Nine Heavens

Chapter 1405

Chapter 1405 Zhan Sha Remembrance

"Hehe, it turns out that it is the master of the Twelve Shocking Heaven Peaks of Longyun Mountain, and the White Horse Immortal King of the Seven Realms of Longyun Mountain is very polite!"

While Liu Qianlang was talking to the three peak masters, the White Horse Immortal King stepped forward on a golden white-flowered deer and saluted.

"Who are you?"

The three old peak masters had never met the White Horse Immortal King, and after returning the gift, they all looked at Liu Qianlang. Liu Qianlang then took the opportunity to tell the people around him about the unseal of Lianhai Flower Seal this time, but of course he didn't mention any information about the Nether Gate.

"Haha, I just heard rumors that the mountain masters of all realms are mysterious and few people have seen them. Today, the three of us are destined. The seventh mountain emperor is young and heroic, and he is really a talent!"

Hearing Liu Qianlang's explanation, especially the fact that the White Horse Immortal King was cleaning the bodies of the ancient creatures in the third world day and night in the tomb of the seventh realm, the three peak masters immediately liked him, and laughed.

"The three peak masters are joking. This emperor is already a man of age, so he can't use the word young. Just now I heard that the three are going to return to their homeland. I have a presumptuous request. I wonder if the three peak masters can fulfill it? "

The White Horse Immortal King was very modest, and then asked with a look of expectation.

"Haha, we hit it off right away, if Shandi has something to say, you're welcome!"

Master Huolong, Master Aoyu and Master Zixiao looked at each other and smiled, all saying the same thing.

"This emperor wants to follow the three peak masters back to Longyun Mountain, join the Xuanling sect, and accompany the three peak masters day and night, and also do some things for the immortals to raise their offspring. I wonder if I can take this emperor in? "

The White Horse Immortal King hesitated for a while, blushed slightly, and said his plan.

"Okay! But the mountain emperor condescends, and a fairy mountain king who used to be at ease joining Xuanlingmen may not have the glory of the past!"

The three old peak masters naturally did not object when they heard the words, Huolong Daoist said with a smile.

"Hehe, the clouds and smoke have dissipated in the past. From now on, the White Horse Immortal King no longer calls himself the Emperor of the Mountain, but how about calling himself the Immortal Horse?"

Immortal King White Horse was very happy to get the consent of the three peak masters, so he immediately gave himself a Taoist name.

"Haha, this won't work. How can such a Taoist name match the Immortal King? Seeing how elegant the Immortal King is, why don't you call him Daoist Yixian!"

Master Aoyu looked the Immortal King White Horse up and down, and nodded his head to propose.

"Yes, this Dao name is indeed suitable for the Immortal King!"

Real Huolong and Zixiao also agreed, and Liu Qianlang, Bing Jinlang and others also expressed their support and congratulated.

"Haha, since everyone thinks it's good, I will be called Yixian from now on, Immortal King!"

The White Horse Immortal King also felt very satisfied and happily accepted it.

Afterwards, everyone laughed and chatted for a while, and then re-arranged the enchantment outside the Palace of the Lotus Sea, and then they all disappeared into the palace.

Because of the exhaustion of several days, even though it was early morning, everyone was tired, and most of them went back to their dormitory to rest in peace.

The three old peak masters had a cross-legged discussion with the White Horse Immortal King for a while, and the four of them also entered the breath adjustment state, planning to be the first in the world the next day.

The eight guardians, sitting cross-legged on the three old peak masters and the outer hall of the dormitory, did not rest, but performed their filial piety for the last night before parting.

Naturally, Liu Qianlang didn't rest, and directly controlled the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword to fly towards Song Zhen's palace.

When everyone was talking, although the three old peak masters and everyone did not say it clearly, they were puzzled and worried about Song Zhen's sudden take-up, especially when he rescued a fire witch and dark spirit woman. .

The forces of the dark spirits are too domineering and arrogant. One Emperor Oyo Luo controls a flying disc of God and Darkness to destroy the world. If a large number of such characters invade the five worlds, wouldn't the five worlds be destroyed soon? !

Although the Fire Witch's daughter has a grudge with the other party, she is a kind of dark spirit after all, and she has nothing to do with the Mingling world. Having such a person in the Lotus Sea Palace is a disaster after all. There are even some people who imply in their words that they should be slaughtered.

