Nine Heavens

Chapter 1379 Wraith Breaks Formation

Chapter 1379 Wraith Breaks Formation

The snail laughed loudly, causing the group of demons to laugh at nothing, and all the ghosts in the sky were laughing up and down, no one took Liu Qianlang seriously. All the cold, gloomy and ferocious faces of humans and demons were now full of strange and evil smiles, with a relaxed look.

After Liu Qianlang controlled the seven-eyed dragon to gallop for a while, he was about ten thousand miles away from the opponent and stopped at a parallel height. Then he stopped moving forward and just drank with the wine jar in his hand.

Seeing it, Nai Luo felt happier, so she simply stretched out her arms, stretched thousands of miles, squeezed her middle finger and two fingers, and squeezed away the wine jar where Liu Qianlang was drinking.

Nailuo held the wine jar the size of a thumb belly under his eyelids, and stared at the red and blue sun and moon for a while, but found nothing interesting, but smelled a strange fragrance. It smelled really good, so I just threw it into my mouth, chewed it and ate it.

When chewing, I feel a puddle of water appearing in my mouth, which is refreshing and refreshing, which is really exciting and comfortable.

And Liu Qianlang didn't seem to care, one wine jar was robbed, and then another was called to continue drinking, this time he simply sat cross-legged on the head of the Qimu Minglong.

The sun and moon soul demon beside the snail saw the intoxicated look on the demon's face, and followed his example, snatching Liu Qianlang's wine jar to eat.

Then Liu Qianlang called out the wine jars again, and was robbed again. Back and forth, Liu Qianlang was robbed of hundreds of wine jars.

At this time, the snails and the hundreds of millions of sun and moon soul demons suddenly saw that Liu Qianlang and the seven-eyed dragon skyrocketed countless times together in an instant, and the little white man turned into a huge white-haired fairy tens of thousands of feet long. The dragon-headed evil spirit outside him became even bigger than him, with its red wings stretched out for hundreds of thousands of feet, they flapped slightly, creating hurricanes and vortices.

On its body, there are ninety-nine or eighty-one arms, each with miserable green claws that flash with cold light, and while the sharp edges of the cold claws flash like swords, they also hold a ghost sword with strong ghostly evil spirit.

Nine hundred and eleven ghost swords, the sword rainbow is one hundred thousand miles away, and the sword billows are surging, cold and domineering, pointing directly at the billions of sun, moon soul, human and demon above the sun, moon soul and heavenly demon formation.

At this moment, Liu Qianlang was carrying a huge mountain-like Youlan wine jar with one hand, and was still drinking. However, the evil spirits outside him opened their mouths and roared loudly, revealing their mouthfuls of white fangs, roaring incessantly.


Seeing that the little white man suddenly turned into a behemoth several times taller than him, Nai Luo and the billion sun and moon soul man Mofang realized that the other party was just playing with them. In a hurry, his true colors were immediately revealed, crying like ghosts, shaking the giant hammer of the sun and the moon, and rushing towards Liu Qianlang like a whirlwind.

And Liu Qianlang didn't even move, still drinking wine cross-legged, but the huge emerald green ghost outside his body suddenly shot out of Liu Qianlang's body, controlling the seven-eyed dragon to suddenly attack the sun, moon, soul, heavenly demon, and array the sun, moon, and stars Ring to kill.

In the blink of an eye, the leading demon released by Liu Qianlang and the opponent's vanguard were fighting together.

However, there are hundreds of millions of sun and moon soul demons. After some of them surrounded the dragon-headed ghost and the seven-eyed dragon, the rest of the sun and moon soul demons stepped on the heads of their companions and rushed towards Liu Qianlang roaring.

However, to their dismay, the leading ghost and the seven-eyed dark dragon who had already left Liu Qianlang appeared strangely outside and under Liu Qianlang for some reason. And seeing the group of demons rushing, it was the same as before, the dragon-headed evil spirit controlled the seven-eyed dragon to break away from Liu Qianlang, and shot at him.

Such a process kept going on, and three days later, the sky over the Hunting Field was full of scenes of the seven-eyed dragon carrying the dragon head and the evil ghost fighting the sun, moon, soul, demon, and sun and moon double hammers.

