Nine Heavens

Chapter 1378 Sun Moon Soul Formation

Chapter 1378 Sun Moon Soul Formation

"Demon Emperor, is the Sun Moon Soul Heavenly Demon Formation activated?"

When General Deficiency was in a state of desperation, the last Demon Venerable tens of thousands of miles above his head howled like a conch and a donkey.

"Wow! Stupid donkey, don't start it, wait until they have enough rest and slaughter you! Start it, get ready to attack immediately!"

The missing general was crying and laughing like a ghost, he almost lost his mind, roared, jumped up, and was about to fly up to the sky on the evil clouds, wishing he could take Liu Qianlang's head straight.

"Oh! Isn't it just a hunting domain? You can't afford to lose such a small place. What about the third human struggle for hegemony, the world of wind and cloud! Don't forget that you have already successfully cultivated and passed the magic shadow scroll, how many times have you died? Humans and demons, it is not a pity for us! If we have the opportunity to enter the underworld, it will not be a problem if we want a hundred hunting domains in the future.

The power of ghosts in Nether Hell can be said to be extremely powerful. If there are humans and demons raised there, it is not difficult to come back to avenge today's defeat, so why be angry?

For the current plan, it is best to go to Mingkong immediately, nothing is as beneficial as saving one's life. What is failure, what is losing face, whoever gets more in the end is the real winner. "

The moment the missing general, the crying ghost, was about to take off into the air, the crying devil sighed quietly, and never gave up encouraging the laughing ghost to give up the hunting ground.

Crying Demon's beautiful eyes looked at Tianyu's balls of thunder, and the blasting fire balls formed by the explosion of Thunder Demons, there was no regret at all.

Not only is it not a pity, but it seems to be very happy, stroking the strands of hair with slender hands, looking at the sky and fighting, just like admiring flowers and watching the moon. Looking affectionately at the black-haired Cheng Yuanfang flying wildly in the sky, stepping on a pitch-black three-eyed wolf, and shooting arrows with a bow, the corner of his mouth was bent into a strange angle.

I don't know if I'm laughing or mocking.


That's right, upon hearing the words, General Deficiency immediately regained his senses and stopped, knowing that he was almost stupid and lost his life.

However, in the face of repeated failures and the repeated trampling of dignity, how could the Laughing Ghost be willing to do so? Even if he stopped, he still gritted his teeth and roared to the sky with infinite resentment: "Snail! Kill them for me, completely destroy them!"


At the extreme center of the Sun Moon Soul Heavenly Demon Formation, Demon Venerable Snail Hearing the order, after howling, he probed his head and scanned the sun moon star ring of the Heavenly Demon Formation composed of countless red suns and blue moons from the Sun Moon Soul. All gods, men and demons of the moon soul on the second birthday of Wanri Moon Soul are in place.

Immediately, stepping on the evil cloud of red and blue intersecting, swaying in the middle of the Sun Moon Soul Sun Moon Star Ring, wielding the Sun Moon Soul's one blue and one red double hammers, croaking and chanting the formation formula, the heavenly demon formation in the realm of chaotic hunting in an instant, the last burst Also soared into the air.

Seeing the sun, moon, soul, heavenly demon, and star ring whistling into the sky, the missing general laughed viciously, and then stepped on the blood-scale poisonous clam bestowed by the double-headed yellow mandrill in the gate of the underworld , soaring towards the ancient magic palace in the thousands of miles of sky.

"Fourth brother, don't worry!"

When Liu Qianlang, Song Zhen, Cheng Yuanfang, Cheng Shifeng, and Nine Swords destroyed the Great Formation of Thunder Soul and Heavenly Demon, they shuttled through the thunder and fire floating in the sky and gathered in one place. Before everyone had time to catch their breath, they saw countless red suns and blue moons leaping up above Xin Tian Mo Palace, on which countless suns, moons, moons, gods, men and demons, red and blue mixed shadows were flying.

Hundreds of thousands of giant red suns, blue moons, suns, moons and stars are shining in a vast array, stirring up a vortex of light wheels all over the sky. Thousands of miles away, everyone can feel the magic power of the hurricane pouring in, which is extremely terrifying.

Song Zhen was so focused on fulfilling his third brother's wish to destroy the Realm of Hunting Hunting that he forgot to tell good or bad luck. With a loud roar, he stretched his arms, his feet shook, and he flew up on the bloody unicorn that had turned into ten feet.

Seeing the situation, Liu Qianlang stopped immediately, and said: "The defective general flew up into the sky crying and laughing, and abandoned the battle. He must have some tricks. I have sent eight guardians to go, but I still don't feel relieved, thank you. The fourth younger brother and Yuan Fang went to meet him. Seeing the defective general crying and laughing, shoot and kill.

