Nine Heavens

Chapter 1410 The Crying Demon Appears at Night

Chapter 1410: The Crying Devil Appears at Night

Night, very quiet.

Cheng Yuanfang watched his brother meditate, and he was also thinking about exploring the fourth and fifth world trips, trying to speculate on all kinds of heresies and troubles. He was so absorbed in thinking that two hours later, he entered the middle of the night.


Suddenly, an extremely weak sound of air fluctuations came into Cheng Yuanfang's ears, and then he smelled an infinitely alluring fragrance of flowers, which was the fragrance of Li Linghua.


"Magic spirit boy, late at night Xiaoxiao, alone, isn't it lonely? The little girl Liling is a Nihuan fairy, who was awakened during the day because of the redemption of Zhengling boy. I am delighted to look at the world. meaning.

It is inconvenient to meet each other during the day, so we come here specially at night. The little girl adores the demon boy, and she is willing to promise her with her body. She just wants to be with her forever, okay? "

Cheng Yuanfang looked back suddenly, and saw a woman in red gauze sitting gracefully and gracefully on the head of the bed in the dim bedroom, with a beautiful face and a bright red flower mark on her forehead. The eyes are pure and innocent, the lips and teeth are alluring, and when she speaks, she is full of fragrance.

After understanding the other party's words, even though Cheng Yuanfang knew that the other party was the evil general with defects, he couldn't help but be moved by the other party's beauty.

Why did the other party suddenly become a pure woman? Cheng Yuanfang didn't know how the other party did it anymore. After a flash, he regained his sobriety. Thinking of the ugly appearance of the defective general before, he suddenly felt sick.

"Oh! Fairy Liling is so beautiful, to be favored by the fairy, the devil boy is really lucky in three lives! How can the devil boy live up to the kindness of the fairy!"

Although Cheng Yuanfang was disgusted in his heart, he spoke sweetly, showing a desire for beauty, and floated towards the window. Reach out to hold the slender hand of the Weeping Demon.


The crying demon saw that the beauty trick had succeeded, and was secretly happy, thinking that he had won the heart of the person he admired so easily, then it would be much easier to use him to obtain the soul-refining nine cauldrons of Zhengling boy. No matter how smart Liu Qianlang is, he won't guard against his brother.

As long as I stay with Mo Ling Boy forever, once Mo Ling Boy is eroded to a certain extent by my Li Linghuaerxiang, he will become my fragrant servant, and I can let him do anything for me at that time. Then it won't be difficult to steal the Nine Cauldrons of Soul Refining for yourself.

Thinking of this, the crying demon felt coy for a while, and took advantage of the situation and threw himself into Cheng Yuanfang's arms.


However, just as the crying demon threw himself into the opponent's arms, he suddenly felt a stabbing pain in his back, and then his mana was draining rapidly.

In pain, the Crying Demon uttered a scream. In his sight, the demon boy in a pitch-black demon robe held a golden arrow in his forehand and wanted to stab himself at his throat for the second time.

"You, you found out who I am?"

The Crying Demon suddenly dodged to avoid it, and shouted in shock.

"Hmph! How could Cheng Yuanfang be unfamiliar with the smell of Li Linghua? He had already seen it when he was still in the first human world. It's a pity that you were so smart and confused for a while. Since you wanted to deceive the leader, you didn't hide the fragrance of Li Linghua first. Isn't that the case? Come to seek death?"

Cheng Yuanfang said coldly.

"However, my love for you is sincere. How could you be so cruel! I have always had a wish, that is to become a real daughter one day, find someone I love, and then be willing to do this for you." People give everything!

Not long ago, I finally got rid of the laughing ghost by using only Yin skills, and I finally became a beautiful woman as I wished. Then I soon saw the man I admired, and that was you!

So I could have left the third world, but I didn't. I want to get close to you and tell you the sincere words in my heart. Those are the words I just said, those are my true words! But you, you actually killed me! "

The Crying Demon hid in a corner and was sobbing. Under the moonlight, bright red blood glistened on his back.

Hearing the cry demon's words, Cheng Yuanfang's golden arrow, which was about to stab at the opponent's throat, suddenly stopped, and even he took it back inexplicably, and said angrily: "Get out!"

