Nine Heavens

Chapter 1298 Evil Summoning

Chapter 1298 Evil Summoning

The third world, at midnight, in the middle of the Mountain of Sorrow and the Valley of Dread, on the outskirts of Unknown Land.

The faint emerald sky, the splendor of the moon flutters quietly on the dark land with a radius of tens of thousands of miles, thousands of miles of plains sleep sweetly, and the mountains are silent. Everything between the sky and the earth is very peaceful, so peaceful that it is full of mystery.

However, in such a peaceful midnight, there is a crescent-shaped silver boat in the sky hundreds of thousands of miles away, rippling slightly in the emerald flowing clouds.

Standing on the boat is a young fairy with white hair fluttering around and a white fairy robe, but wearing a golden cloak. , Non-stop circle ripples generally swing to the surrounding universe.

His face was condensed and his eyes were deep. He drank the fairy wine and kept staring at a cliff hundreds of thousands of miles away, because there was a huge black eyeball standing abruptly on that cliff. Judging by his appearance, he seems to be extremely interested in this eyeball.

He just stood there silently drinking the immortal wine for a long, long time.

Thousands of miles away from this crowd, there is a group of figures high in the sky. After these figures flew from the sky, they began to speak loudly, but when they suddenly found the young fairy with flying white hair, their voices stopped abruptly, and then they immediately used the invisibility technique disappeared.

This group of figures consisted of thirteen people, and the leader was a Nether general wearing a dark green armor. This person had two faces, one side was a handsome man, the other side was a beautiful daughter's face, and he was celibate and four-armed.

Seeing the young immortal with flying white hair, the double-faced man exclaimed, his eyes filled with hatred for an instant. "Guangming Island Master of the Gate of Sadness and Joy! It's so late, what is he doing here?" The double-faced man said to himself with a surprised expression.

"Could it be that he also knew about the awakening of the Seven-Eyed Dark Dragon, and came to die?" On the beautiful daughter's face, she spoke softly, stroking her hair with both hands and answering softly.

"Shut up! He is a righteous monk, how could he know the secrets of the mysterious world in the Nether Gate? He looks like he is looking for something." The man frowned and scolded the woman at the back of his head in a low voice.

"Are you scared? I can't kill him a few times, so I'm afraid that he will destroy the task of escorting the seven-eyed dragon back to the gate of the second moon tonight? My crying devil is not as hopeless as your laughing ghost. Let me see, today This late opportunity is really rare. While the twelve Realm Demon Lords are all here, why don't we kill that one together, so as to relieve the scars in my heart!"

The Crying Demon raised his head and glanced at the bright moon in the sky, his words were like spring blossoms, but his eyes shone with ice-coldness, and he suddenly shot at the young fairy with white hair flying thousands of miles away who was drinking freely.

"That's right! What General Deficiency Crying Demon said is true. That man is haunted by that strange boat. It's hard to find him on purpose. Now that you have sent him to your door, why don't you kill him immediately, in return for his plan to kill him?" I am waiting for the revenge of several high-level Demon Venerables!"

General Deficiency, the Demon Emperor of the Heart Heaven Demon Palace, behind the crying demon laughing ghost, the nine people from the Hunting Realm, the Demon Realm Venerable and the Waterfall Master of Kindness and Love, are all in favor of crying. The words of the devil. They looked around at each other and expressed their opinions one after another.

"Shut up, I'm asking you, what is our task tonight?"

"Hey, you still have to ask, there is no sign of the Seven-eyed Dark Dragon now. With the strength of our thirteen demons, wouldn't it be an instant matter to kill him, and it would not delay escorting the Seven-eyed Dark Dragon. , it saves us the biggest trouble in Tianmo Palace, why not do such a good thing that kills two birds with one stone?"

Hearing that all the demons agreed with him, the crying demon was in a good mood, with beautiful eyes, stroking the twelve demons in front of him, and said with a coquettish smile.

"Huh! It's really stupid. Once I do it, I will startle the seven-eyed underworld dragon. If the seven-eyed underworld dragon can't go smoothly for a while, what should I do? I have sent fourteen guardians to the underworld in advance to do a good job." The preparations for the opening of the gate of the underworld in February are set at three o'clock in the middle of the night, and it is less than a quarter of an hour now. If the seven-eyed underworld dragon appeared immediately, wouldn't we care about one thing and lose the other? It's good to give it to me. If anyone is distracted, don't worry Blame me for being ruthless, kill Wushe immediately!"

The Laughing Demon was very disgusted with what the Crying Demon said, and angrily reprimanded him again.

Immediately, the twelve realm demons behind him became completely silent, and the crying demon was stunned, a burst of embarrassment, he bit his hair resentfully, and dared not speak any more.

Then, under the protection of their respective invisibility spells, the thirteen humans and demons continued to look around strangely at high altitudes in the unknown place, releasing powerful magic consciousness, and looking around for signs of the appearance of the never-before-seen seven-eyed dragon.

When they found that there was no strange information within a radius of tens of thousands of miles, the thirteen demons turned their attention to the huge black hole in the unknown place, because there is only one place where people can't understand, it is infinitely deep and strange.

However, after the thirteen demons stared at it for a while, only the general's heart was missing. The demon emperor of the Heavenly Demon Palace, the weeping devil and the laughing ghost, finally discovered that the huge black hole hundreds of thousands of miles below turned out to be a frighteningly huge dragon's eye.

The bright sky and the bright moon broke through the clouds like a boat, the stars dodged, time flew by, a quarter of an hour was not long, it passed quickly, but the seven-eyed dragon did not move at all.


The twelve humans and demons flying behind the missing general's heart, the devil's palace, the demon emperor, the crying devil and laughing ghost couldn't help but be amazed. It's past three quarters of midnight, and the gate of the underworld should have opened, but the world of Unknown Land is still very quiet. And it was so quiet that the twelve demons felt oppressed.

