Nine Heavens

Chapter 1354 Soul Gate Soul Dragon

Chapter 1354: Soul Gate Soul Dragon

"Hehe, as long as you like it, let's trouble the nine children for a while, and then quench the soul for the father, and then collect the soul."

Liu Qianlang smiled slightly, and the three volumes of strange books in his hands turned into beautiful lights of various colors and flooded into his palm.

Then with a thought, a faint blue sea and sky blue gourd appeared in his hand in an instant, in which was the Vientiane spring water he had collected in the Vientiane Mystery, the country of the Seven Realms in Mitiansha Valley, the first human world.


After the Haitian blue gourd appeared in Liu Qianlang's hands, it automatically popped off the top seal of the gourd, making a crisp sound.

Then, as soon as the blue light was received, the next second, the sea and sky blue gourd appeared about ten thousand miles below Liu Qianlang, suddenly expanded tens of millions of times, and fell down. The exit of the huge gourd was facing the center of the chaotic cauldron.



Next, the exit of the sea-sky blue gourd, which can self-generate the loaded things, immediately released the flood.


As soon as the Vientiane spring water entered, ghosts of evil smoke and ghosts were jumping up and down wildly, and the sound of howling ghosts and wolves suddenly turned into whimpers, and then fell silent.

And the hundred thousand divine beasts outside the Chaos Cauldron had no opponents, and gradually calmed down, and they all went back to the Chaos Cauldron wall.

Half an hour later, the Chaos Cauldron slowly shrank, and at this moment Liu Qianlang had already collected the Haitian Blue Gourd. After more than half an hour, Liu Qianlang waved his huge sleeve, and turned the Chaos Cauldron into the size of a wine jar, and put it in his hand.



Liu Qianlang glanced into the chaotic cauldron with psychic eyes, and immediately saw 77,777 intertwined colors of ghosts, saints, ghosts, souls, souls, and primordial spirits roaring and flying in the cauldron. Tempered, still aggrieved.

Turning into a soul dragon, roaring and circling, shaking its head and tail, baring its teeth and claws. The giant like a hill, staring at Liu Qianlang, kept hitting the mouth of Chaos Dingding, trying to fly out.

"Ha ha."

"Ghost Saint Wraith, since you were created by my nine children, Liu Qianlang, you will naturally be collected in the second soul gate, Youming Soul Gate. It happens that there is a lack of a soul dragon patrolling in the second soul gate, so you are the most suitable Stop clamoring, or the soul master will destroy you immediately!"

Liu Qianlang laughed loudly when he saw the vast sea formed by springs in the Chaos Cauldron, which was still flowing, and the soul quenching had not yet been completed.

"Hmph! You, a human cultivator, still want to control my Ghost Saint ghost. This is too naive. What kind of broken tripod is this? How could the original soul dragon sprout here!"

There was a humming and roaring in the Chaos Cauldron, the Ghost Saint Wraith Dragon opened its bloody mouth wide, and the Tao Tao was like a strange fire, shooting towards Liu Qianlang's face like a volcanic eruption.

"Hehe, I can't tell, your temper is not small, it's time to calm down!"

The evil image and strange fire rushed out of the chaotic cauldron, and rushed towards Liu Qianlang directly. But Liu Qianlang didn't dodge or dodge, just smiled slightly, the bright red light spot on his forehead suddenly flashed, and the Shenlong Tiandial roared out, although it didn't grow bigger, its momentum was extremely frightening.

Ninety-nine and eighty-one guardian elephant dragons around Shenlong Tiandial immediately hissed in unison, and then Shenlong Tiandial immediately closed the mouth of Chaos Dingding with a hurricane.


Under the power of ninety-nine and eighty-one divine dragons and sky dials guarding the position of elephant dragons, the roaring ghostly ghost dragon of chaos lost its prestige in an instant, slumped, and sank into the sea of ​​Vientiane spring water.

About half an hour later, when the Shenlong Tiandial turned into a bright red light spot again and hid in Liu Qianlang's forehead, the sea of ​​spring water in the Chaos Cauldron had disappeared.

