Nine Heavens

Chapter 1398 Soul Guardian Fairy

Chapter 1398

Liu Qianlang, manipulated the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword to fly between the huge emerald lotus and the white lotus stamens, because the stamens are huge, it is like shuttling through a huge forest.

The stamens like giant trees in sight are all in the shape of Ruyi white ganoderma lucidum, pure white and transparent, with sparkling halos. These stamens are not randomly distributed, but are centered on a lotus platform and extended in concentric circles.

Their flickering halos also have a certain pattern. There are nine rings from the inside to the outside, and the smallest circle of lotus stamens in the innermost circle shines with raindrop-shaped light waves. From the first ring of stamens, they flew down like bubbles, and then flew towards the central lotus platform one after another, falling down in a rustle, without stopping.

The second circle is like a variety of unique flowers, dancing and dancing, seemingly at ease, but in fact they are constantly jumping over the first layer of flower stamens and flying to the central lotus platform.

The light waves of the seven stamens in the back are also very strange. The third layer is like twinkling stars, the fourth layer is like ice dancing, the fifth layer is like snowflakes flying, the sixth layer is like rainbow, and the seventh layer is like bees and butterflies. , the eighth floor is in the shape of a bird, and on the ninth floor, it looks like countless strange beasts with teeth and claws.

No matter how weird these light waves are, without exception, they are scattered high and low, staggered and leaped to the lotus platform, and then when all the light waves landed at a low place, they merged into a white light group about the size of the lotus platform, and then sank into the lotus platform, and then appeared the next one White light group, repeat the above process.

Liu Qianlang stood on the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword outside the ninth lotus stamen, looking towards the center of the lotus, it seemed that there was a huge mouth under the lotus platform, devouring those white light clusters non-stop.

Not only the lotus pistils have such weird light waves, Liu Qianlang found the influence of the emerald green spirit mountain in the palm of his hand, and saw countless emerald light spots emitting from the emerald green spirit mountain at some point, shooting towards the surrounding lotus pistils continuously, and at the same time There are nine huge lotus petals around the fragrance.

The huge nine lotus petals are submerged into the petals with countless emerald light spots, and the petals are slowly closing. Although it is very slow, it is already very obvious with the induction of Liu Qianlang's heavenly spirit body.

And with the fastening of the nine petals, Liu Qianlang suddenly discovered that there is an extremely empty space inside each petal, nine spaces and nine colors, like a sky world with nine colors in it.

Moreover, in each space, the sky is high and far away, the sun is shining brightly, and several floating clouds are floating, each having the characteristic existence of a circle of light waves of lotus stamens.

Inside each of them is a lotus seat, and on the lotus seat sits cross-legged an immortal, both male and female.

With the continuous strength of the lotus petals, Liu Qianlang saw the nine immortals suddenly open their eyes, and after looking around at each other, they all looked at him with a smile.

"Seniors, I don't know where the sacred place is, why it exists in the lotus petals of the fairy tomb of the Seven Realms?"

Liu Qianlang felt that the nine immortals were not malicious, so he asked Shili.

"Hehe, Hun Zun doesn't need to transfer us in this way. We are just the guardian spirits of the soul gate that were born during the evolution of Ying Hun Zun. Now there are three soul mountains in the mind of Hun Zun, and there is a soul gate on each of the soul mountains. The first soul gate, the soul gate, when the five human worlds restore the ancient paradise, the merits and virtues will be completed.

The second soul gate, the Nether Gate, is still in an unstable stage, and the phenomenon of uncontrollable soul thoughts sometimes appears. The third fairy gate, although the soul master was established earlier than the second soul gate, it is very weak, and the third soul gate fairy gate is currently the main soul soul gate of the soul master, so it is very fragile.

It is inevitable to face the interference of the spirit of the ghost gate at all times, and there is the danger of being lost to the underworld at any time. Moreover, there are still six soul gates to be established in the future, so the stability of the third immortal gate at this moment is related to whether the soul master can always stick to the fate of the righteous immortal path. Therefore, we were born in response to our destiny, and now we are going to enter the realm of your mind, and hold on to the third fairy gate for the Soul Lord.

