Nine Heavens

Chapter 1288 Adventures in the Sea of ​​Hearts

Chapter 1288 Adventures in the Heart Sea

"Hehe, then I won't ask, I'm not by your side, you must take care of yourself, and don't be so tired when you see you again!" Liu Qianlang gently combed the golden hair blown by Chenfeng for Luoer Wisp, reminded with a smile.

"You don't have to worry about me, I'm Chaos Kongdong Luomei God, the number one flower fairy Wujie Flower Fairy. Just change a few Huaerrui girls and take care of me. I'm most worried about you, you look like this Handsome, free and easy, with incredible strength, when Wanjie Yinrou sees you, she admires you endlessly, I am afraid that you will have a long journey to immortality, you will be lost in Fanghai, and you will forget Luoer and the soul-splitting sisters!"

Luo Er raised her head, her eyes were barking and her pulse was spirited, she watched Liu Qianlang's deep gaze, and said in a slightly joking manner.

"Hiss! That's true. Luoer must remind me from time to time. I, Liu Qianlang, really have this problem. When I see one, I love the other. If I love a lot, I'm afraid I won't be able to remember who is who. Who is it?"

When Liu Qianlang heard the words, he didn't promise at all, but Luo Er said angrily.

"Hmph! How dare you!"

Luo Er snorted tenderly, opened her mouth and bit Liu Qianlang's shoulder, Liu Qianlang felt a burst of burning pain for a moment, and then looked sideways, the delicate lip marks of Luo Erfang's mouth were shining on the shoulder of Tianjinchan robe. The lip marks shone, and the various colors flashed alternately, and after a while, they sank into the flesh and blood of the shoulders.

"Does it hurt?"

Luo Er finished biting, with apology flashing in her eyes, she lowered her head and asked.

"Hehe, it hurts! But being bitten by Luo Er is so happy, and it hurts to know how much Luo Er cares about me. Don't worry Luo Er, Liu Qianlang will always only have Luo Er and your beautiful souls in his heart." Liu Qian Lang hugged Luoer tightly and smiled.

"That's good, I'm sorry you don't dare anymore, if you betray us in the future, your shoulders will immediately hurt. I have poisoned the flower poison of passion and boundlessness in your body. Only me and my other eight wisps Li Only the soul can get close to you, other women have no way, giggling, I am smart!"

Luo Er raised her eyes again, snorting mischievously.

"Hehe, smart, Luoer, the smell of boundless flowers is really fragrant, do you think her body will be even more fragrant?" Liu Qianlang looked down at Luoerdan's red and moist lips and asked.

"Of course, I'm Dongluomei Shen Wujie Flower Fairy is not the name" Luo Er said this time, Liu Qianlang smiled wickedly, suddenly opened his mouth to swallow Luo Er's small mouth, and kissed affectionately.


Luo'er let out a delicate gasp, and only then did she understand what Liu Qianlang meant, she couldn't help but feel flustered, her whole body softened, and she melted into Liu Qianlang's arms.

After a long time, Luoer blushed, smiled, and left Liu Qianlang's embrace, but couldn't bear to leave, went and turned back, kissed Liu Qianlang's cheek on tiptoe, then placed her hand on Lingshan Lang's palm, and then he turned into a fragrant, colorful and beautiful light and suddenly entered the Lingshan Mountain.

"Come and see me! Otherwise, I will mobilize Zhiqing Wujie Huadu to clean you up!"

In the divine flower where the emerald green color of Lingshan circulates, Luo Er's exhortation to go away can be heard. Liu Qianlang smiled in relief and said nothing, but buried an eternal vow in his heart.

The next moment, Liu Qianlang controlled the ghost boat and appeared in the Sweet Dream Cave in the Second World. Standing under the Sweet Dream Tree, looking at the sparkling Sweet Dream Lake, the place is still warm and the Sweet Dream flowers are rustling. Under the Sweet Dream Tree, there are two sweet dream flower tombs, both of which are beautiful, and it is a place that Luo Er and himself both like.