And these three days and three nights, Liu Qianlang has been drinking the fairy wine as if nothing happened, and every time someone approached, another seven-eyed dragon would fly out carrying the leading evil spirit.

After three days and three nights of fighting, hundreds of millions of people and demons are already staggering and bruised all over their bodies. In the vast ring of sun, moon, and stars in the sun, moon, and heavenly demon formation, the colors of countless suns and moons, as well as their mutual attraction are also present. Constantly weakening, the formation is about to collapse.

But the strange thing is that countless seven-eyed ghost dragons roared and galloped forward, ghost swords flew flying in the hands of the dragon-headed ghosts, and sword rainbows shot out, but they never harmed the spirit breath of the sun, moon, soul and demon, and never harmed their lives. So three days and three nights passed, and none of the sun, moon, soul, human, and demon died.

However, although he did not die, Liu Qianlang drank for three days and three nights, and the whole sky was filled with the smell of wine, and gradually hundreds of millions of sun, moon, souls, humans and demons began to fall into a drowsy state.

One was tired from the battle, the other was caused by the smell of wine, and the third was that Liu Qianlang kept chanting the ghost spell while drinking.

The last reason is the most important. This ghost spell is just one of the results of Liu Qianlang's successful refining of ghost saint's ghost. The soul recites this mantra silently and soaks in the aroma of wine. After smelling it for a long time, the soul and soul will separate from the body and become a soulless zombie. No longer has its own consciousness, at the mercy of the caster.


Among the hundreds of millions of sun and moon souls and demons, the snail is the most powerful, fighting for three days and three nights, and even swallowed a jar of wine. Even so, his divine sense is still in a semi-awake state until now, his eyes are blurred, as if he guessed the intention in Liu Qianlang's eyes, he swung the sun and moon hammers and threw them at Liu Qianlang.

Liu Qianlang just smiled slightly, opened his mouth and sprayed out a mouthful of immortal wine, which turned into a cloud of pure white mist. The white mist glides for thousands of miles and suddenly envelops the snail.

The snail immediately fainted, lying horizontally in the white mist, like a huge white chrysalis.


At this moment, Liu Qianlang smiled slightly, and with a thought, all the dragon-headed evil spirits and seven-eyed dragons in the sky instantly turned into dots of starlight, and quickly flew into his black jade skull like moths flying into a flame.

Then summoned the Shenlong Tiandial again, restored its original form, got up and stood proudly on it, waved its giant sleeves around the sky, and in an instant, the primordial spirit pills and soul bubbles in the hundreds of millions of sun and moon soul demons flew strangely After getting out of their demon bodies, they flew towards Lu Qianlang's palm together.

In the palm of Liu Qianlang is a golden pagoda that has been prepared long ago. The Golden Pagoda exploded with golden light, and the hundreds of millions of divine pills and soul bubbles all flew into the pagoda like a rainstorm.

When all the primordial spirit pills and soul bubbles entered, countless red suns and blue moons in the ring of sun, moon and stars in the circle of millions of miles in the sky also turned into tiny light spots and flew into the golden pagoda.

After collecting it, Liu Qianlang inspected it a few times, and with another thought, the golden pagoda also turned into a golden dot, which shot into a cloud-turning boot under his feet.

And the corpses of the sun, the moon, humans, demons, and corpses all over the sky, and the dragon sundial under Liu Qianlang's feet, sent out several waves of sundial spiritual waves around the sky, and as the spiritual waves surged far and wide, they were swallowed up in just an hour. Nothing left.

However, although Liu Qianlang destroyed the bodies of all the monsters, he collected the nine-level magic hammers of the nine-level demons into the golden tower without exception after the battle. The sun and moon double hammers in this area are naturally no exception.

The reason why Liu Qianlang took the primordial spirit and soul of the sun and moon primordial spirit, as well as the sun and moon in the sun, moon and star formation, was because these were the only good materials for him to continue to refine his soul in the future or for other purposes. A way to break this formation was designed.

The Great Formation of the Nine Realms Heavenly Demon has been broken, and Liu Qianlang controls the Shenlong Tiandial and flies to the Heart Heavenly Demon Palace below.

After a quick scan, Liu Qianlang didn't find anything of value, a golden wave shot out from his palm, smashed it into powder in an instant, and then flew into the sky, heading towards the ancient magic palace thousands of miles high.

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