Nine Heavens

Chapter 1297: Demon Emperor's World

Chapter 1297 Demon Emperor World

"Zhizhi! You said that bad servant Lanzu died, but really, it was your Uncle Liu who killed him?"

As soon as the little golden monkey heard that the blue foot had died, his displeased expression disappeared immediately, and he put on a smile, rolling somersaults with joy. Que'er didn't need to chase after him anymore, he turned somersaults in front of Que'er and said, "From now on, I will always be called Xiao Jin, and I will never go to the world of Aoyou again. I was watched by others! Right?"

"Heck, of course, what are you doing there? Wouldn't it be nice to play here with me? After Uncle Liu sends me back to the first world, you go with me too, hee hee! My mother is doing well, and nine Aunt Lian who treats me well!"

Que'er patted the little golden monkey's forehead and said.

At this moment, the Weeping Demon Laughing Ghost, who is already a defective general, is wearing the miserable green armor of inexplicable material in the Aoyou World, sitting sideways on the throne of the Demon Emperor in the Realm of Hunting, the central commanding height of time and space in the Realm of Hunting, with a radius of millions of miles. Eyes full of ghostly evil energy, the crying demon patrols half of the time and space of the millions of people and demons in the nine realms facing him, while the laughing demon's pupils are full of rainbow and evil smoke, sweeping away the other half.

The Demon Emperor's throne of the missing general is specially made and can be rotated at will. When it is calm, the Crying Devil Laughing Ghost sits sideways, so that each other can look sideways at the front. And when it is time to face it head-on, one of the Weeping Devils can just turn around.

There are seven sauce-colored cloud clusters on their left and right sides, and above each cloud cluster stands a Yin soldier guardian bestowed by the two-headed Huang Ji, the gatekeeper of the Nether Gate of the Aoyou World in February. Mingyan Taotao, a man with a ferocious face and a terrifying height, two of them are close to the Weeping Devil and Laughing Ghost's left and right guards, and the colors of their eyes are unexpectedly red, blue, green, yellow and purple, which are distributed in a fan shape The color looks like an abyss.

The missing general, the crying devil and the laughing ghost, were all full of ambitions, the crying devil combed his hair, his eyes were full of obstinacy, the laughing ghost's own spiritual part was secretly calculating, and looked at the distant edge of time and space in the realm of wild hunting.

Twelve phantoms flew successively from the edge of time and space in the Realm of Random Hunting, and they stopped at different heights in the void tens of thousands of feet in front of the Weeping Devil Laughing Ghost.

Eight of them are humans and demons who are walking on a cloud of time and space in the realm of chaotic hunting. The colors of the magic cloud are pitch black, orange, green red, evil green, golden, deep blue, crimson, miserable red, and purple gold. They are obviously earth, wood, fire, earth, gold, water, wind, electricity, thunder and nine colors respectively. The five realms of the sun and the moon where the witcher is located.

In the other three places, one is the owner of Shanai Waterfall, standing on the waves of the blue waterfall with a smile on his feet, with one black, two white and three red eyes turning around the head of the flower, full of suspicion, staring at the defective general who is far above him Crying devil laughing devil.

Thousands of feet away to the left of the owner of the Shanai Waterfall, there is a scorpion more than a thousand feet long, on which stands a tall and frightening human demon, with claws on his body and a scorpion head. This human demon is just not greedy. Hai Haijun cang scorpion.

More than ten thousand feet away, from a distance, it is a handsome fairy in white robes with a sword, but when one looks at his head, it is just a blue egg with a single orange eye, shaking. Mouhong is also a human and devil, crying and laughing at the high place.

These twelve human and demon supremes usually turned into hurricanes with the flick of their fingers, and their breath could scare the demon elixir under them, but at this moment they were all standing silently, even the evil beasts under their feet did not dare to take a deep breath.