However, General Deficiency became extremely excited after sensing that the huge black hole was a dragon eye. He suddenly stopped and continued to approach the huge black hole. .

The twelve demons behind him continued to follow like a shadow.

"Give me some energy, the Seven-Eyed Dark Dragon is about to wake up!"

When flying to an altitude of nearly 200,000 li, the missing general, the demon emperor of the Heart Heaven Demon Palace stopped crying and laughing, and hid himself in the mist. The dark blue steel cones in it were also replaced with the unique five colors of red, blue, green, yellow, and purple that flash alternately in the world of Aoyou, like a magic weapon that pushes the waves and stabs the stars.

As soon as General Deficiency, the Demon Emperor of the Heart Heaven Demon Palace cried and laughed, his eyes never left the huge black hole far below. Following the sight of the Weeping Devil and Laughing Ghost, the Twelve Demons also gradually realized that the huge black hole on the cliff nearly 200,000 miles away was a bit abrupt. Why was it shaped so like an eye?


General Deficiency issued an order, and the Twelve Demons knew that their cultivation was not as good as the terrifying General of the Aoyou World in front of them, so they were suspicious and did not dare to ask, but they all responded in unison. Then all eyes began to focus on it.

In another location, tens of thousands of miles away, the white-haired man has never left his eyes from the huge black hole, and has been drinking the immortal wine in silence. If his hand is not moving, it is almost suspected that it is A sculpture.

"Why doesn't he leave? Is he really?" General Deficiency, the Demon King of the Heart Heaven Demon Palace, the Crying Demon Laughing Ghost, after capturing the message of the Seven-Eyed Dark Dragon, thought that the white-haired man was just passing by and should leave. But he didn't, and the Weeping Demon Laughing Ghost had to wonder if his purpose was also related to the Seven-eyed Dark Dragon.

"In a while, if the Seven-Eyed Dark Dragon appears, that person will come to interfere, kill Wushe, get ready for me now, and attack at any time!" , had to order like this.


Hearing the words, the twelve demons answered happily, and even the crying demon's angry face showed a shy smile again, and then a blood-red Li Ling flower appeared in his hand.


Suddenly, in the direction of the dark sky in the northwest of the unknown place, there were long and strange calling voices, each voice was stronger than the other, and the sound was more empty than the one, confusing the mind.

As soon as this sound came out, the white-haired man flying hundreds of thousands of feet into the sky received the celestial wine, and suddenly there was a bright red rainbow in his hand, with colorful clouds flying around the edge, and a giant sword with shining seven stars in the sky. The white light spirit poured out of the bright sky brocade cicada robe, and instantly formed a sea of ​​white spirit light with a radius of ten thousand miles under her body.

The silver boat he stood on top of it continued to pitch amidst the surging waves of the Sea of ​​White Spirits. Because of the Sea of ​​White Spirits, the dark world within thousands of miles of the Unknown Land suddenly became as bright as day.

The righteous spirit suppresses the environment, the evil spirit is annihilated, tens of thousands of miles away, the defective general, the thirteen human and demon forces of the Demon King of the Heart and Heaven Demon Palace, the crying devil and laughing ghost, and the invisible evil fog outside them, are overwhelming in just a moment. The white light of the righteous spirit swallowed it, and then the ferocious bodies of the thirteen demons were fully exposed.


The thirteen demons couldn't help being horrified, and they all looked at the white-haired man flying tens of thousands of miles away on the sea of ​​white spirits, but the other party didn't take the thirteen demons seriously at all. Eighty-eight sixty-four Youlan fairy rings are like the light of Buddha, rippling the world, and the fairy power is shaking.

The man with flying white hair didn't move his eyes at all. Following the long and strange sound, the countless towering mountains in the unknown land suddenly let out the roar of landslides, and then the huge black hole suddenly exploded. Flashes of dazzling light in five colors of red, blue, green, yellow, and purple.


Then, following a heaven-shattering roar, the majestic mountains with a radius of tens of thousands of miles in an unknown place suddenly rose from the sky, and then there were hurricanes whistling everywhere in the world, and the scene of flying sand and rocks, and in the blink of an eye, it fell into the sky again. into the boundless darkness.



I have never seen such a terrifying howling hurricane, nor have I heard such a strange voice of summoning. The thirteen demons headed by the missing general thought that their strength was terrifying, but they did not expect the seven-eyed dragon to fly into the sky. The strength he carried was so huge that he couldn't keep his body still. He was like a wisp of cloud, rolling in the space of the unknown place with the whirlwind of the hurricane, unable to hold on to himself.

The group of demons were terrified. They tried their best to control their figures and exerted all their mana, trying not to be crushed and torn apart by the hurricane.

There were bursts of dragon roars between the sky and the earth, and at the same time thunderbolts and lightning, red, blue, green, yellow, purple and five colors of evil rainbows pierced the darkness from time to time, shooting everywhere.

After more than an hour, apart from the strange sound of summoning and the sound of dragon roaring in the northwestern part of the dark sky of the unknown place, the sky and the earth gradually became clear, the sky and the moon were dew, and the cold stars appeared.

The thirteen demons headed by General Deficiency, in extreme distress, are no less than thousands of miles away from each other, and are rapidly gathering in one place. However, nearly a hundred thousand miles away, the man with flying white hair didn't seem to have moved much at all, still holding the huge red sword in his hand, and floating gracefully on the sea of ​​white aura with his feet on a silver boat.

Looking up, he was looking at a giant dragon hovering in the dark sky. On the huge body of the pitch-black seven-eyed dragon, with seven eyes and seven claws, it tossed and moved under the bright moon.

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