Nine Heavens

Chapter 1290 The Fire Priestess

Chapter 1290 Fire Occupation Witch

After Liu Qianlang flew out of the heart sea, the physical senses recovered instantly, opened his eyes, and saw Long Er still playing in the clouds, meditating on the experience of the heart sea just now, he was puzzled for a while.

It would be fine if I met Sannian Immortal Soul elsewhere, how could it appear in my heart? Is it because my heart is immortal? Liu Qianlang thought that the old man Bai Guang once existed in his psychic eyes, and it made sense after thinking about it.

However, Liu Qianlang was still wrong. After coming to the third world, Liu Qianlang successfully passed through many human tribulations on the Dao of Cultivation. A qualitative leap has taken place without knowing it. The Island of Three Thoughts was originally the result of his mind becoming stronger and stronger.

"There is no tree for Bodhi, and there is a predestined person for viewing shadows. There is no way in the primordial world, and suddenly you meet the god of enlightenment. If you ask He Fangsheng, you want to know the body of the Dharma. There has never been nothingness, how to clear the traces of form."

Misty fairy road, climbing into the clouds and mist, from then on, mysterious and strange things, always in the sound of the sky for no reason, Liu Qianlang faintly heard that there seemed to be a vast sky, and someone was singing the above words, but looking from a distance, the clouds were turbulent and the wind was lingering, and then there was Long Erhuan shadow. Where is there any chanting person, I can't help laughing at myself.

Then he shouted high into the sky: "Hey! Longer, why are you so happy? Come, talk to Uncle Liu." Liu Qianlang is used to being pestered by Longer for pills, and I don't know why Longer didn't When he came to find himself, Liu Qianlang felt boring instead.

"Hey! Okay, Uncle Liu! Hehe"

Hearing this, Long'er stepped on the colorful silk, ran and landed in front of Liu Qianlang, and there was a golden naughty monkey under his feet. The naughty monkey winked at Liu Qianlang, looking very cute.

"Hehe, why didn't Long'er come to pester Uncle Liu anymore, so he has a kid. What's his name?" Liu Qianlang looked at the little golden monkey and asked.


"Hee hee, my name is Xiao Jin. It was Master Feng'er who saved me, otherwise I would be taken away by the monsters outside the Island of Sadness and Joy!" The little golden monkey was clever and eloquent, and rolled somersaults at Long'er's feet, head down He said with a raised face. It made Liu Qianlang and Long Er laugh out loud.

"Well, Xiao Jin is very cute. Here, I will give you a fairy peach, which is very sweet."

With a thought in his mind, Liu Qianlang called out a pink fairy peach as big as a fist in the Black Jade Skull Profound Realm, appeared in his palm and said to the little golden monkey.

"Why, do you want to bribe me? No way, the master said, except for the delicious food she gives, anyone who gives it has ulterior motives, don't! Don't!"

Liu Qianlang had good intentions, but the little golden monkey became vigilant, and immediately hid behind Longer, stretched out Xiaoyuan's head and said with twinkling eyes. However, the slander was drooling.

"Hehe, it's okay, Xiao Jin! Take it, Uncle Liu is one of us, not a villain from outside the island!" Long Er now restored the fair and beautiful face of a human race, wearing a blue phoenix crown on his head, and patted the little golden monkey with his small hands. said the head.

"Zhizhi, my own, good guy? Really?"

The little golden monkey's movements were as fast as lightning, even faster than he could speak quickly. Before the words were finished, a golden light flashed, and it had already swiped around Liu Qianlang's body, and then squatted down at Long'er's feet to eat a peach.

"Ha ha ha ha"

Liu Qianlang laughed for a while, and asked casually: "Xiao Jin is so clever, which human monster has the ability to catch it?"

"Just last night, didn't Uncle Liu fight with many monsters outside the island, and one monster was so powerful! He even had the ability to break into Uncle Song's chaotic Luo Xiang Wuji island protection formation, and then he kept holding holding a very fragrant fairy fruit, chasing after Xiaojin to trick it away.

