Nine Heavens

Chapter 1338

Go back to the sky above the Baixian Square of Tianpu Palace in Shan'ai Waterfall Cave.

"Hehe, two senior brothers, why is my junior sister in such a hurry, why don't you stay for a while, and then how about my senior brother and you guys going to have a good time together?"

The two immortals of hip-hop and Fairy Moon were helping Fairy Xiangling to break out of the cocoon of hundreds of millions of soul flowers and grasses on the square, when they suddenly heard the sound of hell, they were horrified, stopped their hands immediately, and went back the way they came. I am afraid that if I continue to move, I will attract the forces of the dark spirits in the mysterious world.

The three of them flew cautiously under the bright moon thousands of miles away. On the way, they heard the dark sound of hell and then disappeared. The hanging hearts were relieved. Then the three said goodbye to each other and were about to step on the own circuit.

But at this moment, above the bright moon in the sky, a celestial being sitting cross-legged on a miraculous white lotus, with sharp eyes, kind eyebrows and white beard, was pinching the Dahui Immortal Art with both hands, and his body was full of celestial light, like a circle. Circle the rainbow, mysterious wave body, fluttering towards, the mouth is not opened, but the voice of speaking is like a sea of ​​clouds.

"Oh! It turned out to be the elder brother. It's really rare. We thought we wouldn't see you this time. Elder brother is not joking, is he willing to travel around with us? Your mountain of immortality, and Daoist Aitu Jietong, Fairy Xiangling is gone?"

Changmei held Fanxinling in one hand and raised his eyebrows in the other, asking with an expression of disbelief.

"Hehe, it's a fate in the past, and it's easy to go to the sky! Your senior brother finally spent 300 million years, and an old story. I remember you asked me, why did Schnebud stay in the third world?

Now that this matter is over, I can tell you that Jie Tongtuer is the disciple of my former Taoist friend Changxiao Zhenren. Daoist Chang Xiao and I have the same family and relatives in the ancient coconut country.

Hundreds of millions of years ago, when I was promoted to immortality, I was entrusted to transform into an immortal in the third world for 300 million years, waiting for Jie Tong to come, and then just to hand over a strange treasure to Lingshan, a creator who was born 300 million years ago. Shi Tongzi, this Creator Boy and Jietong Daoist have a mentor-student relationship. The boy who created the world was named Liu Qianlang.

However, in order to accomplish this, I need to save the ghost body of an extinct occult creature, and then wait for a goddess of change in the fairy world, saying that the creation boy will only appear when I see them. Fortunately, I have done it.

The sporadic spirit body is Fairy Xiangling, and the mutant goddess of the fairy world is the Chaos Dongluomei God of the lower realm before the destruction of Hell Fengdu.

Now the boy who created the world in the third world has appeared in the third world, and I have handed over the treasure to him on the Lingshan Mountain. After this is completed, it will be the day when one of my merits and virtues will be completed, and then I can go to the cloud world to find him up.

He promised me that 300 million years of devotion can be exchanged for his eternal trust in me. From then on, your senior brother is no longer called Ruyi Bailing Immortal, but Fangxin Yunjun. Hehe, the 300 million-year-old secret, the rebirth of the Grand Duke, the little kindness to me, can't be broken, I hope all the brothers and sisters will forgive me. "

Immortal Ruyi Bailing leaned over to salute, and said with a smile.

"Well, in fact, the three of us also discussed it in private at the fairy meeting. The elder brother must have difficulties that cannot be expressed for a while, otherwise, with our countless years of friendship, how could we not see each other for 300 million years.

Now that the elder brother has told the reason, my heart is suddenly opened up. Congratulations to big brother Fangxin Yade for finally fulfilling her fairy ring. As for the various virtues in the future, I believe that they will continue to be cultivated to perfection. "

Piaoran and Moon Fairy returned the gift, Piaoran looked around at the brothers and sisters on the left and right, and smiled.

"It's just that the elder brother is waiting with me, what should happen below?"

The Moon Fairy was very worried about the rebirth of the billions of Soul Flower Grass below, and the Xiangling Fairy below who was still desperately absorbing the splendor of the Moon Spirit, so she asked.

"Hehe, the Lord of the Hand-holding Spirit Mountain is the real master of the Bulao Mountain. The Bold Mountain is a small realm above the Hand-holding Spirit Mountain. Master Jietong should have broken into the fourth world at this moment after knowing the agreement between me and his mentor. , he still has a lot of things to do. As the second master, I have taught him everything that should be taught.

As for the disciple of Xiangling, the junior sister is lonely in the moon palace. After a few hours, after hundreds of millions of souls, flowers, and grasses are transformed into human forms, her merits and virtues will be consummated. Your Tianyue Palace. From now on, her fate depends on you. "

Immortal Ruyi Bailing smiled, turned around, and flew towards the sky.

"Hehe, since the senior brother is willing and the junior sister can't ask for it, I will go back and prepare to pick up Xiangling."


The two immortals laughed, and the three brothers and sisters behind them also floated towards the clouds, seemingly moving slowly, and disappeared in a moment.

In other words, the six-faced and nine-armed yinlang vanguard officer controlled the hell winged dragon all the way and then flew to the Heavenly Demon Palace in the heart of the hunting area, trying to forcibly issue an order to trick the defective general, crying devils and laughing ghosts.

I don't want the Realm of Random Hunting to set up the enchantment of the Heavenly Demon Formation again. The six-faced and nine-armed Yinlang Vanguard was blocked from the barrier of the Heavenly Demon Formation, and he couldn't even enter the entrance of the Realm of Random Hunting.

The six-faced and nine-armed Yin Lang Pioneer official was so desperate that he lost to the group of demons alone, so he had to swallow his anger and fly back to the underworld. But in the middle of the journey, I suddenly saw the righteous spirit of Shan'ai Waterfall tens of thousands of miles away, and there was no magic elephant. I was shocked, so I controlled the hell-winged dragon queen, roaring and rushing towards Shan'ai Waterfall.

"Ha ha ha ha"

However, when he flew tens of thousands of miles away from Shan'ai Waterfall, suddenly there was a burst of laughter tens of thousands of miles above his head. He is holding a dark blue wine jug in his hand, standing firmly on a curved Shenzhou, looking at himself drinking and laughing casually.

"Hehe, Uncle Liu, you are so powerful, how did you expect that there would be ugly ghosts coming to Shan'ai Waterfall to make trouble in Mingkong?"

This white-haired person is naturally Liu Qianlang. He has been here for a long time, and he expected that there might be some forces in the hunting ground or the underworld who sensed the movement of the Shanai Waterfall and came to make trouble. Therefore, after leaving Bu Tan Hai with Xiao Fei Jie and Bai Lingge, they came here directly.

Xiao Fei saw that the six-faced and nine-armed Yin Lang Vanguard, covered in thick blood and evil colors, stepped on the extremely ugly Hell Winged Dragon Dragon Queen, and staggered towards him. He vomited for a while, and then laughed.

"Hehe, it doesn't matter. Whenever there is a place where a spirit moves, there will be an evil spirit coming to die. It's not like he came. It can only come one. You go and report a letter to your aunt Shifeng , Immediately strengthen the sealing barrier of Shanai Waterfall, the poison of the nether world appeared, and the soul flower grass that had just broken out of its cocoon not long after was polluted, causing demonization."

Liu Qianlang thought for a while and said.

"Well, no! I want to watch you kill this evil ghost, and I want to play with his ghost essence pill! Can't you send a message to the cloud?"

Unexpectedly, Xiao Fei glanced at Xiao Zui and refused.

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