Nine Heavens

Chapter 1296 Golden Monkey Flash

Chapter 1296 Golden Monkey Flash


The tall man kept moving his fingers on his left hand. While calculating, he looked at the Tianmen on the forehead of the lying white-haired man, and found that the dragon sundial in the Tianmen had a faint rainbow auspicious light, and then he smiled and said, "Queer, don't cry." The Shenlong Tiandial is disturbed, and there are auspicious omens, which shows that your Uncle Liu has indeed experienced danger, but he has turned from danger to good fortune, and he will wake up soon!"

"Really? Hehe, Uncle Song didn't lie to me?" Que'er immediately wiped away tears when she heard that, turned her tears into a smile, and raised her head to ask the tall man.

The tall man nodded, then shook his head and said with a smile, "Little girl, have you ever lied to Uncle Song?"

"Of course I lied, but more than once! You said that when children drink alcohol, they will become ugly when they grow up. I secretly asked Aunt Yuan'er. Aunt Yuan'er said, how can a beautiful little angel like me drink? It will be beautiful when it grows up.

Also, you said that you also have two beautiful daughters, and Uncle Liu also has two, both of whom are my younger sisters, but where are they? Why didn't I see them. I heard that all children have mothers, but their mothers don't, aren't you lying to me, and "

"What else? Feng'er, did you go begging for a drink from some aunts protecting the law behind my back?"

When Que'er was speaking confidently, the white-haired man lying on the clouds sat up at some point, opened his eyes, looked at Que'er with a smile and said with a smile.

"Uncle Liu, giggling. You're awake!" Que'er turned her head and saw that the white-haired man had woken up. She laughed happily and threw herself into Liu Qianlang's arms with open arms.

"Squeak! Squeak!"

The little golden monkey saw that his little master was happy again, and immediately became lively, turning his head and squeaking.

"Hehe, third brother! This time you scared me and Que'er enough. The third brother has to hug his head, laugh, and run again in the past six days. It really doesn't look very good." The tall man twisted his black and white eyebrows. , a hanging heart finally let go, and smiled.

"Haha, then you still watch. Que'er? It's only been a few days, why did you change your name again, what is your name, can you confirm it, if this continues, neither your Uncle Song nor I know who you are?"

Liu Qianlang laughed and motioned for the tall man to sit down. Then he bent his fingers and scratched the little nose of the bird in his arms and laughed.

"No! It's so fun. What's the point of always having the same name? That's fine. Every time I change my name in the future, I'll tell you all."

Que'er was playing tricks, Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen laughed, let her joke for a while, and went to play with the little golden monkey again.

"Tell me, what did the third brother go through in the past six days?"

When Que'er and the little golden monkey, one stepping on the colorful silk and the other pulling the colorful silk, melted into the faint green sky of Tiandao, Song Zhen looked back at Liu Qianlang and asked with a smile.

Liu Qianlang then told all about Lan Zu, the man who interrogated the dark spirit, who entered the sea of ​​souls to explore the colorless skull script.

"Haha, it's really an auspicious thing. Although the third brother faced a catastrophe of soul collapse, he got three joys. One joy, seventy-two dragon balls gave birth to a dragon child with a dragon spirit body. The second joy successfully practiced the Dragon Control Art. Next, the third brother can Started against Qimu Minglong.

Sanxi Sange sent seventy-two dragon boys to control the dragon balls, soaked in the ghost boat, time magic power will soon find the ninety-nine and eighty-one forces of the Langyuanmen, even if we can't reunite soon, their peace will be more layers of protection. "

Song Zhenwen heard Liu Qianlang's six-day experience in the sea of ​​souls, three days in danger of soul collapse, and three days of practicing the "Yulong Jue" composed of five-color skull scripts. Apart from emotion, he was more happy, and the black and white eyebrows twisted and said .

"Hehe, my fourth brother picks what I like to hear. I wasted these six days in the sea of ​​souls, and missed the Gate of Sadness and Joy, Lake of Shame and Wrath, Mountain of Sorrow, and Valley of Fear Alliance meetings. It made you suffer again. Already!"

Liu Qianlang saw Song Zhen's rough and wild face, although his eyes were full of happiness, but his face was also very tired. It was obvious that he had been troubled and worried for himself in the past six days, from the bottom of his heart.

"Well, I don't really feel tired if the third brother doesn't say it. I can't do it anymore. I have to go back and adjust my breath for a while, ha--" Song Zhen let out a breath, and said again: "I have held the four-door alliance meeting for you , I said that the third brother wants to practice the magical skills of dealing with defective generals, so he retreated. Hehe, Laohuo of Shame and Anger Lake, Benyuan of Mountain Saint of Sorrowful Mountain, and Giant of Fear Valley are all very grateful. By the way, I became the deputy leader by myself .”

Then, Song Zhen smiled, took away his divination fetish with his left and right hands, and the chaotic Luo Xiang Wuji circled around his body and floated towards the training hall again.

"cluck, cluck"

Far away in the clouds, Que'er and the little golden monkey had a great time. Listening to Que'er's laughter, Liu Qianlang thought of the Seventy-Two Dragon Boys, and when her apprentice Yaya was young, her adopted daughter Die'er, her daughters Tianling, Xiaoying, and Song Zhen's two precious children, Danrou and Liusha. , a little do not understand. These children didn't do anything, they just ran around in the clouds, why do they always have so much fun?

He didn't understand, and Liu Qianlang didn't want to investigate. In his opinion, as long as the people around him, those he's met, and those he hasn't met, as long as they are kind, they should be happy. When they are happy, they are happy.