Liu Qianlang didn't need to listen to these words and thoughts, he could guess them, so after hearing that Song Zhen had rescued Dongyuan Huowu Zhan Sha Nv, he immediately lied that Song Zhen and Zhan Sha Nv had broken with the world of dark spirits. Against his will, he temporarily protects his brother and his lover.

As for what will happen in the future, Liu Qianlang didn't think about it, and he didn't want to think about it. In the face of losing his brother and the big right and wrong, Liu Qianlang was willing to be confused, no matter how much pain he had at the cost.

Liu Qianlang came here in a hurry, firstly because he was afraid that someone would embarrass his brothers Song Zhen and Dongyuan Huowuzhanv, so he came to check on Song Zhen's condition and Dongyuan Huowuzhanv's injury, to see if he could help I have to be busy. The third is to figure out how the Dongyuan Fire Witch Zhansha Girl is after Emperor Aoyuluo, how they turned against each other.

With these questions in mind, Liu Qianlang controlled the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword and galloped for a while, then submerged in a corner of the Palace of the Lotus Sea facing west.

"Cough cough."

"I'm sorry, take the time! I was blind. It's good for me to believe in Aoyou since he was born. However, I didn't expect that he not only lied to me, but also framed you five times!"

Before Liu Qianlang entered the palace pavilion, he heard Dongyuan Huowu Zhansha girl panting heavily, coughing and saying with difficulty.

"Sha'er, stop talking! Now you need to maintain your soul power and dark spirit's physical fitness. Slowly recovering your mana is the most important thing. Everything is over. Anyway, isn't it good that we are together now? Don't worry, Sha'er, I will occupy you." There is a loophole, so nothing will happen to you!"

These were Song Zhen's words, but his voice was choked up when he spoke.

"Don't lie to me. I know my own body. The water spirit Lan Ji next to Aoyou has almost sucked up the energy of the dark spirit in my body, and I have been whipped by them for several days. I have already When the oil runs out and the lamp dries up, it will die.

Sha'er has missed it once, and she doesn't want to make another mistake. It's time for Sha'er to wake up.

In fact, you don’t know that almost all the Dahui Neng ancestors and ancestors in the dark spirit’s heart and dark spirit’s source of wisdom advocate peaceful coexistence with the Mingling world, and are even trying to find ideas and methods to communicate and cooperate with each other. Light and dark universe Datong Paradise.

Among the spirit ancestors and elders, only the Aoyou clan of the five-color space region advocated being an enemy of the Mingling world. The alliance war between the light and dark sides in the past was not the Lansheng clan and the Lansheng clan of the seven-color space region that gradually penetrated into the heart of the dark spirit realm. What the elders of the Jilong family of the nine-color universe claimed to be big, but the rebellious behavior of the Aoyou clan of the five-color universe.

So, in the final analysis, we have no fundamental hatred with the Mingling World, and the Mingling World has never offended the hearts of our dark spirit gods, dark realms, five-color universes, seven-color universes, and nine-color universes. Everything is a conspiracy of the Aoyou Clan of the Five-Color Universe.

And I actually knew all this later, but because I have always regarded you and Aoyou as the only relatives, so I knew that Aoyou was doing immoral things, but I still helped and supported him, destroying your maintenance time and time again. All efforts to neutralize light and darkness, cough cough"

Dongyuan Huowu Zhansha said that at this moment, because of her weakness and panting, it is worth stopping for a while and coughing for a while.

However, without waiting for Song Zhen to stop him, he continued, "Zhankong, do you know why the Aoyou Clan launched the war between light and darkness?"

"It's because of the kingdom of dark energy, right?"

Song Zhen hugged Dongyuan Huowu Zhansha in his arms, and kept injecting his own dark spirit energy into her trembling body due to the loss of dark spirit energy, hoping that she could feel better before she died. Wen Yan responded softly, in fact, he already guessed all this when he restored the dark spirit's memory.

At this moment, Dongyuan Fire Witch Zhansha's consciousness gradually became confused. After saying this, Song Zhen was afraid that she would lose consciousness soon, so he deliberately made her keep talking, and he burst into tears.

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