Nine Heavens

Chapter 1406: Bright and Dark Dreams

Chapter 1406 Dreams of Light and Darkness

"Yes, Zhankong is still so intelligent, but unfortunately he has no ambition at all. In the heart of the Mingling world, Nuwa, a primordial god, Nuwa, walked through the world of light and darkness, and traveled successively to our three universes of dark spirits. Finally Arrived at the Nine-Color Cosmic Realm of the Dark Spirit Extreme Heart.

While she was welcomed everywhere by us dark spirits, she was deeply surprised that the creatures in the light and dark world were completely different. There are no human beings in the Mingling World, only birds, beasts, spirit flowers and plants, and all kinds of spirits. But in the dark spirit world, there are only all kinds of magical, beautiful and intelligent human beings.

Empress Nuwa was very happy, she fell in love with the dark spirit world immediately, and stayed there for a long time. At that time, she had a very beautiful dream. Clans of spirits, animals, plants and trees live together.

Her ideas were immediately approved by the ancestors of the dark spirit race, and they named her beautiful dream "Light and Dark Dream", and made it into a galaxy in the sky, shining brightly in the sky. At the same time, spread the word to the entire dark spirit world, and pray for the realization of the "Dream of Light and Darkness".

What a beautiful dream this is. At that time, I was still a child who had just sprouted more than a hundred years, giggling. Brother Zhankong was also, and so was Aoyou at that time. I looked at the bright and dark dreams in the sky, and my heart was filled with infinite hope and happiness, and I grew up like that day by day.

However, all the good things seem to have to go through a lot of hardships before they become reality. After hundreds of millions of years after the brilliant halo of the "Dream of Light and Darkness" shines in the sky, we have all grown up.

Brother Zhankong has become a free and easy prodigal son who never changes his original intention, brother Aoyou has become an ambitious fighter in the starry sky, and I just want to be the naughty sister who loves you all.

But because we grew up, all the good things were soon shattered, brother Aoyou embarked on the road of anti-foreign interference like all the dark spirits of the Aoyou clan.

They hate the intrusion of any factors from the Mingling world outside the dark spirit world. Started to create a riot, forcing the clansmen of the Jilong clan, the ancestor of the nine-color universe, to drive away the Nuwa empress.

Later, out of helplessness, the high-level members of the Jilong family had to apologize and send Empress Nuwa away from the dark spirit world in order to maintain the stability of the dark spirit world. After Empress Nuwa left, and under the strong request of the Aoyou Clan, the "Light and Dark Dream" in the sky was also sealed.

However, all this is not over yet. The Aoyou clan forces continue to violate the purpose of the dark spirit world to be peaceful and non-war, train star warriors wantonly, and establish the Aoyou Star Dou Empire. At that time, you established the "Xingchen Dao" Zhankong Tianshi, respected as Zhankongzi.

Aoyou became the number one Star Fighter General of the Star Dou Empire in the "Star Dou Ling". You guys were awesome back then, but then you took different paths

Empress Nuwa learned countless wisdom and magical skills in the dark spirit world, especially the art of creating human beings. After leaving, she returned to the Mingling world with many magical materials from the dark spirit world.

She first abandoned her snake body according to the appearance of a dark spirit, and first transformed herself into a beautiful woman in rainbow dresses, and then transformed countless primitive gods into fairy men and beautiful women.

Finally, using some precious materials brought back from the world of dark spirits, and using the magic skills he learned, he created countless miracles.

Among them, the most surprising thing is to use the five-color divine jade to create the soul-refining Jiuding, and then create the human beings in the Mingling world.

However, after the appearance of human beings in the Mingling World, the road they experienced in the future was not smooth. Among them, the first batch of people were massacred by countless opponents of the gods in the Mingling World.

Some of them escaped the catastrophe, and Empress Nuwa had no choice but to take them to hide in the dark realm of the gods at the edge of the dark spirit world. Then these first batch of surviving people gradually survived there, and established the dark energy country”

"Cough cough."

Speaking of this, Dongyuan Huowu Zhansha's chest was violently heaving and coughing, she couldn't speak anymore, and was panting heavily.

"Stop talking, Shaer!"

Song Zhen hurriedly went crazy, and injected the dark spirit energy into Nv Zhansha again, crying hoarsely, choking with tears.

