Nine Heavens

Chapter 1409 The Four Elders Farewell

Chapter 1409 Farewell to the Four Elders

The four nobles had only seen Yongqing Dan from afar, and never expected that one day they would get such a fetish, so they couldn't help being surprised, and showed disbelief.

"Please accept the four seniors, and the juniors can watch you leave with peace of mind!"

Liu Qianlang looked calm, Shi Li reminded the four astonished seniors.

"Qianlang, this Eternal Green Pill is too precious, we should leave it to you young people once we are old!"

Huolong Daoist, when he looked up, saw a group of fresh descendants in his sight, couldn't bear to accept it, said so, and others also said so.


"Uncle Huolong, Uncle Aoyu, Uncle Zixiao, Uncle Yixian! You can take it with confidence, all of us in Langyuanmen have taken it. Brother Qianlang wants any pill now, you can easily refine it of.

Also, now that there are five human worlds and five human worlds, we have already destroyed three of them, and after we destroy two of the fourth and fifth human worlds, anyone in our five human worlds will be immortal if there is no accidental injury, and there is no Any sickness, the plague!

This is what brother Qianlang said, right, brother Qianlang? Brother Qianlang, I let you take Yongqing Pill because I hope that you must wait until that day comes! "

Cheng Shifeng saw that the three old peak masters and Master Yixian cared so much about a pill that was already very common to them. In order to ease the somewhat depressing atmosphere and make the parting for a while less melancholy, he smiled mischievously on purpose , floated to the front of the four nobles, and said with a smile.

"Hehe, what Fengmei said is good, you don't need to be stingy!"

Liu Qianlang nodded when he heard Cheng Shifeng's question.

Then I saw Cheng Shifeng's pretty figure drifting past the real Huolong, the real Aoyu, the real Zixiao and the real Yixian, and with a flash of his hand, he has already helped the four nobles, and the four eternal green pills have been taken away. Cheng Shifeng sent it into their mouths.

"Hee hee, uncles, how does it taste?"

After Cheng Shifeng settled his figure, he playfully asked the four nobles.

"Haha, the poetic girl is so fast, eh! Yongqing Dan cleans the teeth and spreads the fragrance, moistens the spirit and revitalizes the mind, it is indeed a miracle medicine, especially the poetic girl helped to deliver it into the mouth, and it has more don't miss today's words. "

Seeing Cheng Shifeng's blue long fluttering hair, blue eyes, and bluish crescent moon shining on his forehead, the four nobles all thought it was very cute, and responded with smiles.

Then, he withdrew his smile one after another, and looked deeply at the people in front of him one by one. When his eyes fell on Song Zhen's face, Huolong Daoist said: "Don't be too sad when you love your nephew, and don't have any worries because you are a person of the dark spirit. Let's Xuan The spiritual gate will always be the gate of great good, it has been in the past, and it will be in the future.

The accidents that occurred during this period are not the purpose of our true Xuanlingmen. My son, he was an outstanding disciple of Xuanling Sect before, and he is even more so now! I hope you will always have Xuanlingmen in your heart, and go home and have a look if you have a chance! "

"Yeah! Child, sad things, fairy road is helpless, but everything will pass! Open your heart, there is still a long way to go!"

Master Aoyu and Master Zixiao also comforted him one after another.

Hearing this, Song Zhen felt infinitely grateful. Unexpectedly, at this moment, the three old peak masters still regarded themselves as members of the Xuanling Sect, and so did the others. Black and white eyebrows twitched frequently, tears of gratitude flowed down, lips trembled, na na: "Three uncles!"

Then I broke down in tears, not knowing what to say.

The four nobles nodded one after another to encourage Song Zhen to be strong, then continued to look at other people, and finally fell on Liu Qianlang, and said in unison: "Children, take care! Old men are leaving!"

Having said all that, the four nobles jumped onto their magic weapons and spiritual horses one after another, drew four long rainbows, and flew towards the exit from the third world to the second world.

