted after controlling the Hell Winged Dragon, followed by the defected General Crying Demon and Laughing Ghost.


"Hey! I've seen the defective general!"

Pingpin Eryue Mingmen closed suddenly, and there was an unexpected and embarrassing greeting from Budao Cidan Ghost Immortal. After that, I couldn't hear anything anymore, and the Hongqiao bridge of the soul primordial spirit leading to the tree of the gate of the underworld from the shore of the underworld also disappeared at any time.

The hurricane vortex continues to rotate and howl in the vast and rich ghost green sea of ​​the underworld, and the tree of the sky-plunging underworld gate in the center of the underworld, with seven or forty-nine pitch-black underworld gates, is turbulent and swaying in the sky tens of thousands of feet high. Like a skeleton hanging on a tree, swinging wantonly.

"He, them?"

On the shore of the underworld, the owner of the waterfall of kindness and love is full of smiles, and the king of caves and caves is full of evil. He is not greedy for the sea. You, momentarily incoherent.

"What are you paying them back? Didn't you hear that the Crying Devil Laughing Ghost will be a lacking general in the future! Wow! All the hundreds of millions of undisciplined humans and demons in the Hunting Domain are under their command. How mighty! Judging by their virtues, how can they be so fateful? Why is it so annoying? Thinking of me smiling, ever since I entered the third world, I have always cherished the fragrance and cherished the jade, a hundred thousand waterfalls, and the waterfalls planted flowers. I took good care of them every day, and watched them every night. I didn’t get this blessing. !well!"

The owner of Shanai Waterfall is full of smiles, the petals on the flower head are trembling, and the mouth on the flower platform is facing the sky, lamenting the bitterness of life.

"Haha, envy is still jealousy! Don't mention your waterfall flowers, who knows that it is your hypocritical charity with a smile, guarding countless fake fantasy flowers and saying tenderness. If you hunt down demons, one by one How cruel! This Cave Emperor can give you a good idea, and I guarantee that Yingxiao Waterfall Lord will rise to the top immediately, and Megatron will shake the third world!"

The blue egg head of Jue'e Donghuang tilted back and forth a few times, his broken egg yolk eyes flickered, and he smiled maliciously.

"Cut! Why do you have to speak so harshly? Isn't it the same for you all? On the surface, one is more elegant than the other, but deep down, one is more dirty than the other! Tell me, what's a good idea?"

The owner of Shan'ai Waterfall was full of smiles, with one black, two white and three red eyes, and his eyes were dancing, and he asked very seriously.

"Ah? Haha, marry him! He is a defective general, and if you become the wife of a defective general, wouldn't that make you rise to the top and shake Mingyang?"

"Ha ha ha ha"

After Jue'e Dongdonghuang Quexie finished speaking, he burst out laughing with Bu Tan Hai Hai Jun Cang Yan.

"That's right, why didn't I expect that although they are yin and yang and have two sides, they are ugly, but it's not a bad thing for me, um. I won't waste time with you, I'm going back to freshen up."

"Hee hee, heh heh"

The owner of Shanai Waterfall smiled, and suddenly the flower head stood up, revealing a blushing and ugly yellow face, full of wrinkled, so-called disgusting smiles, and then flew away on the blue waves , although the flower head is not flattering, there is nothing to say about the figure.

"What's the situation, is she really serious?"

Absolutely Evil Cave Emperor Quexie, stroking his blue egg head, looking at the strangely departing Shanai Waterfall Master with a smile and asking if he is greedy for Haijun Cangke.

"Bah! You are really two! Is the crying demon laughing ghost still the former abandoned disciple of sorrow and joy? Even if she has ten thousand desires to marry someone, she would not like it! She was going back to prepare a big gift to curry favor with the defective general Already!" Bu Tan Hai Hai Jun Cang Yan waved his claws all over his body, stretched his head, and spat.

"Oh! She's cunning enough! What about us?" Jue'e Dongdonghuang Quexie sighed.

"That goes without saying, go back and prepare the roster of demons and monsters, and come to the door to ask for inclusion! My mother, I haven't had enough days as a leader, and I don't know what my fate is this time. Let's go!"

The two demons gurgled, gurgled, and roared into the whirling wind whirlpool in the space.

Afterwards, another wave of phantoms, Sangu bats and May cats, also shrank in the clouds and disappeared.

The Gate of Sorrow and Joy, the top of a cliff in Tiandao.

