Nine Heavens

Chapter 1329 Three Blossoms

"No! Grandma, we can't do this, if we accept grandma's soul power, grandma will die immediately. Woohoo - we can't live without grandma!"

"Yes! We can't live without grandma. It's not easy for grandma in Tingfu to water us and grow up. We still have to honor you. If we don't have grandma, what value are we in human form? Grandma, don't worry, we will definitely I will practice hard, this time there is no chance, there will be a next time. As long as grandma is well, we will be very happy like this."

"Hey! My silly children, grandma's spirit power is already very weak now, and she will die sooner or later. How can she survive the next chance. Be obedient, don't make grandma angry!"

"No, never!"

Deep in the cave on the right, the conversation between the grandparents and grandchildren stopped suddenly, and the air suddenly became silent.

"No! Grandma—"

A moment later, a horrifying and mournful cry came from the depths of the cave on the right.


Cheng Shifeng and the other eight people didn't even think about it, and appeared in front of the grandparents and grandchildren a moment later. I saw that the old woman was destroying her primordial spirit, shooting out waves of red light from her hands, tightly covering the three weak little spirit flowers shaking in front of her, and at the same time shooting out the soul power that turned into blue light from her eyes, Divide into three strands and shoot at the three little flowers.

The three small flowers were like flies, thin and weak, desperately trying to avoid the old woman's soul power, and at the same time there was a mournful cry from among the flowers, shouting "Grandma" continuously.

Due to the loss of soul power, the old woman's already old face immediately became dark and wrinkled. But still stubbornly injected soul power into the three granddaughters.

Seeing the situation, Cheng Shifeng immediately pressed the old woman's Tianling acupoint with his slender palms without saying a word, and then the pure heavenly spirit in his body melted into the old woman's body.

And the seven mother-killers of Shame and Wrath Lake also immediately urged their efforts, and they teamed up to cover the three little flowers with Taotao's righteous spirit.

In this way, half an hour later, the old woman's face gradually recovered, and then her old face miraculously became younger, and soon she looked only in her thirties, her skin was like snow, her appearance was dignified and rich, just like a nobleman lady.

"Hey! Sister, I can move!"

"Heck, I can move too!"

"Hehe, grandma is not dead, she has become younger!"

The three little flowers absorbed the righteous spirit of the seven mother-killers, and immediately shone brilliantly. They were purple, blue, and yellow, and they looked full of spiritual power. They were happily spinning around, jumping, and shouting.

"Thank you girls!"

The old woman found that Cheng Shifeng and others did not leave, but came back to save her own life and helped her three granddaughters. She couldn't help but burst into tears with gratitude, and got up to kneel down.

Cheng Shifeng collected his spiritual energy, supported the old woman, and said: "My ancestor is so benevolent, and the juniors admire him. You did something like this to hurt the feelings of the little sisters.

Let me tell you a piece of good news. In a few days, the owner of the Island of Sadness and Joy, Guangming, will come to the Shan’ai Waterfall with his hands on the Spirit Mountain to uphold the spirit. At that time, there will be no more demons in all the spiritual waterfalls of the Shan’ai Waterfall. The breath is gone, and they are all the existence of righteous spirits. Just practice to your heart's content. There is no need to suffer through the years, and everything will be fine. "

"Yes, yes. Now Shanai Waterfall is the end of all hardships. In fact, the Guangming Island Master you mentioned has already come to Lingshan an hour before you came. You should see all the Shanai Waterfall Domain Waterfall House Waterfall Palace is already being transformed into righteous spirit.

It wasn't like this before, all the waterfalls were filled with demon spirits, and the terror-soaked breath of death spread everywhere, hurting countless undead. Have you seen my three granddaughters just now? They are so weak because of the evil spirits that are present all the time.

Fortunately, just an hour ago, the master of the Guangming Island you mentioned entrusted the Lingshan Mountain to dispel the demon spirits and sprinkle the nectar of the righteous spirits. Now all the waterfalls of love and love are rapidly transforming into righteous spirits. It will not take a few days. Here is a brand new spirit world. However, it will take three days for the water of the Spirit Waterfall here to truly turn into sweet spirit nectar.

My granddaughter and I can enjoy it, but only for these three days, we have no energy to wait, because tonight is the fate of my three granddaughters condensing their souls into flower bodies, and it is also the countless waterfalls of kindness and love. Like my granddaughter, all Transformed into a flower body, the life of the soul of the body of the spirit grass.

Souls like them will die if they don't make it through the night. I am their grandma, and there are many people like me. How can I sit and watch their weak souls wither away again after finally gathering together! ?

So just now, the old woman didn't expect that the eight girls gave up their spirits generously, so that our grandparents and grandchildren would still have a day to reunite. My grandchildren, thank you for your kind sister. "

When the old woman heard the words, she told about her predicament and Liu Qianlang's visit, and at the end of the sentence, she reminded her grandchildren.

"Hehe, thank you eight sisters! Hee hee, the eight sisters are so pretty!"

"Yeah, it's so pretty. I want to be like my eight sisters when I grow up."

"And their mana, eight sisters, why don't you accept us as disciples, we are so envious of your mana!"

The three flying flowers saw that grandma was not only fine, but also regained her youth, and she could move again, and immediately recovered her innocent nature, chatting twitteringly, the flowers swayed from side to side, and the words she said became sweeter and crisper , hearing that Cheng Shifeng and others like it to death.

"Hehe, the three little sisters want to learn the exercises. You have found the right person. Your sister Feng is amazing. She has an overwhelming army of spirit demons. When these troops are dispatched, the sky is dark and the sky is covered with dark clouds. All demons and goblins will be frightened. Hehe, sister Feng, why don't you accept three little Huaermei?"

After hearing the words of the three flying flowers, Xiaoxue, who was wearing a pure white fairy clothes, bent down and teased the three flying flowers and said with a smile.

"Huh? As long as the ancestor is willing, I will accept them as my apprentices. I really have plans to accept apprentices, but I didn't expect to accept three sisters at once. Ancestor, are you willing?"

In fact, Xiaoxue was just joking, she knew very well in her heart that the situation in the third world was unstable and there were so many tasks, it was really inconvenient for her to accept the seven mother-in-laws who were the subordinates of Grandma Huhuhu. The same should be true for Cheng Shifeng, one of the remnant star guests of the Beiximen, but to her surprise, the other party happily agreed.

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