Nine Heavens

Chapter 1399 Life and Death Comprehension

Chapter 1399 Life and Death Comprehension

Just one day after Liu Qianlang entered the sea of ​​lotus, the Palace of the Lotus Sea, floating in the mist of the sea of ​​lotus, was also experiencing an unexpected event.

On this day, the three old peak masters, the real Huolong, the real Aoyu, and the real Zixiao, along with Song Zhen, the eight guardians, Cheng Yuanfang, Cheng Shifeng, Xiu'er, the grandma of the shameful lake, Ben Yuan, the mountain sage of sorrow, and the valley of fear The main giant and others.

Standing around the Palace of Lotus Flowers, they are all under the Sea of ​​Concentrating Lotus, and it takes a whole day to stand there, but there are countless pure white ice lotus floating like snow in the sea of ​​lotus, and they can't sense Liu Qianlang's message at all.

In anticipation, it was already sunset and the moon was rising. Everyone looked at it and guessed that Liu Qianlang would not be able to come back today, so they relaxed and talked to each other. After another two hours, it was almost midnight, and then they returned to their respective dormitories to rest one after another. .

However, none of these high-ranking figures could sleep. Although they didn't say anything, they were worried after returning to the bedroom.

Cheng Shifeng decided not to enter the dormitory with the embarrassing grandma Xiu'er, and flew to the roof of the palace, chatting and watching the moon, so as to keep an eye on his elder brother Qianlang's situation.

Because Song Zhen has always had Dongyuan Fire Witch Zhansha in his heart, he has not sensed any news about her until now, and he does not know whether he has entered the Seven Seven Forty-Nine Nether Gate, whether he has escaped the Netherworld Nine-Color Magic Ball safely Explosion catastrophe.

And the third brother went to the bottom of the sea of ​​lotus, logically speaking, it was just to break a small seal, so he shouldn't not return for more than a day, did he encounter any accident? Also very worried about it.

One is the former lover, the other is the best brother, the safety of the two of them, at this moment, is entangled in his own thoughts in his heart.

For some reason, Song Zhen's mood has been restless. After he calmed down a bit, Song Zhen activated the Zhankong Jue, the astrology ruler, the Qishang Spring, and the Chaos Luoxiang Promise Disk flashed together, and began to predict the good and bad luck of the two. Get up.

Cheng Yuanfang has always been reticent, no matter how worried he is about the safety of his brother Liu Qianlang, he will never tell anyone. Now he is walking on the love of the wolf king, floating in the sea of ​​lotus, the palace of the lotus sea is very On a whirling cliff far away.

This place can be said to be the highest point in the sea of ​​lotus flowers. No matter where brother Liu Qianlang appears from any angle, he can be the first to see it. If there is danger, he will be there in an instant.

Among the eight protectors, the four sisters of Huahaoyueyuan, because they are women, are very fond of poetry and humiliating Hu Laoxiu'er. Seeing that the two of them did not return to the bedroom to rest, but floated towards the top of the palace. The four looked at each other and smiled, and flew towards them.

Aoyue Crazy Sword Bingjinlang, Feihun Suoyue Sword Zhu Mogong, Tianhen Gudao Huanlangzi and Feiying Canxindao naturally wouldn't join in the fun with the women. I wanted to go to accompany my mentor Zixiao Zhenren and the two uncles who hadn't seen for more than ten years, and thought that they must be extremely tired after standing all day, so I couldn't bear to disturb them.

So the four brothers had neither sleepiness nor a place to go, and began to comprehend the Immortal Sword Kungfu with each other habitually. The four of them are people who love swords like their lives. After a while, their thoughts and minds are full of swords, and they don't even know who they are.

The three old peak masters, the real Huolong, the real Aoyu and the real Zixiao are inseparable from each other. They even share the same bedroom, so they are naturally in the same place.

Although the three old peak masters were also worried about Liu Qianlang, relatively speaking, they had no intention of being afraid. Through the incident in the third world, the three feel very proud and confident in these descendants.

What they were looking forward to in their hearts was to see Liu Qianlang lead countless ancient common people and countless creatures in the third world to appear soon, and once again experience the joy of laughing boldly and inspiring people's hearts.

The three old peak masters sat one after another in the lobby of the outer hall of the dormitory, and all three of them looked relieved, especially Master Zixiao, who has been laughing so hard since seeing the four proud disciples, Sidao Xianke Mouth.