"If you regret it before it's too late, you let me accompany you in the future, this arrow is the retribution for my Weeping Devil's hostility to you! Otherwise, you will regret it!"

Crying Demon frowned, his face was pale, and he said with expectation in his eyes.

"Haha, you are really shameless, how could I, Cheng Yuanfang, accept a man, monster, and monster to accompany me! I think your coming here tonight is not all malicious, let me let you live for the time being, get out of the third world immediately, otherwise, when we meet again, It's the day you die!"

Cheng Yuanfang sneered and reprimanded him coldly.

"Hmph! You are so ruthless!"

Suddenly, a ray of faint blue light wave appeared in the crying demon's hand, and then his figure disappeared in a flash.

"Photochemical escape wave?"

Seeing the other party suddenly holding the light wave, the magic escape technique of the human world, Cheng Yuanfang couldn't help being startled. The master of Yuncang Mountain is dead, Linghua Cailing and snake Wuyazi are far away from the world. It is said that Guanghua Wuhen also died under the claws of a thousand-winged goshawk.

But now, why does the technique of "lightening and escaping waves" still appear? Is there any relationship between this crying demon and the disappearing five transformations? Where is she fleeing to?

Cheng Yuanfang was not particularly surprised by the appearance of the Weeping Demon, but he couldn't figure out how to escape. Looking up at the sky outside the hall, brother Liu Qianlang is still meditating with his eyes closed.

The Crying Demon left, but there was a puddle of her shed blood on the ground, sparkling in the blood, reflecting the clear outline of Haoyue. In the space, there is also the bewitching fragrance of the Li Ling flowers of the Weeping Demon.

Cheng Yuanfang inspected for a while, but found nothing unusual. He raised his palm and shot out a jet of black light, which quickly swallowed up all that was left of the Weeping Demon, and sat cross-legged in the void again.

Waiting quietly for the end of brother's meditation, I felt the need to tell him about the strange experience tonight.

The palace of the lotus sea, another sleeping hall.

Song Zhen quietly looked at his beloved wife Yexiang sitting opposite him in the moonlight, told her all his experiences in the light and dark world, and then waited for the other party to reprimand or even kick him.

However, Song Zhen waited for a full two hours, and Ye Xiang looked at him calmly the whole time, neither speaking nor showing any anger.

"Ye Xiang, feel free to scold me if you want. I, Song Zhen, am sorry for the third brother and you. I never thought that I, Song Zhen, am a member of the Dark Spirit, and I am also a member of the Aoyou Clan of the Five-Color Universe. I am a member of the Aoyou Star Fighter and once led Xingchen Dao has done many things that are not good for the Mingling world!"

Before Ye Xiang could scold him, Song Zhen spoke up.

"No, my husband didn't feel sorry for the third brother, nor did I feel sorry for me, Lan Shuang, Hai'er, or the whole Langyuanmen. I didn't feel sorry for the five ordinary people in the spirit world. As for you in the dark spirit world, you have done it before. Some things are not good for the spirit world, but that's another matter.

Ye Xiang only knows that everything you did when you came to Mingling World was good and righteous, and there was nothing that Ye Xiang felt was disrespectful. The reason why Ye Xiang didn't marry you and forced you to marry me was because you were kind to everyone. Especially you are full of complaints, but you always look out of consideration for others, which Ye Xiang likes all the time.

Therefore, Ye Xiang would not scold her husband, and her husband had nothing for Ye Xiang to scold. Ye Xiang has been looking at you like this, not because she is angry, but because she is sad for her husband.

Knowing husband Mo Ruo's wife, I know that sooner or later, you will leave third brother, because you are from the dark spirit world, and there is your root.

You are in great pain, and you can't bear to part with me, your twin sisters, your children, and even more so, your third brother and everything from Langyuanmen. And you have to go, right? "

Yexiang's tone was calm, and what she said suddenly made Song Zhen cry. He gently hugged Yexiang in his arms and said, "Thank you, Yexiang! Song Zhen really can't imagine that you are all so kind to me. Until now, I haven't heard anything. Anyone who reprimands me makes Song Zhen both grateful and ashamed!

Yexiang, I wish I was just Song Zhen of the Mingling world, not Zhan Kongzi of the dark spirit world. Or we will always stay in the years of Langyuan Gate in Cangshan Mountain forever, that would be great, all the troubles will be gone. "

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