Nine Heavens

Chapter 1337 Alarming the Netherworld

"Who are they, why are they laughing and joking, one is playing with bells, the other is shaking incense! What time is this, how can this happen!"

Cheng Shifeng, the seven mother-killers from the shameful lake and hundreds of thousands of dingpos can't help at this moment. They are afraid of hindering the movement of the moon fairy, so they take the initiative to fly to a high altitude outside the square, paying close attention to the billions of souls. Changes in the cocoons of Pupa pupae. Seeing these two people suddenly, he frowned and looked at them for a while, feeling very angry, and asked Elder Ding Pozunxin of Ting Mansion beside him.

"Don't blame the hall master. These two people and the moon fairy are the younger brothers of the Bulaoshan Ruyi Bailing fairy, the master of the Xiangling fairy, and the fairy we worship on the fairy festival. In the third world, we call them the two immortals with hip-hop eyebrows and beards. They have always been like this, as early as 300 million years ago when they first came to the third world.

However, they are all benevolent people, and the things in their hands are not playthings, but first-class magic weapons to save lives. The bell is called Fanxinling, and it makes a soft and sad sound, which can fill a disheartened and hopeless person with the desire to survive, thus strengthening a person's will. And Yinshengxiang can always attract the scattered souls of these soul flower plants in the process of breaking out of the cocoon and rebirth.

Without them, during the first two Mind Worshiping Festivals, the souls of these soul flower plants would not have completed the condensing of their souls quickly. At that time, these soul flower plants were still in the stage of forming consciousness and could not think of words.

In the years that followed, it was the ring tone and spiritual fragrance left behind by their seals, and the Ruyi Bailing Fairy of Bulao Mountain instructed Xiangling Fairy to use the nectar of righteous spirits to nourish it, and it is today. These are just what Fairy Xiangling told us via voice transmission. "

Ding Po of Ting Mansion and hundreds of thousands of Ding Po and Ding Sou all saluted and worshiped the two immortals, very pious. When Cheng Shifeng heard it, he couldn't help but feel that what he said just now was impolite, and it was also a salute.

"Hehe, grandma, master, you see us, you see, I have grown a head, and I have hands and feet, and we are about to transform into human form! Hehe."

Thousands of miles away, in the center of the Baixian Square, the Santing sisters are constantly absorbing the spirit of Haoyue, as well as being nourished by the power of the primordial spirit in the crystal grains of the seven-colored mans primordial spirit. During this process, the flower body has gradually completed the transformation into the human body. Not only did it not cause any pain, but I also felt that the soul power and magic power were constantly increasing, and I was extremely happy. The thought was transmitted to grandma Elder Zunxin and Cheng Shifeng who were thousands of miles away.

"Well, grandma, master, and eight aunts are watching you. Don't talk yet, come on!"

"Work hard! Come on!"

Elder Zunxin, Cheng Shifeng and the seven mother-in-laws received the voice of their thoughts and made encouraging gestures from a distance to cheer them up.

"Hehe, sister, look, they are waving to us! Let's work hard, we will succeed. Look, our outer shell is getting thinner and thinner. The one who is wearing a white fairy dress Whoever it is, she has come to help us."

"She's the moon fairy in the sky and moon in our third world. And those two old men, they look really funny. What are you doing around with a bell? That one also holds incense sticks, it's so funny!"

The three sisters felt good at the moment when they saw someone cheering them on. They looked at the sky through the crystal clear chrysalis shell, happily entangled and commented on each other.


Such a comfortable moment lasted only about an hour, and suddenly a hell-winged dragon sound full of coldness, depression, and death came into the ears of the three phoenix sisters. Then they saw the Moon Fairy high above the sky, and the two giggling immortals suddenly became very cautious in their movements, stopped joking and retreated towards the bright moon hundreds of thousands of miles high.

The sea of ​​the underworld, the tree of the gate of the underworld, and the gate of the underworld suddenly parted at midnight in February, and a monster with six faces and nine arms suddenly shot out. The six-sided head rotated strangely, with six faces and twelve eyes, shooting out twelve rainbows. Towards the Seven Great Demon Realms of the Third Human World, the Realm of Random Hunting, and the Blessed Mountain respectively.

"Marshal the double-headed yellow mandrill, it seems that there is a spirit in a certain area. How come I heard the voice of the two hip-hop immortals, Changmei Fanxinling, and the smell of floating Yinshengxiang."

The six-faced, nine-armed Yinlang monster turned its head, stretched its neck, sniffed at the feedback from Hell Mingyin, and said to the Nether Gate.

"Hmph! These abominable immortals forced their way into the exit of the third world back then, and they were unstoppable. As a result, the Grand Marshal of my majestic Profound Capital Palace was demoted to the frontier. I was so angry to come here to see the gate!

Now that they have ascended to the fairyland, they even came back to fight against me! Really handsome nemesis. Needless to say, they must have taken the pill-giving ghosts and immortals in the Nether Gate in seventy-seven forty-nine, and the seven-eyed underworld dragon cannot escape the responsibility. Didn't it mean that General Deficiency is invincible now? Immediately pass the decree to him on my behalf. Immediately dispatch all the demons, chase the sky and slaughter them, it is best to destroy the mountain of immortality! "

In the gate of the underworld in February, the two-headed mandrill marshal heard the two hip-hop immortals, and immediately became a miasma of anger, and the ghostly evil smoke gushed out from the gate of the underworld.

"Your subordinate obeys, but is it not the old mountain? Please Marshal think twice, there is Ruyi Bailing Immortal sitting guard there, rumors that he has successfully practiced Escape Shadow, Huanwu and Neize are the three great magic arts, the city of Aoyou clearly said , regardless of the nether forces of all parties, they are not allowed to move the Unold Mountain at will, and if they anger the Ruyi Bailing Immortal who has never participated in all kinds of battles, the consequences will be disastrous."

When the six-faced, nine-armed monster heard that the two-headed Yellow Mandrill Marshal asked him to go to the Realm of Random Hunting to make an order for the defective general, he was overjoyed and gloated secretly. I have already made a clear analysis, the hateful defected general, Crying Demon and Laughing Ghost, failed to encircle Shame and Nuhu Lake, and now it must be too miserable.

At this time, let him deal with the two hip-hop immortals and their junior sister, Moon Fairy, hehe. Seeing that you have to finish playing this time, the six-faced and nine-armed monster laughed secretly, but also reminded Er Yue that it is good to keep the mountain of immortality in the gate of darkness.

"Bah! The capital of mystery, I don't know how to destroy Fengdu and occupy my chaotic universe, the world of the nether world, and I am afraid of a small mountain of immortality! If you still listen to my advice when the commander is in power , has long killed the Ruyi Bailing Immortal, the Two Immortals of Hip Hop and the current Moon Fairy.

But they insisted that the time has not come, so that the disaster is endless, and now we take action repeatedly. Even the inexplicable disappearance of seven or forty-nine pill-giving ghosts and immortals can be tolerated. It really left Ben Shuai speechless! Forget it, since they don't want to, why should we provoke disputes, you can go to the Realm of Random Hunting to make an order. "

The six-faced, nine-armed monster didn't mention Aoyou, the capital of the dark spirits, but it was a good thing. The mention made the two-headed yellow mandrill marshal in the Nether Gate of Eryue angry for a while, cursed, and then took orders. Then the gate of hell closed again with a bang.

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