Nine Heavens

Chapter 1291

Chapter 1291 should read the hexagram

"It's him! Look at his black and white eyebrows. It is the white eyebrows that occupy the spiritual world, and the black eyebrows that occupy the dark spiritual time and space. But fortunately, his eyes are still closed. At this moment, it is me His best time.

Otherwise, as soon as his five colors of Zhan Ling are opened, all the changes in the light and dark world will not be able to escape his deduction. At that time, it will be even more difficult for us to deal with the era of the four spirits in the world of Mingling. "

The woman in the five-color witch robe, the five-color eyes fell on the mirror of the five-color mirror hammer that was slowly turned, and saw a tall man wearing a seven-color magic flower gossip fairy robe appearing on the five-color mirror of red, blue, green, yellow and purple , this man has a rough and heroic face, the biggest feature is the black and white eyebrows.

"That's right, it's him. If he hadn't founded the Dao of Stars back then, advocated neutrality, and finally betrayed the Five-color Shenyu Dark Universe Alliance, we would not have lost to the Nine Heavens Immortal God Ming Zhou Time and Space. If this person is not eliminated, the Five-color Shenyu Dark Universe Alliance There will never be a day of victory for the great plan of eradicating the Nine Heavens Immortal God Zhou Time and Space!

Now that we have confirmed that he is Zhan Kongzi, what are we waiting for? Tomorrow we will immediately send an order to the entire Aoyou world forces, and immediately send out soldiers to slaughter the third human race space of Ming Dynasty, with the main goal of killing Zhan Kongzi! "

The black-faced man stared at the black-and-white man with two eyebrows on the five-color mirror hammer, raised his eyes, and the five-color eyes shot out a rainbow that pierced everything, piercing through the sky of the Profound Mystery Realm, scanning the entire time and space of the third human world, and said every word with extreme hatred .

"No, Luo Di! Don't be like this! Such mobilization of teachers and people may not necessarily come true! Zhan Kongzi's strength, you know best. Back then when the three of us were chaotic primordial beings, we were all Zhanshen, and he was the strongest Big! But he is not aggressive by nature, he just likes to be peaceful and comfortable.

Your strength is second, but you are ambitious and intelligent, which is incomparable to him. Of the three of us, I am the weakest, but also the luckiest, and I am deeply loved by the two of you. "

Hearing the words, the five-color witch-robed woman immediately flashed out of the arms of Emperor Aoyuluo, her expression changed drastically, and she said excitedly.

"Hmph! Why, don't you forget him? Chaos time and space, Zhankong Zhansha, fairy male and goddess, what a concubine he was back then, but he still abandoned you, just for the sake of Mingzhou time and space. .So what about you and his Yuansheng universe, he only loves the monotony of Mingzhou, and doesn't like you, a red, fiery girl! Haha"

Emperor Oyoruo let out a cold snort, and said in a mocking tone.

"Luo Di! I have been married to you for countless cosmic epochs, do you still doubt my sincerity to you?" Zhan Sha was so angry that her whole body was red and burning, she asked sharply.

"Be sincere to me? Don't think I don't know. You deduce his whereabouts day and night behind my back. From the past to the present, you have never been able to give up, and every time you are disappointed, you will cry with tears. How could it be so if you were ruthless to him. You have been married to me for countless years, but has there ever been a time when you even cried for me!?"

Emperor Aoyuluo smiled wryly, his words were full of jealousy.

Zhan Sha was trembling with anger, and after a while of silence, she said: "So, this is how you have always looked at me, Zhan Sha? I thought that I was only good to Zhan Kongzi, and I was infatuated with me when I failed you. So When Zhan Kongzi and I entered into the covenant of mortal spirits, after he abandoned me, I promised to marry you, and then I hated him, and knew that Zhan Kongzi ruined your great career, so for so many years, I have been Keep looking for him.

That's not my fantasy to find him again and get back together with him, but to find him for you, and then we killed him together to relieve our personal hatred! Also for the glory of the dark universe. Do you know that every time I am disappointed and cry, it is not for him, but every time I am disappointed, I feel sorry for your kindness to me, so I cry, but you."