Tens of thousands of feet high is the General of the Underworld who is enshrined in the Nether Gate. He has already mastered many Nether evil arts, covered in dark smoke and waves, and guarded by Yin soldiers on the left and right. His strength has reached the point where it cannot be estimated. If you are not careful, you may die.

The other party ordered all the demons to gather here to establish the third human demon emperor world. Before you arrived, the messenger demon envoy had directly announced the decree, ordering the human and demon supremes in each territory to immediately bring all the demon rosters, Quan Yin, to come to worship the sun and the moon The highest state of the Realm of Primordial Spirit Hunting, the defected general of the Heart Heavenly Demon Palace and the third human demon emperor, the other party has not yet experienced the canon, and has not obtained the consent of any human and demon, so he calls himself the demon emperor.

However, even so, none of the twelve human and demon supremes present dared to object, because in the face of great strength, there were only two choices, one was to submit, and the other was to die.

Humans and devils are inherently evil, as long as they can live, even if they live cruelly and embarrassingly, they choose to surrender without exception. But this kind of surrender is naturally not a confidant's mouth, it's just because he can't kill the other party temporarily.

When the twelve human-devil supremes were silent for a long time, and they were all respectfully holding a book of human-devil creation in their own territory, the missing general, the third human demon emperor in the world, the demon emperor crying and laughing ghost, a giggling With a charming smile, he laughed wildly, expressing his extreme satisfaction.

But then with a bang, the Weeping Demon Laughing Ghost shattered the countless bare mountains of the Hunting Domain below the Demon Emperor's throne, billowing with evil smoke, "Hmph! The Gate of Sadness and Joy! The Lake of Shame and Fury! Mountain of Sorrow! Valley of Fear! How dare you go against this general! Kindly send a demon envoy to invite him, but not only did he not come, but he even killed my envoy, wow! I think they have come to the end of their lives!"


Tens of thousands of zhang away, when the twelve Demon Lords saw the Demon Emperor getting angry, they all faltered and faltered, and became even more frightened.

After the Crying Devil Laughing Ghost roared, there was a loud clap of the miserable green armor, and he reached out and grabbed the list of human and demon heads held by the twelve demon venerables, forming a pile of them.

Then he glanced coldly at the eleven Demon Venerables and said: "Since the third human demon emperor world has been established, and the infinite land and fertile land all belong to the Heart Heaven Demon Palace, any human or demon should be the demon people under the emperor's command. Here you go!" In three days and three nights, subdue all the scattered people and demons outside your territory in the third world.

Shanai Waterfall, Absolute Evil Cave and Non-greedy Sea. . Subdue all the scattered people and demons within a radius of 30,000 miles of your own place, and kill anyone who refuses to accept it.

Soul of Earth, Soul of Wood, Soul of Fire, Soul of Earth, Soul of Gold, Soul of Water, Soul of Wind, Soul of Electricity, Soul of Thunder, and Soul of Sun and Moon Nine Realms Demon Lord, each realm will set up its own soul realm in the future, and the entire realm of hunting Divide the Xintian Demon Palace and the surrounding nine realms, and each realm builds its own magic hall. You and others are called the respect of the environment.

After a while, the discussion was over, and I went back immediately to prepare to dispatch my own army of demons to conquer all demons in the third world except those around the territory of the three demons. However, the strength of the so-called Righteous Spirit Alliance of the Gate of Sadness and Joy, the Lake of Shame and Wrath, the Mountain of Sorrow and the Valley of Fear, should not be touched for the time being.

After three days and three nights you unify the strength of the human demons in the entire third world, except for the Shanai Waterfall, the Absolute Evil Cave and the Sea of ​​Not Greed, all the demons gather in the Nine Realms of the Hunting Realm, the Heart and Heaven Demon Palace, and immediately practice in each realm The Heavenly Demon Formation, when the Nine Realms Heavenly Demon Formation is completed, we are marching towards the Gate of Sadness and Joy, the Lake of Shame and Wrath, the Mountain of Sorrow and the Valley of Fear! I'll see what they're doing then! Haha. Giggle, did you hear me clearly? ? "

Crying devil laughing ghost one yin and one yang, you say I will learn, the body keeps spinning, like the wind and rain, full of evil, said viciously and coldly.