Thanks to Uncle Song and I for discovering and defeating the guy who was so dark that he couldn't see at night, we saved Xiaojin. Hehe, now Xiaojin worships me as his teacher, and he is my apprentice. Right, Xiao Jin. "Long'er talked about the experience of last night, he was very involved, and the eloquence was pleasant, Liu Qianlang seemed to be in the scene.

"Oh! Long'er, where is that demon now?" Liu Qianlang asked after hearing the words, feeling that the demon in Long'er's mouth seemed to be different from ordinary demons.

"I was caught by Uncle Song. He also said, when you have time, interrogate that monster with him. Uncle Liu, don't call me Longer anymore. I'm called Fenger now. Haven't you seen that I'm pretty now?" Blue Phoenix?"

Long Er pointed to the main hall of the Palace of Sadness and Joy in Tiandao, told where the monster was, and reminded Liu Qianlang that he had changed his name.

"Hehe, good, Feng'er! It's all right! Go and play, I'll go find your Uncle Song." Liu Qianlang took out two bottles of big medicine from the sea of ​​sleeves and handed them to Feng'er.

"Hey! Xiao Jin took it and gave it to you!" Feng'er saw Liu Qianlang handing over the white pill bottle, and she didn't look as excited as before. She even borrowed flowers to offer Buddha and gave the pill directly Little golden monkey.

And the little golden monkey, sloppy, threw the half-gnawed fairy peach at once, snatched the pill bottle with a swish, tore it open and poured it into his mouth, eating and throwing it away. Feng'er didn't look distressed at all.


Seeing Liu Qianlang, he took back his raised steps and asked with a smile, "Hehe, Feng'er doesn't like to take pills anymore after having a disciple. Uncle Liu will be much more relaxed in the future."

"Hehe. That's not right. You see, Auntie Luoer has given me a lot, which is enough for me to take for a few years. In the future, I have decided that you will be in charge of my apprentice's medicine. As for me, after eating Luoer The elixir my aunt gave me is asking you. Hee hee! Is this good, Xiao Jin."

Feng'er tilted her head and giggled, and untied the silver crystal Qiankun bag from Liu Qianlang at her waist, and a large pile fell on the ground like a hill. Liu Qianlang looked intently at the high-grade pills taken by traditional earth immortal monks above the Nascent Soul stage, and guessed that it should be something that Luo Er had snatched from countless human demons in the third world. She couldn't help secretly thanking Luo Er for her concern. Before she entered Lingshan, she worried that she would always make alchemy for Feng Er, so she secretly attacked humans and demons to steal it.

"Zhizhi! Huh? Good, good! But, you have to ask for it for me!" The little golden monkey was a little bit afraid of Liu Qianlang, and didn't dare to act recklessly towards Liu Qianlang.

"Your Auntie Luo'er is so nice! No problem, Uncle Liu promised you will." Liu Qianlang's eyes were moist, as if talking to himself or talking to Feng'er, and then controlled the ghost boat to fly towards the Palace of Sadness and Joy.

In the training hall of the Palace of Sadness and Joy, the background of the space is pitch-black. After several hours of divination and calculation by Song Zhen, the astrological ruler floating in front of his eyes, the Qishang Spring, and the mysterious and slow-rotating Chaos Luoxiang Promise Disk above his head all have hexagrams appearing up.

However, Song Zhen floated cross-legged above the Taiji Eight Diagrams Astrology Formation, inspected it many times, and found that Qi Yao, the hexagram star in all directions of the Taiji Eight Diagrams Formation, did not appear unexpectedly, but the hexagram omens on the three chaotic divination gods were too weird. I have had countless divinations, but this is the first time I have come across a divination that I can't even understand.

The astrological ruler, which was always pitch black, suddenly became half white and transparent, crystal clear, like a pure white crystal, with no trace of dust stains visible. And the other half is as black as ink, and if you don't look closely, it seems that it doesn't exist. Just at the position where the astrology ruler divides black and white, a red, blue, green, yellow, and purple flame is shining, blooming like a gorgeous flower.