So Liu Qianlang unceremoniously used the magical art of shrinking the pulse to collect the Sweet Dream Cave, and picked two Sweet Dream Fruits, and then quickly gave them to Luo Er who was still walking on the boundless flowers in Lingshan. Luo Er was flying in front of her like a butterfly, and suddenly she looked back and saw the dazzling and beautiful Sweet Dream Cave and a sweet dream fruit following her, and said in surprise, "Leading the waves!"

"Hehe, Luo'er, I've thought about our child's name. If it's a girl, it's called Tianmeng'er, and if it's a boy, it's called Mengtian." Liu Qianlang sent a voice transmission to Luoer.

"Hehe, a nice name, and Tianmeng Lake, Tianmengguo, Luoer likes them all. Thank you Qianlang, Hehe" Luoer's happy laughter lingered in Liu Qianlang's heart and soul for a long, long time.

Then, Liu Qianlang fled back to the third world in an instant.

"Giggle, hehe"

When Liu Qianlang fled back to Beiximen Tiandao, he saw under the blue sky, among the white clouds, a little girl in a blue jacket was flying among the clouds, with colorful damask flying in her hand, chasing the sky full of crisp sounds. The beautiful birds are laughing. That was Long'er. At this time, she looked like a beautiful Feng Guanxiu'er, and she also changed her name to Feng'er.

She is practicing the magic skill of mixing spirits. She has many names and looks. Today, the ones who jump in front of her are little white rabbits and naughty dogs. Qianlang sees something and thinks it's Long Er.

Liu Qianlang looked at it for a while, smiled and shook his head, didn't bother, and began to sit cross-legged on a white cloud, calm down, enter the state of forgetting the body, and then fly into the world of his mind.

Below Liu Qianlang's heart sea world is a magnificent ocean, and the distant coast is towering with towering mountains and entwined with clouds and seas. Above the head is a clean blue sky, with a few clouds floating around, everything is pure and comfortable.

Above the sea, there are three strange islands sprouting at this moment. One island is surrounded by colorful rainbows and is tens of thousands of miles high. It enters the sky, and the word "good" flashes in the rainbow illusion; another island is slightly lower, bright red like the sun, secluded The blue fairy ring is shining, and the word is also shining, which means "love"; the third island is the lowest, as white as snow, and the lowest is like a person looking up to "goodness", and the second island is "love". The third island is plain and unpretentious, and the island cliff is deeply sunk in the word "hold".

Liu Qianlang controlled the ghost boat to fly above the boundless torrent of the sea of ​​hearts, came to the three islands next to each other, looked up, and said with a smile: "This is also strange, before the sea of ​​hearts was vast, and I never saw these three islands. When did such a strange thing come into being such three islands? What is even more puzzling is, why is kindness, what is affection, and why is persistence?"

I don't want Mishima to hear Liu Qianlang's words, and he is like a human being. The island is full of pines and ancient trees, all leaning towards the center, as if holding his belly, shaking and laughing, and then the "good" island surrounded by colorful rainbow lights actually speaks human words : "Haha, cute little Langhuaer, she is as good as water and has no other distractions. With the roots of kindness sprouting in her heart, she is able to do so without praising, blaming or angering herself! It's really rare!"

"Oh?" Liu Qianlang was even more interested when he heard that Mishima was able to speak, and asked with a smile: "Hehe, Zundao is majestic in color, Zen language is as wonderful as emerald green, and the soul is so heartfelt. Who is the honorific title?"

"Listen, listen, haha, you even talked about tongue twisters with us San Nian Buddha. Xiaolanghua, listen carefully, the three of us are the past, the future, and the present three lost soul thoughts of the past fairy in the fairyland. I am Colorful kind thoughts, on the left of me are the thoughts of all kinds of love in the world. Things in the world are complicated, but love is the most precious, so the island of love is like the sun, warm like a bosom, and the love is warm and comfortable.

Right next to me is obsession. In the ten thousand realms, all the living beings swear over and over again, such and such as each other, in the end, none of them will keep their promises. Therefore, the island of obsession is as white as snow, spotless. It seems monotonous, but in fact, almost no creature in the world can defend it.