With us in the future, the soul master can freely switch the soul thoughts of the three soul gates, or activate them at the same time, and there will be no danger of demonization, ghost transformation, or demonization anymore! "

Among the nine immortals in lotus petals, one of them, a heroic immortal in blue with countless crystal water droplets wrapped around his body, said with a slight smile.

"The guardian spirit of the soul gate? This junior really doesn't understand. You seniors are saying that you didn't exist before, but were born because of my cultivation process, Liu Qianlang?"

Liu Qianlang felt a little unbelievable, and asked again with a salute.


"Hun Zun must not call us seniors, we are your immortal budding spirits, and your soul servants, so calling us like that will not discourage us.

What Hun Zun said is exactly, we didn't exist, but because of Hun Zun's cultivation base, your primordial spirit and spiritual power continued to evolve repeatedly, and we were born, just like Hun Zun's heart has been washed and sprouted after many years It is the same as Dao Zun's three thoughts.

Our only duty is to guard the third immortal gate for the soul master, to ensure the purity of the soul master's immortal thoughts forever, and to prevent more and more soul gates from interfering with each other in the future.

And as we continue to practice, we can maximize the level of soul power of the soul master! Hee hee, my name is Huahun Huniang, his name is Yuhun, and they are called Jinghun, Ninghun, Hunianhun, Shouxinhun, Free Soul, Xianghun and Weihun. "

The space is full of fairies among the petals of various exquisite flowers. Eleven eccentric and elf girls, with very mischievous and irritable personalities, answered Liu Qianlang with crisp and continuous laughter.

"It turned out to be like this. No matter what, my Liu Qianlang's spiritual power was destined to give birth to you. You are my friends. Even if you can't be called seniors, Liu Qianlang will treat each other as respected friends. , must not have in the future!

Haha Liu Qianlang has seen all the souls, as you said, Liu Qianlang will really be able to rest easy in the future. Just go crazy, don't be afraid of any difficulties! Liu Qianlang, thank you all in advance! "

Hearing the reason, Liu Qianlang was ecstatic in his heart. The appearance of these guardian spirits of the fairy gate is indeed what his spirit and soul sea most urgently need. Unexpectedly, unintentionally planting a willow, it was successfully conceived on such an occasion.

Liu Qianlang looked around at all the fairies, and after formally saluting, he said with a smile.

"Ha ha."


All the fairies smiled happily and returned their salutes one after another.

"It seems that Lord Hun is going to crack the ice lotus seal, so it's better for us not to bother, how about we enter the mind of Lord Hun?"

Jinghun, whose body was full of stars, smiled and looked at a circle of spirit friends to remind everyone.

"Hehe, good! Soul Venerable, please go ahead!"

The one who spoke first nodded and smiled, and then the twelve fairy spirits immediately turned into a flash of light, shooting from Liu Qianlang's eyes into his head.

"Hehe, congratulations to all of you!"

Liu Qianlang smiled slightly, sensing the area where they were flying hand in hand in the sea of ​​eyes, she also smiled.

"Hee hee! Soul Master wants to go to the bottom of the emerald lotus, and stand on the lotus platform with Lingshan in his hand, and he will naturally follow the Nine Spirits Tuanhua in!"

The figure of the nine fairies galloping away, the flower soul nurse suddenly turned her head mischievously, made a grimace, and reminded Liu Qianlang with her little tongue out.

Hearing this, Liu Qianlang smiled slightly, and returned to his body with consciousness, and examined the state of the lotus again. The petals of the nine-petal lotus had been closed, and he was in a closed space that seemed to be spherical, bright and white.

After getting used to it for a while, Liu Qianlang performed the two different magics of escaping shadows and reversing the rules, and flew to the lotus platform with the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword, and then sank into the emerald green stalks of the emerald lotus building with the white light ball middle.

Because of the effects of two different magics, although the emerald-colored stalk space he entered is solid, Liu Qianlang can't feel any obstacles at all, as if there is nothing in the void, he gallops freely.

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