Liu Qianlang hadn't thought about why this was so, but Liu Qianlang had a deep understanding of one thing. That is, when you see others, especially your loved ones happy, you will be more confident and powerful!

At this moment, Liu Qianlang is very happy, controlling the ghost boat, drinking fragrant and fine wine, sending a stream of waves towards Tiandao Lake in the Sorrows and Joys Islands, waving his sleeves and releasing a flying swan fish, watching it fly towards the Tiandao practice room I went, and then kept looking at the lovely bird in the cloud.

This flying swan fish was kept by Qianlanglang when he was the head of the Xuanling Sect in July, and he kept it lovingly. As a commemoration of his life in the Xuanling Sect of Longyun Mountain, only those who are close to Song Zhen and others used to convey information.

After Chazhan Kung Fu, Liu Qianlang appeared in the blue ring formation of Tiandao Lake teleportation formation several feet long, and then slowly began to disappear.

"Uncle Liu—"

However, at high altitude, Que'er suddenly shouted and galloped over, and then he and the little golden monkey appeared in front of Liu Qianlang on the fluttering rainbow silk.

"Is Uncle Liu going to kill the devil again? You just woke up, so be careful. This bottle of Unbounded Fragrance was given to me by Aunt Luoer when she left. It's delicious, give it to Uncle Liu!"

Que'er's blue eyes flashed at the moment, and she said with a look of reluctance, and then carefully untied the silver crystal Qiankun bag from Liu Qianlang from her waist, and rubbed her small hand on it, and a milky white spirit jade that was more than an inch long appeared in the palm of her hand bottle, the bottle is glittering with golden waves.

Que'er tilted her head to take a look, then suddenly pushed it to Liu Qianlang.

"Squeak! Squeak!"

When the little golden monkey beside her saw it, it immediately scratched its ears and squeaked, looking very unhappy.

"Don't give it to him, don't give it to him, give it to me!" cried the little golden monkey.

"Little Jin! Why are you disobedient? Uncle Liu is going to kill the villain. He needs help. If he is in danger, take a sip of Unbounded Fragrance, and his spiritual power will increase hundreds of times in an instant. This is useful for him. We are fine. , just playing, not drinking."

Que'er stroked the little golden monkey's head and said soothingly.

"But, Wujiexianglu is so delicious, if we give it to him, we will be gone!" The little golden monkey looked at the Wujiexianglu in Liu Qianlang's hand, drooling and said.

"Haha, it turns out that Shanliu likes to drink, so give it to him. Que'er, Uncle Liu is so happy, it's great if you have this kind of heart." After Liu Qianlang finished speaking, he was about to wave Wujie Xianglu to Little golden monkey.


Unexpectedly, when Liu Qianlang called out his name in Aoyou World, the little golden monkey immediately became furious, bared its teeth and grinned strangely, then flew towards the far end and shot.

"Little Jin! Little Jin—"

Que'er was puzzled, said goodbye to Liu Qianlang, and immediately stepped into the sky on the colorful silk.

Seeing this, Liu Qianlang nodded slightly, and he could prove one thing in his heart, that is what the dark spirit man Lan Zu said was true, and that Flash Liu was indeed captured by Prince Aoyou Luolu in the inexplicable spirit time and space. Because the little golden monkey is obviously not happy with the name of Flash Flow, which shows that it has always been dissatisfied with the fact that it was raised by Aoyou Luolu in the world of Aoyou, and always wanted to escape from the magic cave.

"Que'er, don't worry, just tell it, it won't be called Flash Stream anymore, and it will be calm!" After Liu Qianlang's body submerged into the Tiandao Lake teleportation array, he transmitted his thoughts to Que'er.

"Oh! Got it, Uncle Liu, be careful!"

Que'er was anxious on both sides, worried about Liu Qianlang's safety, and worried about Xiao Jin who got angry for no reason. Hearing Liu Qianlang's voice transmission words from his mind, he didn't have time to ask the reason. .

Que'er's colorful damask swirls to pave the way, and one end chases the little golden monkey across the clouds. Que'er rides on the bright waves of colorful damask and keeps approaching the little golden monkey.

"Oh! I'm exhausted, Xiao Jin! What are you doing! Isn't it just a bottle of delicious fairy dew? I have other things. Look, there are so many in the Qiankun bag! I put the bottle of Wujiexiang The dew was given to Uncle Liu because it was collected by Auntie Luoer herself. I know Uncle Liu likes Auntie Luoer, so he must also like Wujie Xianglu."

Que'er panted after chasing the little golden monkey dozens of feet away, and said with a heavy breath.

"Squeak! Squeak!"

The little golden monkey hid behind a white cloud, angrily tugged at the white cloud, and the white cloud flew in all directions. It rolled its eyes and looked at Que'er, full of fear.

"Xiao Jin, Uncle Liu asked me to tell you that you will never be called Flash Liu again, and will always be called Xiao Jin! Don't be angry, okay?"

Que'er slowly approached the little golden monkey, moving back one after another, the panic in his eyes faded a lot, and he asked after a long time: "Why does your Uncle Liu know my name in the Aoyou world? The spirit people are in the same group! They are bad people!"

"Heck, it's because of this! Uncle Liu copied a memory to me. He said that he killed a dark spirit man named Lanzu, and he knew your name was Flash from his mouth. The one named Lanzu Aren’t the people with enough dark spirits the ones who catch you everywhere, Uncle Liu killed him, how could you still be with them?”

After hearing this, Que'er finally understood why Uncle Liu inexplicably reproduced the memory of interrogating a strange man with five-color eyes when he was communicating with him. It turned out that he was telling himself why Xiao Jin was also called Flash Stream.

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