The flame is not static, it is flickering and swaying, sometimes tilting towards the black side of the astrologer, and sometimes tilting towards the white side. The brilliance of the black and white parts of the astrological ruler keeps becoming stronger and darker, one ebbs and another, as if fighting spirits.

As for the Qishang Spring a few feet away from the astrology, a small urn in the shape of a round belly suddenly appeared amidst the seven-color gorgeous light and mist. Although the light and mist were illusory, the details of Xiaoweng were lifelike. There are nine strange iguanodon evenly distributed around Xiaoweng. The giant withered body and huge wings are connected to each other. The eighteen claws of the birds are half-inserted into the bottom of the urn. The head of the bird is at the mouth of the urn. in the urn.

The Chaotic Luoxiang Promise Disk on Song Zhen's head has always been divided into two disks, heaven and earth, the sky disk is pure white, and the ground is pitch black. The two become one, almost illusory and colorless. But at this moment, there are bewitching five colors of red, blue, green, yellow, and purple shining. Looking from the outside of the training hall to the direction of the training hall, this palace is exuding mysterious five colors, even in broad daylight, it is extremely beautiful.

"Hiss? Strange! Strange! Strange!" Song Zhen stood up in the darkness, his huge figure pressed against the wall of the practice room, his black and white brows writhed, and he saw the strange omens of the three divination gods. It's weird to say three times.

In the world of Aoyou, on a mysterious black grass Liaoyuan, there are dotted with fire lakes, fire springs, and fire pools everywhere. And in the central area of ​​the Liaoyuan where the endless black grass and countless flames are flickering, a woman in a colorful witch robe is holding a five-faced hammer mirror. Each hammer mirror has a color of red, blue, green, yellow, and purple. Crazy dancing in the middle of a pool of fire.

Surrounding her, there are ninety-nine or eighty-one crazy men who are dancing assistants. Judging from their spirits, they should be human demons after Mingling fell from the devil. These mad dancers are covered in inexplicable evil beast bones, fur, feathers, etc., with ferocious heads and terrifying faces. They all hold a star fork in their hands. Facing the ninety-nine and eighty-one all-day extremes.

The sound of spells spoken by the colorful witch-robed woman was unsolvable, but no one could decipher them. Her body was blazing with flames, and she occasionally looked up at the sky and stars in the mysterious world, and then she lowered her head and kept trembling and dancing.

The moment he raised his head, he could see a face as pale as paper, which was very frightening, and what was even more astonishing was the color of his eyes. The pupils were also five-colored, with red, blue, green, yellow, and purple evenly distributed in a fan shape. In its abrupt and big eyes.

Her five-color eyes are full of evil and temptation, and the sea of ​​eyes is like a bottomless abyss. When I look into her eyes, I feel that I am constantly falling, falling.

"Ha ha ha ha"

Suddenly, the five-color witch-robed woman stopped her crazy dance, raised her arms to the sky, gave a cold and hoarse laugh, and then screamed sharply: "Zhan Kongzi, you finally showed up, and you dare to fight me, this time I will kill you!" ,Kill you"


The howling cries of the women in five-color witch robes lingered endlessly in the dotted lake of fire in the Black Grassland Liaoyuan. Then the ninety-nine or eighty-one dancers around her all collapsed and died amidst the loud voice.

"Aoyoruodi! I found him, we must kill him, otherwise we will never be able to fight against Mingling Universe!" The figure of the five-color witch-robed woman screamed in the raging red fire, and then the ghost disappeared. The second appeared in Mingdu Aoyou

Inside the palace, he flew towards a majestic black-faced man on the throne of Emperor Hades, shouting excitedly.

Wherever the five-color witch-robed woman passed, a raging fire would immediately ignite.

"What? You figured out who is going to take up the space in tomorrow's world! Haha, let me see!"

The black-faced man suddenly laughed, and his five-color eyes immediately looked at the five-color mirror hammer in the hands of the five-color witch-robed woman. Holding the woman in the five-color witch robe who was burning in flames, the flames immediately ignited outside her body, but she didn't care at all, and said pleasantly.

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