After a long time, Dongyuan Fire Witch Zhan Sha looked at Song Zhen's black and white eyebrows with eyes that could not be opened, and said, "Sha'er is so stupid, does brother Zhan Kong hate Sha'er?"

Song Zhen shook his head desperately when he heard the words, choked up and unable to speak.

"Thank you brother Zhankong, it's great to have you. Quick, quick! Brother Zhankong, hurry up and tell your Zhengling boy brother that you have to find the Vientiane spring to wash away the grime in your soul. With the soul-destroying element, you will be fine."

Due to the loss of magic power, Dongyuan Huowu Zhansha no longer has any flexibility outside her body, her thin and thin body trembled unceasingly, and her face was pale. Seeing that Song Zhen couldn't help shaking his head, a gratified smile appeared on his face, and tears flowed from his dull five-colored eyes.

She suddenly remembered what she cared about the most in her heart, that is, she was worried that her beloved would die if she took the time. She suddenly remembered what Emperor Aoyuluo said when she was proud, and hurriedly urged Song Zhen.

Song Zhen was shocked when he heard the words, because he knew that his brother Liu Qianlang had Vientiane spring water, if he heard this news in the past, he would be happy.

But at this moment, such news comes from the mouth of the dying former lover, how can he be happy, his heart is surging, apart from heartache, he is grateful.

The other party is about to leave, but he is still worried about his own life and death. The friendship is so deep that there are no words to express it. In anxiety, Song Zhen said anxiously: "Sha'er, you must hold on, I will summon the third brother, he must have a way Save you, you wait!"

After finishing speaking, he was about to unleash his consciousness and summon Liu Qianlang. As soon as he raised his eyes, the five-colored eyes saw that the third brother Liu Qianlang was outside the hall, standing on the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword, looking at himself and the hole in his arms. The Yuanhuo witch occupies the evil girl.

Tears welled up in his eyes, Liu Qianlang looked in his eyes, feeling very sad, but shook his head helplessly.

"Hehe. My silly brother Zhankong, Aoyou not only implanted the element of oblivion and collapse for you, but also for me. It's just that I don't want to be at his mercy. When I went to question him before, I Only then did I find out. Then I self-destructed the dark soul, the soul, the soul, so that it could not succeed. Then I was manipulated and whipped by them!

Don't waste your energy anymore, Sha'er is destined to die. But Sha'er is so happy now, in the end he died in the arms of someone who truly loved me. And even though Sha'er is dead, my two souls are still with you, just like Sha'er will always be with you.

One of them is called Lan Shuang and the other is Ye Xiang, right? With them around, even if Sha'er died, she would feel at ease. I don’t know if it’s possible, but after I die, I hope they can learn my five-color mirror hammer, Zhansha, so that it’s as if Sha’er is still with brother Zhankong! cough cough."

Dongyuan Fire Witch Zhansha felt that her body had suddenly become illusory, and she could no longer feel the body temperature of her beloved. She knew that the moment of her collapse had finally come. In fact, she most wanted to take a look at the two beloved wives Song Zhen was talking about. , the two human races in Mingling World, where his two souls were reincarnated.

But when the words came to his mouth, he felt that he was dying, so why bother them again, so he changed his mouth and said the last thing he wanted to say, and then his body began to become loose, and his body was peeling off layer by layer, or it was like a red flame, Flying non-stop.

"Soul Lord!?"

At this moment, one or two beautiful women suddenly appeared in the blurred vision of Dongyuan Fire Witch Zhansha, one is delicate and graceful, the other is soft and graceful, and they really look like themselves. Each of them was holding a beautiful ten-year-old girl in their hands, looking at her with teary eyes.

Two soft and beautiful women suddenly appeared, and then shouted emotionally.

"Soul Mistress!"

The two little girls were also screaming loudly.

"Hehe. Thank you Brother Zhankong, thank you Shuangmei, Xiangmei, thank you two lovely children. You must cherish Brother Zhankong, he is sometimes so stupid! Hehe"

"The righteous spirit boy in the Mingling World is indeed a benevolent generation. The Dongyuan Fire Witch is lost and can't turn back. But I hope you will realize the 'Light and Dark Dream' one day!"

The body of Dongyuan Fire Witch Zhansha kept turning into balls of flames in Song Zhen's arms, flying away, and just as her head was flying away, she saw what she wanted to see, her wish was fulfilled, and she fell away with a happy smile. A sentence for the person who fulfilled her last wish.

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