It's really pleasing to the eye, even the way Huolong Daoist blows his beard and stares, Zixiao thinks it's very distinctive, and he's happy to see it.

"Okay, Zixiao! Look at you, don't you just see your apprentice? Alas! If it wasn't for Goro and the others"

Seeing Zixiao's happy appearance, Huolong Daoist was both happy for him and regretful for himself. Looking at other people's apprentices, each one is more promising than the other, but his "Coagulation Blood Goro" has already turned into dust.

As a master, I only know that they were slaughtered by Ouyang Langlong, and even where they died is unknown now. For a long time, the death of the five lovers has always been in his throat, and Huolong Daoist can't let go of it. So he said sourly.

Master Zixiao heard the words, and immediately thought that he was a little overjoyed, didn't he accidentally hurt his brother Master Huolong by doing so!

So he immediately put away his joy, and said apologetically, "Brother Huolong, don't be sad, the world is unpredictable, Zixiao is just a fluke, and the four apprentices have escaped the golden heart catastrophe of the second world.

It is already a fact that the five beloved nephews of Ningxue Wulang were unfortunately killed by Ouyang Langlong, just like the brothers of Bi Bingpo, if they go, they will be lost, and I hope the brothers will feel relieved.

For them, we will always remember them in our hearts, never forget their brilliance, feel their momentum, and spur us to make progress. Brother, I need to be more open. Zixiao is only happy for the past few days. After we leave, the disciples and Qianlang will start their journey again. We will never have the fate to see each other again.

The two senior brothers are well aware of this point, but after Zixiao took another look at his beloved apprentices this time, all kinds of emotions arose from this, which made the senior brothers feel broad-minded.

I suddenly realized that it is good to be self-persevering in the great cause of immortality, but it is more wise to cultivate future generations wholeheartedly. As far as I am concerned, as long as I don't lose my faith, I don't need to be too persistent as to whether I succeed or not. Many things are left to chance.

This world is complicated, not everyone has the talent, let alone the opportunity, to go very far on the road of cultivating immortals. For example, compared with a few apprentices, I think that I will never surpass them, so naturally the path of immortality that I can take is limited.

If this was put in the past, Zi Xiao would have trouble sleeping all night and would not be able to face it. But now that Zixiao sees that educating people is the best way to fulfill his wish, he no longer has any regrets. We have exhausted our whole life experience to nurture descendants, and among the thousands of disciples, if one or two masters, the world and the world will benefit endlessly.

Just like today's Qianlang, Song Zhen, the four lovers, and the children outside the door, with their outstanding existence, the future of the fairy world and the temporary pain in the world will eventually pass. Isn't such a result what we expected in our hearts? The only difference is that we didn't do it ourselves.

Therefore, Zixiao made up his mind that after returning to the Twelve Shocking Heaven Peaks of Longyuan Mountain, he would continue to accept apprentices, and carry forward Zixiao's title as the only sword fairy in the earth fairy world forever.

Zi Xiao thinks so, brother Huolong's true art of blood coagulation swordsmanship is a masterpiece of earth immortals, why not breed a new "blood coagulation Wulang" to comfort his life. In this way, not only can we carry forward the splendor of Blood Coagulation Peak, live up to the expectations of our predecessors, and comfort the departed brothers of the Peak Master, but also be full of happiness and hope every day. "

Zixiao's words were quite emotional, Huolong and Aoyu listened and nodded.

Daoist Huolong stroked his fiery red beard, and laughed loudly: "Unexpectedly, Junior Brother Zixiao, who has always had a bad temper, will say such words in such an old-fashioned way one day. We have all changed, and we are no longer the donkey temper we used to be. You are right, we see the future and hope from these children.

Haha, Brother Huolong won't be jealous of you anymore. After returning, I will listen to you. Huolong will definitely educate new generations of new 'Blood Congealing Goro', and break the previous rule that only peak masters can practice Huolong Zhenjue.

Let them become stronger, not only to protect the common people in the world, but also to learn to protect themselves. And I continued to devote myself to studying the new blood coagulation peak and new magic formulas, and passed them down from generation to generation. Concentrate on nurturing the new generation of disciples! "

"Ha ha."

After Master Huolong finished speaking, Master Aoyu and Master Zixiao were instantly relieved when they heard it. The three peak masters raised their eyebrows and relaxed their faces, laughing heartily and enlightenedly.

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