From behind, Liu Qianlang, Song Zhen, Cheng Yuanfang, Cheng Shifeng, Shameful Huxiuer, Elder Zunxin, and Sister Santing stared for a long time until the four great ancestors condensed into a small dot in the sky before looking back .

"Brother Qianlang, we should also set off to find the entrance to the fourth world."

Cheng Shifeng confidently guessed Liu Qianlang's next plan, so he said.

"Hehe, no! Everyone, don't be in a hurry. The Lotus Sea Palace is now resting for a while, and it's not too late for us to act. Now that the third world is peaceful, use this time to summon your disciples from the profound realm , the family relaxed for a while. I also let the disciples of the Langyuan Sect in the Black Jade Skull Profound Realm come out to have fun."

Unexpectedly, Liu Qianlang changed his previous vigorous style and said so.

Cheng Shifeng was surprised when he heard it, and then happily asked: "Let Miaoyan, Pa'er, Yexiang's sister-in-law, and Yaya come out?"

"Hehe, that's of course, but I'm going to ask you to take care of me. I'm going to think about some things quietly, so I won't play around with you. Remember, you must live in peace with the creatures in the third world, and don't hurt them. They. And let me introduce you to my little senior sister, her name is Weier."

Liu Qianlang smiled slightly, and first called out his beloved wife Miao Yan, Pa'er, Ye Xiang and four children, all surrounded Song Zhen, and Song Zhen immediately looked much relieved.

He and Song Zhen nodded and looked deeply at each other for a moment, Liu Qianlang looked at the two wives with a smile, thinking to tell them something through voice transmission, Miao Yan and Pa'er nodded, but did not come near Liu Qianlang.

Everything, Liu Qianlang called out a delicate and graceful woman, and appeared in front of Cheng Shifeng.


"Brother Qianlang, when will there be a little senior sister? Wow, then I should be called little senior sister too! Senior sister Wei'er is so beautiful!"

Cheng Shifeng's blue eyes sparkled, he looked up and down the soul body Wei'er who had been cultivating inside Liu Qianlang's black jade skull, and was so happy that he floated up and hugged him. But when he put his hands together, he didn't feel the slightest feeling, and only then did he know that the other party was not real.

"Hehe, Senior Sister Wei'er will tell you everything, little senior sister, I'm sorry!"

Liu Qianlang smiled slightly, and after saluting Wei'er, stepped on the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword and shot towards the sky thousands of miles away. Then, with a thought, more than a thousand disciples of Langyuanmen all appeared below.

In an instant, an unprecedented lively scene appeared in the tens of thousands of miles of the Palace of the Lotus Sea, with frolicking figures all over the sky, and laughing waves flying flowers all over the ground. It wasn't until the sun set and the moon rose ten minutes before it gradually submerged into the palace of the lotus sea.

Among these people, Cheng Yuanfang was the quieter one. He just greeted Siying Meihu's beloved wife and two children in Tianlang Castle, but didn't call them out.

Because he thought that Liu Qianlang must have discovered something new, so he didn't plan to look for the entrance of the fourth world for the time being. Cheng Yuanfang guessed that brother Qianlang called out so many disciples in Moyu Skeleton Profound Realm to comfort Song Zhen.

Based on his own understanding of Qianlang, he must have had a premonition that Song Zhen might leave him, so he asked his brother Song Zhen to reunite with the disciples he had worked so hard to cultivate and teach in the past.

Cheng Yuanfang didn't call out his wife and children, not because he didn't want to, but because he was very worried about Liu Qianlang rushing up to the clouds alone, enduring a lot of pain alone, and the unexpected situation he discovered.

With this in mind, Cheng Yuanfang returned to the dormitory and floated cross-legged in the void of the hall. His forehead was chaotic and his eyes were constantly watching the changes in the sky. Just relieved.

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