"Follow the decree of General Quexie and the Devil Emperor!"

The twelve Demon Lords, who dared to refute, immediately responded in unison.

"Well! This is our own business. In addition, the Marshal of the Double-headed Yellow Mandrill in the Nether Gate in February gave this general two tasks. One is that the Mingling pet of a prince in the Aoyou World Shrine is said to be a pet. The golden spirit monkey named Flash Liu and his servant named Lanzu broke into the third world. Marshal Two-headed Drill asked us to find this servant and his Mingling pet within ten days. Otherwise, the general People will fall to the ground, so when you have to subdue the group of demons, help this general to do it well.

Whoever does this for the general will be the first lieutenant in front of the general, and the future will be boundless. It is said that the prince of the Aoyou World has a very high status. If he is satisfied, we are naturally proud. However, if he is not satisfied, we will not have a good life! "

When the Crying Devil and the Laughing Ghost said this, the twelve Demon Venerables were extremely curious when they heard what was going on in the Nether Gate, and they couldn't help raising their heads, but they heard that they were looking for someone and a golden monkey with a defect. The temptation of the first lieutenant. Immediately, everyone was tempted, and felt that this matter was extremely easy to handle, so they all agreed.

"There is one more thing. The two-headed mandrill Marshal mentioned that in our third world there is an mysterious dragon called Qimu Minglong. It has been sleeping for hundreds of millions of years, and it just started to wake up at ten o'clock at noon tonight. It is said that it was executed in the third world. The Aoyou World spies on the evolution of the third human race. Now that its mission of memorization has been completed, it is about to wake up and return to the Aoyou World to resume its mission.

The Marshal of the Double-Headed Yellow Mandrill ordered this general to go to the unknown place of the Mountain of Sorrow and the Valley of Fear at midnight tonight, wait for the seven-eyed dragon to wake up, and then protect the weak dragon body that has just awakened and fly into the dark sky smoothly. in the door.

In order to be sure, this general orders you to wait to complete this mission with me, and then you can go on to other missions. If there is nothing to say, you can go now, remember that at midnight, the unknown place between Mourn Mountain and Dread Valley meets! "

General Quexie, the Demon Emperor of the Heart Heaven Demon Palace, the crying devil and the laughing ghost said that his four eyes were infiltrated by the ghostly aura of the Aoyou world, with red, blue, green, yellow and purple starlight faintly glowing, and the miserable and thick smoke of various colors kept rising all over his body.

"Seven-eyed dark dragon? Can the Demon Emperor express the exact location of his sleep, and go to help the Demon Emperor, and his subordinates have nothing to say, but the Seven-eyed Dark Dragon, I have been in the third world for tens of thousands of years, why have I never seen it? After all, knowing the exact location of his deep sleep will help me prepare myself mentally and better protect the gods!"

Hearing the Seven-Eyed Dark Dragon, the twelve Realm Demon Venerables were all puzzled, they had no concept in their minds, they couldn't help discussing, and finally the owner of Shanai Waterfall smiled with one black, two white and three red eyes flashing coldly for a while. , asked boldly.

"Huh? Didn't what I said clearly enough! Get out of here, and if anyone misses a minute or a second at that time, immediately kill you and other primordial spirits!"

General Deficiency, the Demon King of the Heart Heaven Demon Palace, the Crying Devil and Laughing Ghost, was also muttering in his heart. He had never heard of the Seven-Eyed Dark Dragon before. How could he know where the Seven-Eyed Dark Dragon was. However, as the supreme being, how could he show his ignorance, so he roared and roared.


Seeing that the leader was angry, the twelve realm demons immediately trembled and whimpered, and then fled away in a hurry, fearing that they would be the first to become the dead soul under the black steel cone of the weeping devil and laughing ghost.

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