Nine Heavens

Chapter 1353 Demon Spirit

Chapter 1353 Ghost Saint Wraith

Six figures, one is a girl with fluttering blue hair, stepping on a gigantic, strong white-faced giant tiger with a blue star Huanmo sword in hand, galloping in the vast waves of brilliance of all colors, the spirit shadow is shining and unpredictable.

One is a tall and mighty man, wearing a white gossip gown, surrounded by colorful rainbows, holding a dark astrological ruler and Qishang spring in both hands, surrounded by a chaotic Luoxiang infinite disk.

In addition, there are four people about a thousand feet away, and naturally one of them is Xiu'er, the shameless lake grandma.

Xiu'er was wearing a purple dress and a fairy belt fluttering around her body. She held Ziyang in her hand and stepped on a green reed with white reed flowers. The reed is like a boat, traveling through time and space.

The other two, Benyuan, the mountain sage of Sorrowful Mountain, were more than three feet tall, swaying their bodies in huge red robes, and holding a giant black stick in their hands. The orange-yellow giant crocodile with its feet on the ground is like a hill wandering.

Although the giant of the Valley of Fear Valley abandoned the devil and returned to immortality and turned into a human race, he still looked like a short giant hand, and his appearance was not flattering.

Although he is short, the fiery red fairy robe drags the ground three feet, and he gallops away on the blood fire holy snake. There is no one in sight, just like a red rainbow.

There was another one, wearing a huge pitch-black magic robe, with chaotic eyes on his forehead, riding a huge magic wolf hundreds of meters high, galloping majestically thousands of feet in front of the six of them, this person was naturally Cheng Yuanfang.

Although the six people left, they still left behind a circle of legend-like magic sound and shadow stones on the edge of the island of sorrow and joy, so that they can keep track of the situation here at any time even in the wild hunting area. If there is something wrong with Liu Qianlang two days later, it will be convenient for him to return quickly.

Three days later, at midnight.

Chaos cauldron has gradually stabilized from the shock.

However, not only did the myriad of colors of light waves pouring out from the walls of the cauldron of chaos not weaken, but their aura became even more frightening, to the point where they burst into the sea and spit rivers in an instant.

The ghosts in the cauldron jumped wildly, the sound of howling wolves, and the hundreds of thousands of chaotic beasts outside the cauldron moved, circled, and roared to an indescribable state.

The other eight cauldrons around the chaotic cauldron were no longer calm, passing through layers of multi-colored ocean waves, and at this moment, electric shots were coming towards the upper end of the chaotic cauldron and around the mouth of the cauldron.

Soon after, the eight tripods surrounded the edge of the mouth of the chaotic tripod almost at the same time, and the distances from each other were uniform and abnormal.

Then the mouths of the cauldrons automatically tilted towards the mouth of the chaotic cauldron, and then saw eight colors of evil smoke and ghost fog pouring into the chaotic cauldron like a waterfall.

This process is very short, but it is only a teacup effort, and then when the Badaling stands upright again. Their eight masters, eight of Liu Qianlang's nine infants, raised their hands and shrunk them down one after another into the body sea.

"Hehe, congratulations to Daddy Hunzun, Guisheng Minghun, you finally succeeded in refining it. I invite Daddy Hunzun to quench his soul into his body with Vientiane spring water!"

When the eight cauldrons of refining souls were taken back by the eight Yuanying, the nine Yuanying's expressions that had been condensed suddenly relaxed, and they were all overjoyed. They all laughed and congratulated Liu Qianlang.

"Hehe, everything is due to your success in refining ghost saint's ghost this time. My father just put the dark energy in Jiuding for you, hundreds of millions of elves, thousands of heavenly magic fruits, ghosts collected in the past The infinite wisdom of Juan Mingshu, the divine dragon sundial and the dark splendor of the ancient blue moon, countless stars in the underworld, the evil rainbow of the underworld, and the aura of ghost treasures and ghost weapons are just the materials for refining souls.

All the processes, even the pioneering work of analyzing the souls of ghosts and immortals and synthesizing the powerful souls of ghosts and sages are all done by you. Although you are happy to be a father, you also have great joy, and we are all happy together.