Liu Qianlang's white hair is fluttering, Tunlun's cloak is dangling, arms folded, looking at the red sun in the east, the eighty-eighty-sixty-four fairy rings around her are swollen and swollen, bathed in the morning mist of the whole Sorrow and Joy Islands.

Looking from a distance, Cangya is domineering, and Xianjun is majestic.

Suddenly, in the distance of the cliff, there is a beautiful woman in a white velvet robe, holding a pink peach blossom fan in her hand, stepping on the phantom, phantasmagoric and boundless flowers, and flies towards Liu Qianlang.

"Qianlang, you can rest assured! Fengmei went to Shame Lake, Brother Yuanfang went to Sorrow Mountain, and the eight guardians went to Fear Valley, and the three places have set up a chaotic Luoxiang Wuji protection array, which lasts for several months Your safety should be fine. Right now, Tianzun is doing divination, trying to calculate the auspicious time for you to refine ghost ghosts."

The woman who spoke was the Queen of the Seventh Charm, the current Luo Er.

"Hehe, Luoer. You just came back. You have been busy all night, why don't you take a break, why are you running here!" Liu Qianlang turned around, looked at the pale face of Luoer under the sun, and smiled distressedly. Then he took her hand and hugged her.

"Now is the most critical period of confrontation with the fallen devil to become enlightened, but Luoer will not be able to help you for a long time. Luoer is very worried about you."

Luo Er used one night to give the Shame and Wrath Lake, Sorrow Mountain, Fear Valley, and Sorrow and Joy Island the last time enough righteous spiritual energy, and then returned to Liu Qianlang's side, stroking his belly with one hand and saying.

"I'm the one who was worried about you. I should have accompanied you last night. Unexpectedly, some monsters from inexplicable areas suddenly came to attack the Gate of Sadness and Joy. I didn't kill them until an hour ago. Then I looked at the east here, hoping to see When Luo Er's beautiful figure floated back. Hehe, you are back, and I am relieved to see that you are safe. Have you figured it out, what will be the baby's name after birth?"

Liu Qianlang also stroked Luo'er's lower abdomen, then squeezed Luo'er's cool hand, and asked softly.

"Why do you ask me, you are her father, you should have named her. It has been a few months since Wujie Cave, haven't you thought about it?" Luo Er scoffed.

"Oh! You still said me, I asked you, in those few days, I was stunned by your Wujie incense in Wujie Cave, everything was like a dream, is it true what we did, but you never admitted it!"

Liu Qianlang laughed.

"Hmph! You can dream, you can dream about everything, okay. Now you know, it's not too late. I will stay in Lingshan for at least three years, don't forget to come and see me, think about it The child's name is passed on to me. Also, if you enter the Lost City of Absolute Sun in the future, don't rush in, and ask me beforehand!"

Luo Er blushed for a while, leaned her face on Liu Qianlang's shoulder and said.

"Well, I've made a note, Luo Er, I've always wanted to ask you, your nine beautiful souls are all reincarnated in the Lower Realm of the Flower Soul, and each became a catastrophe of love for me. But except Meng'er, Shui'er, Yan'er , Fang'er, Ling'er, Pa'er and you are just seven strands, and where are the other two strands?"

Liu Qianlang planned in his heart that before refining the Nether Ghost, he must first refine nine Yuanshen Moon Yuanshen, so as to shape his beloved wives, in case the nine strands of beautiful souls gather in the future, and the concentration of each Yuanshen is not enough. , unable to keep the soul gate, and the unknown result of mutual annihilation appears, so I am eager to know where the other two beautiful souls are?

"Hehe, you are really too smart. If I knew, why should I wait for you as a lonely soul, and go to find the soul to combine, and then find you? Cultivation is about fate, and love and soul are even more about fate." The reason why I can divide my soul into nine strands is because I promised the God of Chaos before going down to the lower realms.

Boundless flowers are divided into nine kinds, and I don't know where they go in the world. All kinds of flowers are called lovers' robbery. There is something wrong with your lover, and you are willing to suffer for it, or if you fail to overcome the calamity, I will not be in the same boat with you. Only in this way can I cultivate the fate to meet you in the world.

Now that you have met my main soul, it means that you have seen my other eight strands of Lihu, otherwise you would not be able to see my main soul, the Unbounded Flower Soul, which belongs to Luo Er. It's just that you don't know it. I can only say this, you have to figure out who the other two Lihuns are. And I can only decide after I have seen or sensed a connection with you. "

Luo Er smiled when she heard the words, and told the situation before the lower realm, and the fate that the Nine Wisps of Beautiful Soul could not find in the future.

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