I wait for my three thoughts to fly far into the boundless place, and I will not fly back when I am disappointed. I don't want to live forever, but your little wave has let me down and then ignited my hope, so it was born in your heart. "

Shandao's voice shook the Cangliao world, and he said meaningfully.

"Oh! Although this junior is ignorant and ignorant, he has also heard about the past, present, and future immortals. I didn't expect this junior to have such good fortune, and to be favored by the past immortals Sannian. This junior will definitely live up to the expectations of the three respected immortals, and let the three remain in their hearts forever." ocean."

Liu Qianlang thought about it, felt San Nian's expectation, and said with a sincere salute.

"Hmm! As expected, it is the spirit body that Empress Nuwa favored, and she really has a lot of wisdom. Haha, but, if you are too persistent, you will fall into the quagmire of selfishness, stupidity, and hopelessness. Persistence pays attention to a predestined word, if you have no predestined relationship, don’t go for it, only if you have a predestined relationship, you can persevere. If you don’t have a predestined relationship, you will suffer unspeakably, and you will eventually fall into hell.

In addition, there is time and space for persistence. If you are persistent until the time when we achieve great success, you should let go. When your merits and virtues are completed, we will become the leader of the three realms, nine realms, and ten thousand realms of benefit, and enter the realm of universal virtue. "

Zhidao nodded slightly, explaining the essence of a few words for Liu Qianlang.

"The younger generation seems to understand a little bit. What Zhizun said is that Qianlang's persistent efforts should not stay at a certain stage, but should continue to bring nourishment and grace to a larger and broader time and space. Otherwise, it is selfish and stupid , affecting the progress of Guangtian, but I have also become narrow, and even fallen into a demon."

When Liu Qianlang heard the words, his heart suddenly brightened, and he said modestly.

"Haha, a child can be taught. Little Langhuaer, you are absolutely right. Chasing immortals depends on destiny, and the gods are generous and selfless! If you are elegant and romantic, you can feel at ease in all worlds.

The so-called acts against the sky, against evil, against loss, and against mistakes, not against goodness, virtue, and love. To put it simply, if you ask the truth, no matter Taoism, Buddhism, Confucianism, law, spirit, or even demons and ghosts, only by rectifying the mistakes of the heavens, those who are persistent in correcting, and good karma to become immortals, can achieve success in the end.

It's not just copying others' opinions, ignorant of Taoism, calling out to kill immortals and gods, arrogantly arrogant, rejecting everything in the world, and being the only one who respects me! In the end, it will definitely end in immortality or demon. You must know that since the birth of the original gods and gods, Wanbanlun has been born accordingly, and all the creatures of the three realms, nine regions and ten thousand realms have changed in it.

Therefore, all the creatures in the lower world who try to go against the sky, and the evil ones who have the evil intention of killing the gods, how can they be punished to the heavens. Killing these evil people is just a matter of snapping fingers and smiling. The reason for tolerating countless people who act against the sky is just to give them the opportunity to enlighten and cleanse their minds again and again, hoping that there will be people who are fully enlightened, and they will be tempered and earned in the previous class, so as to protect the vast world.

What I have said is actually to warn you, now that the gods and gods in the two realms of the cloud and sky are alienated from good and evil, and when they go through the calamity and enter the sky in the future, all evil is innocent, and it is wrong to punish good!

In addition, the path of cultivation misrepresents that if you want to Ling Tian, ​​you need to cut off the world's distracting thoughts, especially the relationship between flesh and blood, love, and friendship. This is pure falsehood. May I ask, if it is not warm for nine days and the world is warm and sweet, why would they strive to be immortals? Emotion is the first realm, there is no emotion and no spirit, and if there is spirit, there must be emotion. Is it a great way of heaven to cut emotions and judge righteousness?

Therefore, the love of this island was lost, and the empress Nuwa was heartbroken. For countless years, she searched the sky and asked the earth, just to find my three thoughts, and finally found you, little wave flower, and gave you my soul, just to fulfill my wish of recovering me. You did not disappoint Empress Nuwa, and finally awakened our lost state of mind, turned it back, and began to germinate. "

After Zhidao's words, Qingdao also talked so much, Liu Qianlang probably understood what he meant.

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