There is only one soul dragon with seventy-seven thousand seven hundred and seventy-seven colors swimming obediently.

When Long Mu saw Liu Qianlang, he immediately showed a gentle and flattering expression. Seeing Liu Qianlang, he smiled slightly, and the second soul door moved, and the other party had already entered.

Immediately Liu Qianlang felt that although he was still himself, his body could be controlled by two soul gates at any time. Moreover, he can activate the soul power in two soul gates at the same time, and his own strength can be instantly improved to a level that he can't even imagine.

Liu Qianlang was secretly overjoyed, but for his own improvement, Liu Qianlang has always disliked making publicity, and he was just secretly happy for a while.

Then he pushed the Chaos Cauldron to Liu Chaos, and said with a smile: "My father has already quenched his soul, but in the process of refining your souls, my father is refining the Stone of Destruction of the Universe and the Stone of Creation in order to obtain a part of the Destruction of the Universe. Divine power and creation divine power.

However, the effect was minimal. Later, I realized that it might be better if I first practiced the three different arts, and now I have the help of the second soul sect ghost saint ghost.

Therefore, for the sake of my father, it would be better to take the opportunity to retreat for a period of time, successfully practice the three great magic arts, absorb a certain amount of divine power to destroy the universe and the divine power to create the world, and go to attack the Realm of Random Hunting with your elders.

However, my father was worried that the four-layer spiritual light seal of the four immortals in the sky and the moon would soon be destroyed by the forces of the underworld within the gate of the underworld. In addition, the demon king of the Heavenly Demon Palace in the heart of the hunting realm was also vigorously cultivating the Heavenly Demon Formation.

The development of the situation must be very bad, and it is still impossible to predict whether I will be able to leave the customs in time.

Therefore, my father entrusted you with a mission to use the Nine Cauldron Formation of Soul Refining to secretly surround Mingkong.

Before I appear, do your best to prevent the seven or forty-nine Nether Gate forces within the Netherworld from taking half a step out of the Netherworld! I wonder if you have confidence? "

Looking in the direction of the Realm of Random Hunting, Liu Qianlang knew what the fourth brother and the other five were thinking, although he also wanted to attack the Realm of Random Hunting with them immediately.

But after thinking about it, it would be safe to improve my own strength a little more, so I asked the nine Nascent Souls.

"Hey! Daddy Hunzun, don't worry, we have sensed the situation of the elders in Moyu Skull and have long wanted to help, but Daddy Hunzun has not allowed it.

At this time, our Jiuding Divine Art has already protected ourselves without worry, and I believe that with the power of the Soul Refining Jiuding Formation, we can definitely fulfill our mission. "

Yiying Liu Chao's eyes also turned into a flickering state, and when he heard Liu Qianlang's words, he immediately expressed his opinion.

"Yes! Father Hun Zun, don't worry, we also want to see how powerful the Soul Refining Nine Cauldrons Formation is! Just take this opportunity, let's experience it and see if there is anything that needs to be corrected."

The other eight Nascent Souls also expressed their willingness.

"Well, that's good, I have already successfully practiced the three major secret arts, "The Secret Art of Escaping Shadows", so I don't need a ghost boat in the future, and I can escape anywhere instantly as a father.

In the future, I will give it to nine of you, as a tool for instant escape and time travel, and to control the divine art. After you sit on it, you will immediately sense it and understand it. Good luck to the nine children.

Remember, do your best, if I can't show up in time and your life is in danger, you must give up decisively.

It doesn't matter if you lose for a while, if you have life, you still have a chance to rise again. If life is gone, everything will be in vain, even the previous achievements will be lost. "

After life and death experiences again and again, Liu Qianlang's achievements are more and more difficult, and only immortality can defend them. So these words are not only teaching the nine Nascent Souls, but also a deep self-experience.

When Liu Qianlang spoke, with a thought, the ghost boat appeared in the palm of his hand, only about an inch in size, like a small silver-gray fish swimming freely in the palm of his hand.

The ghost boat rubbed against Liu Qianlang's fingers from time to time, very intimately.

The long-term company of people and boats has already connected souls and minds, and their emotions have blended.

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