When Zhan Sha said this, she choked with tears and couldn't continue. After sobbing for a long time, she said: "Now the four spirit boys of the Ming Dynasty have gathered in the third world. We are waiting for the blatant soldiers to be sent out just to kill them." Zhan Kongzi will definitely anger some primitive gods in the Nine Heavens of the Ming Dynasty. If it stimulates the awakening of the memory of the ancient soul power of Sanling Boy Hao and knows the source of our dark universe, it will not be worth the loss. So we still secretly kill Zhan Kongzi first.

Then use the old Fengdu forces in the Aoyou world and the forces of the ghost and fairy realm to deal with the four-star boys, and when they are almost killing each other, we will take action again, and we will pass the four-star boys without much effort. Once the most difficult time in our dark universe is over in the era of the boy in the Ming Dynasty, we will have a better life in the years to come. The era when the dark universe will unify the entire light and dark time and space is coming! "

"Here, Dongyuan! Don't cry, it's all because I care too much about you, and I'm jealous of you and Zhan Kongzi's past, that's why I'm fine, I'll listen to you!"

Emperor Aoyouluo heard what his beloved Empress Dongyuan Huowu said, and Huo's pitiful look with tears streaming down his eyes, instantly regretted that his words were too hurtful, and hurriedly said apologetically.

Song Zhen has been staring at the astrological ruler, Qishangquan, and the three divination gods on the chaotic Luoxiang Promise Disk, thinking for a long time, but still can't solve it. And this hexagram is related to the good or bad luck of the third brother who I have always respected this time to refine ghosts, so I can't help feeling angry and a little impatient.

In the darkness, Song Zhen's eyes suddenly shot out a combination of red, blue, green, yellow, and purple colors, and then a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he couldn't help but suddenly became enlightened, and he burst into laughter and said, "That's how it is!"

"Hehe, fourth brother! It seems that the third brother has taken advantage of it again, and he actually laughs alone in the hall, let's hear it." At this moment, Liu Qianlang flashed in and said with a smile.

Liu Qianlang looked up at Song Zhen, and suddenly saw that Song Zhen's eyes flashed red, blue, green, yellow, and purple, and then returned to normal color. He was surprised, but then he saw the astrological ruler floating in the dark, Qishang Spring and The chaotic Luoxiang Promise Disk is full of brilliant flashing colors, and I thought it was caused by reflections, so I immediately cleared up my doubts.

"Third brother, you are here. This divination for you almost drove me crazy. Speaking of it, there is still a chance for third brother. I have been thinking about it for more than two hours, and it has always been about the three hexagrams. I couldn't see any clues. But as soon as the third brother arrived, the fourth brother immediately had some hexagram enlightenment."

Song Zhen saw Liu Qianlang coming in, first asked about the outside situation, and then talked about the situation that the divination was not going well.

"Meteor Cangling Urn! Five-color Cave Primordial Fire! Five-color Divine Jade!"

Song Zhen was about to explain to Liu Qianlang, but he didn't expect Liu Qianlang to see the three hexagram omens, and even casually said the names of the three hexagram omens, and his eyes widened in shock, as if he had never seen them before. Like Liu Qianlang, he hesitated and said: "Third, third brother, you are amazing, how do you know the names of the three hexagrams and omens?"

"Hehe, the third brother has recently successfully practiced a kind of star-gazing art. Just casually glance at the sun, moon, and stars above the sky, and immediately know the good and bad fortune of anyone and anything. Naturally, your hexagrams will not trouble me."

Liu Qianlang said something like that, Song Zhen saw it, and he couldn't believe it or not, he said with a smile: "The third brother is still very powerful, can you teach me the sky space star formula?"

"Pfft! Hahaha."

Hearing the words, Liu Qianlang couldn't help laughing out loud, and calmed down after a while, and said: "I'm lying to you, when did you meet the third brother and know how to divination?"

"But?" Song Zhen asked with a smile as he looked at the three hexagrams still floating in the void beside him.