Nine swords and Fengmei immediately went to the entrance of the third world to strengthen the seal. The nine formations of the heavenly demons in the nine realms broke through the eight formations. We will be strong, and the broken formations will not be able to do anything to us.

However, the seven mother-killers from Shame and Wrath Lake, the five immortals from Sorrowful Mountain and the third-handed giant from Fear Valley have limited cultivation, so I'm afraid they won't be able to resist.

In addition, Xiu'er, Grandma of Shameful Lake, Benyuan of Sorrowful Mountain, and Giant Master of Frightened Valley received from the distance were all handed over to Nine Swords and Fengmei. After strengthening the seal, Fengmei and Nine Swords quickly healed them.

After that, you immediately go to Bulao Mountain to wait for us according to the teleportation array explained by the four guardians of Huahaoyueyuan. Me and your brothers Yuanfang, Brother Zhen, and the eight guardians will join you soon after we completely destroy the Realm of Hunting.

As for the Sun Moon Soul Heavenly Demon Formation, I have already thought of a way to break the formation, it is absolutely foolproof, you just need to do your own thing, we will succeed soon! "


Song Zhen heard the third brother explain that he and Cheng Yuanfang had other tasks, and looked higher and higher, the sun, moon, soul, and heavenly demons were a million miles away, and the black and white eyebrows twisted, so he had no choice but to nod in agreement.

Cheng Yuanfang usually seldom talks too much, following Song Zhen's nod, the two raced neck to neck and quickly shot towards the sky. Below, Jiu Jian and Cheng Shifeng looked at each other, said to Liu Qianlang to be careful, and also roared away.

When the crowd left, Liu Qianlang instantly urged the Ghost Saint Wraith, which was successfully refined by the second soul gate not long ago, and at the same time performed the seldom-used magic power of the world, with white hair flying around, hunting in silver clothes, and swallowing the round cloak Outside of the swaying and unrestrained body, suddenly flashed the form of a dark green ferocious giant ghost.

A dark green ferocious giant ghost with emerald green body, dragon head and human body, 9981 arms and claws, with red wings, looking up to the sky, roaring and staring, very frightening.

A Nether Ghost Sword flashed in each of Nine Nine Eighty One's claws. These Nether Ghost Swords were actually forged by Liu Qianlang with the essence of the Nine Heavens Immortal Sword.

And at the foot, Liu Qianlang took away the Shenlong Tiandial, and with a movement of his soul, he summoned the Seven-eyed Underworld Dragon. It is the equipment that the evil spirit drives the underworld dragon and wins the fight against the devil!

"Ha ha."

This is Liu Qianlang's clear laughter.


This is the howling sound of the evil ghost outside Liu Qianlang's body.


And this is the roar of the seven-eyed dragon.

Liu Qianlang is in such a shape, the evil ghost above, with green hair and rainbows, and Liu Qianlang's white hair fluttering below, steadily controlling the seven-eyed dragon to move around, still pouring wine and drinking all the way forward.

On the other side, a million miles away, the sun, moon, soul, sky demon formation and vast star ring have risen to a height of millions of miles. The Sun Moon Soul Demon Venerable Conch is ten thousand feet tall, roaring in the center of the vortex of red and blue light in the great formation, holding two giant hammers of the Sun Moon Soul, each the size of a hill.

Even the sun, moon, souls and demons on the ring are thousands of feet tall, and they are scattered in the sky, like mountains in the sky.


"Uh oh-"

These sun and moon soul demons, while the sun and moon hammers were shaking, they kept howling like a hurricane.

"Ha ha."

The sun and moon soul man Mozun grinned, shook his mule head, neighed like a donkey, saw the little Liu Qianlang, and a little ghost flashed outside him, standing on top of the ten thousand li dragon, like a giant dragon Like a hair on his head, he laughed out loud all of a sudden, his mouth full of camel teeth just fell out.

The mule thought to himself, the demon emperor is really not a joke, leaving Lao Tzu here as a shield, but they fled to the ancient magic palace.

I thought it was a scary guy, but it turned out to be a little white man! It's incredible how the previous Eight Realms Heavenly Demon Formation was destroyed.

This snail was concentrating on setting up the formation before, and there was a barrier between the two large formations. If the previous one was not destroyed, the next one would not appear, so the snail did not see the situation where Liu Qianlang and others broke the formation. I am also a defected general Xin Dianhua deliberately set up an existence without memory, so I don't know how powerful Liu Qianlang and his gang are.

Looking at it now, there were only five or six people in total, who were so frightened that they ran away and walked away, and finally there was only one little white man left.

The ferocious mule laughed until his nose was filled with snot, and he murmured in his heart, how can he use the sun and moon hammers to smash it, he can be crushed to death with his hands, and he can be crushed to death with his eyelids.

Such a little thing needs to be dealt with by the sun, moon soul, and heavenly demon array. It's really unnecessary, just a single human and demon. It's ridiculous to mobilize so many people.

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