You look down at yourself, you are no longer the young man in white clothes in the past, but the celestial celestial guest with great achievements in nine tripods. From now on, the father no longer has to worry about your safety, and can freely enter and exit the light and dark Hunyuan Mountain of the father! "

Liu Qianlang heard Jiuying's congratulations, holding three volumes of different colored books, with white hair fluttering around, and bright eyes, falling freely from the sky thousands of miles away.

There was nothing under his feet, and he stopped stepping on the ghost boat, but in an instant, he reached the position tens of thousands of miles above the huge chaotic cauldron with a radius of ten thousand miles. He smiled slightly and said.

Liu Qianlang didn't open his mouth wide, but his voice was clear and infinite, and the sound waves pierced through the universe. Even Song Zhen, Cheng Yuanfang, Cheng Shifeng and others who were thousands of miles away could hear it without passing through the magic sound shadow stone. Clearly.

"Hey! Daddy Soul Venerable, you mean what you say, and allow us to enter and exit the Black Jade Skeleton Profound Realm at will?"


Hearing this, the nine Nascent Souls inspected the color changes of the fairy robes around them, and found that the former white fairy robes were shining with beautiful stars.

The color of the starburst is exactly the color of the divine cauldron that I protect, the original Yuan Dinghua. Looking at the infinitely mysterious and unpredictable appearance, everyone couldn't help being elated and asked in surprise.

"That's natural. When did my father say something to deceive you? However, although you have successfully cultivated the Jiuding Divine Art, you have the divine cauldron to protect your body, and your life is safe.

But the road you will follow in the future will become more and more complicated, and the opponents you will face will become more and more powerful. It is best for you not to separate from each other and run around, so that in times of crisis, you can activate the Nine Tripods Combined Formation to frighten your opponents or quickly return to the Black Jade Skeleton Profound Realm that is your father.

Also, although you have already completed the cultivation of the Nine Cauldron Divine Art, those are only part of the Immortal Jue outside the cauldron, and there are more esoteric parts such as star immortals, cloud immortals, and heavenly immortals inside the cauldron. You must not be satisfied, continue to practice, or you will have a lot of homework in the future.

And you have to continue to carry forward your creative spirit, just like this soul refining, at first, my father only hoped to successfully refine ghost ghosts of the high level of giving pills, ghosts and immortals, and he was satisfied.

I don't want you geniuses to create, combining the souls of seventy-nine forty-nine ghosts and immortals who gave pills to the souls of thousands of spirits to create ghost ghost ghosts. This shocked and admired even the father!

In addition, I have been thinking about my father for a long time and wanted to give each of you a name, but I have never been satisfied. After thinking about it, I finally felt that since you are practicing the Nine Cauldron Divine Art, you should name it after Ding, each taking the word Shending.

They are called Liu Chao, Liu Hong, Liu Huang, Liu Huang, Liu Pan, Liu Fu, Liu Tai, Liu Jin, and Liu Guang. They are collectively known as Soul Refining Nine Immortals Dinglang, I don't know if this is good for you? "

Liu Qianlang looked calm and calm, facing the scene inside and outside the Chaos Cauldron, which was roaring and shaking the sky below, just looked down for a while, and was not in a hurry to quench his soul.

Instead, he looked at the nine Nascent Souls around him with great relief, and said in a deep thought.

"Hey, that's great, we also have names, and we can call each other like other people of the human race. Hehe, Brother Chaos!"

Jiuying Liu Guang was the most mischievous, and shouted laughingly.

"Many thanks to Daddy Hunzun for giving me the name. It is named after the tripod, which fits my heart. Just now, Daddy Hunzun's praise made Zhuan'er very excited, and all the teachings are engraved in his heart.

Father Hun Zun, don't worry, we won't let you down. Hehe, isn't that right, my virtuous brothers? "

Yiying Liu Chao has the most calm personality, got up and hurriedly saluted and thanked him, and then called all brothers from left and right.


Hearing the words, the other eight Nascent Souls also stood up and saluted, shouting in unison.

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