Liu Qianlang withdrew his joking look, and told Song Zhen about his adventures in the sea. But Song Zhen laughed after hearing this: "Third brother, are you kidding me again? We cleaned up the Nether Hell, rescued the dark energy prince and princess, and helped them go back. It's not a bad idea to come out of the Nether Inner Prison now." That's all, why did the dark spirit body and the mysterious world come out again? This is too weird.

It must be that the third brother fell asleep and had a wild dream. He happened to dream about my hexagram, and then he knew everything when he came here. "

"Hehe, do you believe what you said?" Liu Qianlang handed Song Zhen a glass of fragrant wine and asked with a smile.

"Oh! Of course I don't believe it. Third brother, why do you think we have to cultivate some kind of immortal? It's too difficult to take one step at a time. How happy we would be in the world! With Yexiang and Shuang'er, and Danrou and Liusha's family of five Mouth, I am happy to plant flowers and raise grass. If I have nothing to do, I will find you to drink and chat."

Song Zhen and Liu Qianlang sat down back to back, looking up at the astrological ruler with gorgeous hexagrams, the Qishang Spring and the Chaos Luo Xiang Wuji plate above their heads. Song Zhen said that he missed the happy time in the White Star Palace very much.

"Hehe, third brother, why don't you think about it? It's been a long time since I saw you, Qianmeng, Jinling, and Yingfang, three sisters-in-law. I really miss them!" Liu Qianlang also said with a smile recalling the good old days.

"Yeah, Shuang'er and the others don't know if they are safe or not. Now Luo'er's sister-in-law is also wanted by the Lost Sun City, and she can't visit them. When will we rescue them back to my side? At that time, I thought we had destroyed the big city. The ghost hell of the ghost clan, only the Lost Sun City, why bother with the Abyss of Poison. So we sent the most powerful wave yuan sect elite forces to encircle and suppress the Lost City of the Sun. But who would have thought that they are the most unsafe right now."

Song Zhen has always cared about the safety of his beloved wife Lan Shuang, drinking the fragrant wine, the voice and smile of his beloved wife Lan Shuang are all in the fog of wine.

"Hehe, if you want to save Lan Shuang and be together forever, there is only one way." Although Liu Qianlang misses all his beloved wives and the ninety-nine-eighty-one brothers and sisters of Daoist brothers and sisters, there is no such thing as Song Zhen. So anxious, he smiled.

"I know, if we continue to act against the sky and promote good and evil, in the future the five human worlds will return to the righteous spirit time and space, and we will be reunited, right? But how long will it take, I can't wait, I'm afraid Shuang Er Sooner or later, something will happen to them."

Song Zhen shook the wine and said.

"Don't worry, fourth brother! Third brother doesn't know how long it will take for the five human worlds to return to the time and space of righteous spirits, but, third brother promises you, this time I will first plunder the seventy-seven forty-nine Nether Sect-given Dan Guixian, and then immediately refine the Nether High Then I used the ghost boat to quickly rescue the Lan Shuang siblings and the others.

You are right that they, like us, will face increasingly insecure situations. While they are still in the Absolute Sun Maze of Absolute Sun Lost City, Luo Er's Unbounded Fragrance Seal Barrier is still there. The nether forces are not aware of their existence at this moment. We can't wait to get them back. It doesn't matter if the immortal way is not achieved, the lives of relatives and friends must not be hurt! "

The fragrant wine in Liu Qianlang's hand has not been drunk all the time, thinking of his beloved wife whom he has not seen for a long time, especially whether she is safe or not, her heart is inexplicably painful.

"Haha, what the third brother said is definitely not to lie to the fourth brother, come on! Our brothers drank this cup, and we broke through the Xianyuan Cave back then. We are still afraid of some little ghosts!"


Song Zhen was overjoyed when he heard the words, and immediately turned around, his black and white eyebrows couldn't help twisting, and he laughed heartily, bumped the wine glass with Liu Qianlang, raised his head and drank it all down.

"Haha, the fourth brother is right. Our brothers, Yuanfang, Shifeng, and the eight guardians work together, and we are afraid of some little ghosts!" Liu Qianlang also laughed loudly and repeated Song Zhen's words.

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