Nine Heavens

Chapter 1330

"Hehe, I am willing, I am willing! The three grandchildren can have such good luck, and my old woman can finally feel at ease. It's just that I will not be by their side in the future, which will make the girl worry!"

When the old woman heard the words, she felt that the blessings and auspiciousness had come together, she smiled happily, and hurriedly agreed.

"Heck, no. Your granddaughter is so dependent on you, I also feel that Patriarch, no, you are now beautiful and young, kind and auspicious, we should call you Mrs., I will not let you separate. Just follow along I'll go back to my Blue Crescent Moon Profound Realm."

Cheng Shifeng's blue hair is like a waterfall, and his blue eyes are clear, looking at the old woman with a smile, he said.

"Heck, apprentice pays respects to Master!"

Hearing the words, the three flying flowers were overjoyed, bent their green stems frequently, nodded their flower heads, and laughed and paid homage to their teacher.

"Well, the old man really can't thank the girl much." Hearing this, the old woman couldn't help but shed tears again because of her excitement, her words choked up.

"Don't do this, my ancestor. My brother always said that no matter how good you are in cultivating immortals, if you lose your relationship with your family, it's better to be free and unrestrained in the mortal world. Whether it's human or other living beings, the most precious and eternal existence is still the word 'love' after all.

In the past, Shifeng used to be separated from his family, and the feeling was already painful. Today, seeing your grandchildren like this again, I deeply feel that my brother's words are like spring wind and rain, and let the younger generation gradually understand what is the way of good fortune and happy life.

From now on, the ancestors will be like Cheng Shifeng's elders, respected as the respected elders of my Lingyao Tianditang, who will always take care of my childishness and omissions. Leisurely and leisurely with the wind, the group loves grandchildren to travel together, in this way, everyone is happy, it is simply a good fortune. "

Cheng Shifeng is in self-awareness, and is also in danger of the old woman.

"Master, you are well! We must be very good, and we will not make you angry!" The three flying flowers heard the words, and the flowers raised their heads and nodded. .

On the side, the seven mother-killers were also moved by Cheng Shifeng's words at this moment, planting a seed of kindness that gradually sprouted in future generations.

"Hehe, Elder Zunxin, can you tell the younger generation why the three apprentices in the Shanai Waterfall turned into flowers?" Cheng Shifeng asked after squatting down and stroking the three flowers.

"Forget it, since the hall master favors the old body so much, it's not good to be hypocritical. From now on, as you said, the old body will do his best for the Spirit Demon Heaven and Earth Hall in order to repay his respect and kindness."

The old woman first said some words of gratitude, and then talked about the three granddaughters turning into spiritual flowers:

"This story has to start from the original third world. Since the appearance of the third world, the seven great demon realms, including the Waterfall of Love, the Lake of Shame and Wrath, the Island of Sadness and Joy, the Valley of Fear, the Cave of Absolute Evil, and the Mountain of Sorrow, include The infinite central space of the Hunting Field, as well as any other third-person areas, is full of vibrant scenes.

The sky and clouds are in harmony, the earth spirit is abundant, all spirits live freely, the vast land of China, and hundreds of millions of common people are singing songs at night and singing songs at night, with infinite happiness and joy.

However, after hundreds of millions of years have passed in such a beautiful third world, the situation suddenly changed suddenly, and righteous spirits, time, space, demons and spirits merged, and within a few years, it became a world where humans and demons fly everywhere.

It is said that some common people were taken to the first human world by inexplicable forces, but the details are unknown. But most of the common people and all kinds of spiritual beings were slaughtered by these demons.

These human monsters are all from the second world, they all have golden hearts and golden veins, and their strengths are all over the world. People in the third world are rarely better than them. A large number of powerful monks have also contended with it for hundreds of years, but in the end they were slaughtered and slaughtered, mutations and mutations.

The current human monsters in Sorrow Mountain and Fear Valley are the third monks who have changed in the world. They failed to kill human monsters, and finally turned into human monsters themselves. "

"And those common people and monks who were slaughtered have all turned into flower bodies and spirit grass later, and some have already turned into human shapes like you, right?"

When Elder Zunxin said this, Cheng Shifeng cut in his blue eyes and asked.

Elder Zunxin nodded when he heard the words, and then continued: "The hall master's guess is correct, but this is only a matter of the past ten years. Ten years ago, it was rumored that there were four magical boys and girls in the first world, called The four-spirit boy suddenly touched the great evil of the Nether Hell, and a new owner of the Heavenly Demon Artifact of the Heavenly Demon Eight Realms, the Soul-calling Sword, was born, and immediately the five worlds underwent great changes.

The same is true for the third world, where the chaotic and chaotic humans and demons quickly separated and gathered, forming the current seven domains of humans and demons. Then, it is said that a large number of humans and demons from the Nether Prison crazily poured into the third world, and most of them were concentrated in the current hunting domain. That defective general, the Demon Emperor of the Heart Heaven Demon Palace, the Crying Devil Laughing Ghost appeared at that time.

It was at that time that the Divine Sword of Summoning Souls was born, and the spirit seals of the three realms, both good and evil, began to loosen. The scattered souls of hundreds of millions of common people and monks who had been slaughtered in the third world began to collect themselves quickly. Soon the souls of monks who were powerful in the past gathered together, and I was one of them.

However, the common people in the Mortal Realm and some very weak monks were unable to condense their souls in a short period of time. At that time, a strange underworld suddenly appeared, and an evil tree of the gate of the underworld grew out of the underworld.

The evil spirits of the Nether Gate began to use Gui Chengdan to control the demons here, and suppressed the reunion of hundreds of millions of dead souls. Therefore, the third world is full of demons and spirits, and these undead are not given a chance to reunite.

However, the hundreds of millions of undead souls who have awakened, once their hearts beat for new life and the longing for the beautiful life in the past, they can no longer stop their hard work. Therefore, even though the fallen devil in the third world becomes enlightened, the light of the nether world is shrouded, and the dark space cannot hold the evil wind to invade the world, but the phantom figures of these monks who we first awakened began to try their best to resist the cruel rules of the netherworld and the evil spirit, so as to promote The reunion of the souls of hundreds of millions of common people.

At the beginning we made a lot of efforts, but with little success. Until one day a flower-headed monster came to Shan'ai Waterfall, and she killed the original owner of Shan'ai Waterfall, and replaced him as the owner of the waterfall.

Then all the high-level demons in the original waterfall palace were exterminated, and they called themselves the waterfall master Yingxiao, and implemented the system of the thirteen sisters of the waterfall palace Yingxiao, that is, they created thirteen virtual people to control the palace, and established the Dongtian Palace to transfer all the original waterfall palaces. Penetrate, and spread the enchantment of the fog spirit of kindness and love. Then give us a way to gather the souls of hundreds of millions of people who have died. "

"That's not right, Elder Zunxin, didn't you say that this new Waterfall Lord is a flower-headed demon? He should be the current Waterfall Lord. How could he help you?"

Hearing this, Xiao Ze, one of the seven mother-killers, was thoughtful and immediately questioned.

"That's right, Elder Zunxin, how is this possible! Aren't those human demons just the monsters who suppressed you, how could they help you in turn?"

Cheng Shifeng also felt a little confused.

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